
sc deface untuk jso

Jul 10th, 2017
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  158. <center>
  159. <font face='arial' color='yellow'> My Team </font></font>:
  160. <marquee style="border:maroon 2px SOLID"> <font face ='verdana' size='3'><font color="white"> [+] Mr.Ten Wap - FirewalL21 - MDR01 - Zero_S - AMX69X - KUT3M4X - 4WSec - Mr.FakeFace - Mr.4114425 - AM04 - Graylord - FVCKDOG - Mr.Ganjil - Mr.Boog - MD54 - X.WINGS - Mr.Xjam - Faded - Mr.Z - Mr.Zadzik [+] </marquee></font>
  161. <font color='maroon' face='verdana' size='3'></font>
  162. <br><br>
  163. <font face='arial' size='2' color='yellow'>Shootz</font></font>:
  164. <marquee><font color="aqua" face='verdana' size='2'>Anonymous Cyber Team - Indonesia Defacer Tersakiti Team - Islamic Cyber - Islamic Cyber - Owl Squad - T1KUS90T - BerdendangC0de - EXI2T - Garuda Scurity Hacker - TKJ Cyber Art - Xai Syndicate - PhantomGhost - IndoXploit - CowokerensTeam - Cowok Tersakiti Team <br><br><br></marquee>
  165. <font size='2' face="Verdana" color="#FFFFFF">&#174; 2017 <a '> </a> All rights reserved.</font>
  167. </center>
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