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Feb 17th, 2018
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  3. <html>
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  99. (function(){
  100. var global = this;
  101. var globalName = 'starField';
  102. var numberOfStars = 100;
  104. /* total depth of space ;)*/
  105. var depthDimentsion = 2000;
  107. /* % of space between browser and viewer.*/
  108. var viewingDepth = 0.0001;
  110. /* % of space moved in one step.*/
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  122. '" left="0" top="0" width="1" height="1"',
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  166. return inr;
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  168. return other;
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  175. getHeight:getHeightC
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  185. return 0;
  186. }else if((dh&&!dv)||(dv&&!dh)){
  187. return (dh+dv);
  188. }
  189. }
  190. }
  191. return NaN;
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  232. return (getWindowState = main)();
  233. }
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  235. function readWindow(){
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  237. (windowState.getHeight() >>1)) - 16)*
  238. zMultiplier);
  239. scaleXAdjust = (((windowCenterX =
  240. (windowState.getWidth() >> 1)) - 16)*
  241. zMultiplier);
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  252. obj = document.layers[id];
  253. }
  254. return ((typeof obj != 'undefined')&&
  255. (typeof != 'undefined'))?
  257. }
  258. function starObj(id, parent, prv){
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  260. var divClip, div = getStyleObj("stars"+id);
  261. var y,x,z,v,dx,dy,dm,dm2,px,py,widthPos,temp;
  262. (reset = function(){
  263. px = Math.random()<0.5 ? +1 : -1;
  264. py = Math.random()<0.5 ? +1 : -1;
  265. y = ((Math.random()*Math.random()*
  266. scaleYAdjust)+windowCenterY);
  267. x = ((Math.random()*Math.random()*
  268. scaleXAdjust)+windowCenterX);
  269. widthPos = (x + zMultiplier);
  270. z = 0;
  271. })();
  272. z = Math.random()*planeDepth*0.8;
  273. function step(){
  274. temp = x * (v = d/(depthDimentsion - z));
  275. dm = ((dm2 = ((widthPos * v)-temp)|0)>>1);
  276. dy = (y * v);
  277. dx = (temp);
  278. }
  279. if(div){
  280. if(!posMod){
  281. posMod = (typeof == 'string')?'px':0;
  282. }
  283. divClip = ((typeof div.clip != 'undefined')&&
  284. (typeof div.clip != 'string'))?
  285. div.clip:div;
  286. this.position = function(){
  287. step();
  288. if(((z += fv) >= planeDepth)||
  289. ((dy+dm) > windowCenterY)||
  290. ((dx+dm) > windowCenterX)){
  291. reset();
  292. step();
  293. dm = 0;
  294. }
  295. = ((sy+(py*dy)-dm)|0)+posMod;
  296. div.left = ((sx+(px*dx)-dm)|0)+posMod;
  297. divClip.width = (divClip.height = dm2+posMod);
  298. next.position();
  299. };
  300. }else{
  301. this.position = function(){return;};
  302. }
  303. if(++id < numberOfStars){
  304. next = new starObj(id, parent)
  305. }else{
  306. next = parent
  307. }
  308. }
  309. function init(){
  310. if(!getStyleObj("stars"+(numberOfStars-1))){
  311. setTimeout(starField, 200);
  312. }else{
  313. readWindow();
  314. starObjs = new starObj(0, init);
  315. init.act();
  316. }
  317. };
  318. init.position = function(){return;}
  319. init.act = function(){
  320. readWindow();
  321. starObjs.position();
  322. setTimeout(init.act,50);
  323. };
  324. init.act.toString = function(){
  325. return globalName+'.act()';
  326. };
  327. init.toString = function(){
  328. while(global[globalName])globalName += globalName;
  329. global[globalName] = this;
  330. return globalName+'()';
  331. };
  332. for(var c = numberOfStars;c--;){
  333. starHTML[1] = c;
  334. document.write(starHTML.join(''));
  335. }
  336. setTimeout(init, 200);
  337. })();
  338. </script>
  339. <br><br><br><br>
  340. <center>
  341. <img src="" width="500" height="700">
  342. <header>
  343. <pre>
  344. <font size="7" color="red">HACKED B</font><font size="7" color"white">Y N4ST4R_ID<span style="color:white;" class="blink">_</span></font>
  345. </pre>
  346. <br><font size="5"><font color=grey>EXP3CT4TION SILLY TEAM
  347. <br>
  348. <br><font size="6"><font color= gold>Member:
  349. <br>ALX-04 | RAT 404 | mr. He11o w0r1d | Mr.PTIC |
  350. <br>=Mr.Zonk404 | Wahidin &#24417; | Mr.:/R1zK1 | Redhost | IL7C | Clutzsec
  351. </header>
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