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Mar 28th, 2017
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  1. Key: YunChe
  2. Rank/Race: Low-Class Saiyan
  3. Topic: Low Class Saiyan Topic: You are one of the poorest and weakest saiyans at the training academy, you have been bullied by an elite for years rp finally decided to do something about it on the night of a full moon [So maybe OOzaru]
  5. RP:
  7. Yun was a low-class Saiyan, training at the Saiyan Academy and for the past few years, he was being bullied by Elite-Class Saiyans... But it didn't stop with the Elites, as even the Mid-Class Saiyans also bullied him and because of the bullying, not even the other low-class saiyans wanted to talk with him, afraid of also being bullied.
  9. Yun didn't understand why the bullying, and why only him... Other Low-Class Saiyans also had to deal with a bit of that, but not to such extents... Almost every day for the last couple of years he was beat down be Mid and Elite Class Saiyans, and because of the fact that they were higher class than him, he couldn't do anything.
  12. He felt angry... Really, really angry. But even if he tried to fight back, the teachers from the academy would only get angry at him for fighting off against a elite and also beat him up.
  14. But today things would be different... After being beaten up by three Elite Saiyans, he walked back home stumbling and once he got home, he jumped inside of a regenerator, healing himself... As his body healed up, the image of him being beaten up flashed on his mind multiple times, and with each flash, his anger only build up more and more... He had enough of this shit.
  16. "ARGHHHHHHHHHH!" He shouted in anger, powering up as much as he could... After being beaten up all those times, he had suffered zenkais over and over again... This was something that he had neglected, and because of the mental stress of being bullied and thinking that he was weaker, he never bothered to tap on his real power.
  18. The regenerator exploded... The room was damaged, and then someone flew off by the window at high speed... It was Yun, that was flying at his highest speed back to the academy. When he arrived, it was almost night, and the three elite Saiyans were still in the Academy.
  20. He landed on the courtyard, with a face of fury, looking at the three Elite Saiyans... They looked at him and only pointed and laughed. "Hah! Look at him! Maybe this lowlie garbage got tired of his life and came here to die!" Said one of the elites... Unfortunately for them, they didn't have their scouter to check Yun power, because otherwise they would not laugh... Right now, his power was on par with them... No, it was actually even higher.
  22. He dashed like a madman, and hit the said Elite with a elbow right in the jaw... The elite flew towards a wall, being covered by smoke. The other Saiyans raised their eyebrows in surprise, but that shortly was changed in a expression of anger, as they powered up and went towards Yun... This time around, it would not end with a simple bully... If he lost, they would really kill him.
  24. ...
  26. After a hour, the fight was still happening. Yun was stonger than all the three elite, but not stronger than they all together. He was badly hurt, and only his anger kept him going. On the side of the Elites, they all were mildly hurt, not as bad as Yun, but also hurt.
  28. Yun was panting, as a Elite Saiyan smirked. "Guess it's time to take the garbage out, boys... This lowlife was actually a bit stronger than what we thought, but regardless, his time is over. Haha" He laughed.
  30. Night had already fall, Yun got even more angry as he heard that, powering up even more... But this time, when he looked up, he saw the moon... Today was a full moon night, and he had forgot about that fact. When his eyes met the full moon, his body started to change as he let out a loud roar "ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!" quickly, he changed into a mighty Oozaru and even more quickly, squashed one of the three Saiyans, killing him in one slap. The face of the two other Saiyans went livid, as the also looked up towards the moon, transforming into a Oozaru too.
  32. But unfortunately for them, their Oozaru transformation was no-where near Yun... He was way more powerful than they were now, and as the fight went on, that was made pretty clear... He ripped a arm of one of the Oozarus with a bite, and then performed a backhand punch to the other, sending him flying... But he didn't stop there, he flew towards the Oozaru and ripped of his tail, reverting him once again into a regular Saiyan.
  34. Then, with the arm that he ripped of from the other Oozaru, he started to hit the now tail-less saiyan... He clubbed and clubbed, until the Saiyan was a bloody-mess. He then threw the arm up in the sky and shot a beam out of his mouth, blowing up the arm.
  36. The other Oozaru wimpered... He knew what was coming, and there was nothing that he could do to stop. Oozaru-Yun dashed towards him, grabbing his head and brought it down to the to the ground, slamming it. He then started to punch the head of the Oozaru, over and over again... Until there was no head left, only blood.
  38. After he was done, the Oozaru was panting... Yet, it let out a loud victorious cry, hammering his chest... From now on, there would be no bully... From now on, ANY Saiyan that tried to do something to do something against him, would be killed... He was done with this shit.
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