
Listen to Smarty 3

Aug 5th, 2012
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  1. >You are Listen, a Smarty Friend
  2. >After a long night of dealing with screaming foals and whining fluffies, you finally managed to fall asleep
  3. >You are in the middle of a wonderful dream of chasing a beautiful mare who promises you some magical food called sketties when suddenly you feel something poking you repeatedly in the belly
  4. >You crankily rouse from your slumber to see Ice bumping you with her nose
  5. >Apparently being a bad fluffy for the night has not improved her behavior
  6. >She gives a big smile when she sees your eyes start to focus, apparently missing the annoyance you're trying to convey
  7. "Smawty fwiend awake! Fwuffies gu ousside now?"
  8. >You're about to relabel her a bad fluffy to the herd when you glance outside and notice the glowy ball is much higher in the sky then usual
  9. >You look around the cave and see your entire herd looking anxiously at you, waiting for permission to be let out
  10. >Well what do you know, you overslept and your herd still waited like good fluffies
  11. "Wet Smawty chek fow munstas fiwst."
  12. >You slowly stand up and waddle a little bit outside the cave, scanning the horizon for anything off
  13. >Everything looks clear and your ears aren't hearing anything unusual, looks like its safe
  14. >You turn back into the cave to let the all clear, when the pungent smell of fluffy waste fills your nostrils
  15. >Apparently you weren't the only fluffy who had an accident last night
  16. "Aww fwuffies need cwean poopies fwom cabe, den fwuffies ged tu pway and eat."
  17. >The entire herd groans a little; a blue unicorn with a white mane begins to look very panicky
  18. "Buh- but poopies nu weave wen Waindwop ask! Poopies meanie!"
  19. >It's a fair point, poopies are notoriously stubborn
  20. "Den fwuffies mek poopies weabe! Smawty and hewd push poopies outta cabe!"
  21. >Raindrop looks more horrified then Barney did when you kicked Peach
  22. "Buh- buh- buh- but den Waindwop nu smell pwetty!"
  23. >Deciding it is too early to put up with a wuss like Raindrop, you stomp over to the frightened-looking unicorn and look him dead in the eye
  24. "Is Waindwop a BAD FWUFFY?"
  25. "…Nuuu..."
  26. "Den. Waindwop. Cwean. Poopies."
  27. >Raindrop immediately drops his head and starts looking for poopies to clean, a quick glance at the rest of the herd sends them scurrying off to do the same
  28. >After making the cave as clean as fluffies can, the herd finally exits the cave
  29. >You set your self up in your usual spot, a nice large rock overlooking your herd's play area
  30. >You enjoy the feel of the sun on your back and the warm stone on your belly as you watch over your herd
  31. >Strangely though, the herd isn't playing
  32. >Most of herd is either pawing at the grass or looking at you
  33. "Wat wong?"
  34. "Fwuffies hungy, wan nummies"
  35. >You wonder why they don't eat the grass, but a closer look tells you why: the grass has gotten too short in your play place, your herd needs to let it grow some more before its good nummies again
  36. >A pink pegasus with a purple mane steps meekly steps forward from the herd, though he cowers and shakes the moment you look at him
  37. "F-Fweddy know whewe nuu nummies awe… M-mebeh Smawty an' hewd cum a-an' eat dem?"
  38. >The herd becomes excited at the idea of new food and you even find yourself smiling at Freddy
  39. >You like Freddy: he's obedient, quiet, and always finding food for the herd
  40. >Freddy lets out a small squeak as Ice tackles him and starts hugging the daylights out of him
  41. "Ice wuv Fweddy! Speshal fwiend su smawty!"
  42. >Yep, the only downside of Freddy is his taste in mares
  43. >The herd has devolved into a giant hugpile on top of Freddy, which dies down a little as you stand up and spread your tiny wings
  44. "Hewd wissen tu Smawty! Fweddy wead Smawty an' stawwions tu nuu nummies. Bawney an' Waindwop, stay an' watch mawes an' mummas!"
  45. >The herd cheers with one exception
  46. "Ice nu wan' stay! Ice nee' pwotect speshal fwiend!"
  47. >You moan internally
  48. > Bringing Ice along is a bad idea, she's very loud and gets distracted easily, which is not going to be good if there are any monsters near Freddy's new nummies
  49. "Nu, Smawty nee' Ice tu… tu pwotect mummas! Ice supah bwabe fwuffy, Smawty nee' Ice tu be hewe in case munstas cum!"
  50. >Ice looks a little unsure
  51. "Weww… otay, if Smawty nee' Ice stay, den Ice stay. Smawty keep Fweddy saf'?"
  52. "Smawty mek suwe Fweddy saf', bwing Fweddy bak tu Ice."
  53. >With another problem resolved, you set off with Freddy and more then two groups of two stallions to find new nummies for the rest of your herd
  54. ---
  55. >You are Raindrop, a unicorn fluffy
  56. >And your hooves are dirty
  57. >Your dummy Smarty Friend made you push your dummy herd's dummy poopies out your dummy cave and now your hooves don't smell pretty
  58. >You're currently trying to lick the poopies off your hooves, trying not to gag on the taste
  59. >You don't like being dirty
  60. >Dadda didn't like you being dirty
  61. >You miss Dadda
  62. >You remember when the nice Hooman lady gave you to Dadda, said you were part of Dadda's "Thew-wa-pee"
  63. >Dadda's home was so clean and smelled so pretty, always gave you baths and nummies
  64. >But then you made bad poopies and Dadda got mad
  65. >He chased you out of his home, called you "veer-men", told you never to come back
  66. >Then you met the Meanie Smarty Friend
  67. >You shudder, you HATED the Meanie Friend, so meanie, so dirty
  68. >You were glad when hoomans made him take big sleep
  69. >Then for awhile, things were better
  70. >You were Smarty Friend, made herd keep clean, made herd take baths
  71. >Knew if herd kept clean and good, you'd all get Hooman Mommas and Daddas
  72. >But then dummy Listen ruined everything
  74. >You look up from your cleaning to see a gray pegasus with a green mane charging towards you from across the field
  75. >You wave to the mare, waiting for the inevitable-
  76. >The mare trips and faceplants into the dirt
  77. "Owies."
  78. >If there's one thing you like about Moss, it's that she's predictable
  79. >You watch Moss sit up, rub her face a bit, and then resume her charge again, only to trip once more
  80. "Owies."
  81. >After the third trip, you finally get up and walk over to the clumsy pegasus
  82. "Wai Moss yewwing?"
  83. >Moss stops rubbing her face and gives you the biggest smile she can muster
  84. "Moss see pwetty fwowa! Wan' teww Waindwop aww abou' it!"
  85. >Moss is bouncing up and down, clearly excited to tell you all about it
  86. >All you can see is all the dirt that now clings to her fluff
  87. "Awwight, teww Waindwop abou' fwowa whiwe Waindwop gwoom Moss."
  88. "Yay! Tank yuu Waindwop!"
  89. >You sigh internally as you begin licking the dirt off of Moss' coat; you wish she'd keep herself clean
  90. >Still, you are grateful you met her
  91. >Without Moss, you might never have made it back into your herd
  92. >After Listen drove you off, you followed your herd in secret
  93. >You wanted to take them back to the city so they could get Hooman Mommas and Daddas, but dummy Listen made your herd act meanie to you
  94. >Then you met Moss, a forest fluffy who'd lost her herd
  95. >The smell of her made you gag, but you were both desperate for warmth during the dark times
  96. >You don't know why, but after several dark times, your herd didn't recognize you, not even dummy Listen!
  97. >You told them your name was Raindrop, and they welcomed you into the herd with giant huggies
  98. >You do miss being Marc
  99. >Gotta be patient though, wait for your herd to get tired of following to dummy Listen, then take back your herd, go back to city, get herd Mommas and Daddas, and be Marc again
  100. >You finish licking the dirt off of Moss
  101. "Moss aww pwetty now."
  102. >She beams and hugs you
  103. "Tank yuu speshal fwiend."
  104. >You smile
  105. >She does smell good when she's clean
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