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Anon's Compa Story Part 4

a guest
Jun 29th, 2016
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  1. ==============================================================================
  2. Not crazy so I’m back at this aka Part 4
  3. ==============================================================================
  5. After she had calmed down, Compa had become a bit more somber. It was saddening to see but you figured it best to continue as normal. You could felt like you could feel her emotion in her embrace at this point, and everyday the broken fibers in her heart were knitted back together, just like her sweater. It was a hard life for a girl as pure and (sadly) ditzy as Compa, you were her first man, her first real date, first for almost everything you could think of.
  7. Just holding your beloved wife deep in your arms and letting her bury her small, soft face in your shoulder was bliss. Things didn’t seem to change, but you knew they did, though even with the time of years the smell of her hair set your mind at rest. It was a difficult first weekend, work and Compa’s unsettled sleep left you so tired that you didn’t even take her out on Friday night. Compa couldn’t sleep without hearing your heart again. It wasn’t a problem for you though, having a small woman curled into your chest was in your opinion, one of the best feelings in the world.
  9. Your capable hands slid down her sides, soon wrapping around Compa. You could feel her small frame despite her well endowed body. She seemed to feel so vulnerable whenever you got so close; you couldn’t help but pull her closer. You both slept like angels, waking at nearly noon.
  11. Waking up to a shining face was one thing, today was in its own category of amazing. Compa was perched between your belly and chest, hands together on top of your heart, arms squeezing her generous proportions and that soft, happy smile. It felt so good to have her silky body pressing into you ever gently. It was beyond words how it felt really, the more you woke up the more you refused to move. Lucky for you, Compa was feeling a little courageous and soon wrapped her cushioned upper body around yours. Those little arms around your neck. It was too cute, too loving to properly respond, Compa had you in her grasp and wouldn’t let go until she got her daily dose of cuddling. Any extra time she could squish out of you was gladly taken until you were forced up by a grumbling stomach. You cooked together, sitting on the counter together with your morning cups of coffee.
  13. You couldn’t break her from you, it would be on your nerves if it wasn’t damn freezing and she hadn’t had her dreams put on an indefinite setback. Even a simple girl like Compa would be affected by something this significant. You wanted to get her to forget that for a bit. You holstered your favorite handgun under a giant winter coat and took her outside, letting the crisp midday of winter soak in. It was one of the few hours of daylight and it felt like it shone ten times brighter than usual. The walk beneath the usually covered trees of the forest and the few evergreens was peaceful, no monsters to be even seen. Compa’s easily wandering mind picked up something and she pulled you with a mitt covered hand towards a giant fir tree.
  15. It had snowed enough to bow the branches and pile up around the tree to make a sort of natural cave underneath it where the chilled remains of fall could still be seen through a dusting of snow and glazing of frost. You couldn’t tell if it was the golden beams of light reflecting off her eyes, the bluish glow of the thin snow in the sun, her audible breaths in the dense silence of a wintery land, her soft grasp on you or one of the hundred other things going on at the moment you noticed her but it was like a romance novel the way you found your faces together. You had her sitting against the base of the tree, hand on one of her shoulder blades as you felt her warm lips in the cold environment.
  17. Your bare hand would’ve been cold if it wasn’t deep inside the coat of your loved one. Compa took your kisses and more than matched them, her tongue feeling like it could get tangled on yours at any moment and leave you stuck like this, tied together under the peace of the empty wilderness. She couldn’t help it, her mouth was still slightly agape as you parted, a single strand still connecting until you wiped it away. She blushed, but it was hard to tell with her already chilled rosy cheeks. Your hand had migrated to her face, warming the exposed skin. She covered your hand a mitted one of hers. You asked her what her kisses tasted like, she didn’t know but got what you meant as you met her lips again. She jittered as you pulled away, minutely nibbling at your lower lip which was stuck on a canine tooth.
  19. “Peppermint tea…” you said softly as you finally escaped. Compa gasped lightly, finally starting to breath again.
  21. Compa looked away, turning back slightly to ask:
  23. “Y-Y-ou think I’m a g-good wife…?”
  25. “Why even ask honey?” you questioned.
  27. “I… I just figured you would be more upset that you won’t get your son or daughter…”
  29. “Compa…”
  31. You paused for a good while, still holding her close feeling the tears welling up in her eyes without looking.
  33. “Stop insisting that it won’t happen, you’re plenty capable… Anyways. Think about all the good we’ve done for each other and our friends, I would say you’re the best damn wife the world has ever seen.”
  35. Compa didn’t want to hear how well of her you thought, but she couldn’t stop wrapping herself around you again. You wiped away her tears before they froze. She chuckled but kept crying, smile growing as she pressed her forehead to yours. You offered her a hand getting up, careful to protect her head from a branch and bring down the whole roof of snow down. As you cleared the brush she looked up into your eyes and said she was cold, she had been sweating quite a bit from the intimate moment that had just been shared. Her body temperature was dropping pretty quickly despite her clothing. You paused for a moment, but soon picked her up, setting a focus in your mind. She was in your arms like a princess in an old storybook. You had to adjust your grip as she pulled into you. Your legs burned as you charged through the forest, nothing keeping you from getting your lady home.
  37. You could feel her eyes on your back as you prepared her a cup of hot cocoa. She was wrapped in a series of blankets, adoringly watching your motions. You flopped down next to her after handing her the mug.
  39. “Oneee-chan~”
  41. You looked at Compa, she was lifting the blanket offering you a space. You were normally too tall for her to rest her head on yours, the girl’s cheek was resting on the top of your head in no time. You felt the soft rub of her skin and the slowing pace. Compa dozed off for a second, jutting awake only to settle back into you.
  43. Sunday is a day of rest, Compa was up and fully dressed before you could wake up, presenting a steaming pile of eggs, bacon and toast. The soft smell of onion wafted from the eggs, you polished the food off, noticing that your lady was still standing above you.
  45. Compa’s expression was of someone struggling to say something, her hands folded into her lap and body swaying like a young girl trying to tell someone who her crush is. Compa’s face softened and she clasped your hand, barely managing out:
  47. “You want to go out? A date desu~?”
  49. It was felt odd to be responding to her request for once, but you had planned on doing something special for her already.
  51. “What do you want to do hun?”
  53. Compa’s face turned bright red,
  55. “I didn’t think that far ahead, asking was too much…”
  57. In winter, the sun can set as early as 3pm, Compa clung to your side as the temperatures dropped.
  59. The forest was empty, one could hear a pin drop in the great empty expanse of dry, crisp air. You threw a towel over a snow covered log on the edge of a small lake, frozen and glittering in the fading light. You wrapped a blanket around both of your legs and another on your shoulders.
  61. The skeletal shadows of the sleeping trees and solid evergreens cast bands across everything as the sun dipped its last rays below the mountain. Compa’s peaceful, enamored eyes caught glints of light like little mirrors. The silence was drowning, almost uncomfortable if it wasn’t for the breath of your loved one, sending little puffs of moisture into the increasingly dark night. You set a lamp on the stump of the fallen tree, the flickering gas light casting shadows across the surroundings. It was going to be a bit until the main event, you slid on the ice with Compa, she clumsily skated around on her boots.
  63. You gasped, practically throwing yourself under Compa as she fell. It hurt your shins and knees a bit to run into the ice, but the small woman was in your lap. The shock of falling quickly wore off as she saw you caught her. Her hands balled up over her throat staring into your eyes. She started to move her mouth to speak but stopped. Her arms wrapped around your neck and pulled you into a kiss or a few. Maybe a dozen or so, you lost count and Compa would never give up a chance to try and show you how much she cared about you. Compa’s lip balm tasted like honey wax. You somehow pulled the woman back to the log, Compa refused to let go for any amount of time.
  65. Maybe that was part of why you loved her so much, she was kind of helpless and needed someone like you around. More than that, Compa was innocent and loving, no matter what happened to her, as long as you were there to help her recover she didn’t seem to get jaded or tired of things. She had no inhibitions, no regrets or anything to prevent her from showing the full extent of how she felt besides a shy nature. The idea that flashed through your head was quickly thrown away, you wondered for that short moment what would happen if you broke her heart.
  67. Just the idea hurt, a fate worse than death for both of you. You wished the idea would quit popping up, it wasn’t funny, it was torture. It almost made you want to cry.
  69. You put a hand on Compa’s head and steeled your resolve, you had to be strong for her. Anything for her. You snapped out of it as she spoke.
  71. “Onee-chan~...?”
  73. You turned your head to acknowledge her.
  75. “You? You think we can be together forever and ever like we promised when we got married desu~?”
  77. You looked forwards for a moment, replying:
  79. “Of course”
  81. You couldn’t tell if your moment of weakness had bled through but it seemed more than enough to please Compa. The lady hugged you, finding all the tender spots you didn’t even know existed in your chest. Why you questioned her at all was beyond you, maybe just some sort of lingering defense mechanism or something. Maybe that soft ache you felt sometimes wasn’t just the old wounds on your chest, but either way it felt great to have Compa around. It was just another relic of the past, you had a new life now, with the best little woman you had ever met.
  83. “Oneeeee-chan~~, I’m super happy you think the same!”
  85. You couldn’t help but smile, there was no faking it. You prodded her small ribs, pointing at the night sky. Compa gasped like she hadn’t had air in hours. The Northern Lights light up the sky like day, you could see the reflection of the glorious color in her eye, her expression was like a child seeing a Christmas tree after Santa had came around. She relaxed, her arms falling to rest and letting you wrap an arm over her shoulders.
  87. “You can’t take a picture of it hun…”
  89. Compa wanted to show the others the sight but you knew just the line to change her focus.
  91. “This is our light, we’re the only ones that will see it like this.”
  93. Her gaze was still stuck on the weaving bands of color. Putting an arm around Compa, you sat there until your cheeks were chilled. Compa’s soft touch pressed out a pattern on your hand, soon pulling your hand into hers. You put a hand down the first couple inches of her wool thigh high socks and squeezed a bit, instantly gaining her attention. The wool stockings did wonders on her already curvy figure, Compa’s creme thighs were downright luscious. You took your time massaging them, Compa seemed to enjoy your firm grasp as much as you did her legs. Her right sock was peeled down to her knee by the time you were done and Compa was very clearly aroused. You had that girl home in no time.
  95. The only proper way one could write about your feeling at this point was an alliteration. You felt like Adam did when he first did this with Eve. You couldn’t tell what it was, something was just magnetic about Compa tonight. Her legs wrapped around your body as you pulled off her sweater. You didn’t even bother pulling off her skirt or panties, you were trying to make out with her while you thoroughly ravaged her, Compa’s large breasts jiggled where your hands didn’t grasp, pulling, massaging and groping to both of your tastes.
  97. Over and over, the rhythm drowned out any other thought for what seemed like days in your mind. Even with both of you in a fit of lust, you could still see a bit of childish glee and terror in her eyes. Your hands shifted to the soft curves at the bottom of her rib cage where the transition to her ravishing lower body began.
  99. Her little yelps and simpering as you crushed her in a hug while finishing was simply fantastic. She grabbed your shirt below the collar and pulled herself up onto you; even when you got up she was still stuck to your neck.
  101. “Daisuke, Onee-chan desu~~~”
  103. You didn’t know much Japanese, but this you understood.
  105. Compa rubbed her soft head into you, it wasn’t like you could tell if the mass of loosely curling light pink hair was messed up anyways. Her slender shins were on your belly, Compa had wrapped her legs around you, making you give her a piggy back ride around the house. She bumped her head on the first doorway, vowing that such a mistake would never happen again as she ran into the third doorway you passed through.
  107. The lady sat on the edge of the tub, in all her natural beauty. She loved to share a bath, taking extra care to scrub your back and hair. She stole kisses and even planted one right over your heart until you picked her right up out of the warm water. Compa held out her arms as you wrapped her in a clean bathrobe, pulling your arm into her soft body as quick as possible.
  109. The soft smell of lavender permeated her robe and skin, Compa still didn’t understand what the word “sexy” meant but goddamn was she good at being it. Your wife swayed side to side on your side, sipping from a piping hot mug of tea. The hot mug was just another sensation on your cherished left arm, Compa’s body heat permeated the robe and her fantastic body coupled with the thick fabric almost made you forget that gravity was a thing.
  111. It was late for having work tomorrow, but you didn’t mind. Compa cherished times like this in her great woolen heart forever. Every moment you would suffer from lack of sleep was easily offput by the golden smile and teetering posture of the woman you loved tucking into bed with you, wrapping as many giant fleece blankets as she could around you two.
  113. ==============================================================================
  115. Compa was demolished when she heard the news, you had to leave during the holidays of all times to go on a business trip. Another station desperately needed people like you and apparently the pay was fantastic with such a short assignment. Even as you were getting ready to go and late as is, Compa clung to you, begging to to stay. It was only 2 weeks, what could go wrong?
  116. Needless to say, the situation was horrible. This station was in the farthest wastes, a switching station for distant lands where “localizations” were needed for the inhabitants to understand the same games, even if the same goddesses were worshipped in a sort of odd translation of yours. The weather battered the locale, leaving airplane crews beating through a rapidly switching blizzard or stagnant deep freeze. Everyday was a struggle, the company provided you a single cot in a small boarding house type building. As soon as you could every night, you would wrap up in the thin covers and video chat Compa. Compa was worried about you, she thought you would catch a cold in such conditions. Being a good husband to such a girl was hard work, especially when you were a couple thousand miles away. Everyday, the same process repeated.
  118. The day repeated.
  120. The day repeated.
  122. The day repeated.
  124. The day repeated.
  126. It felt like every day got slower as you increasingly missed the wooly grasp of your beloved. Nepmas was soon approaching and you wanted to be back to give her the best gift, your love.
  128. The company refused your request, keeping you there.
  130. The days drug on.
  132. Compa was absolutely devastated, there was no way for you to come home in time. She missed your strong, warm grasp as much as you did her soft, warm embrace. She said she was fine but you thought the opposite.
  134. It was hard for Compa to stay home alone like this, she had no one to share meals with, no one to come home to and just cuddle with until she could sleep. She talked to Iffy, ate dinner and hung out with her as much as possible but it just wasn’t the same without you. In contrast to her usual cleanliness there was a bit of a mess mounting, dishes left by the sink and targets left shredded outside. A body pillow wasn’t anything like your firm body she confessed. You saw the dark bags under her eyes and wondered how well she was doing.
  136. Winter turned to spring with you away.
  138. You couldn’t say that you didn’t see Compa’s heart fail a little every time that your return was delayed.
  140. The rains were incessant and volume finally slowed down enough for the company to start listening to the (at this point) ready to both riot and sue workers.
  142. You pulled into your driveway for the first time in 2 months and 3 days. The rain was dumping down but you recognized the figure standing in the drive.
  144. Compa’s beautiful hair was quickly matting, her tears of joy flew like a waterfall, anything less was not an accurate description. Her head couldn’t get any closer to your chest, she was both beating on you and trying to give you a hug.
  146. The solution in your eyes was simple.
  148. You picked her up, locking her into a kiss. It took such a long time to break apart that you were shivering by that time.
  150. Compa drug you inside, taking your’s and her’s sopping clothing. You welcomed the sight of those plain, cute white cotton undies on Compa’s ivory, feminine frame. You didn’t want to pull them off even, just to hold her as close as you could manage for as long as possible before passing out. The bedroom in your absence had gained a few decorations, namely a piece of paper with a glossy photo of you taped on it and what looked like tally marks. Neither of you remained awake long. Compa looked like she hadn’t slept well in months. It was sombering to see, she fell asleep in your arms before you even could.
  152. It felt bad to slip out of her grasp and go out onto the porch. You light up a smoke, it was a rare occasion but you could imagine the chastising Compa would give you. It was scary, everything you ever feared seemed to happen. It felt easy to get upset but just as easy to be amazed. A girl like Compa had chosen a guy like you to rebuild her life around. Compa had no defense besides you. Physical or mental, Compa needed you as the rock, the ever present guard. She was innocent and lovable but that didn’t count for much to act as a cushion in a human relationship. Another cigarette, the night faded like your mind. You wandered inside to sit in the shower for a bit.
  154. It was the moment you saw her toss and turn that you knew why you must continue to be her lover. Just let all of that wonderful Compa out into the world, even if it took all of your strength. Your touch set her at ease. It meant more than just you two having a great time, everyone and everything around you did better with you. You placed a kiss high on her neck, barely waking your sleeping angel. It was up to you, Compa wouldn’t change unless you did and there was nothing that mattered more than to save that smile. She was stronger than you gave credit for most of the time and it struck a bell in your mind. You sat on the edge of the bed, looking at her soft breathing body asleep.
  156. To fight and work for something you can only dream of, get your child and to keep this lovely little piece of heaven close to your heart. That was worth more than anything in the world, no amount of gold could wrend that from you, why should you let your job walk all over you and prevent the only thing that truly mattered to you from being herself.
  158. A light tap on your shoulder.
  160. Compa was concerned, she wanted to know what was on your mind. You told her how you thought she wasn’t doing well with you gone. You could almost see the question marks in her eyes. Compa showed you a picture of her with Iffy, there were no dark circles and for one person there was very little mess outside of a rinsed plate on the drying rack. It was in your imagination. You expected the worst from someone who didn’t even know what worse was.
  162. “You, You were worried about me…”
  164. Compa’s chest seemed to balloon and the words had a hard time coming out of her mouth.
  166. “Onee-chan-”
  168. Compa threw herself onto you, pushing you into the pillows and her soft chest.
  170. “Oneeeee-chan was worried about me! I was fine and I told him so but he worried anyways!”
  172. Compa’s soft yet proud eyes locked with yours as she spoke.
  174. “... only my Onee-chan would behave like this.”
  176. You told her something that you should have told her a million times more and far more often.
  178. “Compa, I love you.”
  180. Even in an exhausted, half asleep state, Compa perked up and pulled you back into her grasp before appearing to sleep again. You felt a soft nip at your earlobe and then a big wet kiss on your upper jaw.
  182. ==============================================================================
  184. Even with two huge events happening practically back to back, Compa was her usual self, trying to tell you that she learned what “sexy” meant but you had to stop her at the point where she was drawing diagrams on napkins and some gibberish about turkeys. She was a little upset when you told her that she was totally wrong but resolved to finally get the answer out of Iffy. Compa wasn’t any different, you had thought so much that you forgot who you were dealing with. Being together again was the one thing you had got right though, life was so much better together. Compa’s small hands were tangled in yours on her lap while she sat on your leg.
  186. “I stayed up wayyyy past my bedtime last night to see my Onee-chan come home, I hope he wants to do something special with his favorite Compa todayyy~”
  188. You had missed New Years and Nepmas, you owed quite a severe debt. Luckily it was a bright spring day, the sun heated the newly blossoming grounds and forest making the perfect backdrop for a date. You owed so much to this little woman, the least you could do was treat her. You took the girl on a hike, both of you needed the cardio after winter. Even though Compa was slower than you and needed breaks, that just gave you opportunities to shower her in care. The tallest hill in the area had a field across the side of it you traversed. The hills that your home lay in rolled gently and the forest transitioned very nicely into the plains that made up the border between Planeptune and Lowee.The spring flowers were up to Compa’s thigh and she took as many as she could fit in her hairband. The lady had made herself a circlet out of beautiful flowers, you took her hand and got to the top of the hill. You could see your small home from the vista, or at least its’ clearing and all of the cities that made up the capitals of the nations.
  190. You threw down a cloth and sat with Compa on it, letting her sit in between your legs. Compa shrunk inside your embrace, letting her shoulders relax and her body be wrapped tight by your arms. She somehow still ended up back in the grass and flowers, teasing you a bit and tugging on your sleeve. Compa’s trademark sweater had crept up her body, exposing a tantalizing abdomen as she lay in the greenery. Compa had a fantastic belly, nearly reflecting the sun with its tender, fair skin. You sat down next to her, this time she wanted a kiss.
  192. You teased her a bit, asking why only to cut her off.
  194. You placed a kiss just above her bellybutton, following up along the center of her upper body until her sweater was nearly rolled up above her breasts. Compa was enjoying herself greatly but was elated when you popped your head through her sweater head hole, a tight squeeze for two people but still barely close enough for Compa’s cuddling standards. You wanted to get a grasp on her but Compa had locked up your hands in hers and was moving to trap your lips. She took her glorious time, finding every way possible to tie your tongues together. Compa pivoted her forehead on yours to break away, panting. Her lips quivered and her mouth was slightly agape, tongue still dripping from your mouth. It took forever just to get apart, the sun almost felt as good as your woman’s small frame and being inside her clothing just further tied you to her. You helped Compa off the ground and gave her a pat on the head, slowly massaging her head as you walked.
  196. A nearby village had a dessert shop, you took Compa for ice cream there. You shared a giant Banana Split sundae with her, sneaking quick smooches in between mountains of chocolate syrup covered ice cream. You loaded a spoon with vanilla ice cream and offered it to your beloved. Compa had could barely fit the giant bite in her tiny mouth. Compa traded you for a slice of banana soaked in fudge. All this sweet was too much, you two couldn’t finish it and left sleepy. Halfway home a field looked like the perfect place to stop.
  198. As you laid down, Compa pulled you into her.
  200. “You’re always being my cuddly pillow Onee-chan, let me take care of you!”
  202. Good god you couldn’t think of a better thing, you were in the sun with your face buried in Compa’s wooly breasts. They were giant when you compared her to other girls and man were they fantastic. Just the perfect size to be a pillow for you. They smelled like the rest of her body but were much warmer. You raised an eye for just a moment and saw Compa’s face. Compa couldn’t help but have a bright red face and asked:
  204. “It's the same place on our bodies, why do I feel so tingly… so hot...”
  206. “I feel the same when you lay on me sweetie.”
  208. Compa smiled and kissed you, saying:
  210. “Even if I don't understand, my Onee-chan loves it so I’ll let him hold me like this.”
  212. Every bit of affection was returned in spades, Compa wouldn't let you go. Your wife took amazing care of her body and she only had a thin layer of fat over her hips, breasts and hind like any to-be family woman would. Compa tried her best and it was just adorable. Compa’s skin was plush and soft, you helped her keep it that way with lotion and bathing. She hummed and sang quietly to your ear while massaging your shoulders with her tiny, soft hands. Her small forearms softly held her body to yours, the bones of them ever slightly pressing into your back. It took a cloud passing overhead and making a chilly breeze to wake up the two of you.
  214. The sky was starting to get overcast and you pulled your woman up and into the path again, starting at a nice trot towards home.
  216. Compa’s phone rang, Uni wanted to hang out.
  218. When Uni showed up with Nepgear in tow, you were a bit surprised but Gear was a great little girl. It was no hassle to have Gear around.
  220. “You guys can’t take Nepgear too, Onee-chan wanted time with Neptuna-san” said the little markswoman.
  222. The rain started about the time the girls got in the door, they had immaculate timing. You played video games with them in the tiny living room and it felt like a great festival even though it was only 4 people. Gear was a natural, she destroyed all of you at a few party games and sent Uni into a terror leading to one of the longest turns of all time.
  224. Offering non-chalantly to turn Uni into a mech so that she could be Nepgear’s best friend forever wasn’t quite as friendly as it sounded in Gear’s mind, sending them on a chase through the small house. Gear finally tackled her friend, sending the tsundere into shock at such close contact. While Uni recovered in Compa’s care, you asked Gear how she was doing.
  226. Gear was a bit sad that her Onee-chan couldn’t be around recently, she clarified that it wasn’t her beloved sister, rather a man she had met in a similar condition to yours. Granted you believed that you had died in the previous world you lived in, this guy sounded like a true hero. Gear swooned for him, saying about how he loved to share coffee and hold hands, all sorts of activities that sounded like things you would do with Compa. Recently his “connection” whatever that meant, wasn’t consistent and Gear was growing a bit restless. Gear gasped and apologized vigorously after she realised she had been fangirling and rambling for a while. Nepgear hadn’t meant to tell so much about her private life and was pretty embarrassed, you guessed this was what the Lastation girls meant when they said that Nepgear had been too busy hanging out with her Onee-chan to come out and play.
  228. It was a scarily similar situation to the one you found yourself in, Gear was worrying and thinking about him so much that it clouded his personality and established relation. Just like you had for Compa. It felt like hours explaining your story, whatever the case was, Nepgear visibly looked both moved and satisfied. She thanked you graciously and said she would do her best, after all, so was her Onee-chan.
  230. Compa and Uni reentered the room, Uni got her revenge very quickly, stealing Gear’s beloved tablet-phone and leading another chase. You had a moment to tell a short explanation of Gear’s situation. Compa said that Uni was a bit jealous of the attention Gear gave to others, this news expanded upon that tidbit. Compa also had a touching story, but it was saved until much later.
  232. The rain plopped on the windows and roof, Uni stayed awake much longer than Nepgear, leaving her friend asleep on the couch while she played video games alone. You and Compa had just finished cleaning up dinner when Compa started to explain Uni’s story.
  234. Uni had told Compa that she didn’t understand why Gear wanted to spend so much time with her Onee-chan.
  236. Compa’s expression and tone was as true and ferocious as a knight entering battle when she told you about how she asked Uni if she had ever felt unable to speak around a man, a overwhelming fire in her heart that blazed for that one person only. Uni shambled through explaining CFW Brave, it was a ridiculous story to you but reality was stranger than fiction. Uni was in love with a building sized mech that became her rifle after Noire was a meanie?
  238. It was crazy but soothing, the whole situation raised more questions in your mind than it resolved. Compa’s smile and soothing purr she breathed into your ear was like a jolt of energy to the slow process. It was all the same, people getting so into themselves that they forgot the person they loved. Just like the way the sisters treated each other, the girls treated their various crushes and attractions. You were almost the same if Compa wasn’t herself and snapped you out of it.
  240. These were the people you chose to be around, why was it so hard to communicate with them? It wasn’t, it was all just a barrier in your mind for whatever reason that kept people away from each other. Life was for sharing, the only thing you really had was your story and to have no one around to hear it was a curse worse than any torture anyone could inflict. Make your dream, visualise it, never forget why it’s yours and tell everyone you can about it; make it happen.
  241. ==============================================================================
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