
Ch 4: Part 7: Flight From Darkness: Session 71

Oct 1st, 2013
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  1. [15:51] <@Kilarra> *****Second Darkness*****
  2. [15:51] <@Kilarra> ~~~Chapter 4: Endless Night~~~
  3. [15:52] <@Kilarra> \Part 7: Flight from Darkness/
  4. [15:52] <@Kilarra> -Session 71-
  5. [15:54] <@Kilarra> The party's time as drow is over. After retrieving information desired by the Vonnarc archmage, she provided them with the information they sought on the plans of the Azrinae drow, and even gave them a potential road home by showing them a map to an old elf gate. However, she then, true to her drow nature, betrayed them
  6. [15:55] <@Kilarra> Through the use of a single spell, she completely removed the Recorporeal Incarnation spell, returning them to their natural forms while still in the heart of drow territory. "To speed you along, my puppets."
  7. [15:56] * Kilarra looks down at her hooves and tail. "I think we have just officially overstayed our welcome."
  8. [15:57] <Aluthyra> Kahree sighs, both in annoyance and contentedness... her fire-like hair is back! She nods, turning for the gateway. "Definitely have. Let's go."
  9. [15:58] <@Kilarra> Kjell draws his sword and pulls out the scroll, keeping his focus on Alicavniss as he backs away, letting the others retreat through the portal first.
  10. [15:59] * Aluthyra frowns and guides Kilarra through, making sure she's steady on her hooves.
  11. [16:00] * Kilarra is a little unsteady on her hooves after so long with feet. She curls her tail in to adjust her balance. She is quite relieved to make it through the portal
  12. [16:01] <Aluthyra> Kahree moves through the portal, drawing her maces as she reaches the other side. "Great."
  13. [16:01] <@Kilarra> Kjell continues backing away slowly, waiting until his companions are through before darting through himself. She was letting them go, sort of, so there was no need to try and go after her, especially right now. He dars through the portal and greets his companions on the other side. "So, what's the plan?"
  14. [16:02] * Kilarra chuckles, "Damn, we really should have seen that coming. It's actually kind of brilliant, in a twisted way."
  15. [16:03] * Aluthyra sighs. "This will undoubtedly make our escape more difficult. Kjell, how far can you teleport us?"
  16. [16:04] <@Kilarra> Kjell counts on his fingers. "About eight hundred feet. However, we will likely need to leave the tower before that will be possible. It should be enough to put us outside the perimeter walls though."
  17. [16:05] * Kilarra nods, "Then I can get us out of here in a hurry. Plane shifting is a bit risky, but unless we accidentally end up in the Abyss, I highly doubt we'll be in more danger than we are now. There's no way I'm trusting that gate she mentioned after that. She probably has it magically warded or guarded or booby trapped."
  18. [16:07] * Aluthyra nods. "So then, shall we use your feather fall spell to leave the tower, then teleport?"
  19. [16:08] <@Kilarra> Kjell nods, "Yes, we just need to get to the floor below us. Preferably before someone raises the alarm."
  20. [16:10] * Aluthyra nods, drawing her bow. "Then let us move quickly."
  21. [16:11] * Aluthyra places her hand to her chest, concentrating her ki into a spell of barkskin before she nocks an area to ready herself.
  22. [16:13] <Kilarra> Aluthyra feels a cold, grizzly sensation on her shoulder, and her body immediately seizes up.
  23. [16:14] <Kilarra> Anyone looking at Aluthyra can see a grizzly looking ghostly hand touching her. She begins to exude a horrific stench as well
  24. [16:15] * Kilarra gags and blinks, "Fuck, we're not alone in here." She hastily looks around the room for the source.
  25. [16:22] <Aluthyra> Kahree scowls, looking around for the source, her maces ready.
  26. [16:23] <Kilarra> Kahree can't see anything, but she can make out the low, breathing panting of something on the western side of the room.
  27. [16:25] <Aluthyra> Kahree groans. Hiding? She can do that too! She places a hand to her chest, along with her mace, and mumbles in ignan. Within a moment, she's disappeared, invisible, and starts to slowly move towards the western side.
  28. [16:31] <Kilarra> Looking at the wall on the western side of the room, Kahree realizes that its broad, flatness doesn't exactly match the regularly curving architecture. She can't see through it, but she's pretty sure it isn't real
  29. [16:38] <Aluthyra> Kahree frowns. A voice calls out from the western end, though its source is nowhere to be seen. "The wall isn't real, some kind of... spell, I think."
  30. [16:40] <Kilarra> The spectral hand that touched Aluthyra moves to touch Kjell now.
  31. [16:41] <Kilarra> Kjell however, manages to shake off the effects.
  32. [16:43] <Kilarra> Kjell would be tempted to make an escape and ignore whatever was assailing them, but Aluthyra was immobile and he wouldn't abandon anyone down here, no matter how important their mission was. He positions himself between Aluthyra and the wastern wall, then moves to strike the nasty little hand
  33. [16:44] <Kilarra> Kjell destroys the spectral hand with a single sweep of his blade.
  34. [16:45] * Kilarra draws her noqual mace, then points to Aluthyra, "Calistria. Grant my friend mobility once more!"
  35. [16:46] <Kilarra> Aluthyra's seizing sensation is dispelled, leaving her free to move again. The stench goes away along with it.
  36. [16:46] * Aluthyra swings around in a slight panic, looking for any other attackers.
  37. [16:47] <Kilarra> Aluthyra can't see anything attacking them with the hand gone, but would have been able to hear Kahree's note about the fake wall.
  38. [16:49] * Aluthyra grumbles, and in her annoyance, fires a single arrow at the wall directed as fake.
  39. [16:52] <Kilarra> Aluthyra's arrow passes cleanly through the 'wall'. It does not fade or ripple, but it is clearly intangible
  40. [16:54] * Aluthyra frowns. "Perhaps what is behind that will hold something of interest."
  41. [16:57] <Kilarra> Kjell is glad Aluthyra is mobile again. "Perhaps, but if our intent is flight, we might be better served simply by leaving."
  42. [16:57] * Kilarra shakes her head, "Except that we'd be exposing our backs to it. It was able to paralyze Aluthyra from behind that wall, and we don't need that happening again as we try to run."
  43. [16:57] * Kilarra shouts, "Kahree! Stick your head through the wall and find out what we're dealing with!"
  44. [16:58] <Aluthyra> Kahree does so!
  45. [17:00] <Kilarra> Kahree spots a single Devourer, like the three that were serving at Alicavniss' bodyguards.
  46. [17:01] <Aluthyra> Kahree pops back out. "One of those... things in Alicavniss's room. Kilarra, can you take care of it?"
  47. [17:03] <Aluthyra> Kahree clarifies, "Those bodyguards!"
  48. [17:05] * Kilarra nods, "I believe I can. Just don't stay close to it; you're not gonna be able to knock it unconscious."
  49. [17:07] <Aluthyra> Kahree moves farther away. "Gotcha!"
  50. [17:09] <Kilarra> Without its spectral hand to attack form the shadows or a secure hiding place, the devourer decides its time to take the fight to the party. It can't see Kahree, so it lumber out from the wall towards Kjell.
  51. [17:11] <Kilarra> This dry, hovering corpse's chest is a prison of jagged ribs, within which is trapped a small tormented ghostly form.
  52. [17:12] <Kilarra> The devourer grasps Kjell, surging with negative energy
  53. [17:13] <Kilarra> Kjell grunts painfully, looking rather hurt by that.
  54. [17:14] * Kilarra calls to Kjell, "Wait! Hold your attack for jsut a moment!"
  55. [17:14] <Kilarra> Kjell pauses to let Kilarra do her thing
  56. [17:15] * Kilarra moves up next to Kjell and touches his sword. "Bestow upon this blade the power to sever the bindings of the undead." Kjell's sword surges with divine power.
  57. [17:15] <Kilarra> Kjell smirks, "That's more like it." He then lunges at the Devourer
  58. [17:18] <Kilarra> The holy power from Kjell's blade surges forth, cleaving the Devourer's arm right off. It begins to disintigrate with a horrible wail from the point of impact, breaking apart as the magic binding its undead form together comes undone
  59. [17:20] * Kilarra grins broadly as the devourer disintegrate. "Take that you lousy-" she ruins the moment by tripping over her tail and falling flat on her face.
  60. [17:21] <Aluthyra> Kahree falls over laughing, still laughing as her spell ends.
  61. [17:22] * Kilarra groans a bit and stands up. "I hate this place. Let's get out of here before we have to deal with another one of those things."
  62. [17:22] * Aluthyra puts her bow away, making her way quickly to Kilarra. "Need help steadying yourself...?"
  63. [17:22] <Kilarra> Kjell smiles at his sword. "I quite like this spell of yours. You should use it more often."
  64. [17:24] * Kilarra stands up, hugging Aluthyra, "I can only use that kind of power so much, and I had to keep some other slots for our trip out of here."
  65. [17:24] <Kilarra> Kjell nods, "Speaking of, let's get moving."
  66. [17:25] <Aluthyra> Kahree stands back up, smirking at Kilarra. "Yup, just be careful not to trip again, rushing."
  67. [17:26] * Kilarra scowls a bit, but moves towards the way down.
  68. [17:28] * Aluthyra and Kahree follow.
  69. [17:28] <Kilarra> Kjell leads the way while the effect of Kilarra's spell lasts, just in case. Thankfully, nothing else stands in their way once they reach the balcony, at which time the spell fades away.
  70. [17:29] * Kilarra takes a deep breath. "Everyone ready to jump?"
  71. [17:29] <Aluthyra> Kahree glances over the edge of the balcony. "So, fall, then as soon as we hit, regroup and teleport?" She frowns. "Yup."
  72. [17:29] * Aluthyra nods. "I am ready."
  73. [17:30] <Kilarra> Kjell nods. "On three. One... two... three!" He jumps
  74. [17:30] * Kilarra jumps as well
  75. [17:30] * Kilarra knows she is safe thanks to her ring, but watches Aluthyra and Kjell to make sure they make it safely.
  76. [17:31] <Kilarra> The party barely has time to fall more than a few feet before Kjell throws his spell around all of them.
  77. [17:31] * Aluthyra and Kahree jump!
  78. [17:32] <Kilarra> With the slowed fall, the party is a bit more noticeable, but they are only about forty feet up. It takes them about twelve seconds to reach the ground. Rather than two.
  79. [17:34] <Aluthyra> As soon as she hits the ground, Kahree moves to Kjell's side, placing a hand on his shoulder.
  80. [17:35] <Kilarra> However, that twelve seconds is long enough for a passing patrol to spot the strange figures falling from the tower and begin shouting
  81. [17:35] * Kilarra frowns. "Crap. Kjell, now's the time." She grabs Aluthyra's wrist. and places her other hand on Kjell.
  82. [17:37] <Kilarra> Kjell nods and raises his spell arm again. "We're gone." The party teleports just outside the Vonnarc Palace wall.
  83. [17:39] * Kilarra steadies herself after the teleport and pulls out what looks like a tuning fork. "Everyone, time for more hand holding." She still has a grasp on Aluthyra's hand.
  84. [17:40] <Aluthyra> Kahree moves her hand to Kilarra's shoulder.
  85. [17:41] * Kilarra looks to Kahree, "Gotta be clasping hands. Take Aluthyra's and Kjell's."
  86. [17:41] * Kilarra notes, "In a circle." She uses the hand holding the tuning for to take Kjell's other hand.
  87. [17:42] <Aluthyra> Kahree holds onto Aluthyra's hand.
  88. [17:43] <Kilarra> Kilarra's tuning fork begins to vibrate and a magical glow extends from around it to surround the entire party, who then wink out of this planar existance...
  89. [17:50] <Kilarra> The party is deposited rather roughly on the ground in the midst of a massive, lush and verdant forest. An enormous mountain can be seen over the peaks of the trees in one direction, smoking a bit. Every single one of the trees is lush, vibrant, and fully grown. The sound of of waves crashing against a cliff can be heard coming from the direction opposite.
  90. [17:51] * Kilarra sits up, groaning a bit. "That was rougher than I was expecting."
  91. [17:52] * Aluthyra stands and reorients herself. She looks around, pleasantly surprised. "Though a rough entrance... this is lovely."
  92. [17:52] <Aluthyra> Kahree huffs, still on the ground. "Stupid spell..."
  93. [17:53] <Kilarra> Kjell stands up and marvels at the lush surroundings. "Magnificent."
  94. [17:53] * Kilarra stands up as well, looking around. "Think you can tell us where we are Kjell? When the warnings started going up I didn't have a lot of time to think."
  95. [17:54] <Kilarra> The entire place is filled with the sounds of natur'es music. Wind blowing through trees, birds singing, and various other animals throughout the forest making their calls.
  96. [17:56] <Aluthyra> Kahree sits up, cross-legged. "So? Where are we?"
  97. [17:56] <Kilarra> KJell blinks, "Well, it's certainly not any of the lower plans. As well, this place is far too verdant to be Limbo or Utopia. I'd hazard a guess that we are in Nirvana or Elysium."
  98. [17:58] * Kilarra smiles, "Good. I was trying for one of the upper planes, so that'll do just fine." She pulls Aluthyra into a big hug and kisses her rather passionately now that they're back in their normal bodies. "Gods how I've missed being myself. And seeing yourself."
  99. [17:59] * Aluthyra blushes rather brightly. "It is nice to be in my own body... and nice to see yours." She smiles.
  100. [17:59] <Aluthyra> Kahree rolls her eyes. "Let's save that for when we've got tents set up, or something..."
  101. [17:59] * Kilarra smiles and cuddles close to ALuthyra, sticking her tongue out at Kahree.
  102. [18:01] <Aluthyra> Kahree groans. "Whatever... so, what's the plan? Set up camp, sleep, then shift back?"
  103. [18:01] * Aluthyra smiles, squeezing Kilarra in a light hug.
  104. [18:03] <Kilarra> Kjell raises a hand, "Well, time tends to flow differently on the planes. I should think we don't need to be so hasty in returning, especially given such a magnificent view before us. How often do people take time to explore places such as these while they are still alive, hm?"
  105. [18:03] <Kilarra> Kjell also notes, "As well, if we are in Elysium, then Cayden Caelian's domain exists somewhere on this plane."
  106. [18:04] <Aluthyra> Kahree sighs. "I guess..."
  107. [18:05] * Kilarra looks to ALuthyra, "What do you think? We need to wait at least a day before I can take us back to the material plane anyways. As well," she muses, "you might be able to find out a bit more about your own nature here, given that this is a celestial plane."
  108. [18:06] * Aluthyra nods. "I would not mind spending time here... but I -do- wish to be done with the drow business as soon as possible."
  109. [18:06] * Kilarra nods, "Understandable. So, we can spend the rest of a 'day' here, then rest up before returning to the material. Hopefully without too much deviation from our intended destination."
  110. [18:08] * Kilarra chuckles, "Busy day for us, huh?"
  111. [18:09] * Aluthyra chuckles. "Quite so." She nods. "Shall we explore this place then?"
  112. [18:09] <Aluthyra> Kahree nods, standing up. She stretches. "Guess so."
  113. [18:10] <Kilarra> Kjell nods, "There is no harm in doing so." He looks to Kilarra, "If I am not mistaken, your plane shifting spell should be able to land us within a reasonable distance of our intended destination, provided you are given time to concentrate."
  114. [18:11] * Kilarra nods, "More or less. I just wanted us to not be around drow anymore." She smirks. "Imagine how Alicavniss is gonna feel when we don't walk into whatever trap she set up at that gate for us."
  115. [18:13] <Kilarra> Kjell is caught up in the scenery, but Kilarra, Aluthyra and Kahree all catch what sounds like a flute mixed in with the sounds of wildlife.
  116. [18:13] * Aluthyra raises her hand, asking the party to hold, "A flute. Maybe we can see who is playing?"
  117. [18:15] <Kilarra> Kjell blinks and listens a little more intently, thinking for a moment. "If memory serves, the denizens of Elysium are known as Azatas. They are, all of them, fond of music, poetry and adventurous stories. Perhaps one has noticed our intrusion."
  118. [18:16] * Aluthyra smiles. "Then let us meet them!" She nods, somewhat excitedly, and tries to listen for the music's direction.
  119. [18:17] <Kilarra> The music actually seems to be drawing closer. It stops for a moment, and then the clearing is entered by a tiny creature. A miniature woman with glistening butterfly wings. SParkling lights and small arms of rainbow float about her body, but she is otherwise unclad.
  120. [18:19] * Aluthyra blinks, slightly uncomfortable at the naked woman. "Ah... Hello!" she greets.
  121. [18:19] <Kilarra> The woman stares at the party, Kilarra in particular, then lets out a shrill scream and darts back into the forest.
  122. [18:20] * Kilarra blinks in surprise. "Huh... that was odd."
  123. [18:21] * Kilarra looks to Kjell, "So, was that an Azata thing, or some kind of fairy?"
  124. [18:21] <Aluthyra> Kahree frowns. "Didn't seem to like us..."
  125. [18:22] <Kilarra> Kjell nods, "I believe that was a Lyrakien. I have no idea why it would be frightened of us though. They usually enjoy the company of travellers."
  126. [18:24] * Kilarra frowns a bit. "It looked at me funny. Probably thought I was a demon or something." She groans.
  127. [18:25] * Aluthyra gives Kilarra a sideways hug. "We will see it again, I am sure... and we can explain." She kisses her cheek.
  128. [18:25] * Kilarra smiles at the kiss.
  129. [18:26] <Kilarra> The kissing is interrupted by the sound of something else approaching. Footsteps far too heavy to belong to such a small creature, and accompanied by a fiercely blowing wind.
  130. [18:27] <Kilarra> Kjell sheathes his sword. "Perhaps it was my mistake, appearing armed in an unfamiliar place. I simply forgot to sheathe it during our flight."
  131. [18:27] <Aluthyra> Kahree frowns, glancing over...
  132. [18:27] <Aluthyra> Kahree's are strapped to her back as she glances.
  133. [18:27] * Aluthyra looks over, still in a sideways hug.
  134. [18:29] <Kilarra> Out into the party's clearing steps a tall, regal, and exceptionally beautiful looking elf woman. Or at least that is what she appears to be. Clutched firmly in one hand is a greatsword crackling with holy power. Her eyes, glowing and fierce, stare down the party.
  135. [18:30] <Kilarra> A moment later, a small whirlwing bursts into the clearing, then shifts into the form of a flighty looking elven man, holding a bow with an arrow notched but not drawn.
  136. [18:31] <Kilarra> The woman raises her sword and points it at the party. "Heed my warning deviants. Begone from this place at once!"
  137. [18:31] <Kilarra> -End Session-
  138. [18:31] <Kilarra> Rewards: 1 EL 11; 3200 Experience each
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