
Exovaryn Haruke: Brighthold Mana Prison

Sep 8th, 2015
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  1. Zael Dralith: <*grins*> Ah, cause if you were downed before and wrought within our dungeons, than you can be again. Therefore why not see if you can break out of what will soon be implemented into the system? It'll help me not let you do it again, you get to see how it works, and I make sure it doesn't sap you dry of mana.
  2. Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: Sap me of mana? Humoring... Though, interesting. I didn't believe you humans were capable of harbinging the sciences and magic capacity to craft something of such magnitude.
  3. Zael Dralith: One... I am not human, I am a Drakanite...
  4. Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: Even worse, a sub-variant.
  5. Zael Dralith: Second... it's still in the testing stages, the last powerful magi was sapped of his arm.
  6. Zael Dralith: Not that I think you care particularly, but it would be interesting to see how someone more powerful, I assume anyways givent he stories I've heard, deals with something pulling at -his- mana circuits.
  7. Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: < Using Malpercian ilk to power their technological advances? How disgusting. >
  8. Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: . . . Go on.
  9. Kale Minerva whispers: bring hector back 2015tuboxenreturns
  10. Zael Dralith: <*smiling brightly still*> I want to see if you can resist it... care to test your strength?
  11. Zael Dralith: <*gestures to Voss*> Come.. I'll show you my prototype... yes?
  12. Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: Hrmm... A test of strength against your technologies?
  13. Zael Dralith: Indeed.
  14. Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: < Perhaps will shatter the construct in the process. >
  15. Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: Explain to me, how exactly it works...
  16. Zael Dralith: If you break it, you win. I can remake it with no worries, I just need to test limitations... something you are familiar with, I'm sure.
  17. Out into the edge of Brighthold the go, or rather what Brighthold owns, a few soldiers in tow, not by word or order but more leery of the Drakanite and the Harukean going alone. Zael seemed to not really have a care in the world, approaching a familiar set of stones, ones he'd been tinkering with for the better part of a few months now almost none stop. Even during his crisis of faith her kept working to keep himself going and have himself kept busy and off the negativity of his thoughts on the world. However, things did need explaining, "First of all, I am Zael Dralith. What you think of me I could care less, people will think high or low of you regardless of who or what you are. The name is purely formality as I find it a sign of respect, the likes of which you seem to lack for anyone or anything else, a flaw in personality but obviously not in your quest for strength." He chuckles lightly, running a hand through his hair, looking up at the sky, sighing almost happily.
  19. "I dream of a perfect world without war, crime, murder, or even death, Mr... er... I don't have your name either oddly but I don't think that matters. I'm developing a Prison. A sort of mechnical prison that will give people the incentive -not- to kill others as a means of punishment for - who learns from death? No one. Nothing is gained by destroying life. So... why not give it a purpose if it is deemed only worthy of death?" He stands before the three stones, waving his hands out, gesturing to the slabs of stone, the Runes extrapolated off the stones and spinning slowly, various parts of them moving behind the main "plate" of the over-arching Rune of Containment, a double pronged Rune at that for both holding mana and prisoner.
  21. "My Rune Prison will both hold an entity in stasis and drain them of mana slowly, turning their mana into a sort of fuel for other mechanations. Some construction based, others for doing wonderful other things... I... admittedly hadn't gotten that far and hope others can provide ideas for this." A wave of the hand to disperse the confused thoughts as he continues "I want you to resist the pull of mana. If that destroys, reverses the flow, or something else entirely, I don't care. I want you to beat my machine just as others have beaten you and made -you- stronger I want you to beat it and I will remake it bigger and better than ever before." He turns, grinning wide at the dark-eyed man, robust look to Zael's personage.
  22. (Zael Dralith)
  23. He introduced with his name and explanation bored Voss, something fitted only out of the bias against him, in favor of Brighthold news. As Jerudiel claimed, what reason did they have to listen to him? In reverence, he truly didn't bother himself with caring for a name, it'd only help to address should this persona ever prove useful for his endeavors.
  25. Such a start, was entertained with no response from the solemn-faced Harukean, eying him down with ebonic optics: A subtle fashion to the implid statement- 'Get on with it'.
  27. To Exovaryn's surprise, Zael seemed a lot different than the others, evne suitable to fit his preached cause. He built up his forces in the East about the idea of a Better World. He constantly spoke it to ears that'd hear it, and that would follow- unbiased to Yokai, Exorcists or any other that could generally be despised by his ilk.
  29. Though, Zael was aligned with Brighthold, a people that did not see eye to eye with him, for reasons he suspected to be of discrimination. How else would he have been denounced of his vision, its procedure, and promptly assaulted? In fact, he was here for the very reasons that contradicted Zael's presence. Why was -he- not being denied, attacked nor nigh executed for this desire? This mission...
  31. It had to be prejudice... His perception was nigh locked on those dubbed of 'Brighthold' save for this man, taunting him to test a machine he considered an abomination. A machine crafted of stone and runes, invested within with Time, most evidently. If not months, then years... He was sure of it. Though, before he could comment on that, he had to correct utterance that he sputtered.
  33. "An incentive not to kill? Such would likely disrupt the Law of Equivalent Exchange... Without Destruction, there can be no Creation... Though, it seems as though you're not focused on that- but rather transference. That is, all it truly is. A different form of transference rather than one from Life to Death, one of animated to static. A device intended to ensnare a vessel and siphon their circuit to power another... But can it store?" He queried, attempting to prod at the concept...
  35. Perhaps, it wasn't entirely sinful, but rather innovation at its finest. The only reason why such was even considered of Zael, was the fact that he bothered to mention a vision of a world that contradicted the intent of other Brightholdians he had the unfortunate displeasure to encounter.
  37. "Perhaps, a device that can pull mana and store it, could prove more... Useful for several scenarios." He stated, backed up with knowledge of a Xsperitan-style Rune Magic: Fusion Art.
  38. "If only your people advanced enough to construct mana generators, albeit unethical to pry one's soul from their very circuit. You implied you took one's arm and thus I presumed Malpercian. In such a matter, it is entirely plausible... If your people were willing to make the sacrifice needed to craft such. Though, it'd be deemed immoral, it'd power your other 'mechanations' indefinitely." He hypothesized.
  40. It was not the knowledge of a single man, but nigh hundreds of minds meshed into one, using the processing power to complete a theory of an aspiring rune artist. Though, without experimentation, how could one ever know if such was possible? The idea within Exovaryn's mind, was more likely to have wished them to bombard themselves through a mistake rather than aid those inferior... Though, it could be debatable.
  41. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  42. His eyes open, green orbs revealing themselves for the first time since their meeting, looking directly into Voss' a sort of endearing respect for the demeanted monster of a man before Zael. The drakanite had not seen Voss' own capabilities and that is not what he respected the man for, no. He saw in those black eyes a sort fo intelligence that pulled at the Drakanite's lips, drawing them into an almost manic grin, "I see a lot in you, even if it is a darkness unlike my own, it is a very pure intent and I admire that... a great deal." He chuckles deeply, looking to the slabs of stone, "They hold indeed but only as much as I could hold in mana multiplied into six instances, though that is tripled due to three entities being the capasitors. Thusly if I could hold ten units of mana, each one can hold sixty and after that each can hold sixty, thus, one-hundred-and-eighty would be the amount of units held, if we were to break it down into numbers." He nods some, "If they go over max capacity they will burst and unleash all the mana in raw power, surely making this place a waste land if I don't contain it, an exciting prospect for myself if a bit dangerous. I'd have to empty them for the direct changing of capacity to be made." He keeps his shit-eating-grin on and looks back to Voss, a correction was in order.
  44. "By arm, it was not Malpercian, no. It was one of our own that I miscalculated a few Runes with. They were set to start up slow but did not have a max speed of which they pulled mana, the sheer force ripped out the man's very mana circuits, leaving his arm unable to conjure mana further. If I hadn't stopped the test as soon as I did, he might've died." He takes a deep breath, relaxing himself a moment, obvious concern upon him, "Few see my view of the world so few are willing to test this. The young and up and coming magi are not quite as disillusioned as my more matured counter-parts. It is an interesting thing to see some so old and so seniored yet they fight and simultaneously have given up on changing the world. Yet why do they kill I wonder? They seek change but they are set in their ways of doing it, an interesting and foolhearty mentality. I admire Jerudiel for his capabilty to command but not for what he stands for, a world where darkness is gone and only light prevails is a place without shadow or innovation. I will attempt to make a place without death but that does not mean dabbling in death iself cannot be a study..." A coy proclomation by the Drakanite, "For without it... how do we understand how to live...?" He waves Voss over, his preaching ended, he seeks to reduce this to a practice now.
  46. "Stand within the triangle of stone... we will begin. Prove me week, stranger. Prove my work futile and give me reason to prove you wrong later, please."A sort of mock begging as he waits for the man to enter and once he does, Zael waves his hand out "Potestatem Clauditis!" He shouted, the Rune top plate suddenly pausing and then spinning, his fingers clutching a sort of handle device, fingers clutching a circular Rune, twisting his hand now, the device appearing to lock into place before dissipating, the sound of fire roaring and holy light soaring around Voss, creating a barrier between each of the stone slabs, vortexing up into the air. Lines of white holy light circuit-boarding themselves upward fromt he ground, ending with a circle directly above Voss and a cylinder firing down around him, trapping him in place and creating a sort of aloofness, his mind fogged briefly as the intent of stasis was placed upon him, however not a true stasis itself.
  48. Mana would begin pulling from him, directly from his finger tips and feet, as if slowly being quartered, though not terribly painful, only uncomfortable. The mana flowed freely from him, draining him of power in such a sensual, almost mind numbing way, coaxing him to simply relax and let it all happen...
  49. (Zael Dralith)
  51. {{ 50-55% will be successfully stopping the flow of mana -out- but will not draw in
  52. 60+ will be reversing flow.
  53. 80-90 will be full reversal at whatever speed suits Voss.
  54. 91%+ will be him entirely destroying the machines. }}
  56. Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke's magic damage is: 169 + (23) = 192
  57. Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke generated a random number between 1 and 169, it came up as: 99
  59. The speech of such magnitude likely deserved more attention, perhaps when mention of a previous test subject was mentioned. Albeit, he hadn't a reason to badger himself with the mention. What was a human damned to such fate to him? How would such human compare to him or any capability he'd bare? Did he not vastly outperform their race? Their ilk?
  61. Then came the instructions, followed without anything in mind aside from the thought of one's potential developments. What -if- this man worked for his cause? What if he recruited this man instead of the others? He was an innovator, a revolutionist and amongst rebels. It was likely that -this- was the sort of person he was looking for amongst these thralls to a falsified peace, mised within a dream of contradictory glory, solace and war-- As he heard collectively heard.
  63. He stepped into the open triangular prism, and awaited for this... Test, intrigued its potential.
  65. The words of initiation were spoken and soon after the mechanism was activated. Projections of the magical construct enacted about him, encircling him, entrapping him. The outside world was barred off from his 'reality', himself choked at by a smothering sludge of animated energies, prodding at his vessel.
  67. He could feel its pull, though polarities would be tested with the antipodal of the substance, Voss felt no inclination to worry. Such was slightly due to the lack of encounter with siphoning akin to a Malpercian arm, though he began to wonder. What if...
  68. What if he could harvest such power boasted by this Zael? What if, it could be dwarf-sized, whilst maintaining its properties-- Would such scale down the power of the device as well?
  70. He could feel a sluggish sensation enveloping him simultaneous to continued thought...
  72. What if, this mana generation and storage, could be used on a humanoid entity? Or rather, extended storage...
  73. Perhaps, his absorption capabilities would be expanded upon, granting him further reserve to utilize. That was, if Zael would badger himself to construct such a device... But if were to, what would stop him from creating duplicates to less-than-admirable forces.
  75. Alas, the tension pried enough from his vessel induce mana fluctuation from his person, straying in its raw sapphire hue for the encompassing walls of his temporal prison. " So, this is the siphon? I can imagine how it could outright wither a magi given time, should the pull not be controlled, just as it may have crippled that one magi of utilization through their arm as you so claim. Though, I'm nothing like any you've met before, I can assure this." An emanation of true tangerine illuminated from the seems of his midnight-armor: The Oracle's mark was activated, now passively siphoning at the mana relinquished from his person, sucking it back to his vessel and canceling out the pull's progress with his own.
  77. It was a tug-of-war, proven eternal should this session not end soon. Though, it'd be a matter of time before Exovaryn grew impatient...
  78. Though, for now, he merely watched Zael from within.
  79. " The Oracle's Mark grants me the power to utilize bodies of mana nearby to my advantage... In this case, I absorbed my own outcasted mana, sustaining my vessel." He spoke as though capable, though, try as he might, could not reverse the pull... Not yet, at least...
  80. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  82. [16:53:07] His note book procured from his jacket, beginning to write his notations on Voss about how he could produce power and retain it, even absorb it. An interesting thing. He begins duplicating the Cosmic Rune from Voss's body as it lights up, placing ti into his notes. He nods steadily, watching with a keen eye, knowledge was pure and this was the purest he could get on something other than the natives of Valmasia, "I see... so you truly are something not from Valmasia. It explains a bit." He says, smiling so confidently, as he works to give Voss his due credit within his notes, making sure to remark on what he can regarding Voss' markings nad how he appears, how he acts, what he does when absorbing his mana back into his body. And interesting an idea, crossing both their minds in some fragments of similarity, "I wonder if you could entirely reverse the flow..." He muttered, looking to his mechanations.
  84. He clicks his tongue, watching as the Runes themselves continues to spin but very slowly, like something was caught int he gears. They were almost to a stand still as they tried to continue the motion of which was given to them by their creator, Zael. The sound of straining mechanations can be heard since they can only keep spinning so long as more mana flows into them, he turns to look back at Voss, waving a hand, "You speak with a certainty, something most seem to lack, power behind your words even when explaining to me. It's arrogant. Prove to me what you can do, I wish to see it all, over power my machine." Zael failed to neglect that simply firing blasts of mana or fire at the machine might cause the entire thing to explode and kill them both, however he assumed Voss to be smarter than that.
  86. That confident smile on the Drakanite's lips, his eyes squinting once more, he had to make sure the damage was contained however. He quickly puts his notebook away, pulling out a piece of parchment, thrusting it into the air, writing something with holy light in the air and as the Parchment falls, he places his hand on the back of it, swinging it through the holy light that was in the air, writing something with his pen upon it and pressing the parchment to the ground with his hand, pulling back, the Rune pulling off in the white light he'd done before, "Tueri!" he cried, the rune firing into the sky, a dome fo white light pouring over them, creating a permiter of holy energies to keep the blast, if it happened, from escaping. It was a Rune of Protection, to shield any passerby's from any danger brought upon by Zael and Voss here.
  87. (Zael Dralith)
  89. [18:51:44] {{ Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke generated a random number between 1 and 169, it came up as: 120
  90. RESULT: Siphon Reversal }}
  92. The Xsperitan Tattoo's illumination emanated with stern presence, soon growing possessive over the field that engulfed him entirely. " If you wish..." It was more of a reward for his own person. He was granted permission to siphon from this machine, to reverse the polarities-- To pry from its gargantuan reserves. It could all be his... The thought mised a grandiose grin upon his visage at the challenge.
  94. Perhaps... It was possible!
  95. This entire construct, powered by Rune Magic, could perhaps be recreated on a smaller scale, modified with Xsperitan artistry and perhaps even empowered by the harukean symbiote... Not so much the siphon, but the mana container he indirectly pried from, most certainly.
  97. Though, this idea lead way to countless others...
  98. Perhaps, he could inject others with the substance, which would enable Xsperitan Runic Magic's viability upon their vessel's as well? Or, perhaps.. He could even bend the symbiote through their bodies akin to a remote controlled puppet.
  99. The possibilities were endless, all he needed was someone willing to do the work for him and gather the material and tools.
  101. Surprisingly enough, all of this thought was condoned to whilst his body strengthened its pull. He didn't have to act upon it directly to condone its conflict against the siphon, for the symbiote acted on its own under circumstances of looming magic fluctuations. Given reason, he could manipulate it, or even restrain it... Though, he dedicated his mind to pondering as he typically did, blatantly ignoring the machine whilst his body fended and fed off it nigh passively.
  103. It was akin to two separate entities sharing one body-- Nothing further from the truth. The walls of projected runes began to crack, fissures amongst the walls crept akin to glass, all whilst he won his bout in this tug-of-war.
  104. The protection spell did not go unnoticed, watched, examined from within this prison, eyes scouring down to spot only the rune mage whom constructed it.
  106. "Sealing me within a seal, sealed by yet another? Another challenge? Or a precaution. Though, should it have been a precaution, you probably should've taken it upon yourself to remain outside the walls... " He didn't exactly understand what one was trying to reframe, he didn't notice anyone that could be harmed in an explosive scenario as of yet.
  107. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  109. His eyes looking over the Prison, watching as it strains now, the Harukean pulling on it, some gleam of joy in Zael's eyes as the man is proving himself rather well empowered. Zael laughs softly,t he holy shield holding him and the prison and prisoner all together in a bubble, "Not at all for myself... I'm a scientist, if I'm not risking myself I dont deserve to continue work. It's for those around us. Any that there may be, I rather not have them destroyed in the process of you pushing your limits and my machine being caught in the mix. This shield is to hold your power in should you explode as well, for every container has its limits, I'm sure even you." Zael smirks his eyes starting to glow as they open some, looking over the Harukean and watching as his circuit Runes start to crack more, starting to reverse flow, his body rushing over to the Runes and pulling out the small tuner of temperstine Boyd had given him.
  111. He begins repairing the cracks and starting to change the Runes to be stronger, adding more power to them. He could not directly change how much energy they could take or hold, but he was making them able to be functioned in reverse, or in short so that they would not break while being siphoned. He'd have to make them lock later, doing so right now would potentially cause trouble for the whole two of them. He pours more mana into them just to heal the Runes themselves as he continues to alter them, rushing over to one of the other slabs, beginning to alter that one as well, sweat pouring down his face as he tries to keep everything maintained, "Come on now! You can do better than that! Challenge my creation, make it work damn it! It needs to be pushed as far as it can. Drain it all if you must." He almost demanded of the Harukean, he needed his creation to be pushed to the breaking point.
  113. He steps back, panting heavily after altering the third prong of the Rune Prison. He looks to Voss again, grinning wide, happy to see these wonderful challenges proposed to him, "I really must thank you for helping me, maybe I can script you something sometime, so long as no one is hurt in the process, hah!" He said, pulling out another sheet of parchment, this one the original schematic of the Runes that powered the siphoning slabs of rock that currently functioned to hold Voss and try to siphon his mana. He makes the quick adjustments to the blueprint so they work as the ones currently acting, worked, as well as adjusting the capacity, glancing up every so often to make sure Voss wasn't breaking anything else. If it all went to hell... everything could be destroyed here.
  114. (Zael Dralith)
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