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Feb 26th, 2020
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  1. window.FontAwesomeKitConfig = {
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  3. "enabled": true
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  31. for (i.removeEventListener(r, t), a = 1; t = n.shift();) t()
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  40. add: function(e) {
  41. this.contains(e) || (, e), this.el.className = this.toString())
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  44. return -1 != this.el.className.indexOf(e)
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  50. if (this.contains(e)) {
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  52., t, 1), this.el.className = this.toString()
  53. }
  54. },
  55. toString: function() {
  56. return, " ")
  57. },
  58. toggle: function(e) {
  59. return this.contains(e) ? this.remove(e) : this.add(e), this.contains(e)
  60. }
  61. }, window.DOMTokenList = d, e = Element.prototype, t = "classList", n = function() {
  62. return new d(this)
  63. }, Object.defineProperty ? Object.defineProperty(e, t, {
  64. get: n
  65. }) : e.__defineGetter__(t, n)
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  68. function d(e) {
  69. for (var t = (this.el = e).className.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "").split(/\s+/), n = 0; n < t.length; n++), t[n])
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  96. function e(t) {
  97. if (r.body) return t();
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  99. e(t)
  100. })
  101. }(function() {
  102. n.parentNode.insertBefore(a, i ? n : n.nextSibling)
  103. });
  104. var s = function(e) {
  105. for (var t = a.href, n = c.length; n--;)
  106. if (c[n].href === t) return e();
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  108. s(e)
  109. })
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  116. }(e, t)
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  133. return e.baseUrl + "/releases/" + ("latest" === e.version ? "latest" : "v".concat(e.version)) + "/" + a + "/" + i + o + "." + r
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  135. var t, n, i, o, l;
  136. try {
  137. if (window.FontAwesomeKitConfig) {
  138. var u, f = window.FontAwesomeKitConfig,
  139. m = {
  140. detectingConflicts: f.detectConflictsUntil && new Date <= new Date(f.detectConflictsUntil),
  141. detectionIgnoreAttr: "data-fa-detection-ignore",
  142. detectionTimeoutAttr: "data-fa-detection-timeout",
  143. detectionTimeout: null
  144. };
  145. "js" === f.method && (o = m, l = {
  146. async: (i = f).asyncLoading.enabled,
  147. autoA11y: i.autoA11y.enabled
  148. }, "pro" === i.license && (l.autoFetchSvg = !0, l.fetchSvgFrom = i.baseUrl + "/releases/" + ("latest" === i.version ? "latest" : "v".concat(i.version)) + "/svgs"), i.v4shim.enabled && e(s(i, {
  149. addOn: "-v4-shims",
  150. minify: i.minify.enabled
  151. })), e(s(i, {
  152. minify: i.minify.enabled
  153. }), l, o)), "css" === f.method && function(e, t) {
  154. var n, i = a.bind(a, ["fa", "fab", "fas", "far", "fal", "fad"]);
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  156. childList: !0,
  157. subtree: !0
  158. })), e.v4shim.enabled && (e.license, e.asyncLoading.enabled ? c(s(e, {
  159. addOn: "-v4-shims",
  160. minify: e.minify.enabled
  161. }), t) : d(s(e, {
  162. addOn: "-v4-shims",
  163. minify: e.minify.enabled
  164. }), t));
  165. e.v4FontFaceShim.enabled && (e.asyncLoading.enabled ? c(s(e, {
  166. addOn: "-v4-font-face",
  167. minify: e.minify.enabled
  168. }), t) : d(s(e, {
  169. addOn: "-v4-font-face",
  170. minify: e.minify.enabled
  171. }), t));
  172. var o = s(e, {
  173. minify: e.minify.enabled
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  176. }(f, m), m.detectingConflicts && ((u = document.currentScript.getAttribute(m.detectionTimeoutAttr)) && (m.detectionTimeout = u), document.currentScript.setAttributeNode(document.createAttribute(m.detectionIgnoreAttr)), t = f, n = m, r(function() {
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  178. n && n.detectionIgnoreAttr && e.setAttributeNode(document.createAttribute(n.detectionIgnoreAttr)), n && n.detectionTimeoutAttr && n.detectionTimeout && e.setAttribute(n.detectionTimeoutAttr, n.detectionTimeout), e.src = s(t, {
  179. baseFilename: "conflict-detection",
  180. fileSuffix: "js",
  181. subdir: "js",
  182. minify: t.minify.enabled
  183. }), e.async = !0, document.body.appendChild(e)
  184. }))
  185. }
  186. } catch (e) {}
  187. }();
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