
[TRANSLATED] Mini Sengoku Basara 07 sub español

Dec 21st, 2013
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  1. [Video:]
  2. [Title card: Mini Sengoku Basara! Chosokabe and Mori]
  5. Chosokabe: Good.
  6. Chosokabe: Despite everything, this weaponry really is a hot topic.
  7. Chosokabe: It's obvious that iron will replace wood, being inflamable.
  8. Chosokabe: And together with the development of new weapons...
  9. Chosokabe: It'd blow the cost of a military away.
  10. Chosokabe: At this rate, I wont have enough money to eat.
  11. Chosokabe: Although I have my principles...
  12. Chosokabe: I'm going to have to cheat some people.
  13. --
  14. Chosokabe: Hello, I'm here!
  15. Chosokabe: Thank you for coming out to the shores of the Seto Sea.
  16. Mori: A "Weapons Show"...
  17. Mori: Maybe you're really a weapons dealer instead of a pirate?
  18. Chosokabe: None of that!
  19. Chosokabe: Today will be a special exception.
  20. Chosokabe: After my experiences in the battlefield, I'm eager to show you my weapons.
  21. Chosokabe: Many people have asked me about them.
  22. Chosokabe: So, to answer those questions-
  23. Mori: Well, not many people came.
  24. Chosokabe: No, it' know...
  25. Chosokabe: That's because...
  26. Chosokabe: I sell weapons, but it's not first come first serve.
  27. Chosokabe: It has to be someone I have an intimate relationship with!
  28. Mori: You know I have no interest in weapons.
  29. Mori: You can sell those fake toys to whatever kid you can find.
  30. Chosokabe: Come on, don't be hasty now, Mori.
  31. Chosokabe: It wasn't easy to bring it here.
  32. Chosokabe: This is your only opportunity to get one of these!
  33. Chosokabe: Honda and Fuma also came to the show!
  34. Chosokabe: HEY! HEY! HEY! Don't get so close!
  35. Chosokabe: Stay there and I'll show you!
  36. Mori: You won't stop saying you want to show it to us, yet we're not allowed to even give it a good look.
  37. Mori: Don't you think you're acting suspiciously, Chosokabe?
  38. Chosokabe: Uh, well...
  39. Chosokabe: How do I say it...
  40. Chosokabe: You know!
  41. Chosokabe: It's because this is very dangerous stuff.
  42. Mori: Don't you think it looks a little too big?
  43. Chosokabe: Here it is!
  44. Chosokabe: This is the latest in weaponry from my forces.
  45. Chosokabe: The Mobile Deamon!
  46. Mori: But...
  47. Mori: From back here, I can't see the detai-
  48. Chosokabe: It has the one million horsepower!
  49. Chosokabe: That is, it's a weapon of war with a force equivalent to one million horses!
  50. Chosokabe: With that much power, it doesn't matter what battle you fight.
  51. Chosokabe: You can easily brush off any general!
  52. Chosokabe: What about it, Mori?
  53. Chosokabe: Can you refuse an offer like this?
  54. Mori: Seriously, what would you gain from making me stronger?
  55. Chosokabe: Even if you searched the sea day after day, you would never find treasure like this...
  56. Chosokabe: It's limited edition.
  57. Chosokabe: Even the famous Oda Nobunaga, The Deamon King of the Sixth Sky, would be as weak as a child in front of this...
  58. Chosokabe: ...and would fall after a single attack!
  59. Mori: Certainly...
  60. Mori: It seems that weapons are unsurpassable.
  61. Mori: In the future...
  62. Mori: And in the fight for reign over the inner Seto seas...
  63. Mori: We have to come to a state of equilibrium and find a solution for the long term...
  64. Chosokabe: So then, Mori...
  65. Chosokabe: Would you give up this opportunity?
  66. Chosokabe: This Mobile Deamon has the strongest motor in the whole market...
  67. Chosokabe: Constructed with unique and unsurpassed technology...
  68. Chosokabe: And the price is only.................pieces of gold.
  69. Mori: What?!
  70. Chosokabe: What? It doesn't seem fair?
  71. Chosokabe: Oh, so you weren't really interested...
  72. Chosokabe: Well! The rest of the buyers have arrived!
  73. Mori: This price is, without a doubt, a lot of money...
  74. Mori: But it is a dangerous weapon...
  75. Mori: I cannot allow someone else to aquire this strange artifact...
  76. Chosokabe: Good, I only need one final push...
  77. Mori: Chosokabe!
  78. Chosokabe: M-M-M-Mori!
  79. Chosokabe: Calm down...!
  80. Chosokabe: The truth is...!
  81. Mori: I have decided, after much thought...
  82. Mori: I will buy the Mobile Deamon!
  83. Chosokabe: Eh?
  84. Mori: I will take it right now...
  85. Mori: You have no objections, right?
  86. Chosokabe: Well...uh...
  87. Mori: Perhaps It will maintain the peace in my lands...
  88. Mori: It should not fall into the hands of others.
  89. --
  90. Chosokabe: Have a safe trip, Mori!
  91. Mori: Do not worry.
  92. Mori: This weapon has a million horsepower!
  93. Chosokabe: Honda, Fuma...I'm sorry.
  94. Chosokabe: W-wait a minute...
  95. Chosokabe: Honda and Fuma...
  96. Chosokabe: While they aren't weapons...
  97. Chosokabe: Aren't they...
  98. Chosokabe: Incredibly strong fighters...?
  99. Chosokabe: They're very powerful...
  100. Chosokabe: And have an excellent cost effective relationship..
  101. Chosokabe: Fuck!
  102. Chosokabe: If Mori wasges war with them under his command to dominate the Seto sea, wouldn't it be a huge problem!?
  103. Chosokabe: AAAAAH! WEAPON! WAIT!
  104. Mori: How quick purchasing things has become these days...
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