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Jul 10th, 2014
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  1. EVE System > Channel changed to Local : HED-GP
  2. Neurotox > HI BRAVE
  3. Neurotox > HI
  4. Neurotox > HI BRAVE
  5. Neurotox > HI
  6. Neurotox > HAYYYYYYY
  7. Bryan Butters > oh god
  8. Bryan Butters > it's the bubble shooter
  9. Neurotox > I never leave
  10. Neurotox > I just simply wait
  11. Neurotox > HAHHHAHNA
  12. Biggle Wondersnap > <url=showinfo:1373//1782995946>Neurotox</url> you shall not target!
  13. Neurotox > Vegas
  14. Sales Alt negrodamus > HI BRAVE
  15. Sales Alt negrodamus > you guys facemurder the ragecamp idiots or something?
  16. Neurotox > no they go to sleep
  17. Sales Alt negrodamus > those guys annoy the shit out of me
  18. Neurotox > same time
  19. Neurotox > everyday
  20. Sales Alt negrodamus > every fucking time i come out here, shitheads camping with ishtars and tinker domis
  21. Neurotox > i tried wardecing them
  22. Sales Alt negrodamus > every fucking time
  23. Neurotox > brave says no
  24. Sales Alt negrodamus > WHAT
  25. Sales Alt negrodamus > that's stupid
  26. Neurotox > they said somethin about highsec camping
  27. Neurotox > and i say, brave doesnt got to highsec?
  28. Neurotox > they call me dum
  29. Neurotox > me dm
  30. Sales Alt negrodamus > dec them anyway, make the idiots realize that the gate isn't safe anymore
  31. Neurotox > i tried
  32. Neurotox > I get shunned
  33. Sales Alt negrodamus > tell them they need to appreciate initiative
  34. Sales Alt negrodamus > and stop being homo
  35. Neurotox > They dont like pvp
  36. Neurotox > they like pve
  37. Sales Alt negrodamus > who, the rage camp tards?
  38. Neurotox > brave
  39. Sales Alt negrodamus > eh i suppose
  40. Sales Alt negrodamus > you guys better be killing those bubbles that shit is annoying to fly through
  41. Sales Alt negrodamus > man even through ostensibly blue fleets i hate flying through bubbles
  42. Sales Alt negrodamus > l8r guys
  43. Neurotox > 7o
  44. Neurotox > WHOA
  45. Neurotox > WHOA
  46. Neurotox > BUUBBBLE
  47. Chalur Dallocort > Good reading skills
  48. Neurotox > DERPHURP
  49. Uhaka Verkoh > dual?
  50. Neurotox > nah
  51. Neurotox > doing things
  52. Neurotox > how many ship spins u do
  53. Chalur Dallocort > A minimum of 3000 a day
  54. Chalur Dallocort > per ship
  55. Bryan Butters > what are you nerds doing
  56. Justine Laporte > why am i enable to join this fleet?
  57. Bryan Butters > vOv
  58. Justine Laporte > *not
  59. Uhaka Verkoh > wanna dual?
  60. Neurotox > nope
  61. Neurotox > pls no shoot
  62. Uhaka Verkoh > sorry
  63. Neurotox > should aim better
  64. Uhaka Verkoh > fukau you
  65. Neurotox > im bluer
  66. Uhaka Verkoh > test
  67. Uhaka Verkoh > alliance
  68. Uhaka Verkoh > best
  69. Uhaka Verkoh > alliance
  70. Neurotox > is that why townsaver left
  71. Uhaka Verkoh > townsaver is a fuckhole
  72. Uhaka Verkoh > good riddens
  73. Chalur Dallocort > townsaver left because he couldn't handle people not sucking his dick 100% of the time
  74. pretty hair > dorothy mantooth is a saint
  75. Bryan Butters > townsaver is not a fuckhole
  76. Bryan Butters > uhaka pls
  77. Bryan Butters > can we get a muzzle for him
  78. Uhaka Verkoh > BRYAN
  79. Uhaka Verkoh > PLS
  80. Uhaka Verkoh > DIS
  81. Uhaka Verkoh > BITTERNESS
  82. Uhaka Verkoh > SO MUCH
  83. Bryan Butters > warp to sv5
  84. Uhaka Verkoh > wHy?
  85. Bryan Butters > jabber
  86. White First > 0/ :-)))))
  87. White First > :-))))))))))
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