
Cosmic Tome Pre

Feb 2nd, 2020
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  1. [10:47] Andrew seemed to be minding his own business, but something about what the girl said caught his attention. He didn't even attempt to act like he wasn't listening to their conversation, and turned his body towards them.
  2. Andrew's eyes seem to light up at the mention of stars, and it reminded him of a song from his younger years growing up.
  4. "Twinkle, twinkle--I'm not going to sing that here..."
  6. he said in a low tone trying not to disturber them, but it was eating him up inside. Andrew simple raised his hand towards the girl, and waved it slowly.
  8. "Hello there my name is Andrew, and I was listening to you talk about stars, and stuff. I'm a bit interested in what you're talking about, do you think you can tell me a little more if that's not to much trouble."
  10. Andrew kept the smile on his face while swinging his legs on the bench.
  11. (Andrew Mercia)
  12. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  14. [10:57] That blonde offers a gentle nod towards the other, her hands oncemore folded atop her Codex. She listens to the Knight's words in its entirety, a gracious bow of her head given towards the Knight in question.
  16. "Thank you, both for your assistance and your well-wishes. I feel as though if I forge this understanding, I'll be able to more easily know the wills of the whole Constellation. But that's part of a larger theory that I shan't get into here."
  18. Her soft-spoken words given, she pauses as the youth speaks, turning her sienna-hued eyes to him. A warm, welcoming smile is given. The youth would note that this older teenager bears a star-shaped mark around her neck - a symbol of The Faith. Likewise, a heavy tome rests upon her lap, the Codex Cosmic, an important holy book of that faith in question!
  20. "Of course, Andrew. I'm pleased to meet you. My name is Yiel - I've taken the name of the star I feel closest to - and I'm a Deacon within the Essharan Celestial Church. I would be more then happy to speak with you about the lore of the stars..."
  22. Tapping the bench next to her, the conservatively-dressed young woman offers in that soft, cool, calm tone;
  24. "Would you like to sit with us, Andrew?"
  25. (Yiel)
  26. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  27. [11:04] Andrew made his way over towards Yiel with a smile still beaming on his face this topic was interesting to him, but he didn't even know where to begin.
  28. The young boy found stars to be oddly interesting to him for whatever reason, but he'd gladly listen in to whatever they had to say on the subject.
  30. "I'd live to sit, and chat with you, and learn something about the stars even if I don't know anything about them."
  32. He wasn't sure what he was getting himself into, but something about the stars seem relaxing, and calming to him. He didn't have any paper or anything it's not like he could write properly or anything.
  34. "Where do we even start?"
  35. (Andrew Mercia)
  36. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  37. [11:14] At Galynn's words of departure, the Deacon gives him a gentle bow of her head. She doesn't speak though - her hands folded upon her lap, remaining in place as the other departs. Only when there's a quick lull, she does speak - her hands moving in gentle, deliberate motions.
  39. "Take care, Sir Galynn. If you ever wish to speak with me - either because you seek information about the stars, or if you simply require a friend's ear, feel free to seek me out."
  41. Now, her attention comes to the youth, that warm, welcoming smile visited down upon him. She has a relaxed aura, serene, even as she sits up straight and true, hands folded upon her lap as she listens to the other. Only when he finishes his full thought does she speak, her voice cool and calm;
  43. "I'm glad. How about we begin with what you know about the stars, Andrew - and perhaps what you know about Celestialism. That way, I can tell you a bit more and fill in your knowledge."
  45. Realizing that may be a touch of a daunting process for a young kiddo, she adds;
  47. "There's no wrong answers, so tell me of as much or as little as you're knowledgeable of."
  48. (Yiel)
  49. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  51. [11:14] Galynn Sulis says, "I will, good luck."
  52. [11:20] The young boy seem to be tapping his chin while he processed the question, what he knew about stars? This shouldn't be very hard, and with his basic knowledge over stars this would be a walk in the part for him.
  54. "I know that stars are bright, and they are far into the sky beyond our reach. I also know that there is a nurses rhyme about them that helps young children sleep."
  56. Andrew offers a smile it seems like his knowledge on stars was a bit flawed, but that's something he could work towards in the near future.
  58. "I don't know what the Celetialism is, could you tell me a little about it?" He was curious about all these terms, and yet he was so confused about why stars had these many terms to being with.
  60. (Andrew Mercia)
  61. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  63. [11:35] The blonde listens readily to the words of the youth. There's a nod given to his simple assessment, but she has to hold in a tiny chuckle - not at him, just since that's a pretty cute notion. He's not wrong!
  65. Patiently waiting to hear his full thought, she responds afterwards, her hands moving in gentle flourishes as she speaks;
  67. "They're not quite out of reach..." There's a hint of playfulness in her tone, as her right hand comes to be held low before her, such showcasing a mark upon her palm! Two parallel lines and a horizontal that connects them at the top.
  69. "O Yiel, I ask for you to offer me a few motes of starlight so that I may share your light."
  71. She states quietly, her tone softened as such a request is given. That mark glows a soft, sienna-tinted white, while a few little starbursts dance about her open hand. Little thumb-sized motes of dancing light that bob and float about her hand. Such magic is mostly refreshing, rather then overbearing or even the slightest bit dangerous.
  73. The Deacon gives a smile towards the boy, returning to her cool, calm tone as she would close her hand after a momentary showcase, allowing such light to disappear!
  75. "Celestialism is what one follows if they look to the stars above Esshar for guidance."
  77. Motioning towards the late-evening sky, she points out the slowly-appearing stars as the sun sets to allow their light to become more prevalent. A particular star is pointed at - a bright example.
  79. "For example, that star is Yiel, my patron star. You see, each of the eighteen stars of the Leonaus Constellation - the pattern of stars that's closer then all other stars to our lands - represents an aspect of a person. My Yiel represents the concept of faith. Each bear with them lessons, and each has a will that one, when attuned, can touch upon. The Essharan Celestial Church - to which I am a part of - is an organization of scholars and sages that study the stars and looks to their wills for guidance."
  81. At this point, she'll momentarily pause her talk, setting her hands upon her lap and switching to listen - no doubt the other has thoughts or questions to share!!
  82. (Yiel)
  83. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  85. [11:48] This was a lot of information to take in, but he'd try his best not to fall victim to his own wonders. Where should he even begin? Where should he even star? There wasn't a easy way to go about these question since there was so much information given he was scared he be talking without a purpose.
  87. "They aren't out of reach? huh...?" he slowly begin to rub his chin trying to figure out what she meant by that, but she'd likely tell him along the way.
  89. Andrew realized he had being thinking for a while, and hasn't been saying much of anything, but quickly snaps out of it.
  91. "Oh sorry I was thinking hard on my questions.." he'd take a deep breath, and attempt to calm him mind.
  93. "What are the other stars up there, and if they are close does that mean I can reach one like you can?
  95. If I can reach one, how do I go about doing that? How do I know which one is right for me?
  97. How do I even know if learning about a star is something right for me?
  99. Also can I join the church? I know I have a lot of questions, but I'm a curious kid..."
  101. Andrew got all of his questions out, but it seems like he didn't have a single thought that was clear. He had so many question, and likely the Deacon had answers to them.
  103. Andrew smiled nervously...
  104. (Andrew Mercia)
  105. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  107. [12:01] The blonde can't help but smile warmly at all the questions presented to her! She's quiet, though, quiet and focused on his words, her gentle sienna-hued eyes watchful, while her posture is straight! She shakes her head dismissively at the other's apologies for not speaking, patience exhibited clearly within the Deacon.
  109. And once all the questions of the other are aired, the Deacon aims to answer them in that smooth, calm voice of hers, her hands moving in gentle little motions as she does so;
  111. "The eighteen of the Leonaus Constellation are Leo, Alph, Geist, Phos, Lyzel, Sae, Heiro, Uner, Biblos, Rhy, Iberl, Syph, Vrona, Anos, Neoi, Ios, Twe, and lastly, Yiel."
  113. The words are recounted slowly, but without any delay - such having been apparently memorized by the Deacon!
  115. "If you are a magi, I'm sure you can - you'd just require some time to learn and practice. As for deciding which one is right for you... Oftentimes a star will reach down or make itself known to you, if it decides to invest its power within you. I wouldn't worry about making such a decision so quickly, either."
  117. Looking to the youth for a thoughtful moment, she pauses, before asking;
  119. "It's a big decision to join the Church as a member of the Clergy, but I would be happy to teach you all that you'd like to know, so you may make an informed decision. How about we wait until you're sixteen before you make more of a decision related to if you'd wish to follow along the path of walking with the stars themselves. Should you still chose to do so, I can offer you the rites of initiation, so you may be an Acolyte. Still - you need not join the church to look to the stars, only to begin to understand them more fully. Feel free to follow them - and even accompany me and listen."
  121. Her answers given softly, she looks to the other's response, hands coming to rest upon her lap - and the hefty book that is the Codex Cosmic that rests in her lap! Eighteen stars adorn its cover, with little lines that bring them together in the pattern of a great lion!
  122. (Yiel)
  123. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  125. [12:15] The young boy wasn't expecting to get all this information, but he didn't mind listening to what the girl had to say. It seems like there was a lot that takes place before one could learn about the stars or join the church.
  126. There was so much information that he was given it was a bit much to process, but he'd take his time.
  128. "Eighteen? That's quite a lot of stars to learn about, but I wouldn't mind learning about each one of them. After saying that out loud it seems like a bit much, but I wouldn't mind trying.
  129. I'm guessing you know about all of them? You're really smart when it comes to this stuff."
  131. Andrew thought about the following statement wondering if he could making that his purpose in life since he was looking for one of his own.
  133. "Sixteen! That's a long way from now, but if that's a requirement I'll be sure to wait it out till the end. You have a interesting job, and I'm looking forward to become an Acolyte in the future.
  135. I'm not the brightest, but hopefully with my homeschooling, and leaning about stars in the church I can find my place there; hopefully, or somewhere else.
  137. There are a lot of things I could do or I have dreams of doing, and I'd likely star working towards doing them now. I like helping people, so I'll likely look into being a doctor too!
  139. I have a few idea, and dreams going though my head, but I'll take them on one at a time."
  141. Andrew smiled.
  142. (Andrew Mercia)
  143. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  145. [12:31] A warm smile is given to the other at his declaration of resolve, before a nod easily is given towards the other's question of her knowing about all of them. She's spent nearly the entirety of the first sixteen years of her life learning about the stars! Each one of them, day in and day out!
  147. Though, she doesn't respond until the other finishes his though, patient, observant, and quiet as her hands remain still and folded in her lap! Only to move, as it turns to her turn to speak!
  149. "I'm glad to hear about such, Andrew. I would be glad to teach you more, and look forwards to seeing your progress. The wish to help others is a powerful, humble goal, and I support such fully. The age of sixteen isn't a requirement - but it'll give you some more time to find your footing and take some steps towards finding your place, and that's why I've set that line."
  151. A simple, singular nod given, pausing, before continuing gently;
  153. "I'll tell you a little more about the stars themselves - by breaking them down by branch. There's three branches that were documented and studied by our founder, Saint Niles of Astya. In the words of another Celestialist, the branches are as follows; the yellow branch is the body of Leonaus - wherein the heart resides. Charisma, firmness, and order. She says that one of a strong and valiant heart are of this branch."
  155. Another small pause is taken, before she continues;
  157. "The blue branch is the head of Leonaus. Such is where the heart resides - the place of wisdom, intellect, and intuition. Those with keen minds and sharp logic are within this banch."
  159. "And the red branch forms the paws of Leonaus, where his fervent spirit resides. Action, passion, and morale. I like to think of the red stars as those of the doers, and the other Celestialist declares that 'those who possess a bold and audacious soul are of this branch'."
  161. A small pause is given, sitting straight and looking to the other for his understanding. She asks gently, a touch of playfulness evident;
  163. "I'll give you a tiny little test. Might I ask which branch Yiel, the beacon of the faithful, is part of?"
  165. Such a test given, she smiles warmly as she awaits the youth's judgement!
  166. (Yiel)
  167. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  169. [12:39] Alviva Karnstein says, "...It's as quiet as ever."
  170. [12:41] Xin'Kro says, "Mhm, it is."
  171. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  172. [12:41] The young boy begin to think, and something about the last branch seemed really interesting to him, but he wouldn't make an commitments jsut yet. He'd slowly tap his foot on the grassy area, and allow his feet to sink into the blades of the grass.
  174. "That's a lot of information to takes in, but I'll try my best to understand it in bit, and pieces. So, after listening to you explain for a while I wanna say that you're star is part of the blue branch...?"
  176. He said almost asking her, but he assumed he was on the right path with his answer since the girl seemed wise, and knowledgeable about most things.
  177. He gives a few nods to the girl he was sure that this was something he wanted to do, but if she wanted let him find his way that was also fine.
  179. "If waiting is a good way of me finding a my way then I guess I don't have much of a choice, but I really think this is something I want to do. I've been trying to find my path for a while now, and I wouldn't mind being in training under you for a long time.
  181. I think it will help me understand a lot better, and gives me more time to learn about each star.
  183. I just think I could learn a lot from you, but I'm willing to wait, and stick it out till the end."
  184. (Andrew Mercia)
  186. [12:53] Listening to the youth, she once more awaits his entire thought before she responds! She'll smile and give a gentle nod at the other's notion of waiting to help him learn and develop!
  188. "But remember not to stay idle, Andrew. To keep moving and learning - I advise you seek out a red-haired woman by the name of Agrien. She might be able to give you some knowledge about medicine. She's often around Messaris from what I understand. Agrien helps run an important clinic within the city, and she's a very accomplished doctor."
  190. Now, for his guess;
  192. "Close! But not quite. Remember that faith is something bold and filled with passion. It can burn hot, and sometimes lead one astray, if they're not careful and mindful. Yiel is a red star. Though, when I was younger, I spent a lot of time considering the stars Rhyt - dealing with the accumulation of wisdom and experience - and Hiero - focusing on one's understanding and judgement. This likely informs my personality and tempers the fires of passionate faith with rationality and calm."
  194. A soft wink is given towards the other by that patient, soft-spoken Deacon.
  196. "And that's why it's important to give yourself time to fully decide. If I were to have jumped into the worship of Rhyt or Hiero, I no doubt would have felt unfulfilled until Yiel contacted me."
  198. Still, she continues briefly;
  200. "I have faith you'll grow to be prepared to make those choices with an unclouded, discerning mind, and if you choose to be my Acolyte at that time, you'll make for an excellent one."
  201. (Yiel)
  202. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  203. [13:11] "I'll consider it even if I think I'm ready I don't always know best, so I'll go about trying to learn what I can. I'll keep up with my studies at home, and come back in a few years if you're still willing to accept me as an Acolyte."
  205. Andrew seemed like he was ready, but young kids don't always know best or what they want at such an age, and that was probably the point that she was trying to make.
  207. He wasn't the type to give up, no this was the kind of thing that pushed the kid to prove himself to her one of these days. Andrew would swing his legs on the bench thinking of his next steps.
  209. "Well, I'll try to remember that faith can also be passion. I still don't know a lot of things, but I'm willing to learn about them.
  210. I also think I'm doing a lot at one time, but I feel like trying to study medicine might not happy as soon as I like.
  212. Most non-magi don't really gethurt that bad, and I likely wouldn't get any hands on practice with anything, so I'll mostly be learning how to read, and write.
  214. This is something I feel I can apply myself to this so, I don't walk around with no goals or anything like that.
  216. You know what I mean?"
  218. Andrew had been talking for quite a while, but he had a lot of ideas he wanted to get out of his head. He was slowly getting them out, but sometimes it didn't always make much sense.
  220. He'd smile while swinging his legs "Well, I'll be sure to keep up, and hopefully prove myself."
  221. (Andrew Mercia)
  222. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  223. [13:20] That Deacon beams ever-so-slightly at the other's little promises and declarations. It's nice to see someone so young working on improving themselves and growing! Still, quietly she does hope he gets to also be a kid and have some nice adventures with others, though she doesn't voice such. Such is something she's never really had, herself, but she hand-waves such in favor of a notion of a superior, higher purpose that she must adhere to.
  225. Patiently waiting for the youth's conclusion to this thought, she does give a gentle nod at his notion of ensuring he has goals. And a smile too given at his promise of keeping up and proving himself!
  227. "Of course, Andrew. And if you ever have any questions, feel free to seek me out - or even follow along with me, and you can overhear me giving lessons to others. That may help your learning. But feel free to share with me anything you need assistance on. Part of my duty as a member of the Clergy is to be an ear for those who need such."
  229. Her sienna eyes look over the park, before she asks gently, realizing she knows little about the kiddo!
  231. "May I ask if you're from Osrona? I'm not originally from here, but rather closer to the once-city of Hessalia."
  232. (Yiel)
  233. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  234. 13:29] "Follow you around? I'd be more than happy to follow you around, and learn from you. I'm sure I'll learn a lot from you during this trial!! I think that's what it might be. I'll think of more question while we travel around if you don't mind.
  236. I just like putting my like putting my time into some productive instead of walking around aimlessly, but if you don't mind I'll be like your little shadow."
  238. Andrew put decided to shadow the girl, and learn about her daily duties while trying understand the stars. The young boy had his studies plus this, and he'd finish them all in a timely manner.
  240. "What are your plans for today?" he asked her "Maybe I can follow you around?"
  241. (Andrew Mercia)
  242. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  243. [13:41] That teenager gives a gentle, permissive nod towards the other at his notion! Waiting for the other's thought, she gives a soft hum of consideration;
  245. "Ah. Most of what I do is move about and speak with members of the community, between times in which I pray, meditate, and study. I'm considering getting a staff and perhaps armor made for myself - mostly feeling around for who would be willing to do such, today. You can most certainly follow me around, however. There's another youth who may be able to meet me today that also wishes for insight into the stars."
  247. Such information given, she gazes up at the stars, a soft hum of contemplation had!
  248. (Yiel)
  249. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  251. [13:45] Andrew nods he wouldn't mind that one bit, and he'd be able to learn a lot from her during her task.
  253. "I'd love to follow you around, and see what you do, and I wouldn't mind meeting another person. I could use another friend seeing as I'm pretty much one of the youngest running around at the moment...
  255. I'd also like to learn about what you do during your daily task, and hopefully join you in some of the task."
  257. He'd nod with a smile.
  258. (Andrew Mercia)
  259. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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