

Jun 3rd, 2018
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  1. Te has written the following message [Reply] | [Edit]:
  2. Can an admin come to Cruxati temple and help us out? Katzan is trying to kill me :c
  4. Katzan Xizoh has written the following message [Reply] | [Edit]:
  5. hello dante janus is trying to argue that us killing him is against the rules can we have some assistance thank you
  7. DontLookBehindYou1 replied to Te: What exactly is the problem?
  9. Te has written the following message [Reply] | [Edit]:
  10. Basically, I go to Cruxati to watch something going on with that gold chick. So then all of a sudden, Katzan picks out my character out of everyone to start pursuing. So I flee and beat him. Then my router needs to be reset so it took me a while to log back on. Once i did, he was waiting for me. I get that. But what bothered me is that out of everyone, including my characters close friends and family members. Katzan is the one to notice who Dante is. Just by his voice. And what makes this even better is that the two had only encountered each other about 2-3 times. MAYBE four. And somehow, just somehow. Katzan just knows that Te is Dante. (Te is dante's disguised name) The two hadn't even had a full conversation. And the one time Dante saw Katzan and jail. I was meme'd with an rp. A few words were exchanged and that's it. Now Dante doesn't see this man for about a year or two, then gets imprisoned for a year and physically changes his appearance cause he hasn't groomed or anything in a year in jail. Then out of some reason, Katzan is like 'Ooh I know your voice!'. So they talk on, I'm not going to break ic just to live. But for some reason Katzan has a hate boner for my character because Dante ended up being Tristan's end. Dante ain't even kill Tristan, Somnus did but yet. Katzan blames him and wants to murder him. So here I am within Cruxati, fleeing again because honestly, I'm tired with this bs reason for Katzan, a man who hates my character for literally no reason. Wants to murder him and somehow finds out that Dante is Dante when they have not interacted for a long period of time. Especially when those who knew him for a long time. Had yet to figure out who he was. So I wanna call bs and meta on the fact how Katzan knows that Te is Dante, and just leave this scene.
  12. DontLookBehindYou1 replied to Te: If someone has heard your voice or seen you before, barring very special reasons, you can be recognized as who you are. If Katzan wants to kill Dante because Dante is Dante, sadly, that's not a violation of the rules. That's Dante and Katzan having an altercation. Even if it had been metagaming or against the rules to recognize you as Dante, when you continued to act as if he could recognize you, that was consent for him to recognize you. I think you may be at the mercy of the RPB system, friend.
  14. Te has written the following message [Reply] | [Edit]:
  15. No. What I am saying is. Out of everyone in the crowd. We're talking about a full crowd of people. He picks out me and is just like ' I know who you are now fight me.' And I have yet to say a word to him. I call that bs and metagaming. And personally, I'm not a fan of that.
  17. Te has written the following message [Reply] | [Edit]:
  18. Literally looking to Sibiris, and then points to me saying 'he's mine.' and then challenging me to a fight.
  20. Te has written the following message [Reply] | [Edit]:
  21. Plus, during the past interactions. We barely spoke a word to each other.
  23. DontLookBehindYou1 replied to Te: I am led to believe by other information that there was suitable reason for him to attack you in the same scene, as well as from previous altercations, involving something about sexual advances. Regardless, I do not believe this is metagaming, and he may RPB you.
  25. Admin Pregoneutro: my literal contact with him was him speaking through a wall to annoy me at one of our 3 meets...
  27. Te has written the following message [Reply] | [Edit]:
  28. If possible, I'd like to know this other information and the reason for him to attack me in this scene. Also, what sexual advances are you talking about? Because Dante isn't like that, he jokes around alot because that is his ic. And clearly the reason why he jokes around alot is why Katzan hates him so much. So I would like to know what it is. As for metagaming, I'm not saying the reason he wants to kill me is meta gaming. I'm saying, out of the dozens of NPC's that were in Cruxati at that time. And out of the bunch of players that were around. Your telling me that Katzan, a person whose a cheiftain of a tribe. Points out some random dude in the crowd and is like 'That's Dante' and then aggresively approaches him? That's what I call metagaming. And I've been around Katzan alot before (I didn't have it in my description that Dante encountered him before) and I'm sure that these past encounters your talking about is when this happened. Yet, Katzan's hate boner wasn't so strong and just brushed Dante aside. But the second I put on my description that Te sounded like Dante Janus. Katzan suddenly points him out of everyone and claims that he knows Dante for who he is.
  30. Te has written the following message [Reply] | [Edit]:
  31. That's where I'm drawing the line and claiming meta game.
  33. Vaeryne replied to Te: [03:16] Te turns to Etsuko with his arms raised above his head.
  34. [03:16] Te says, "BIG BREASTED BIMBO!~"
  35. [03:16] Te smiles as he runs over and jumps on her. Wrapping his arms and lets around her with his face between her breast.
  36. (Te)
  38. Admin Neps: what the fuck
  40. Vaeryne replied to Te: This is literally why he is attacking you. Good luck!
  42. Te has written the following message [Reply] | [Edit]:
  43. That was to Etsuko and not Loth or Katzan. That is after Katzan pointed Dante out of everyone. And no, it's because Dante killed Tristan. He stated that.
  45. Hell has written the following message [Reply] | [Edit]:
  46. can someone give me my DG i can give you a screenshot of chance saying he was going to give it to me for my diamond patron
  48. Admin Pregoneutro: I wasn't going to attack him until he posted a big-ass RP telling about how he did nothing wrong
  50. Admin Pregoneutro: griffith style...
  52. Vaeryne replied to Te: "First of princess. I wouldn't want you to get physical at all since your knocked up. Really, it'd suck if your baby was born handicapped. Also, that means no wine. Even if its been a realll bad day, no wine. But the good news is that you should feel free to have all the chocolate you want!" he responded as his five minutes was already up.
  54. Te has written the following message [Reply] | [Edit]:
  55. And that was after Katzan spotted Dante out of evereyone in the crowd. Several people where in Cruxati's grounds. Yet, he picks out Dante and claims that Dante is Dante? Katzan only started to notice Dante once I put up on my description, 'Sounds like Dante Janus'.
  58. Vaeryne replied to Te: It is valid for someone who has met you, even if it isn't WHOLLY extensive, to recognize you. It's a risk you run, after discussion.
  60. Te has written the following message [Reply] | [Edit]:
  61. To recognize me suddenly with a hood on, different clothing, weapon, etc? As for the flee/pursue, he said it oocly, so I was joking around oocly aswell by throwing down a /flee. But he made it icly that I ran away. If we are going to count the first pursue/flee as IC. Then everything that just happened afterwards should be omitted and my character should be long gone from here. Since when most people flees. They flee.
  63. Vaeryne replied to Te: While the above still stands, the scene has progressed far past that, as you've no doubt had to confirm due to many statements occuring in the past.
  65. Te has written the following message [Reply] | [Edit]:
  66. But that can be omitted correct? I don't mind it being omitted. Maybe they do because they're dying to kill me. But I honestly don't mind since I'm tired, and I want to go to bed. I'm not going to fight this one sided battle until I am given a proper and reasonable answer as to why. Katzan, who helped me and told me oocly. 'If you change your name icly, you must put it in your description somewhere.' I was like fine. I'm okay with that, btw. We've been beside each other times when Dante became Te. Katzan has been beside him a couple of times in Crafthold. Not said a single word. Even when Te acted like Dante. But the second I throw on 'Sounds like Dante' in my description. Katzan suddenly bee lines straight for me and challenges me to a deadly. If that isn't meta gaming. I don't know what is.
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