

Jul 5th, 2015
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  1. Name: Gr'Xtryr Trur'Hyrgrull, or in Human Tongue, Grix
  2. Race: Vidreian
  3. Religion: Kirim
  4. Age: 120
  5. Appearance: 5 feet tall, Grix is composed mainly of black onyx-like crystals with cubular faces that grow off of each other. ( )
  7. Misc. Equipment:
  8. Weapons: A staff with a cubular gem at the end, broken off from his own body to act as a magical catalyst.
  9. Armor: The pelt of a griffon, draped over his body.
  11. Notable Skills: Politics, Debate, Diplomacy, Languages, Gather Information, Animal Handling, Druidic Magic
  12. Magical Specialty: Druidic Magic (Elemental)
  13. Preferred Types of Spells: Summoning
  14. Spell Components: A gathering of mana within the crystals, vibrating and different "notes" and a release of energy through a catalyst. He mainly summons components from his surroundings or brings in life to create an elemental, and himself prefers to be pacifistic rather than fight in itself, and even uses his magic more for peaceful means than anything else.
  15. Spells:
  16. Summon Elemental (Water, Wind, Earth, Fire): Summons an elemental of Water, Wind, Earth, or Fire.
  18. Summon Wave of Fire: Summons a large wave of fire to overtake the enemy. Usable only once per day. Power increases if there is fire nearby.
  20. Summon Wave of Water: Summons a large wave of water. Usable only once per day. Power increases if due to humidity, rain, or nearby water.
  22. Summon Tornado: Summons a tornado that thrashes the room for a number of turns. Power and time increases due to nearby wind speeds or storm cells. Usable only once per day
  24. Summon Landslide: Summons a landslide of rock over an opponent. Power increases by energy of the nearby earth and can pick up more earth if used on an earthen area by picking up more stones and increases it's size. Usable only once per day
  26. Command Element (Water, Wind, Earth, Fire): Use of mana to control the physical elements of Water, Wind, Earth, or Fire for effects such as moving a body of water to make a wave, controlling wind to make a strong gust, moving earth to make a shield, or controlling fire to redirect it.
  28. Backstory: Grix was born in a a large underground town of Vidreians called Trur'Hyrgrull, or City of the Black Skies. The City was deep and it was known for it's deep purple crystals that resonated to the singing of the birds that would frequent the willow trees within the lakes and swamps of the caves. The city was also rather secretive, even for his race. Here they rarely ventured to the surface, other than to scout and occasionally trade their wares with caravans. However here he learned much of politics, speaking, and history. He argued much in the city halls, speaking that they should seek out of their home toward a grander nature for his people, specifically among the other races. He felt that if they brought their ways of peace and kinship they could create a much more lasting peace on the surface. After many years (at least to lesser lived life) he decided to leave his village and seek out other people to learn other cultures and bring back to his people their ways and to bring his ways to others.
  31. Family: Never knew much of his family, as most vidreians.
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