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Jan 15th, 2017
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  5. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  7. Channel ID: -81503810
  8. Channel Name: Private Chat (alone)
  9. Listener: Gobbins
  10. Session started: 2017.01.02 00:11:35
  11. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  13. [ 2017.01.02 00:11:40 ] Karin Yang > hi
  14. [ 2017.01.02 00:11:41 ] Gobbins > Hi
  15. [ 2017.01.02 00:11:54 ] Gobbins > AMEC did not change their window
  16. [ 2017.01.02 00:12:03 ] Gobbins > so sotiyo can be hit in 1 day 17 hrs
  17. [ 2017.01.02 00:12:12 ] Karin Yang > good
  18. [ 2017.01.02 00:14:37 ] Karin Yang > so I guess Perimeter - Free Trade City 0%,full research (Brychtus Industries) this is the first one?
  19. [ 2017.01.02 00:15:09 ] Gobbins > yes and the other one
  20. [ 2017.01.02 00:16:46 ] Gobbins > the Omega 54% one
  21. [ 2017.01.02 00:17:05 ] Karin Yang > yes, I am looking at it too
  22. [ 2017.01.02 00:17:07 ] Karin Yang > 16hrs
  23. [ 2017.01.02 00:18:11 ] Gobbins > ok then
  24. [ 2017.01.02 00:18:20 ] Gobbins > do you wanna plan the next moves?
  25. [ 2017.01.02 00:19:01 ] Karin Yang > seems that you have a plan?
  26. [ 2017.01.02 00:19:29 ] Gobbins > yeah my plan is to kill all those other fortizars
  27. [ 2017.01.02 00:19:32 ] Gobbins > raise your tax
  28. [ 2017.01.02 00:19:35 ] Gobbins > and split the income
  29. [ 2017.01.02 00:19:43 ] Gobbins > pretty much what we discussed yesterday
  30. [ 2017.01.02 00:20:18 ] Karin Yang > yes, I agreed with that plan
  31. [ 2017.01.02 00:20:28 ] Karin Yang > I also think of the limit we can push
  32. [ 2017.01.02 00:20:41 ] Gobbins > right now is your tax on 0.1 or 0.0 ?
  33. [ 2017.01.02 00:20:56 ] Karin Yang > 0.1
  34. [ 2017.01.02 00:22:03 ] Gobbins > ok, can you raise it further right now?
  35. [ 2017.01.02 00:22:07 ] Gobbins > or is there competition
  36. [ 2017.01.02 00:22:55 ] Karin Yang > there is competition, I mailed those 7 (now 6) are having 0.1% too. I can keep my customer when I have same rate, but not higher
  37. [ 2017.01.02 00:23:58 ] Gobbins > would you benefit from the wardec being dropped right now, or does it make no difference?
  38. [ 2017.01.02 00:24:42 ] Karin Yang > actually trading volume dropped, they are afraid of having to move
  39. [ 2017.01.02 00:24:46 ] Karin Yang > and the fake timer
  40. [ 2017.01.02 00:25:26 ] Gobbins > so would you benefit?
  41. [ 2017.01.02 00:25:48 ] Gobbins > do you want me to drop the wardec?
  42. [ 2017.01.02 00:25:49 ] Karin Yang > no,
  43. [ 2017.01.02 00:25:56 ] Karin Yang > wait
  44. [ 2017.01.02 00:26:02 ] Karin Yang > you mean drop the wardec
  45. [ 2017.01.02 00:26:03 ] Gobbins > ?
  46. [ 2017.01.02 00:26:14 ] Karin Yang > I didn't understand what you say
  47. [ 2017.01.02 00:26:21 ] Gobbins > yes, I can drop the wardec now but I would like something in return
  48. [ 2017.01.02 00:26:39 ] Karin Yang > like?
  49. [ 2017.01.02 00:27:12 ] Gobbins > a few things I had in mind
  50. [ 2017.01.02 00:27:28 ] Gobbins > the main one is, I want 50% of your profits during this week, I think that is fair
  51. [ 2017.01.02 00:28:03 ] Karin Yang > that's too big,
  52. [ 2017.01.02 00:28:04 ] Gobbins > I can drop the dec, and then next Monday we check your profits and split 50 50
  53. [ 2017.01.02 00:28:25 ] Karin Yang > Actually, I don't want you to drop war now
  54. [ 2017.01.02 00:28:50 ] Karin Yang > it makes me more suspect
  55. [ 2017.01.02 00:29:05 ] Gobbins > you said yesterday you were willing to split profits - I offered 20 80 (you-me) but starting with a (50-50)
  56. [ 2017.01.02 00:29:40 ] Karin Yang > yes, sure, that agreement still there
  57. [ 2017.01.02 00:29:49 ] Gobbins > so whats the problem?
  58. [ 2017.01.02 00:30:10 ] Karin Yang > time, you agreed to delay the split untill you killed them
  59. [ 2017.01.02 00:31:02 ] Gobbins > fair enough
  60. [ 2017.01.02 00:31:20 ] Gobbins > then what would you be willing to offer in return for the wardec to be dropped? for this week
  61. [ 2017.01.02 00:32:05 ] Karin Yang > like I said, I don't want you to drop the war
  62. [ 2017.01.02 00:32:18 ] Gobbins > rgr
  63. [ 2017.01.02 00:32:21 ] Gobbins > why not?
  64. [ 2017.01.02 00:32:36 ] Karin Yang > drop when I raise tax and start to share income with you
  65. [ 2017.01.02 00:32:40 ] Gobbins > you said volume went down
  66. [ 2017.01.02 00:32:53 ] Karin Yang > yes, a little, acceptable
  67. [ 2017.01.02 00:33:42 ] Gobbins > what benefit do you have from keeping the war going?
  68. [ 2017.01.02 00:33:53 ] Gobbins > I dont mind either way but I am trying to understand
  69. [ 2017.01.02 00:34:35 ] Karin Yang > others opinion, maybe, currently they don't know what's going on there, I don't want them to know this too early
  70. [ 2017.01.02 00:34:59 ] Karin Yang > I just think it's not bad
  71. [ 2017.01.02 00:35:21 ] Karin Yang > may not actually bring me some benefit
  72. [ 2017.01.02 00:36:09 ] Gobbins > ok rgr
  73. [ 2017.01.02 00:36:09 ] Karin Yang > if you drop the war, some may think I have an agreement with you, some may think I hired you, so I become the target
  74. [ 2017.01.02 00:36:34 ] Gobbins > you could do what the azbel guy did tho
  75. [ 2017.01.02 00:36:49 ] Gobbins > with a surrender offer, people will just assume you paid to be left alone
  76. [ 2017.01.02 00:37:03 ] Gobbins > might make it easier to convince other fortizars to also fold
  77. [ 2017.01.02 00:37:03 ] Karin Yang > I can't set it private though
  78. [ 2017.01.02 00:37:35 ] Gobbins > mmm
  79. [ 2017.01.02 00:37:59 ] Karin Yang > they may ask, why karin can keep it public, I want that too
  80. [ 2017.01.02 00:38:48 ] Karin Yang > and even if I will surrender to you, it will be right before my timer, not now
  81. [ 2017.01.02 00:39:16 ] Gobbins > Ok, so you dont think this is losing you / us customers?
  82. [ 2017.01.02 00:39:24 ] Gobbins > my concern is what you said about reduced volumes
  83. [ 2017.01.02 00:39:55 ] Karin Yang > it won't affect too long, as long as you close the others quickly enough
  84. [ 2017.01.02 00:40:10 ] Gobbins > well it takes at least a week
  85. [ 2017.01.02 00:40:41 ] Karin Yang > yes, you will work on new caldari one too, right? it's the second most popular citadel
  86. [ 2017.01.02 00:41:03 ] Gobbins > that comes later
  87. [ 2017.01.02 00:41:12 ] Gobbins > see the new caldari one is my other option for cooperation
  88. [ 2017.01.02 00:41:29 ] Gobbins > if I cannot make this deal with you, then I will see about a deal with mogul
  89. [ 2017.01.02 00:41:47 ] Karin Yang > 400b, verse 9T trading volume?
  90. [ 2017.01.02 00:41:57 ] Gobbins > the owner is in PL so its easy to contact him
  91. [ 2017.01.02 00:42:06 ] Gobbins > thats why I would rather deal with you and Plent V hub
  92. [ 2017.01.02 00:42:20 ] Gobbins > anyways
  93. [ 2017.01.02 00:42:33 ] Karin Yang > if you can pursuade them to raise rate too
  94. [ 2017.01.02 00:42:36 ] Karin Yang > can you make that?
  95. [ 2017.01.02 00:42:41 ] Gobbins > I think so
  96. [ 2017.01.02 00:42:51 ] Karin Yang > than I think no problem
  97. [ 2017.01.02 00:43:10 ] Gobbins > let's keep the dec going for now then, let me know if the volume is in danger
  98. [ 2017.01.02 00:43:29 ] Gobbins > the problem for you is if people suddenly switch to mogul or someone else
  99. [ 2017.01.02 00:43:30 ] Karin Yang > as long as we can raise it to 0.2%, you get 50%, I get 50%, so that 0.1% each, I don't lose 50% profit, win-win
  100. [ 2017.01.02 00:43:35 ] Gobbins > then it is hard to get them back
  101. [ 2017.01.02 00:44:04 ] Karin Yang > I will moniter that
  102. [ 2017.01.02 00:44:09 ] Gobbins > that's not going to work for me - I want 20 80 regardless of the %. But I am willing to start at 50 50
  103. [ 2017.01.02 00:44:32 ] Gobbins > you said it yourself, without killing the competition, you are mostly stuck at 0%
  104. [ 2017.01.02 00:44:45 ] Gobbins > it is unfair to only split profit if the tax is 0.2
  105. [ 2017.01.02 00:46:07 ] Karin Yang > You said we start at 50%-50%, I didn't disagree with you that you will raise them later
  106. [ 2017.01.02 00:47:37 ] Gobbins > yeah but the profit must be split always
  107. [ 2017.01.02 00:47:49 ] Gobbins > whether the tax is 0.1% or 100%
  108. [ 2017.01.02 00:48:15 ] Gobbins > and we can start from after the first fortizar dies
  109. [ 2017.01.02 00:49:18 ] Karin Yang > I think we need to get into some details, seems we have different understanding of our last agreement
  110. [ 2017.01.02 00:50:04 ] Karin Yang > a sec, too many things
  111. [ 2017.01.02 00:51:21 ] Gobbins > Ok here is the deal then:After the first competitor fortizar is killedYou share API and at the end of each week you split 50% of the profit with usThen later (1 months later?) if this is working well, we can go to 20 80
  112. [ 2017.01.02 00:53:09 ] Karin Yang > I agree with API, and 50% things, but not about the time, and how we go from 50 50 to 20 80
  113. [ 2017.01.02 00:54:09 ] Karin Yang > like you said, you're not here to decrease my interest, we're working on big pictures, if I agree with you that you can get share without boost any of my interest, for me , it's 50% loss
  114. [ 2017.01.02 00:54:13 ] Gobbins > ok what do you want the time to be
  115. [ 2017.01.02 00:54:32 ] Gobbins > its 100% less for you if we kill your fortizar
  116. [ 2017.01.02 00:54:56 ] Karin Yang > same for you, if any of us gets greedy, we both get nothing, that's why we cooperate
  117. [ 2017.01.02 00:55:18 ] Gobbins > no, I can kill your fortizar - you cannot kill mine
  118. [ 2017.01.02 00:55:26 ] Gobbins > your value is in already owning a working brand
  119. [ 2017.01.02 00:55:31 ] Karin Yang > and you can't raise your tax
  120. [ 2017.01.02 00:55:35 ] Gobbins > people recognize P V and seed plexes there
  121. [ 2017.01.02 00:55:54 ] Karin Yang > yes, that save you months of time
  122. [ 2017.01.02 00:55:59 ] Gobbins > I can raise the tax. I will get people to cry to ccp until the loophole for invilnerable markets is fixed
  123. [ 2017.01.02 00:56:15 ] Karin Yang > another several months
  124. [ 2017.01.02 00:56:16 ] Gobbins > since it goes against eve's basic spirit
  125. [ 2017.01.02 00:56:24 ] Karin Yang > yes, but takes time
  126. [ 2017.01.02 00:56:45 ] Karin Yang > wait, let me explain you why you don't lose anything by working with me
  127. [ 2017.01.02 00:57:03 ] Gobbins > during that time I am still making money by killing and looting your fortizars that you are forced to spam
  128. [ 2017.01.02 00:57:13 ] Gobbins > ok
  129. [ 2017.01.02 00:58:01 ] Karin Yang > sry, I may have a lot to say, so please be patient
  130. [ 2017.01.02 00:59:15 ] Karin Yang > say, if you don't work with me, what will you do? You still need to kill all these citadels, not less, even more, including people like me, to drive people into your citadel.
  131. [ 2017.01.02 01:00:21 ] Karin Yang > And like you said, you also need to get your people to cry to ccp to change machanism, so that I can't abuse it, another severy months.
  132. [ 2017.01.02 01:00:57 ] Karin Yang > But if you work with me, what I ask is exactly what you will do, so you don't waste any time/money on me
  133. [ 2017.01.02 01:02:28 ] Gobbins > whoever I work with, I want a constant cut of the profit - to only get a share of profit if the % is higher than 0.1 is unacceptable
  134. [ 2017.01.02 01:02:46 ] Karin Yang > sure,
  135. [ 2017.01.02 01:02:55 ] Karin Yang > I think you may missunderstand my point
  136. [ 2017.01.02 01:03:11 ] Karin Yang > You will get constant % of all income,
  137. [ 2017.01.02 01:03:33 ] Karin Yang > but I don't agree with the starting point of this
  138. [ 2017.01.02 01:04:14 ] Karin Yang > The starting point is you reinforced/close all the citadels with 0.1% in the forge
  139. [ 2017.01.02 01:04:34 ] Karin Yang > from there we start to make big money
  140. [ 2017.01.02 01:04:58 ] Karin Yang > what we are contesting now, is only small portion, compared to what we will make
  141. [ 2017.01.02 01:07:01 ] Karin Yang > I am willing to cooperate with you, is because I see we can push it to 0.3% or even much higher, so I can get slightly more profit than now, but you asked me to first bare 50% lost in income
  142. [ 2017.01.02 01:07:12 ] Gobbins > that doesnt work for me because anyone can anchor a fortizar with 2 weeks invulnerability - so it will take forever before I can get my money
  143. [ 2017.01.02 01:07:37 ] Karin Yang > so you only want to stay in 0.1%?
  144. [ 2017.01.02 01:07:39 ] Gobbins > it starts when first fortizar dies because it proves I can kill the fortizars
  145. [ 2017.01.02 01:07:55 ] Gobbins > then we raise the tax as much as possible
  146. [ 2017.01.02 01:08:47 ] Karin Yang > do you think there's a lot of difference? I think our points are not that far
  147. [ 2017.01.02 01:09:02 ] Karin Yang > how long it will take you to kill first fortizar?
  148. [ 2017.01.02 01:09:14 ] Karin Yang > two weeks, right?
  149. [ 2017.01.02 01:09:35 ] Karin Yang > how long it takes for us to raise to 0.2?
  150. [ 2017.01.02 01:09:56 ] Karin Yang > still two weeks
  151. [ 2017.01.02 01:10:10 ] Karin Yang > you may need to wait several days longer
  152. [ 2017.01.02 01:10:20 ] Karin Yang > but I insist on this is because
  153. [ 2017.01.02 01:10:56 ] Karin Yang > if you don't want to put more effort, we will never see 0.2%
  154. [ 2017.01.02 01:11:13 ] Gobbins > no, it takes 1 week to kill the first fort if all goes well
  155. [ 2017.01.02 01:11:36 ] Karin Yang > yes, you're right, but two weeks to 0.2% still stands
  156. [ 2017.01.02 01:12:04 ] Karin Yang > only one week of 0.05% ,that not big money
  157. [ 2017.01.02 01:12:34 ] Karin Yang > we can make that money in one day, in the future
  158. [ 2017.01.02 01:12:35 ] Gobbins > I will put in effort
  159. [ 2017.01.02 01:12:43 ] Gobbins > but I need to see profit right away
  160. [ 2017.01.02 01:12:57 ] Gobbins > if not I will just kill everything and work with mogul
  161. [ 2017.01.02 01:13:11 ] Gobbins > so it is best for both
  162. [ 2017.01.02 01:13:19 ] Gobbins > that we start sharing profits as soon as possible
  163. [ 2017.01.02 01:13:26 ] Gobbins > so we both have an advantage in the tax raising
  164. [ 2017.01.02 01:13:33 ] Karin Yang > kill everything takes same time
  165. [ 2017.01.02 01:13:35 ] Gobbins > and in Planet V florishing
  166. [ 2017.01.02 01:14:09 ] Gobbins > I am sorry but splitting profits only after every fortizar is dead, is not acceptable for me.
  167. [ 2017.01.02 01:14:27 ] Karin Yang > that's not my point
  168. [ 2017.01.02 01:14:52 ] Karin Yang > I mean reinforce those 7, you don't need to wait 6 days
  169. [ 2017.01.02 01:15:52 ] Karin Yang > you will finish reinforce 5 in perimeter during this week
  170. [ 2017.01.02 01:16:03 ] Karin Yang > not far away from what I want
  171. [ 2017.01.02 01:16:30 ] Karin Yang > I only ask you to attack 2 more
  172. [ 2017.01.02 01:16:58 ] Karin Yang > or not even attack
  173. [ 2017.01.02 01:17:09 ] Gobbins > ok state your condition clearly again then
  174. [ 2017.01.02 01:19:09 ] Karin Yang > there are 6 competing citadels in the forge, I need you to either pursuade them to raise tax, or keep private, or unanchor, or destroy them. from the point the last one can't stop me raise my tax, I will share my API and all income with you
  175. [ 2017.01.02 01:20:01 ] Karin Yang > destroy(reinforce twice)
  176. [ 2017.01.02 01:20:13 ] Karin Yang > so that they can't have market module
  177. [ 2017.01.02 01:20:53 ] Karin Yang > it will only take two weeks at most
  178. [ 2017.01.02 01:21:45 ] Gobbins > no
  179. [ 2017.01.02 01:21:53 ] Gobbins > I am sorry but you will have to share api and profits before that
  180. [ 2017.01.02 01:22:09 ] Gobbins > if that doesn't work, a fixed amount of isk might be ok instead
  181. [ 2017.01.02 01:22:24 ] Gobbins > but I need to see money from you by the start of next week if this is to work
  182. [ 2017.01.02 01:22:28 ] Karin Yang > how much
  183. [ 2017.01.02 01:22:34 ] Gobbins > 50%
  184. [ 2017.01.02 01:22:48 ] Gobbins > or you mean how much isk?
  185. [ 2017.01.02 01:22:58 ] Karin Yang > I mean how much isk
  186. [ 2017.01.02 01:23:11 ] Karin Yang > I don't quite understand why you insist on this, can you tell me reason
  187. [ 2017.01.02 01:23:39 ] Gobbins > going by market volume, while you have 0.1 % tax you are make 160 bil a monththat's about 40bil a week; 50% of that is 20 bil
  188. [ 2017.01.02 01:24:17 ] Gobbins > if my estimate is too high you can easily prove me wrong by showing me your wallet transaction / api
  189. [ 2017.01.02 01:24:46 ] Gobbins > but I am going by the public numbers that I can see ingame, and that's not accounting all the buyorder tax that you are also making
  190. [ 2017.01.02 01:25:19 ] Karin Yang > can I know how do you come up this 160b
  191. [ 2017.01.02 01:25:21 ] Karin Yang > number
  192. [ 2017.01.02 01:25:51 ] Karin Yang > or some formula?
  193. [ 2017.01.02 01:27:24 ] Gobbins > when you look at info ingame
  194. [ 2017.01.02 01:27:44 ] Karin Yang > info? info of plex or what?
  195. [ 2017.01.02 01:28:55 ] Gobbins > ingame, price history
  196. [ 2017.01.02 01:28:59 ] Gobbins > you can see daily volume
  197. [ 2017.01.02 01:29:05 ] Gobbins > you can even export it
  198. [ 2017.01.02 01:29:20 ] Karin Yang > yes, daily volume of whole region
  199. [ 2017.01.02 01:29:43 ] Karin Yang > it won't tell you it's sold in jita or any citadel
  200. [ 2017.01.02 01:29:59 ] Gobbins > all the buy orders are in your citadel man
  201. [ 2017.01.02 01:30:07 ] Gobbins > the plexes physically
  202. [ 2017.01.02 01:30:09 ] Gobbins > check the market
  203. [ 2017.01.02 01:31:01 ] Karin Yang > assume I get 100% of buy orders
  204. [ 2017.01.02 01:31:44 ] Karin Yang > and also assume buy order = total volume / 2
  205. [ 2017.01.02 01:31:59 ] Gobbins > why &2
  206. [ 2017.01.02 01:32:02 ] Gobbins > /slash: /2
  207. [ 2017.01.02 01:32:05 ] Gobbins > why &2
  208. [ 2017.01.02 01:32:16 ] Gobbins > * /2
  209. [ 2017.01.02 01:32:36 ] Karin Yang > because buy + sell = total volume, people will only set one order for one transaction
  210. [ 2017.01.02 01:32:50 ] Karin Yang > that's 3800*0.9/2=1.7Trillion per day
  211. [ 2017.01.02 01:33:03 ] Karin Yang > so 1.7b profit from PLEX
  212. [ 2017.01.02 01:33:03 ] Gobbins > everytime someone is selling, they pay a tax dont they?
  213. [ 2017.01.02 01:33:09 ] Gobbins > volume is transactions
  214. [ 2017.01.02 01:33:20 ] Gobbins > everytime a transaction happens, theres a seller thats paying a tax
  215. [ 2017.01.02 01:33:27 ] Karin Yang > tax goes to ccp
  216. [ 2017.01.02 01:33:40 ] Gobbins > tax + fee
  217. [ 2017.01.02 01:33:45 ] Gobbins > fee goes to you
  218. [ 2017.01.02 01:34:23 ] Karin Yang > yes, but if you sold plex, you will find that even if citadel is 10m or 20m cheaper than jita, jita still sells much faster
  219. [ 2017.01.02 01:34:39 ] Karin Yang > it's cheeper because not many people are buying them
  220. [ 2017.01.02 01:34:40 ] Gobbins > I can see the plexes on market
  221. [ 2017.01.02 01:34:57 ] Gobbins > they are in your citadel
  222. [ 2017.01.02 01:35:02 ] Gobbins > the vast vast majority of them
  223. [ 2017.01.02 01:35:14 ] Karin Yang > yes, they're doesn't mean they flow, people still buy plex in jita
  224. [ 2017.01.02 01:35:21 ] Gobbins > look its easy to convince me
  225. [ 2017.01.02 01:35:37 ] Gobbins > you give me the wallet api, I check profit, I see that I am wrong, we adjust
  226. [ 2017.01.02 01:35:42 ] Gobbins > you dont want to share your data? fine
  227. [ 2017.01.02 01:35:43 ] Karin Yang > if they don't flow, stay there for a week, they don't generate profit
  228. [ 2017.01.02 01:36:08 ] Gobbins > if they dont flow then why are they there in the first place
  229. [ 2017.01.02 01:36:26 ] Gobbins > yes I am sure people buy PLEX then let them rot for weeks just to get 2% more isk
  230. [ 2017.01.02 01:36:36 ] Gobbins > this is getting annoying, you must think I am stupid
  231. [ 2017.01.02 01:36:47 ] Karin Yang > sry to make you think so
  232. [ 2017.01.02 01:36:52 ] Karin Yang > It's just an extreme example
  233. [ 2017.01.02 01:36:55 ] Gobbins > if I am wrong, share the wallet API and the proof is in there - I will admit I am wrong
  234. [ 2017.01.02 01:37:12 ] Gobbins > you refuse to share the evidence AND try to convince me theres no volume
  235. [ 2017.01.02 01:37:46 ] Gobbins > remember 30 min ago when you were arguing about using you instead of mogul? and you mentioned volume
  236. [ 2017.01.02 01:37:56 ] Gobbins > you cant brag about your volume there, and deny it here
  237. [ 2017.01.02 01:38:10 ] Gobbins > I KNOW you are making great money, that's why I want to work with you
  238. [ 2017.01.02 01:38:26 ] Gobbins > if you didn't, then i wouldnt waste my time and I would just harvest your citadels for loot
  239. [ 2017.01.02 01:38:40 ] Gobbins > or try to ransom - like I am doing with the others
  240. [ 2017.01.02 01:39:01 ] Karin Yang > kk, I get your point
  241. [ 2017.01.02 01:39:12 ] Karin Yang > maybe we shall talk about raising rate first
  242. [ 2017.01.02 01:39:33 ] Karin Yang > this topic is getting too hot, I don't know how to explain to you now, need some time
  243. [ 2017.01.02 01:40:05 ] Karin Yang > basicly, we were repeating yesterdays discussion
  244. [ 2017.01.02 01:40:28 ] Karin Yang > so let's talk about something new? How would you raise the rate in the future
  245. [ 2017.01.02 01:40:53 ] Karin Yang > we have agreed on 50% during first month
  246. [ 2017.01.02 01:40:56 ] Karin Yang > right?
  247. [ 2017.01.02 01:43:24 ] Karin Yang > are you still there?
  248. [ 2017.01.02 01:43:56 ] Karin Yang > ok, since you're not typing, let me answer some of these questions.
  249. [ 2017.01.02 01:46:03 ] Karin Yang > 1. 30mins ago, I bragged the total buy order volume. that the number of orders * isk currently in the citadel, it tells nothing about how fast they flow, it's the speed determine how fast we can make money
  250. [ 2017.01.02 01:47:17 ] Karin Yang > 2. ok, I am not going to convince you, so I get your point, 20b per week, before next week, I will consider that
  251. [ 2017.01.02 01:49:55 ] Karin Yang > 3. our point is/was: we make big money together, but from my perspective, you're less confident today than yesterday. I dodged the topic about mogul many times.
  252. [ 2017.01.02 01:50:12 ] Karin Yang > you dodged*
  253. [ 2017.01.02 01:55:25 ] Karin Yang > from my opinion, if we can't raise rate to 0.3% or 0.5% in the future, there's not much interest for me to do it. I want to work with you, to make big money, but I want to see that you are going for that goal too
  254. [ 2017.01.02 02:02:24 ] Gobbins > I understand that you do not wish to share the API or do not wish to share profit at this time. I can respect that.
  255. [ 2017.01.02 02:02:35 ] Gobbins > I will talk to mogul and see what they have to offer.
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