
Someguy700 x SupahBoshi64 fanfic.

Nov 2nd, 2014
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  1. Someguy700 has been doing the same thing for the past 4 hours.
  2. Driving down Interstate 80, on his way to San Francisco for the winter holidays. At his homeland, Ohio, the snow was piling up already, and traffic was simply hell.
  3. He was well packed, and already entered Chicago.
  4. "Just another 3 days to go", he thought to himself, as he turned on the radio, only to reveal the song was "Da rude- Sandstorm"
  5. Well fuck, he thought to himself.
  6. Just then, while he was distracted, a car appeared right in front of him. Someguy700 SWERVED to avoid the car, resulting in him going off course and falling into a snow-filled ditch near the shoulder of the freeway.
  7. Oh great, how am I supposed to get out of this, mumbled Someguy, as he walked out and inspected the car.
  8. Luckily for him, there was no damage to the car, but to pull this thing out... that was going to be a pain.
  9. Sighing, he called out his phone and was about to call the towing service, and then realized he didn't know the towing service in this area.
  10. Fuck, now what do I do, thought Someguy700, when he saw a car pull over. The driver's door opened up, and he saw a teenage looking girl hop out of the door.
  11. "I saw your car spin off course. Are you alright?" the girl asked.
  12. "Ya, I'm fine, but the car isnt, really," replied Someguy700.
  13. "Oh, that isn't too much of a problem," the girl said, "Here, attach this to the back of my your car."
  14. She pulled out a rope and tied it to the back of her car, which Someguy700 recognized as a Ferrari. WTF, this girl is RICH, he thought to himself.
  15. However, this wasn't the moment. Now was the time to get the car out of the ditch. So he tied the car, and watched in awe as the Ferrari did its magic and pull the car out of the ditch.
  16. The girl, after seeing the car out of the ditch, stopped the car and hopped back out.
  17. "Well, here you are," she said, and unhooked the rope. She walked over to Someguy700 and said, "You should be fine now, but you're probably cold in all this snow. Here, take this Thermos." and she handed him a Thermos full of Hot cocoa. "Dont worry," she laughed, as Someguy hesitated to accept it, "I have a cooler full of them. Where are you headed?"
  18. "San Francisco," he replied, as he poured out some hot cocoa. A moment later, he added, "Thanks."
  19. Upon hearing this, the girl looked at him oddly, then said, "Oh, I'm going there too! What's your name?"
  20. "Someguy700," he said, holding out his hand, "Nice meeting you. And yours?"
  21. "SupahBoshi64," the girl replied, "Nice meeting you too."
  22. Upon saying this, SuphaBoshi sneezed. "Oh, sorry," she said, "Its just so cold in my Ferrari, the heating is a bit broken. It'll be fine once I reach Nebraska. I have to sleep in it since if I go to a hotel or something, it'll get robbed."
  23. Someguy700 then looked at the clock. It was nearing 8 o'clock.
  24. He offered to Supah, "If you don't mind sleeping in a car, you can spend it in mine. Let's get off the freeway first. That way it won't be stolen or anything."
  25. Supah seemed to consider.
  26. "Alright," she replied, "As long as we park in a 24 hour supermarket parking lot. There is no way it'll be robbed there."
  27. Someguy700 pointed at a sign in front of him. It said, "Target, 0.5 miles. Exit 160"
  28. Seeing this, SupahBoshi brightened. "OK, let's go there! After getting some dinner."
  29. So they decided to get some dinner, and after the dinner, they both headed to the Meijer parking lot in their cars to spend the night there.
  30. "Here, come in this car, it has a small battery powered heater. It's good to use inside a car." Someguy said.
  31. Supah, getting her blanket ready on the back seat, was looking tired but very happy.
  32. "But, where will you sleep?" she asked.
  33. "On the floor of the backseat," he replied, "Beautiful girls like you deserve the seat."
  34. "Awww thanks," replied Supah, "that's the nicest thing a guy has ever told me."
  35. And she threw her arms around Someguy's neck.
  36. And kissed him, not letting go.
  37. Someguy kissed her back. It was a really long kiss, full of emotion and excitement, that such an amazing girl likes him back.
  38. He started licking her lips, and then Supah started licking his tounge. Pretty soon they were tounging each other, trying to see who could go deeper in the other's mouth.
  39. Then they broke off briefly, only to enter Someguy's car.
  40. Once inside, the air was much warmer, and the wind was not breezing.
  41. And also more private too.
  42. Supah resumed her kiss with Someguy, taking off his clothes.
  43. Someguy, in turn, started squeezing her boobs.
  44. Screw it, they thought, screw sleeping apart.
  45. Also screw the cold, they though, completely stripping themselves of clothes and getting under one blanket.
  46. Under the blanket, Supah started rubbing Someguy's dick. Someguy was hidden under the blanket, kissing Supah's tits. Such softness, Someguy thought. None of the girls at my school are like this.
  47. Supah was wondering the same thing. Do any of the boys at her school have this size cock? She estimated around 7 inches.
  48. Oh, well I probably wont get another chance, she thought, and oriented herself so that she was on top of Someguy. Someguy, noticing, and wondering if this was really happening, that he didnt die in the crash and this was actually heaven, sensed what was going to happen next. He was only 16, but with a girl like her, he thought that it was all worth it.
  49. It actually happened in the next second. Supah put Someguy's dick in her pussy, and starting moving up and down on it, moaning softly.
  50. Supah felt it, that 7 inch repeatedly hitting her spot, feeling the hormones running inside her, the feel of skin against skin, so warm, yet so mystical. She had never felt this way in her life, and seeing Someguy's face in front of her again, she just kissed him, never feeling this sort of love before.
  51. Someguy, also never knew what sex felt like until now. He often fantasized about it, but he never knew it was going to be like this.
  52. He also never expected it to happen with this kind of beautiful girl, with her apple-scented hair right in his face, her kissing him, and his dick being rubbed up inside her amazingly hot body. He had released his juice within the first 20 seconds, but every moment felt like an eternity to him. His blood was rushing, and he could hear the car shaking. He felt a surge of energy, but didn't know where to release it, except on Supah's mouth that was on his lip.
  53. Or towards this amazing intercourse.
  54. Someguy started moving his hips up and down really fast, never feeling this much pleasure in his life. Her warm vagina just made it all the much better for him. This was heaven. This was heaven...
  55. She had said she's going to San Francisco too? Great, we can do this every day. I'll marry her. I'll have 200 babies with her, just so I can have sex with her everyday. His hormones were on overflow, feeling her tounge touch his, his dick still moving within her fluids... Life is too good.
  56. And it was too good. For outside, a man spotted the Ferrari and this car sitting right next to it, thought that the car Someguy owned was a CIA agent's car.
  57. The man, a renown terrorist, thought he was going to get caught today, and under Someguy's car, had placed a bomb, that was due to explode in 12 seconds.
  58. Someguy and Supah, unaware of the outside, were just feeling it, hugging, rub their hands over each other's back, trying another sex position, each better than the last, Someguy releasing his juice again.
  59. Someguy was now on top, getting ready to fuck like there is no tomorrow. He inserted it carefully into Supah's vagina...
  60. AND BOOM. The bomb went off. Both of them were killed instantly, Someguy inside Supah, both enjoying sexual intercourse up until their last second of their lives..
  61. The police sirens were going off, the fire sirens were off. The terrorist had escaped, and the fire fighters were putting out the fire of the car.
  62. And once it was out, the police had discovered the two of them's burned up body, beyond recognition. However, enough of the body was intact for them to figure out what they had died doing.
  63. So they preserved the dead body in alcohol, and to this day, it is said that the dead body having sex is hidden inside one of the police departments in Chicago.
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