

Mar 13th, 2018
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  1. <!doctype html>
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  8. <title>HabCheer - Laravel</title>
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  28. <script type="text/javascript">
  29. function initChangePasswordForm() {
  30. ChangePassword.init();
  31. }
  32. if (window.HabboView) {
  33. HabboView.add(initChangePasswordForm);
  34. } else if (window.habboPageInitQueue) {
  35. habboPageInitQueue.push(initChangePasswordForm);
  36. }
  37. </script>
  39. <header>
  40. <div id="border-left"></div>
  41. <div id="border-right"></div>
  42. <div id="login-form-container">
  43. <a href="#home" id="habbo-logo"></a>
  45. <form action="http:" method="post">
  46. <div id="login-columns">
  47. <div id="login-column-1">
  48. <label for="credentials-email">Username</label>
  49. <input tabindex="2" type="text" name="credentials.username" id="credentials-email" value="">
  50. <input tabindex="5" type="checkbox" name="_login_remember_me" id="credentials-remember-me">
  51. <label for="credentials-remember-me" class="sub-label">Keep me logged in</label>
  52. </div>
  53. <div id="login-column-2">
  54. <label for="credentials-password">Password</label>
  55. <input tabindex="3" type="password" name="credentials.password" id="credentials-password">
  57. </div>
  58. <input type="hidden" name="_token" value="Q8HH47kA9p72qWZr9kkwsb1ECs99gViiyPG8BUw6">
  59. <div id="login-column-3">
  60. <input type="submit" value="Login" style="margin: -10000px; position: absolute;">
  61. <a href="#" tabindex="4" class="button" id="credentials-submit"><b></b><span>Login</span></a>
  62. </div>
  63. <div id="login-column-4">
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  67. </form>
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  70. <div id="top-bar-triangle"></div>
  71. <div id="top-bar-triangle-border"></div>
  72. </header>
  73. <div id="content">
  74. <ul>
  75. <li id="home-anchor" class="home-anchor-day">
  76. <div id="welcome">
  77. <a href="#registration" class="button large" id="join-now-button"><b></b><span>Join Here</span><span class="sub">(It's free)</span></a>
  78. <div id="slogan">
  79. <h1>Welcome to HabCheer,</h1>
  80. <p>a strange place with awesome people.</p>
  81. <p><a id="tell-me-more-link" href="#">Tell me more...</a></p>
  82. </div>
  83. </div>
  84. <div id="carousel">
  85. <div id="image1" style="background-image: url('web-gallery/images/v3/carousel_left_000.out.png');"></div>
  86. <div id="image2" style="background-image: url('web-gallery/images/v3/carousel_middle_002.out.png');"></div>
  87. <div id="image3" style="background-image: url('web-gallery/images/v3/carousel_right_001.out.png');"></div>
  88. <div id="tell-me-more">HabCheer Hotel is a virtual world where you can create your very own HabCheer character and design your room the way you like. You'll meet new friends, chat, organize parties, look after virtual pets, create and play games and complete quests. Click 'Join Here' to get started!</div>
  89. </div>
  90. <div id="floaters"></div>
  91. </li>
  92. <li id="registration-anchor">
  93. <div id="registration-form">
  94. <div id="registration-form-header">
  95. <h2>User ID</h2>
  96. <p>Fill in these details to begin:</p>
  97. </div>
  98. <div id="registration-form-main">
  99. <form method="post" id="register-new-user" autocomplete="off">
  100. <input type="hidden" name="_token" value="Q8HH47kA9p72qWZr9kkwsb1ECs99gViiyPG8BUw6">
  101. <input type="hidden" name="next" value="">
  102. <div id="registration-form-main-left">
  103. <span>
  104. <label for="registration-username">Username</label>
  105. <label for="registration-username" class="details">You'll need this <b>username</b> to login to HabCheer Hotel with!</label>
  106. <input type="text" name="registrationBean.username" id="registration-username" value="">
  107. </span>
  108. <span>
  109. <label for="registration-email">Email</label>
  110. <label for="registration-email" class="details">You'll need to use this <b>email address to log in</b> to Habbo in the future. Please use a valid address.</label>
  111. <input type="email" name="" id="registration-email" value="">
  112. </span>
  113. <span id="password-field-container">
  114. <label for="registration-password">Password</label>
  115. <label for="registration-password" class="details">Password must be at least <b>6 characters </b>long and include <b>letters and numbers</b></label>
  116. <input type="password" name="registrationBean.password" id="registration-password" maxlength="32" value="">
  117. </span>
  118. </div>
  119. <div id="registration-form-main-right">
  120. <span id="password-confirmation-field-container">
  121. <label for="registration-password-confirmation">Password Confirmation</label>
  122. <label for="registration-password-confirmation" class="details">Just to be safe, please enter your chosen password again!</label>
  123. <input type="password" name="registrationBean.password.confirmation" id="registration-password-confirmation" maxlength="32" value="">
  124. </span>
  125. <!--
  126. <div id="captcha-container">
  127. <script src=''></script>
  128. <label for="recaptcha_response_field">Are you human?</label>
  129. <label for="recaptcha_response_field" class="details">Please tick the captcha below to prove that you're human!</label>
  130. <div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="6LciFB8UAAAAAM6KiiITkXwyur6nCjiEcrpFEdZs" id="recaptcha_response_field"></div>
  131. </div>
  132. -->
  133. <p class="checkbox-container" id="registration-tos">
  134. <input type="checkbox" id="tos" name="registrationBean.termsOfServiceSelection" value="true">
  135. <label for="tos" class="details checkbox">
  136. I accept the <a href="" target="_blank" onclick="''); return false;">Terms Of Service</a> and Privacy Policy
  137. </label>
  138. </p>
  139. <p class="checkbox-container">
  140. <input type="checkbox" id="registration-marketing" value="true" name="">
  141. <label for="registration-marketing" class="details checkbox">Keep me updated about the latest Habbo happenings, news and gossip!</label>
  142. </p>
  143. <div class="submit-button-wrapper">
  144. <a href="#" class="button large not-so-large register-submit"><b></b><span>Done</span></a>
  145. </div>
  146. </div>
  147. <div id="parent-email-container" style="display: none;">
  148. <label for="parent-email">Parents email</label>
  149. <label for="parent-email" class="details">Since you are under 15 years of age, we'll have to contact your parent(s) and inform that you have started to play Habbo.</label>
  150. <input type="email" id="parent-email" name="registrationBean.parentEmail" value="">
  151. <div class="submit-button-wrapper">
  152. <a href="#" class="button large not-so-large register-submit"><b></b><span>Done</span></a>
  153. </div>
  154. </div>
  155. </form>
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  157. </div>
  158. <div id="sail"></div>
  159. <div id="baggage"></div>
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