

May 10th, 2018
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  1. [04:23]
  2. {LOAD GAME}
  4. [04:30] By the river that ran through Cruxati is where they said they'd meet, on the 1st day of Winter. And so Sibri perched himself on the stones with his sights set south, the sound of the gushing waters like a song that kept the Dryad entertained enough.
  5. It was cold out here--too cold, and in many ways it felt like they were deep in the season rather than just beginning. Some of the trees around him had already been stripped of their green.
  7. The morning light was a mist that washed over him, and Lothuitl would see Sibri's back in her approach, the long purple hair tied up into a neat ponytail a dead giveaway. He did not turn to her face her yet--perhaps he had yet to sense her.
  8. (Sibri)
  9. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11. [05:03] A white and blue mask concealed Lotlhuitl's face from view. Though, admittedly, it did little to conceal her identity.
  13. The (once) Cruxati woman had a distinctive style, to say the least. Mythril and bone did little to cover her luscious flesh from view.
  15. This had once been her home. These woods had once been as familiar as the back of her own hands. But now? Lotlhuitl swore that the forest itself did not welcome her. Like the spirits themselves knew of her crimes, and rejected her.
  17. She'd spent the last week back in Gehennan territories. Away from Ardent. The trip hadn't been particularly productive. She'd not really thought to wear a disguise and so she hadn't truly dared to walk the streets of Cruxati.
  19. And now? She was going to meet with an old friend.
  21. Sibri.
  23. He was here. Where he said he would be. And she was standing just behind him. This was what she had come here for, to meet. And yet, she hesitated.
  25. A shiver.
  27. And not just because of the cold.
  29. Though, admittedly, it was cold. She'd thought it had just been that she had been dwelling in Tongyishan. Did the spirits themselves now even deny her warmth?
  31. "Sibri." Lotlhuitl breathed, her voice muffled by the wooden mask she was wearing.
  33. Her hands on her hips, her thick woollen cloak parting -- still the colours of the Coalition -- as her breath caught. Pleasantries felt strange, considering.
  35. "Is there any reason you chose the first of winter?"
  36. (Lotlhuitl)
  37. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  39. [05:11] After hearing her voice, the Dryad still didn't turn around to set his eyes on her. He remained perched against the stony shore, as still as could be, and a few seconds of silence followed her question.
  41. Then a single petal fell down infront of her, like a snowflake drifting from the clouds above. It was a pale, sickly blue, but beautiful in its own way.
  43. "...Lothuitl. It has been some time. Keh-keh." It left him in a raspy kind of whisper, and immediately after she would feel a vine wrapping around her ankle. It was the same color as the petal, and thorned- each a barb wire that pricked into her squeeze in a light squeeze.
  45. Sibri still didn't move. The force the tentacle exerted didn't indicate a battle to come, but could be taken as a light threat--or maybe this was just his way of hugging her in greeting.
  47. "Because it is my season, and it will be a long one. Keeeh."
  49. Finally did he rise--lifting up to stand tallat 6'3". The Dryad turned and faced them then, and not much had changed aside from his face narrowing out more in adulthood. There was a change at the pit of his stare too--no longer did they burn with energy, but they were cold and almost intimidating, despite the familiar crooked grin beneath them.
  51. "--You have been well, I take it?" His eyes took her in then, trailing down her body, almost tasting her. His lips parted slightly in surprise and he bit his bottom lip, then looked back to her eyes.
  52. (Sibri)
  53. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  55. [05:31] A petal.
  57. Lotlhuitl's green eyes had tracked its motion, one of her delicate hands stretching out to catch it on an upturned palm. Soft.
  59. The Nagual's ears had slowly pricked forward, her gaze softening behind the mask. And then the vine. "Gah," Lotlhuitl had hissed in surprise, despite herself, hands rising up to tilt the bottom of her mask upwards as she looked down at what had grabbed her.
  61. It wasn't a conscious decision. Just impulse, a reaction. But it had set her somewhat on edge. Her fluffy tail twitched, flicking out as the thorns dug into her ankle. An ankle which bore old, faint scars (which the Nagual couldn't help remembering were caused by plant magic!).
  63. Uneasy, Lotlhuitl had looked up at Sibri just as he turned. She didn't know what he meant by his season. And she didn't know what to say about being well. The woman had looked at him from under her mask for a moment, before she let the rune-carved wood fall back against her face.
  65. "I've been better." The woman's tone was terse. Withering. "I've never really been good at small talk, Sibri. I came to beg for your help." Begging. Again. She hated it. An odd glimmer of energy rose from the woman, an with it, the strangest sense that Lotlhuitl was surrounded by reflections which had no right to exist.
  67. She still didn't know Xoconan was dead. She didn't know anything about how the battle at Ardent had gone.
  69. "So that's what this is. Please. Help me."
  70. (Lotlhuitl)
  71. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  73. [05:38] It was an unusual sensation that hit him when he heard her pleading voice--like the satisfaction of the words were battling against genuine worry--and it took away the faint grin from his lips when he heard it, something of thoughtfulness brewing ithin his features instead. She would be spared the vine that pricked around her ankle, and it detangled with a motion of his hand.
  75. "...No. She is not your prey. Keeh."
  76. Who was he speaking to?
  78. Stepping toward Lothuitl, and closing the distance between them, Sibri stood directly infront with the chill of his body easily felt against her bare skin. He watched her with a sense of conflict and weariness, but soon enough lifted his hand up to place on her shoulder in a comforting squeeze.
  80. "...Go on. Keh. What do you need help for?"
  81. (Sibri)
  82. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  84. [06:22] The thorns had dug into her ankle. Enough to draw blood. Lotlhuitl didn't move as the vine detangled. Her gaze didn't shift. She was still staring at the dryad. The feline mask hid the majority of her face from view. But truthfully, the Nagual was so terrible at concealing her emotions, it was highly likely that Sibri would be able to work out the anguish, the fear, the anger. The utter hopeless yearning.
  86. Who was he speaking to?
  88. The Nagual shivered. Cold. Even before Sibri closed the distance between them. She looked up at him. She exhaled. Another shiver. The hair at the nape of her neck prickled, her fluffy tail bristling ever so slightly. She didn't move away from him. She was warm. Though, decidedly feeling less so as his hand squeezed her bare shoulder.
  90. Mana spiked within her at his touch.
  92. "Xoconan, he--"
  94. Lotlhuitl swallowed. Reached a hand up and removed the mask from her face. Let it dangle from a string from her fingertips. "He betrayed me. Broke his oaths to me. Went insane. He was going to kill me." She was skimming over a few of the details, but what she said she believed.
  96. Yeah. She really didn't know.
  98. Didn't know that Xoconan was dead.
  100. Didn't know that her husband had already slain one of her sons.
  102. "He's going to kill our children."
  103. (Lotlhuitl)
  104. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  106. [06:30] Despite having asked the question himself, there was a knowing look in Sibri's eyes as if he knew what she was going to say before her lips opened. He had sat beside Xoconan and heard it from him firsthand--he had read the details of her details and understood the feud in full. But he wanted to hear her say it, see it in her voice...
  108. The fear. The helplessness. Sibri swallowed a lump in his throat, and the tip of his tongue moved to dab at his dry bottom lip then.
  110. His other hand met the opposite shoulder, squeezing just as tightly. His hands were as cold as the weather. In a slow lean toward her, there were was only a few inches of space between their face- and the thin, straight line that Sibri's lips were in shifted into a curve.
  112. A small smile. His eyes looked even bigger and rounder up close, and he whispered it to her...--
  113. "Xoconan was killed in the battle. Keh-keh-keh. You do not need to fear him anymore, Lothuitl."
  114. (Sibri)
  115. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  117. [06:51] Tension rose within the Nagual as Sibri swallowed. Licked his lips. Her ears threatened to pin backwards, twitching as she struggled to remain composed.
  119. Lotlhuitl had shivered as Sibri reached out and grabbed her shoulder. Shivered again as Sibri whispered again.
  121. Xoconan was dead.
  123. His hands were cold. The Nagual was silent. Stunned. A tremor running through her body as she began to comprehend the meaning of the Dryad's words. This was NOT what she expected. A dull ache rose within her. Grief? Lotlhuitl's green eyes scanned Sibri's. Scanned his face.
  125. A smile.
  127. Lotlhuitl STARED.
  129. Xoconan was dead.
  131. Oh, Lotlhuitl. You'd wanted to kill him. Lotlhuitl had been holding her breath. The Nagual exhaled, the corrupted mana within her surging. Reflections suddenly shining in ones peripheral vision. Reflections where none ought to be. Like shards of broken mirror.
  133. "Who killed him."
  135. Cold.
  137. Envy.
  138. (Lotlhuitl)
  139. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  141. [06:58] Sibri slowly tilted away from Lothuitl when the wave of corruption flooded off of her, his digits peeling back. Curiosity took ahold of him and he watched carefully for a moment, delaying her answer, with both of his hands shifting to his back.
  142. He had a neutral look when he spoke, his tone plain and to the point.
  144. "The tree kaor in ardent, keeh... Noxim. The battle was close--many died on either side, but the Coalition was forced out in the end, unable to subdue the rebels. Keeeeh."
  146. The Dryad watched her as he gave them the answer to her question, and one hand left to rise up, bringing the back of his fingers against her cheek hesitantly. A tender stroke if she'd allow it. "...You won't do anything silly now, will you?"
  147. (Sibri)
  148. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  150. [07:09] "Noxim?! Lotlhuitl exclaimed, her surprise and anger palpable. Her fluffy tail twitched, ears flicking back.
  152. Oh. She did NOT like hearing that.
  154. The Nagual threatened to become visibly agitated, lips peeling back as she grit her teeth. Her hands had already clenched into fists, but now, her grip was tight enough to almost make her hands ache and the mythril creak.
  156. Until, that is, the dryad brought his hand up. Her expression softened, though, the woman still didn't look exactly happy. Though, to be fair, one might get the feeling that Lotlhuitl wasn't the happy sort of woman.
  158. She tilted her head. Hesitated, before leaning in to his touch. Cold. She shivered.
  160. "Nothing silly." She breathed, gaze suddenly evasive.
  162. She bit her bottom lip.
  164. Lotlhuitl really was a terrible liar.
  167. (Lotlhuitl)
  168. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  170. [07:17] Each stroke of his fingers moved on a downward diagonal, toward her lips, brushing the top one a few times before they left her skin, a pensive stare on the Nagual. Sibri shook his head slowly and then straightened out, his narrow chin tipping back with his pink-eyed stare down on Lothuitl.
  172. "I intend to leave Aetherius, and the Cruxati, keeeh. And live in the forest--I've found a lovely grove that I'll make my home..."
  174. Sibri paused for a moment before continuing, "With Xocnan, dealt with--... Keeeh. --You do not need me." There was a touch of hurt in his tone, a slight frown on his lips, but the subtle bubbling irritation did well to hide it.
  175. (Sibri)
  176. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  178. [07:28] Lotlhuitl exhaled. Her breath condensing in the cold. She was shivering, her ears pricked forward, colour rising to her rich brown skin.
  180. Her lips had parted as he stroked her face, brushed against her top lip.
  182. Cold.
  184. The Nagual met his stare with one of her own, viewing the dryad from beneath long, dark lashes.
  186. "Leave Aetherius? Leave the Cruxati?" She repeated, surprised. The unasked question was what, why?
  188. Ears twitching, suppressing shivers, Lotlhuitl had continued to regard the dryad. He didn't think she needed him. Ahaha. Sibri didn't know how pathetic she was! Her tail twitched. And, perhaps unfortunately, a humourless chuckle rolled from her lips.
  190. "I suppose I don't, if you plan on just living out the rest of your years alone in peace and harmony in isolation and solitude within some secret glade in the depths of the forest."
  192. But to say that she didn't need him at all?
  194. Even now, she was nothing like Dmex. Even now, Lotlhuitl wasn't free.
  195. (Lotlhuitl)
  196. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  198. [07:36] The laughter felt insulting, and it had him wince some with irritation, Sibri's chin tilted bac further, and his chest instinctively puffed out just a tad with his arms firm at his side, his frown deepening.
  200. "Not in peace and harmony, no, keeh. There are things I must do there, that I can only do there. But I will fight in the battles to come if they call to me... Keh."
  202. "--and I won't be alone. The spirits will dance around me, keh-keh, as well as their acolytes who wish to learn..."
  204. "...And someone else, too."
  206. Sibri took a sudden step forward then, and all distance between them closed with his lean in- the Dryad's chest pressed to hers, squishing against her soft upper half with both of his hands squeezing down into her hips, nails digging inwards.
  208. He moved toward her lips, but before they touched in a kiss he changed direction and whispered into her ear instead, fingers drifting- against her tail, then up the curve of her spine...
  210. "--Someone to do. These things with. Keeh. To hold, to protect..."
  212. "A mate."
  214. The way he spoke--it was almost like he was asking her to be with him, but...--
  216. "She is called Ariana. A sweet girl. Kehkehkeh."
  217. (Sibri)
  218. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  220. [07:53] Not in peace and harmony?
  222. Lotlhuitl had turned her face slightly, though she still did peer up at Sibri from beneath long, dark eyelashes as he spoke.
  224. There was something building within her. A yearning sensation. Another exhale, breath hanging in the air between them, as Sibri spoke of not being alone. Of spirits dancing.
  226. And someone else?
  228. THAT had her full attention. Lotlhuitl gasped as he took his sudden step, as his chest pressed against hers. As his hands ran down her sides, sliding down to her hips. As his nails dug into her soft flesh.
  230. Another shaky breath hung in the air between them, her green gaze wide, a blush at her cheeks as he leant in - she thought for a kiss.
  232. Her lips parted, surprised.
  234. He felt cold against her. Her flesh was soft, warm. Her tail, her ears, fluffy. He wrought a shiver from her flesh as he touched her. Someone to do these things with? To hold, to protect? Clearly, Lotlhuitl for a second made the mistake of thinking that SHE was that SOMEONE. A mate? "Nn," she whimpered softly, hands twitching as she tried to work out if she wanted to claw Sibri, embrace him, or both.
  236. And then she stiffened.
  238. "Ariana." She said. The blush at her cheeks continued to build, though now the source was distinctly less amorous. Cold anger. "Ariana." She repeated.
  240. "Never heard of her." Her heart was beating, thudding in her chest. If she had any idea that she was being irrational, unreasonable at the jealousy she felt that a man who she had merely KISSED once had found love and it wasn't her, well. Lotlhuitl gave no sign that she recognised her anger as unreasonable.
  242. She smiled. It didn't reach her eyes.
  244. "Well, I'm happy for you both." A lie. "A sweet girl, huh? Does this girl dance better than me?" The question was asked in an overly friendly, cheerful voice.
  245. (Lotlhuitl)
  246. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  248. [08:04] Sibri indulged for an extended moment- taking her scent in with a deep inhale, enjoying the subtle sweetness that filled his nose with a satisfied smile, before leaning back so that their gazes could meet once more. He still held her close, a single hand squeezing against her soft hip as the other explored.
  250. Tickling back and forth against her spine, up between her shoulder blades between slowly descending. The back of his hand brushed around her backside, feeling the curves there teasingly- wanting to see heat rise out of her, only for his hand to suddenly clap into her upper thigh.
  252. Sibri lifted up her left cheek with the fondle, and despite the act, nothing about him changed. He stared at her with the same pleased smile, relaxed. "I wouldn't know," the Dryad murmured back, "You've never danced for me. Keh-keh."
  253. (Sibri)
  254. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  256. [08:39]
  257. {LOAD GAME}
  259. [08:40] If the Nagual smelt sweet, it was because the forest around her smelt sweet. She had not lost her way so much that she would douse herself in perfumes (and make it easier to track her).
  261. The Nagual may have smelt vaguely of incense. May have had a faint hint of ozone (lightning magi) or blood (blood magi). Of pine (due to where she slept last night). And yet, overall: she was clean. Fastidiously so.
  263. "Sibri." Lotlthuitl breathed, still staring up at him through dark eyelashes. His hand was still at her hip. She was distinctly aware of that.
  265. The Nagual's form was willowy. Tall. Sibri was taller. And she was softer. Her long, blue-black hair hung to the small of her back. Sibri would've felt how silken it was as his fingers traced against her spine.
  267. Lotlhuitl was entirely stationary as the Dryad touched her. Well, aside from the shivers she couldn't conceal. Her blush had deepened. Anger. Confusion. Longing.
  269. Her breath hung in the air between them. Shallow. She was visibly conflicted. Some part of her wanted to strike Sibri down for daring to touch her. Another part wanted to claw at him wildly for an entirely different reason. She'd shuddered, finally pressing her tense form against him as he slapped a hand against her upper thigh.
  271. Heat rose within her, along with so many emotions.
  273. Oh-so-many emotions.
  275. But ultimately? Envy won out.
  277. Reality shuddered.
  279. "Ah, that's right." She breathed. Her eyes had taken on a strangely mirror-like quality. Light reflected from her gaze, making the woman's stare seem oddly glowy as night approached. She was practically burning up with envy that Sibri could.. could touch her like this, and even speak another woman's name.
  281. "I suppose I could dance for you. That would settle the question of who was better." A sigh, exaggerated. Lotlhuitl bit her bottom lip lightly before continuing. "But no, I won't. It's futile. After all, you're right: I don't need you. I have a sweet little girl of my own. A Kitsune I've tought all about the spirits." Anger. Jealousy. ""Sweet little Haruhi."
  283. She wanted him to feel like she did.
  285. She wanted to make Sibri jealous.
  287. Only now she would attempt to touch him. Attempt to reach out and cup his chin in her warm, delicate hand. Attempt to tilt his face down as she stood on tiptoes, leaning up as if to kiss him.
  289. But stopping short, she smiled.
  291. "I sincerely wish you all the best with Ariana." She breathed, attempting to pull away.
  292. (Lotlhuitl)
  293. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  295. [08:47] Unblinking eyes fixed to the Nagual's mirror-like gaze, almost absorbed by it, fascinated. Sibri found everything about it surreal- including the fact that his hands were on her right now, and how much he enjoyed himself. So he watched with a wanting look about him, the teasing smile unable to hide the warmth that left his own face, making him a little less colder.
  297. When she lifted his chin back, he waited expectedly, his lips parting slightly. It was clear that he wanted it--that he was all too eager to feel his lips against hers once more, but that prize was stolen away from him at the last second...
  299. Sibri smiled with that realization, wincing down at her. As she pulled off of him, he resisted for a moment, his fingers squeezing in- but then the Dryad relented, prying his hands off of her.
  301. "...Keh-keh. You will know where to find me, Lothuitl."
  302. (Sibri)
  303. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  305. [08:57] Lotlhuitl was angry.
  307. She couldn't even logically work out why she was angry. She was withdrawing. She was denying him.
  309. For a second the Nagual had thought that Sibri wasn't going to let her go. That he would continue to caress her flesh. She could imagine angrily kissing him.
  311. But he released her.
  313. The shock of being released, of not being fought for, well. It stung. She hadn't wanted him to just let her go.
  315. Well. She would just have to do something about that.
  317. Her rich brown skin shimmered briefly with a strange green light. Aberrant. Wounded.
  319. The Nagual might have stumbled backwards, but she composed herself. Turned abruptly, tail brushing against Sibri! She stook a step. Another. And then another, before pausing.
  321. Lotlhuitl, visibly agitated, ears pinned back, looked over a shoulder.
  323. What did he mean, she would know where to find him?
  325. "How will I know that?"
  327. She paused. A smile.
  329. "I mean, I would simply love to visit you and little Ariana. Well, especially Ariana. She must be very special."
  330. (Lotlhuitl)
  331. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  333. [09:00] Imra'el says, ". . ."
  334. [09:05] Not only did he release her, his hands moved behind him, fingers entwining- as if to lock them from reaching out to grab her. He straightened out, regaining his composure as he felt the racing beat of his heart thump at his chest, though the smile faded when he heard her thinly concealed threat.
  336. "Do not worry. You will know. You will understand soon enough, keeh- just keep those... Fluffy ears of yours wide open."
  338. Sibri stepped forward and stopped, though there was still some distance between them. "You will not meet her, keeh. Never." His lips pursed into a straight line.
  340. "See you, then. May the spirits watch over you. Keh..."
  342. Clearly restraining himself in more ways than one, Sibri looked stiff and still, uncomfortable. Forcing the words out.
  343. (Sibri)
  344. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  346. [09:14] Lotlhuitl's exceptionally fluffy ears had twitched, at Sibri's mention of them. And the dryad hadn't even touched them.
  348. He'd touched her everywhere else, pretty much.
  350. "Never meet her?" Lotlhuitl repeated. Her expression faux innocence. "Oh, but Sibri. I just want to see her dance."
  352. A frown. And then a snarl.
  354. "What, are you trying to say I'm not GOOD ENOUGH to meet her?
  356. At the mention of the spirits, Lotlhuitl had given her head a shake. Her silken blue-black hair tumbled over her shoulders. She folded her arms in front of her chest.
  358. No. This conversation wasn't over.
  360. Lotlhuitl obviously had changed her mind.
  362. "I'd rather YOU watch over me, Sibri."
  363. (Lotlhuitl)
  364. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  366. [09:19] The outburst startled him, his round eyes blinking with a slight shift back. It was, in many ways, music to his ears, but a dangerous song all the same, knowing well enough how sharp the Nagual's claws were. Sibri stared in silence for a few seconds before glancing over to Imra'el across the river, and he then paced toward Lothuitl.
  368. On the way, he clutched ahold of her wrist, pulling her with him.
  369. "Come-come. We will have this talk elsewhere. Keeeh..."
  371. "...For one, how do I watch over someone that's aligned themselves with Ardent? Keh!"
  373. He squeezed tighter as they descended into the depths of the forest. "And- is that what you really want?"
  374. (Sibri)
  375. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  377. [09:20] An abandoned shack would suffice, he thought, as he dragged her with, his grip finally relenting once they were inside. Sibri pushed her toward the table, huffing out of his nose and mouth, and then loomed over her, watching.
  378. (Sibri)
  379. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  381. [09:31] Was it what she wanted?
  383. The question made Lotl's ears pin back further. She didn't like having her irrational behaviour examined. Hated being forced to think about why she was doing things.
  385. Impatient, she had let out a sharp breath. Her pupils dilated, her chin held loftily high as the dryad paced towards her. As he grabbed her wrist. Of course it was what she wanted! She wanted to wrap Sibri around her little finger! She wanted to hurt him!
  387. Lotlhuitl followed him willingly. She had not noticed the dryad watching them. Hadn't cared to notice. Too wrapped up in her own jealousy.
  389. "Aligned myself?" Lotlhuitl repeated. His grip was painfully tight.
  391. Well, that was a difficult question to answer.
  393. What about Ardent?
  395. The Nagual was silent as Sibri dragged her inside an abandoned shack. It was dark inside. Though, an old runic lantern did light up one corner of the room.
  397. Even more so than outside, her gaze seemed to glow.
  400. "What did Xoconan tell you?"
  402. Lotlhuitl leant back against the table, staring up at Sibri as he loomed over her. Her pulse was racing, her rich brown skin flushed. Even with the cold. She'd wrapped her tail around her slender waist, and the tip twitched rapidly as she regarded Sibri with some kind of bitter amusement.
  404. "That I betrayed him? That I betrayed Cruxati?" She shook her head, laughed. Again, her hair cascaded over her shoulders. "Of course he said that. He grew tired of me, and I wanted to live."
  406. Lotlhuitl bit her bottom lip, stifling a groan as she arched her back ever-so-slightly.
  408. "Of course I would rather you watch over me."
  409. (Lotlhuitl)
  410. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  412. [09:44] The sight below was one he'd take in through bated bereaths, his gaze slowly moving up and down, savoring it. A small, distracted nod was given to her question, "-Yes, exactly that, keeh..." Stepping toward her, Sibri just couldn't resist touching her again, and so he did with a lean down-- his hand wrapped around her neck, squeezing lightly, "That you were a traitor."
  414. "--But," those fingers unwrapped then, and descended down, drifting between her cleavage, then her stomach, before falling flat, "-I never liked him, or trusted him, keh. You knew that much, of course. In fact--I was happy to hear that he died, keeeeh..."
  416. Lowering his chin to hers, he gave her a hesitant glance before brushing his lips to her nose, kissing the tip of it, "I've always... Wanted you..." Sibri whispered out, then meeting her mouth with his, to breathe down against her lips in a chilly exhale...
  418. The green glow in her eyes was intoxicating. It made him want--admire, be jealous of what Xoconan had over him.
  420. Lothiuitl, if she did not stop it, would feel the hand on her stomach slide down, shifting beneath the scant armor that covered their groin. His fingers slid into her, brushing against that most sensitive spot as his eyes watched her every reaction.
  421. (Sibri)
  422. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  424. [10:09] Lotlhuitl STARED up at Sibri, her breath catching in her throat as the dryad reached for her. Grabbed her by the throat. She was warm and trembling. Yielding. Her body shifting towards him, hands raising up to press against his hand.
  426. Magic flared within her as he recounted what Xoconan had said.
  428. That she was a traitor.
  430. Her ears pinned backwards hearing that. Guilt burnt within her, and she found herself unable to meet Sibri's pink gaze for a moment. "What I did, I did for Xoconan. It was foolish of me. He used me."
  432. Her lips still parted as a whimper rolled from them, plainly welcoming his (cold!) hand tracing against her skin. She squirmed. Shivering.
  434. Her gaze was entirely focused on him. Surely the glowing effect was just how dilated her pupils were. A trick of the light reflecting off the back of her eyes? That must be it.
  436. Guilt threatened to rise within her. Some part of her was screaming and laughing and hurling insults at herself. She'd always entertained this as a possibility, when the imminent death of her children were on the line. But now? Now that wasn't the case.
  438. She'd almost thought to pull away. To deny him again. To keep playing that game.. until he spoke, again.
  440. Sibri had always wanted her? "I know," she had murmured on impulse. It felt like the right thing to say.
  442. What was this, even.
  444. She felt intoxicated by the way he was looking at her. No. Not by how he was looking at her. Perhaps, by something she almost instinctively felt about him. He was envious.
  446. Now he knew how she felt.
  448. With a gasp, Lotlhuitl had attempted to wrap her arms around Sibri. She attempted to kiss him! Passionate. Hot: especially in comparison to the purple-haired dryad. She wanted to conquer his mouth with her tongue. She wanted to bite his lips. She wanted to feel him groan into her kiss.
  450. She wanted him to forget all about that stupid little girl he'd mentioned before.
  452. Cold.
  454. "Oh!"
  456. Sibri's hand slid down and shifted beneath her armour with ease. Indeed, the Nagual had leant backwards. She'd spread her legs for him. Heck, with a fumbling hand she'd promptly undone buckles and straps and had pretty much completely removed what was all but a metal thong. The apex of her thighs revealed to him.
  458. "Tell me she's nothing." Lotlhuitl said, before biting her bottom lip. "Please." She begged.
  459. (Lotlhuitl)
  460. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  462. [10:21] The kisses drew him in, lured to respond with just as much passion- his tongue wrestled against hers, and he occasionally pulled against her lip with his tongue, biting gently. The desired groans came silent and sweet, a wanting sort of moan that was eager for everything else to come.
  464. His fingers that slid against her groin and into Lothuitl, moved with more vigor as the wetness came about with his motions- just as she wanted him to exhale out in pleasure, Sibri desired it all the same, an approving glance given to the spread legs when their kiss parted.
  466. Sibri's free hand wandered to her hair, pulling it back to force her against the table fully with an eager pull. Then her ear was caught between his index finger and thumb, rubbing the soft fur. So soft, so delicate- the Dryad couldn't resist a grin.
  468. Then he heard those words.
  470. ...the motion of his digits regrettably came to an end. "-No, I," Sibri stuttered out, realizing just how... Carried away he had gotten. How much his desire had taken control. "-Lotl, this is," the Dryad's hand slid out of the metal thong and he slid back and away, frowning lightly.
  472. "I can't say that. Keeh. You-- this. I need to... Leave. But it's--not the end of it all... No-no..."
  473. (Sibri)
  474. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  476. [10:37] "Guh!" Lotlhuitl had exhaled, pulled back against the table. Groans of her own accompanied his. There was no doubt that she was enjoying this. Her soft ear flicked rapidly, captured by the dryad.
  478. Shiver. Shiver. Shiver.
  480. Moisture glistened at her womanly core.
  482. The Nagual was eager and soft and warm. She bucked her hips in response to his touch! Her tail had wrapped around his shoulders, draped around him as he touched her.
  484. Pleasure.
  486. And yet, all of it paled in comparison to the hunger she had for those three little words.
  487. She is nothing. That's all she wanted Sibri to say!
  489. Instead. He pulled away. Stammered excuses. And startled, Lotlhuitl had STARED at him.
  491. "WHAT."
  494. Indignant, her ears had pinned back sharply. For the briefest of moments, the Nagual had looked hurt.
  496. This fucking wouldn't happen to Xitlalli.
  498. She composed herself. Hid her shame. Quiet now, she breathed a simple, "I see."
  500. And dressed.
  502. The hint of
  503. pale green was threatening to build and build around her. Lotlhuitl wasn't sure, ultimately, if she just imagined this or if it actually happened: reality twisted, jolting 90 degrees, colours inverting. For a second, the dilapidated old abandoned shack was gone. Sibri and Lotlhuitl were standing in hall of mirrors, reflecting, why, all sorts of things.
  505. Certainly, Lotlhuitl was sure this was what she imagined this Ariana must be like.
  507. Cracks formed in whatever this was. Her imagination, her hallucination -- shared or otherwise.
  509. And then she - they - were back in the shack. Like nothing had happened. The green, for now, was concealed. Simmering behind a veneer of pain - no, of hate.
  511. "If that's how you really feel, why don't I just walk you outside?"
  513. She smiled, her gaze intense. The Nagual picked up her staff and then held open the front door. She gestured invitingly.
  515. She would attack Sibri with a bolt of lightning the second his back was turned to her.
  517. "Well, unless.. unless you want to explain WHY?"
  518. (Lotlhuitl)
  519. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  521. [10:43] Charff says, "Hello"
  522. [10:48] There was a green mist that obscured his senses and that around them, and for a few moments Sibri's sole focus was Lothuitl- their surroundings didn't matter, only the outcome. He grit his teeth and gathered himself, broadening his shoulders out, and instead of heading toward the door, the dryad stepped toward Lothuitl.
  524. "-Keeeh... I enjoy you, a lot, ah- this... Energy. Your... Passion," the envy that drove her, Sibri thought with a smile, the yearning, "Yet there's so much more beneaht the surface. One of my most treasured days was the one we spent together. Keh-keh..."
  526. The smile left him- a frown beneath his pink eyes. "But before we become anything, I need to break it off with her. Keh."
  528. Once more, his hand moved toward her, the back of his fingers rubbing against her feline ear. "Keheh. You have--so much life in you, Lotl."
  530. "You will be quite the handful. I am sure."
  531. "But I must go. We will see each other soon, yes-yes..." A light squeeze was given, as if to calm her.
  532. (Sibri)
  533. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  535. [11:04] Lotlhuitl wanted to strike him.
  537. Her hands had clenched into fists. She almost tried to jam the end of her staff beneath his jaw. Almost channelled electricity through it. Her delicate face twisted with anger as he approached.
  539. And then he spoke.
  541. Her anger dissipated: She remembered that day. "It was one of mine, too." This was.. unexpected. Sibri kept making her off balance.
  543. The dryad said he liked her energy. Her passion. "I.. I.. you don't think I'm stupid?" Her tail twitched. "Weak?" She blinked. Confused. "You.. you.. need to-" She was plainly struggling to process that Sibri had said he needed to break it off with her. She blinked. Eyelashes fluttering.
  545. "Really? That's why? And not because I'm too thin?"
  547. Vulnerable.
  549. Are you sure you're not pulling away from me because you think I'm a whore, she thought. The Nagual couldn't bring herself to give that fear voice.
  551. Visibly, she had let her guard down. With an audible gasp, she even let Sibri rub her fluffy ear! Lotl shivered, briefly reaching an INCREDIBLY hesitant hand to attempt to BRUSH against his face. Awkward. Everything about the Nagual was awkward right now.
  553. Her ear twitched uncontrollably, as she stared up at him.
  555. "Farewell, Sibri."
  557. Did she need to break things off with Haruhi?
  559. Surely not. What could go wrong with being such good friends...
  560. (Lotlhuitl)
  561. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  563. [11:09] A low 'keh-keh-keh' left him in a raspy giggle, as his fingers parted from her ear with a final pinch, and he leaned in to kiss thee tip of her nose before shifting away and out toward the door.
  565. "You are adorable, Lotl. Precious. Keh-keh. Like I said- you will know where to find me."
  567. And with that, he was gone.
  568. (Sibri)
  569. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  571. [11:12] {Item} You drop Green Shawl.
  572. [11:13] {Item} You picked up Green Shawl.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  573. [11:15] {Item} You drop Glasses.
  574. [11:16] {Item} You picked up Glasses.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  575. [11:16] {Item} You drop Glasses.
  576. [11:16] {Item} You picked up Glasses.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  577. [11:31] The snake emerges from the caverns.
  579. With a smaller size, Masume is wrapped easily within the creature's tail, only mildly hampering it, as he emerges from the seashore caverns. The dessicated inner airs give way to softer and softer regions of moss and mushroom, and finally- To the early morning air, before dawn.
  581. The serpent is sliding out with what appears to be a young, shenlong-blessed man in his grip, small flickers of fluttering mercury drippling about in the air, catching reflections off of the air.
  583. Following after, for better or worse, was Matthan- Seemingly disregarded by the naga as he wades out, a soft woven shirt half upon him alongside a seemingly stolen katana at his side.
  585. It didn't seem like he had seen Lotlhuitl yet...
  586. (Eiphraem)
  587. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  589. [11:32] Eiphraem whispers something.
  590. [11:35] Ezperanza says, "Wait."
  591. [11:35] Ezperanza blinked.
  592. (Ezperanza)
  593. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  595. [11:35] Ezperanza asks, "Masumi? Is that really you?"
  596. [11:35] Ezperanza says, "You seem... more mature."
  597. [11:36] Ezperanza exclaims, "Wake up! I recognise you!"
  598. [11:36] Ezperanza exclaims, "We used to date!"
  599. [11:45] Lotlhuitl was once more wearing a mask. Blue and white. Feline. Runes against her skin. Those runes were surely what was responsible for the Nagual's green eyes having taken on a distinct glow.
  601. Her face was hidden, but her identity surely could not be concealed. Not if anyone had ever met her before. The Nagual had a distinctive style. (A distinctive lack of clothing, some might say.
  603. A giant snake. No. A giant snake man?
  605. Carrying a child.
  607. Followed by children.
  609. So noisy!
  611. Lotlhuitl STARED. The Nagual was the staring sort of woman, and this sight was CERTAINLY going to be no exception.
  613. Well, what else could she fucking do? The ocean was at her back. She could run, she supposed. Or.. go for a swim.
  615. But while the potentially smart choice, she couldn't stand to look cowardly.
  617. "My," the Nagual exhaled. Hands to her sides, staff only loosely held. An attempt at looking non-hostile. A smile at her lips, though it couldn't be seen behind the mask. Her voice was lightly muffled. Again, the mask's doing.
  619. "What a wonderful night for a stroll."
  620. (Lotlhuitl)
  621. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  623. [11:48] Ezperanza quietly stayed to the side, watching everything. What a mining trip. She would leave, but it looked like a fight was finna happen.
  624. (Ezperanza)
  625. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  627. [11:49] As Eiphraem made his way out the male would follow shortly after flying a bit above them. His attention focused on the boy wrapped within the demons tail.
  629. Noticing a masked person who was standing at the entrance he landed on the ground. A few steps were taking to divide himself from the group which had emerged from the cave keeping a safe distance from other parties.
  630. (Matthan Minett)
  631. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  633. [11:50] Ezperanza says, "Um..."
  634. [11:50] A faint little hum.
  636. As Masumi passes out in the creature's grip, the snake slides, tail swinging him back and forth idly. The lightning drakan may have been out like a light, but that was irrelevant. Like fireflies, small, glimmerous metallic bubbles flit around.
  638. It seems that those in the caverns had their attentions attracted, though they had not caught the snake's interest in the same way.
  640. Leering forwards, the creature stares at the nagual. Though he had seen her in he past, admittedly, with the mask on in the low light, 'seen' wasn't enough for the sea-serpent to immediately recognize her or any such nonsense.
  642. "It seems so. Might I inquire if you are allied with ardent?" The silver-scaled snake lilts politely, head cocking at an unnatural, full right angle that might make anyone with a sensibility wince at the boneless, unpleasant feat as corded muscle gives.
  643. (Eiphraem)
  644. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  646. [11:50] Ezperanza unsure who was in danger, she made herself quite ambiguous with her position.
  647. (Ezperanza)
  648. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  650. [12:00] Lotlhuitl hesitated.
  652. She didn't wish to appear a coward, but surely a coward she most decidedly was.
  654. Her gaze narrowed behind the mask. Nagual finding it vastly more satisfying to appear bitter or even angry than to appear fearful.
  656. "Ah," she exhaled, her posture decidedly still non-hostile.
  658. The mask the Nagual wore was, well, overtly Jianghuan inspired. Lotlhuitl had crafted it herself, a blue matching feline mask to Haruhi's red vulpine one.
  660. "You might." She answered in the most literal sense possible. Stalling. She didn't want to meet Eiphraem's eyes. Why, it was as if the sight of the snake-man's head tilting made her uncomfortable! And, well, she knew she was a terrible liar.
  662. "Ardent, no." She answered truthfully. Again sticking to the literal questions asked.
  664. Tongyishan on the other hand...
  666. "I am Cruxati."
  668. Lotlhuitl REALLY didn't remember the snake creature at all, nor the children!
  669. (Lotlhuitl)
  670. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  672. [12:07] The creature had never been truly male enough as a demon, despite his gender, to appreciate Lotlhuitl's exposed form and colors, familiar as she may have been in passing. Perhaps on a more keen, and observant entity, taking the question at face value may have failed.
  674. For a moment, he smiles, and just looks at her, his mouth opening to give a go ahead-
  676. Before his brow furrows, glancing to her mask- Then her ears, with a tiny little fleshy flick from his tongue.
  678. The resemblance to Haruhi's mask, however, gives it pause, as it fully takes that in. THAT, he was familiar with. His head retracts into place- Like ropes of muscle retracting to allow something boneless to make those motions, anchoring his skull to his form.
  680. A massive, distorted hand, easily capable of grabbing a human head in one go, rubs a perhaps comic miniaturization at his chin. "Might I inquire as to his name."
  682. (Eiphraem)
  683. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  685. [12:14] Lotlhuitl hadn't even realised she'd been holding her breath, until the snake-man smiled. The Nagual exhaled, tension easing in her limbs.
  687. The right words. Hah. Xitlalli, eat your fucking heart out.
  689. Plainly, she thought she was going to get dismissed or.. she didn't know what she thought Eiphraem was about to say.
  691. But asking her name certainly wasn't it.
  693. "My name?" She'd repeated, tail twitching as she pointed to herself. As if there was someone else he could be speaking to.
  695. Well.
  697. Great.
  699. The Nagual gritted her teeth. If she was smarter she wouldn't be out here. No. This wasn't her fault. This was all Sibri's.
  701. Fucking Sibri.
  703. Sibri.
  705. And perhaps that was what inspired her to lie through her teeth.
  707. "Ariana."
  709. Sibri's little stupid girlfriend's name was the first name which popped into her head. Curiously, even before her own.
  710. (Lotlhuitl)
  711. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  713. [12:19] "..." Eyes widen. His mouth makes a faint 'o'. The edges of his cheeks furrow in the process, leaving a faint, shadowed line where his human mouth would give way for combat all the way up to his ears for consuming prey.
  715. "Kshsss!" A massive, twisted finger ending in a talon points at Lotl, hissing with a light weave, bobbing in place on his sinuous lower body, shaking Masumi.
  717. The snake suddenly looks absurdly proud of himself, hands going to his 'hips'- Or at least where his lower halves conjoined smoothly, forming a faint curve. His eyes are bright, like a child who just figured out a puzzle!
  719. "That's not right, that's not right! 'Ariana' was JUST in there!" There's so much glee in it, almost squeaking the baritone most un-intimidatingly. His hands slam together! Clap! Clap! CLAP! "I should PROBABLY be checking you, and escorting you out too!"
  721. His voice absolutely buzzes with delight. "Please surrender!"
  722. (Eiphraem)
  723. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  725. [12:22] Matthan points towards Masumi
  726. (Matthan Minett)
  727. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  729. [12:22] Matthan Minett asks, "Hey Mr. Demon mind if I get my friend?"
  730. [12:22] Ezperanza quietly watched the scene unfold, this masked lady clearly isn't who she said she was.
  731. (Ezperanza)
  732. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  734. [12:23] * You have been awarded 0.5 Roleplay Points! *
  735. [12:26] Eiphraem exclaims, "I will need to escort him out, to ensure I have done so- Properly! Hahn!"
  736. [12:30] Fuck.
  738. "Ng," Lotlhuitl exhaled, visibly wincing. She'd known her lie wasn't particularly convincing. But it wasn't until the snake-man-thing started CLAPPING that she realised just how BAD her lie was.
  740. Maybe it wasn't so terrible, Lotlhuitl tried to tell herself. Even as, well, it became BLATANTLY APPARENT she wasn't who she said she was.
  742. "Yeah, well. T-two people can have the same name." Lotlhuitl didn't sound particularly convinced herself. She steeled her will. "I.. I mean, maybe she's the imposter!" She protested weakly. Tail twitching.
  744. Oh, dig up, Lotlhuitl!
  746. The Nagual took a half step backwards.
  748. Still doing her best to look non-threatening, the runescribe had drawn on the blessings of Ixchel. Her exposed flesh slowly turning black.
  749. (Lotlhuitl)
  750. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  752. [12:32] Ezperanza says, "A Nagual? Huh. *goes to the back of the wall to watch.*"
  753. [12:32] The Sirenian ambled on over carelessly toward the edge of cliff, peering down toward the commotion, her right husk of an arm freely dangling.
  755. "Ohh. People."
  756. (Etsuko)
  757. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  759. [12:33] A hand goes to his mouth.
  761. "..."
  763. Silence, almost audible, as the individual seems to ponder this. Fortunately... "Well. You are a nagual..." A faint little hum rumbles out from him, seeming to ponder that. This is so tough. I have never had this problem before. Humans are usually so happy to declare allegiance, His thoughts, unfortunately, are completely audible.
  765. This demon was not the best at containing his telepathy.
  767. However, a finger swings upwards, pointing at Etsuko!
  769. "Are you Jianghuren, or of Ardent?"
  770. (Eiphraem)
  771. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  773. [12:36] Etsuko says, "..Nyeh."
  774. [12:37] Eiphraem asks, "... Is that a positive remark?"
  775. [12:37] Etsuko says, "Absolutely possitive that no."
  776. [12:43] Holy shit. Had her attempt at diplomacy worked???!?!
  778. Lotlhuitl was fucking GLAD she was wearing a mask. Her surprise lit up her face, but all that really probably was visible was, well, how wide her eyes momentarily became.
  780. Lotlhuitl swallowed. Gulp. Her heart was hammering in her chest.
  782. "That's right, I am a Nagual." Lotlhuitl readily agreed with the snake-demon-man-thing. She nodded most seriously, while all the time her heart threatened to burst out of her chest it was beating so fast.
  784. "Well, gosh. Thank you for doing such a great job. I'll just go head back to Cruxati." Her tone was completely deadpan. Serious.
  786. And she might have just tried to stroll on out of there.. except she saw Amoxtli.
  788. Lotlhuitl froze in place, tail bristling. Fuck. What was this damn fucking kid doing out here? The Sirenian she didn't know. Didn't give a fuck about. Fucking fish people. But the kid? It was OBVIOUS Lotlhuitl knew her.
  790. And despite the mask? Amoxtli would have been able to at a glance distinguish Lotlhuitl's identity. I mean, she hadn't changed the rest of her gear. She was still wearing, well, almost nothing.
  792. "Oh, yeah. That one's Gehennan too. See, same skin colour. C'mon, lets head back to Cruxati, kid."
  793. (Lotlhuitl)
  794. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  796. [12:46] Fingers claw and reave at the creature's scalp, lightly. His voice exhales. "... I will make sure to confront the fake Ariana should I see her again. I apologize!" He brightens. "It's alright. I understand entirely. I was merely curious about the mask- Did you obtain it during the raids? It made me think of one of the attackers..."
  798. A light humn escapes his mouth, going easy-
  800. Before his head whips around, preparing to spring up the cliff. The creature's powerful lower body braces, curling around Masumi, eyes becoming no more than tiny lines.
  802. "Please excuse me!"
  803. (Eiphraem)
  804. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  806. [12:51] Arie, as he passed by, would hear an unpleasant, loud crashing noise.
  808. The creature is inhumanly swift. A hand slaps against the edge of the cavern, hearing more people clambering up above. Was this an ambush? What was going on? His massive, malformed hands dig into the rock face, and his tail is nothing more than a whipping blur as he manages to spring himself with an agility some with legs might be jealous of for scaling rock.
  810. The muscle flexes, bulges, and ripples along his form in gross, pulsating vein-like masses as he exerts himself, grey-blue flesh distorting and pinkish hues rising to his skin as he huffs, chunks of rock falling underneath him.
  812. Smears of mercury that were floating about him are left on the rock...
  813. (Eiphraem)
  814. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  816. [12:51] Amoxtli wandered up to the scene, attacked to the sound of noise on the otherwise not-frequently-used beach. Leaning forward with interest, her upper body hung over the cliff's edge as bare, biological toes dug into the ground for suppory.
  818. She'd blink a few times at Lotlhuitl's appearance. Amoxtli seemed vaguely insulted at being referred to as 'that one.'
  820. Wind Drakan's Abode
  822. "First off, 'he name's Amoxtli." The teenager stated initially, before inhailing sharply and halfshifting. A think feathery tail, with a burst of coned feathers at the beginning and the end formed, as well as two peacock-like head-feather-antenna, and most importantly the giant, green feathery wings of a wind drakanite. "Second off, 'f course I fuckin' am! What's goin' on, anyways? Is there'a beach party of somethin'?"
  823. (Amoxtli)
  824. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  826. [12:52] Ezperanza quietly made a clarifying point, before simply returning to watching. Everyone kept coming in towards this.
  827. (Ezperanza)
  828. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  830. [12:52] Ezperanza says, "She's not part of the fourfold."
  831. [12:53] Amoxtli asks, "Eh? Me?"
  832. [12:53] Lotlhuitl says, "Who? The kid? Of course she isn't.."
  833. [12:53] Ezperanza says, "Eyup."
  834. [12:53] Amoxtli says, "I'm of the Atl, which I /suppose/ is Cruxiti now, but I'm gonna keep callin' it the fuckin' Atl."
  835. [12:54] Lotlhuitl is referring to the 18 year old Amoxtli when she says ' the kid'
  836. (Lotlhuitl)
  837. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  839. [12:54] Amoxtli is visibly growling as she says that.
  840. (Amoxtli)
  841. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  843. [12:54] Ezperanza says, "Speaking of, have you seen Mugil? Tell them I said hi. No Nyshek this time 'round."
  844. [12:54] Slides out since he isn't adding to anything.
  845. (Matthan Minett)
  846. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  848. [12:55] Wandering around to the cave, a sound caught his attention, but as he saw Etsu and Amox he stayed close to them, taking a look the creature moving around, seeing it moving, Arie stayed back, preparing for anything that could happen...
  850. "What the hell is happening around here..."
  852. Crossing his arms he would do a step back, triying to watch the scene, if needed he would try to interrupt any harmful intent..
  853. (Arie Hon)
  854. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  856. [12:57] Ezperanza says, "Can I leave? It is boring here."
  857. [12:58] Ezperanza asks, "Masked lady? Snake man?"
  858. [12:58] Lotlhuitl stared at Ezperanza.
  859. (Lotlhuitl)
  860. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  862. [12:58] Lotlhuitl says, "Kid, scram."
  863. [12:59] Deciding to leave, it was only proper that she wait if anyone needed to talk.
  864. (Ezperanza)
  865. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  867. [12:59] "Ah!"
  869. He heaves himself up the side, seeming slightly winded from the entire business of hefting himself up the side. "This size certainly has downsides! I will keep this in mind..."
  871. "Ah, Mugil. Is he doing well, since our bout? I am glad to hear he still does well. He was quite an honorable individual!"
  873. He ambles on, almost absently, as he bobs his head. Yes, ''Ariana'' and Amoxtli were certainly incredibly legitimate people, from the accepting little bob of his head, brightening--
  875. And then, he sees Arie.
  877. A hand swiftly goes to his sides, to the stolen, mithril katana taken from the coalition's stand at Ardent, the Sinkirou sigil on it perhaps obvious, as he IMMEDIATELY points a finger at Arie!
  879. "Please surrender and permit me to search you!" He wheezes, slightly, deep in his diaphragm, gills flushed and hissing out a bit of air as well.
  880. (Eiphraem)
  881. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  883. [13:00] Lotlhuitl whispers: If anyone asks, I'm Ariana, OKAY.
  884. [13:00] Lotlhuitl jumped up the cliff!
  885. (Lotlhuitl)
  886. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  888. [13:00] Amoxtli whispers: Eh?? Okay.
  889. [13:01] Amoxtli nearly falls off in surprise, but a few beats of her wings brings her back to the edgem landing softly in the grass.
  890. (Amoxtli)
  891. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  893. [13:01] Trouble! And it most certainly did not involve the Sirenian. A fine time for the wounded creature of sea to assume prior Eiphraems position, which was down on the beach!
  895. A thin icey, downwards tilted platform began to form out of thin air, something the lass stepped upon, very sloooowly sliding along it while facing the crowd!
  897. It was a wonder that ice so slim was able to support her weight...
  898. (Etsuko)
  899. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  901. [13:04] So irritating, it was simply a walk on the beach he would be doing, and them this, oh it was interesting and annoying could something be...
  903. "Surrender? I'm not letting you search nothing... Don't even know what you seek." Looking deep on the demons eyes, he continued like that.
  905. The hands of Arie moved swiftly hovering the staff, preparing to defend himself if needed, he really did not like feeling like he was begin...threatened.
  907. "Not searching for trouble, but I really don't want to be searched without a damn reason..."
  908. (Arie Hon)
  909. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  911. [13:04] The Nagual came upon a scene recognizing all of one familiar face, and then she turned to leave when that one familiar face made itself scarce. There were a surprising amount of things happening in the world, and the truly startling thing about them is that very few, if any, involved her at the moment.
  912. (Anta)
  913. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  915. [13:08] "You're from ardent, on enemy territory!" A bright, excitable enough commentary from the serpent, as it edges closer. "Would you prefer to contest? Do not worry." Wheeze! "I will permit you to ready yourself. To do otherwise would be rude. May I have your name?"
  917. The demon is clearly a bit out of breath, but he is smiling brightly enough, small, slits of golden eyes intensely staring at the descendant of the blessed of Shenlong. "I am Eiphraem, to be polite. I APOLOGIZE, ARIANA," His voice rises, to call over. "It is rude to request a name without proffering your own."
  919. "I have learned this. Please, keep in mind if you resist, I will have to be a bit more forceful."
  920. (Eiphraem)
  921. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  923. [13:11] Lotlhuitl whistled softly at Arie's words.
  925. It was perfect. All she had to do was wrap an arm around Amoxtli's shoulder -- which she would do, if the teenager didn't otherwise stop her -- and then they could just happily skip off up out of danger.
  927. And yet.. she couldn't fucking do it.
  929. Mostly because she thought Arie was a pretty girl, to be honest. And Lotlhuitl was a sucker for a pretty girl in imminent mortal danger.
  931. "Forgiven." Lotlhuitl said to Eiphraem. "And I owe you an apology too, Eiphraem. You asked me about this mask." Lotlhuitl said, tapping on the cat-mask. Addressing the giant snake-man-demon-person(?). Hoping that given some extra time Arie would fucking come to their senses.
  933. "I carved it myself. Enchanted it. I'm a runescribe, you see."
  934. (Lotlhuitl)
  935. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  937. [13:16] A sigh from him as the demon spoke, he had a point but, it looked kinda... strange for him, but he don't feel like it would really be able to trust everything, if he surrendered... what a paranoic bastard...
  939. Seeing as the demon gave him a little respect, he would just cordialy do a bow to him...
  941. "Arie Hon..."
  943. The staf was on his hands as soon as he ended the bow, looking at him, not paying much attention to Lotl on the back with Amox, triying to be ready to anything that could happen, he was getting ready as the lightning flowed throught his body...
  945. "But tell me, which ensures that I will leave unharmed if I surrender? That's my problem with this situation, not going to just... surrender, without begin sure of anything..."
  946. (Arie Hon)
  947. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  949. [13:18] "Surrender."
  951. "Unless you are particularly strong, but you would probably not consider this request viable, in that case. I am very interesting in forcing Ardent to hear me, you see." His head dips, brushing the forebangs out of his face.
  953. The demon's massive hands flex, leaving the sword at his side. He doesn't seem to quite gather the implications of the nagual's words at first, glancing behind her, with a polite nod. He doesn't inquire- It certainly sounds interesting!
  955. Perhaps it was the other way around, Unspoken, but audible, his thoughts remain. He seemed oblivious to how the tide could potentially be turned, at this moment.
  956. (Eiphraem)
  957. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  959. [13:25] Annoying, but he still... wasn't able to trust it, with the sensation of if he surrendered would be simply useless, Arie would take the other path, a stupid one he would even think, he knew how strong those things where...
  961. A faint glow of yellow appeared around him, as he slowly gathered cosmic energy, the gave of the man was fixed on Eiphraem, as he would slowly get ready...
  963. "Not really strong, but... I will take the option that seem's reasonable to me."
  965. Not really thinking he would stand a chance, but maybe he could have a opening to take his leave, he knew how strong an Archon could be after fighting Tragedy and Anaxes...
  967. "You gave me the time to get ready, if you want the first move... cause I'm not just... letting you search me..."
  968. (Arie Hon)
  969. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  971. [13:28] Lotlhuitl's arm was wrapped uncontested around Amoxtli, looking idly around at the scene at vague disinterest. The teenager simply huffed and crossed covered arms, glanced to Lotlhuitl in a confused manner.
  973. "Nice ta' meet'cha, Eiphraem. Still.." She'd turn her attention to Lotlhuitl, now, an eyebrow being raised as she spoke again. "Are we gonna go somewhere or are yah wantin' a hug or somethin'?" It was fairly obvious she was missing a part of whatever the plan was, or that she was simply confused about the concept of Lotl's actions.
  974. (Amoxtli)
  975. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  977. [13:31] There's a light clicking noise- Eiphraem withdraws the sword from his sheath, slowly and obviously- Before twisting it around in his hand, to strike with the flat. Was the creature not aiming to kill?
  979. He seems marvelled, staring at his own weapon for a moment longer, however, holding the polished, light surface of the katana up.
  981. It glittered...!
  983. Fangs bite excitedly into his lower lip, head whipping back around to Arie! "Okay! If you are ready...!"
  985. The man would not have long to react, as the creature dives him.
  986. (Eiphraem)
  987. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  989. [13:32] Lotlhutil bit her bottom lip. An action, hidden, once more by the mask she wore. Well, the Jianghuan Drakanite was not long for this world.
  991. She'd been so intent on the scene unfolding in front of her, she'd forgotten that she'd draped her arm over Amoxtli's shoulders. A startled squeak rolled from her lips, the Nagual swiftly releasing and even slightly recoiling from the wind Drakan. Awkward.
  993. "Lets just watch a moment."
  995. Tense.
  996. (Lotlhuitl)
  997. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  999. [13:34] Seeing as the demon rushed, he tried to block the first attack with the scales, he expected it to hold more damage than he was thinking he could...
  1001. As always, it would be... exciting fighting with those but a stupid dangerous feast, the first time fighting against this kin alone, and with people watching...
  1003. Taking some distance, the cosmic energy started to charge, forming a huge sphere around him, triying to keep the distance safe...
  1005. A burst of lightning getting ready, he would not go down without a fight.
  1006. (Arie Hon)
  1007. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1009. [13:42] The archon seems to take it all at a playful, leisurely pace.
  1011. He swats out with hemmed strikes, the blade carefully aimed to strike him with no more than the side of it, scorring bruises and smacking into his body. The creature's tail whips as well, scoring mark after mark. For a moment, though.
  1013. The demon seems awed by the cosmic magic used!
  1015. Pausing, amidst the crashing lightning and stellar power, the creature looks- Displeased. Hands clench around the hilt, squeaking the leather as an unpleasant jolt is allowed to rock through him.
  1017. Almost immediately thereafter, the creature recovers.
  1019. Coils.
  1021. And pounces him, throwing the blade to the side.
  1023. SLAMMING into Arie, fangs would slam into the drakanit'e shoulder as the demons' mouth splits at the seams, opening to reveal a wide maw extending up to the ears, an open, almost painful dislocation as salive drips and he JAMS fangs into the drakanite's neck.
  1025. If there was a time to get away, it'd be now, before it was too late...!
  1026. (Eiphraem)
  1027. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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