

Oct 22nd, 2015
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  1. Battle Royal for #30 in the Royal Rumble, last elimination gets #1, first 5 eliminations are taken out of Rumble contention.
  2. Entrants: Big Bossman, Bradshaw, Brian Pillman, Fatu, Fucktrain, Jamie Noble, Kane, Kazuya Okada, Mark Henry, Owen Hart, Rocky Maivia, Scotty Bollea, Shawn Michaels, Stevie Poffo, and Terry Funk
  4. Poffo started things off by going for a test of strength with Mark Henry. He really seemed to believe he could do it, too, but as soon as they locked up, he was sent over the ropes when Henry lifted him into a horrifying powerbomb! [b]Stevie Poffo is not going to the Royal Rumble![/b] Meanwhile, Jamie Noble was trying to hold his own against Bradshaw, but ate a Clothesline From Hell over the ropes. He held on, however, and attempted to skin the cat and pull Fucktrain over the ropes. Fucktrain did go over, but Noble went to the floor with him. [b]Jamie Noble and Fucktrain are not going to the Royal Rumble![/b] Bradshaw turned his attention to Owen, who was fending off Fatu. Both heels tried to team up on Owen, but they got low bridged to the floor. [b]Fatu and Bradshaw are not going to the Royal Rumble![/b]
  6. As soon as the fifth man was eliminated, everyone decided to gang up on Henry, which they hadn't done previously because eliminating Henry was not worth risking a Rumble spot. Bollea and Bossman started, with Funk joining in next, but they just couldn't budge him. Kane joined in next, and this was the tipping point, literally, as Kane was able to give them that final push that sent Henry to the floor. [b]Mark Henry has been eliminated![/b] Pillman tried to take advantage of the winded Bossman with an Air Pillman, but Bossman was too canny for him, and caught him into a stunning Air Raid CRASH! Pillman was near catatonic, and so Bossman was able to dump him right over the ropes. [b]Brian Pillman has been eliminated.[/b] Funk and Rocky got into it, hitting each other with flamboyant jabs for a good minute, until Funk tried hitting the ropes for a clothesline and got knocked over the ropes to the floor by Rocky. [b]Terry Funk has been eliminated.[/b] Bossman got cocky after eliminating Pillman and went after Owen, battering the Rocket with forearms and knee lifts, before whipping him to the ropes for an Air Raid Crash! However, Owen was too smart for him, and caught him on the rebound, hitting a stunning headscissors takedown into a side arm-hold! Owen then transitioned into a combination arm-hold neck-lock, which took the wind out of Bossman's sails. Bossman was able to struggle to his feet and dangle Owen over the ropes, but Owen used Bossman's weight against him, throwing him to the floor! [b]Big Bossman has been eliminated![/b]
  8. Scotty Bollea had been brawling with Kane in the corner, as Stevie Poffo assisted from outside the ring, pulling at Kane's boots and almost pulling him out of the ring by his arms at one point. With Poffo's help, Stevie had gotten Kane over the ropes and onto the apron, and hit the ropes for a Big Boot. However, when he went for it, Kane was able to catch him into a Chokeslam, dropping him right into the arms of Stevie. Both men collapsed in a heap as Kane started to re-enter the ring, but Bollea pulled the ring apron on his way down, tripping Kane up and sending the Demon to the floor! [b]Scotty Bollea and Kane have been eliminated![/b] At around this time, Okada and Owen were brawling in the corner, with Okada having set Owen up on the turnbuckles for what seemed to be a superplex. Okada heaved once, twice, but on the third heave Owen knocked him away with an elbow bash. Okada landed on his feet, and nailed Owen with a standing Graceful Dropkick, sending him to the floor! [b]Owen Hart has been eliminated![/b]
  10. Okada and Michaels then set their mutual sights on Rocky, hitting him with a barrage of high-impact offense culminating in a Superkick-assisted Rainmaker! Rocky seemed to be completely out, dead on his feet after that stunning finisher combo, and so Michaels whipped him to the ropes. Rocky still had some life in him, though, and slid under the bottom rope, regaining his footing on the apron! Okada ran at him, got low bridged, but regained footing on the apron as well. Rocky slid into the ring, prone, as Okada regained his footing, so Okada went for the Springboard Senton Atomico! As he went for it, though, Rocky got to his feet, and hit the Rainmaker with a stunning jab that sent him to the floor! [b]Kazuya Okada has been eliminated![/b]
  12. Now that they were the only ones in the ring, Rocky and Michaels stared down, Rocky still very cocky and Michaels trying to put on a brave front, but unmistakably shaken. Rocky shouted in Michaels' face, "HOW'S IT FEEL TO BE ONE! ON ONE! WITH THE GREAT ONE!" This sent Michaels into a rage, and the Heartbreak Kid hit Rocky with elbow after elbow, knocking him dizzy before running the ropes. However, Rocky caught him on the rebound with a tilt-a-whirl powerslam, and hit the ropes for a knee drop! As Shawn got to his feet, Rocky crouched, making the "come get some" motion with his hands and imploring HBK to "JUST BRING IT!" Well, Shawn did. When Rocky tried to snap him up for a vertical suplex, he blocked it and lifted Rocky up for the Falcon Arrow, dropping him down to the mat before going to the ropes for a springboard. Rocky got to his feet just as HBK springboarded off the ropes and hit the Trailblazer with a front flip huricanrana that sent Rocky rolling to the apron. Rocky held on, and dragged himself up, but Michaels went for a Sweet Chin Music! Rocky dodged, slipped back under the ropes into the ring, and hooked Michaels in for a backdrop suplex! Michaels was on the mat, and Rocky popped an eyebrow to the crowd before pulling off an elbow pad, emphatically waving his arms, hitting the ropes, and leaping over Michaels on his way to the opposite ropes. But as soon as he got to the other side, Michaels had kipped up, and Rocky ate a Sweet Chin Music right over the ropes to the floor!
  14. [b]Rocky Maivia has been eliminated! Shawn Michaels has won #30 in the Rumble, and The Rock now has #1![/b]
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