
Hyginus did not catch the Early Bird Special.

Nov 9th, 2022
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  2. Breath shuddered through Hyginus's weary frame. Rest did little to avail his aches anymore, but to go without it still made them worse. He struggled to rise, but rise he did, as he had, so he would. His cloudy mop of feather down shifted as he turned on himself, running over his form in search of... irregularities.
  4. Satisfied with that clean bill of relative health, his mass surged up from the tiled pit, clawing his way from it's recess. He wasn't sure what the building used to be, but it hardly mattered now. The damp air and slick stones reminded him of his old home, so his new home it became.
  6. His old home was more beautiful. More grandiose. But it was his old home. And he was not his old self.
  8. No Pokémon shall ever cross the same river twice, for he shall not be the same Pokémon, for it shall not be the same river.
  10. It would be a senseless thing to return there now, even if he could. There were new things ahead, after all. His features sunk from the wake of that thought.
  12. "And with the duo of eon, the way will be revealed."
  14. If he were half as wise as the village thought he was, he would have learned to stay wary of new things.
  16. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  18. The sun was yellow today. He took that for granted sometimes, so he wanted a moment to appreciate it this morning. It was a pale, lifeless thing when it first returned from behind the clouds, lumpy and misshapen like a newborn babe, but it shone now and he knew who to thank for it.
  20. Aeona was a strange one, and brought trouble at times, but it was the kind of trouble people could unite to stop. The kind of trouble people would meet and resolve out of choice, rather then necessity. It was nice to have that kind of trouble again, made the ruination a little less worrying.
  22. Strange times, to be thankful for different breeds of trouble, but one comes to understand with age that there is no such thing as normal times, just more and less strange.
  24. At any part of history though, one could always find a single all encompassing link. A tether between the young and old, the meek and bold, the living, and indeed, even some of the dead. The ultimate driving force of societal progress. We need to eat.
  26. If he moved quickly, he could still catch the Early Bird special at Banjo's Snack Shack.
  28. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  30. In another time, he flowed over this place's skyline like water, mingling with townsfolk for entertainment, but keeping from the ground to keep his wispy hair from gathering the grime of it's streets. He kept from them still, but for reasons far removed.
  32. Crossing town through the waterways that weaved across it eased the stress on joints, and kept him from the greater exhaustion of slithering. He thanked Arceus for it, that the place he chose to settle should be blessed with fertile black soil and flowing water, but he imagined Arceus had greater things to fret over, wherever he was now.
  34. Shaking off the excess as he tore up from the water's surface, he emerged a short distance from his destination. It'd be nice to get straight to breakfast, but he had some business to tend to first. He had been meaning to post a notice pending for any information, or even well supported theories at this point, on that "prophecy" the guilds had found.
  36. Part of him wished they could have just brushed it off, reported it as exceptionally well-penned graffiti and moved on, but if not understanding was troublesome then not knowing could be fatal. It seemed to put Aeona on edge, and if it was a threat to their Haven's sunshine it was a threat to each and every resident.
  38. Then there was the matter of that ponderous earthquake some time back. He had suffered a dream the night before, of something unnatural in the dark, something that wasn't wrought of this world as he was. Encased in a coffin of steel or... perhaps it was a womb? Regardless, he would rather have answers then questions, and as much as he faith as he had in the watchful eye of Musashi and his Stratos students, it would be folly to leave them at the gates without warning.
  40. The Mountains of Maize crossed him mind as he began mentally mapping out the notices. An afterthought, as he couldn't imagine there was any real issue in it's peaks. He had flown over it before the coming of the dark, he knew from that bird's eye view it was a damnably confusing path.
  42. There are certain dangers that come with climbing a mountain, and that expedition had failed to account for them. Tragic, but such things happen. A low level quest then, something to give novice pathfinders a chance to cut their teeth on, there may still be something valuable there however, and an outpost with such vantage would be a great boon regardless.
  44. He stopped before the Post Board with a soft click, noticing a new page already present. "The Sunspeed News", proudly emblazoned across it's top, Hyginus smiled at that. It had a certain charm, to see that old mainstay of human society finally coming back. Leaning forward to read (Hell on his cataracts), his breath hitched in his throat, before seeping out with crackling energy in unsteady waves.
  46. "...That damnable lizard."
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