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Dec 6th, 2019
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  1. -first of all install community applications
  2. To install this plugin, paste the following URL into the Plugins / Install Plugin section:
  6. ========================
  7. Community Applications = This is basically your "app store"
  8. CA Auto Turbo Write Mode = enables turbo writes. significantly increase the write speed to your protected array
  9. CA Auto Update Applications = updates your apps automatically
  10. CA Config Editor = makes editings your Syslinux Configuration a ton easier (useful for passing through graphics cards for plex encoding, or vms), or editing default unraid boot settings
  11. CA Dynamix Unlimited Width = only useful if you're on an ultrawide monitor... looks normal with it on regualar monitors
  12. Custom Tab = allows you to install custom tabs at the top for any addons or webui for plex/dockers in general... handy
  13. Disk Location = MUST HAVE for the supermicro case. shows a gui so you can track what hdd is in what slot. There is a button to blink which drive and then you map that to the picture.
  14. Dynamix Active Streams =minor addon just to check how many files are open/what drive. Basically tracks down whats being used
  15. Dynamix Local Master =Set your server to local master. Very useful on a windows network and SMB shares, since it's always on. Windows can get fussy without a reliable local master server
  16. Dynamix Cache Directories =When browsing your files on the server it caches the files/names on your server so you don't have to spin up disks to browse (faster) ***can cause cpu spikes.
  17. Dynamix SSD TRIM =Must have for SSDs, enables TRIM. (good for the extending the life of your SSD)
  18. Dynamix WireGuard =only available in the RC versions. Allows you to access your server from outside your network from your phone or another pc. SECURELY
  19. Enhanced Log Viewer =Highlights error in syslog. just easier to read
  20. File Activity =This plugin displays recent read/write/modify file activity on each disk, UD disks, and the cache in the Array. It can help to understand why disks are spinning up from read/write/modify file activity.
  21. Fix Common Problems =Does just that, will check for common mistakes in configs/dirs and fix
  22. IPMI support =Mostly used for fan control, uncheck the stuff you don't want to see on the dashboard. Displays a bit too much by defalt.
  23. Libvirt Hotplug USB =only used if you get into vms and need to pass a usb device after the vm is booted
  24. Network Statistics =shows bandwidth info
  25. Preclear Disks =preclears disks before adding to the array
  26. Tips and Tweaks = lets you change certain Linux settings that may improve performance of your server. (CPU Scaling Governor: performance makes a big difference, also disable ftp, enabling syslog if you're tracking down problems,enable intel boost)
  27. Unassigned Devices =maps drives outside the array (required for preclear disks)
  28. unBALANCE =useful to move data from one disk to another, like if you want to upgrade a data drive and move everything off first
  29. CA Backup / Restore Appdata v2mUST HAVE!!!!!! backs up your appdata/usb/libvirt(vm related) to your array or optimally to another pc on the nextwork/cloud
  32. Docker containers
  33. =========================
  34. so most of these are available from two main branches Binhex and linuxserver. I started with binhex, but am migrating to linuxserver choose one and stick with it. mixing is pain in the dick. Ignore the torrent/usenet containers if you don't plan on sailing the high seas
  36. deluge/qbittorrent (with and without a vpn)_ = torrent client, recommend using a vpn if using this
  37. jackett = aggregates torrent sites to a single indexer (not required but makes sonarr/radarr changes easier)
  38. nzbhydra2 =same as jackett but for usenet
  39. plex or plexpass =self explanitory, plexpass if you have it
  40. radarr =monitors movie requests and downloads from usenet or torrents, also renames and moves data to your movie dir
  41. sonarr =same as radarr but for tv
  42. sabnzbd or nzbget =downloads from usenet, sonarr/radarr passes requests to this
  43. heimdall =puts all your docker webuis on one page
  44. letsencrypt = reverse proxy for accessing dockers outside your network. I use this, but I've heard Nginx proxy manager is a LOT easier to config. You'll want a domain or register @ for a free one
  45. nextcloud =your own dropbox. mobileapp as well can send all your pics/vids straight to it, multiple users (use reverse proxy of choice)
  46. ombi =integrates with sonarr/radarr and presents a nice UI for you or reverseproxy and your plex users can request shows/movies
  47. tautulli =monitors plex usuage so you can track users/whats being watched...super handy
  48. organizr =like heimdall, but better, takes a while to setup each app
  49. grafana =Nice looking dashboard to monitor all-the-things...very configurable (requires influxdb, and telegraf, installation complicated)
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