
Chain vs The Producer: Round 1

Aug 18th, 2013
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  1. [20:35] <Producer> <Producer gets a card saying: Hello fool>
  2. [20:36] <Producer> <Producer gets a card saying:your a bad influence towards LA>
  3. [20:36] <Chainoffire> ehh?? how so?
  4. [20:36] <Producer> <Producer flips the  card saying: you maschoist>
  5. [20:36] <Chainoffire> I am not a maschoist@
  6. [20:36] <Producer> LA: Oi oi Producer....
  7. [20:36] <Producer> <Producer gets a card saying: SHUT IT LA>
  8. [20:36] <Producer> LA: Haiiiiiii....
  9. [20:37] <Producer> <Producer gets a card saying: Chainyboy if you want LA to succeed then LA must endure anime torture..simple as that
  10. [20:37] <Producer> <Producer gets a card saying: And I can help LA better than you so leave LA's schedule alone>
  11. [20:37] <Chainoffire> What does my anime watching have to do with LA's success?
  12. [20:38] <Producer> LA: Umm also CHain record this...up to the part Producer appears
  13. [20:38] <Chainoffire> and I don't touch his schedule, he determines is own fate.
  14. [20:38] <Chainoffire> (to LA) will do
  15. [20:38] <Chainoffire> **his
  16. [20:38] <Producer> <Producer flips the card saying: If La watches a show LA doesn't progress LA, it only corrupts LA>
  17. [20:39] <Producer> <Producer flips the card saying: if LA watches anime LA DOESN'T like...LA will grow from's LAW FOR LA>
  18. [20:39] <Chainoffire> and how does it corrupt LA? If you ask me.. you are the one holding her back.
  19. [20:40] <Producer> <Producer gets a card saying: Ohhhohohoh don't talk back like that arrgoant baka......if any these obsure animes is teaching LA a lesson in tolerance>
  20. [20:41] <Producer> LA: Ahahaha...don't need to insult Chain Producer
  21. [20:41] <Chainoffire> Well then, anime doesn't become fun anymore. and if anime isn't fun, then it's pretty pointless in my opinion. As is your role....
  22. [20:41] <Producer> <Producer's face darkens towards LA>
  23. [20:41] <Producer> <LA gets scared..saying: SORRY AL TALKED BACK SORRY!>
  24. [20:41] <Chainoffire> (to LA) don't worry, I'm used to this kinda thing
  25. [20:42] <Chainoffire> (to LA) I've dealed with worse people that this. I've traveled to Roanapur.
  26. [20:42] <Producer> <Producer gets a card saying: Then tell me CHain how LA progressed so far from baka beginnings with Soul Eater to LA's now cynically view on media as of now>
  27. [20:43] <Chainoffire> I will tell you, be sure to have LA's anime reviews page on another tab for reference
  28. [20:43] <Producer> <Producer gets a card saying: fine...>
  29. [20:44] <Chainoffire> ignoring Bleach and Fairy Tail, what is the first "longer" review he has written
  30. [20:44] <Chainoffire> ?
  31. [20:44] <Producer> <Producer gets a card saying: Fairy Tail>
  32. [20:44] <Chainoffire> (I am saying ignoring those two, because of the time they were written)
  33. [20:45] <Producer> <Producer gets a card saying: damn it hold on>
  34. [20:45] <Producer> <Producer gets a card saying: Idolmaster, shakugan no shana>
  35. [20:45] <Producer> <Producer gets a card saying: Amagami SS>
  36. [20:46] <Chainoffire> we'll use those 3
  37. [20:46] <Producer> <Producer gets a card saying:.......................>
  38. [20:46] <Chainoffire> notice the amount of writing in them
  39. [20:46] <Chainoffire> ALOT compared to Soul Eater no?
  40. [20:46] <Producer> <Producer gets a card saying: yes>
  41. [20:46] <Chainoffire> and Shakugan got what score?
  42. [20:47] <Chainoffire> 39.
  43. [20:47] <Chainoffire> Idolmaster - 10
  44. [20:47] <Producer> <Producer gets a card saying: GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.........then back at about all the long rants towards Ikkitousen and School Days>
  45. [20:47] <Chainoffire> Amagami SS - 9.7
  46. [20:48] <Chainoffire> about those.
  47. [20:48] <Producer> <Producer gets a card saying: yes??????>
  48. [20:48] <Chainoffire> school days wasn't too long
  49. [20:49] <Chainoffire> plus, I believe he dropped that anime..
  50. [20:49] <Producer> <Producer gets a card saying: GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR....shut it peasant amateur>
  51. [20:49] <Producer> LA: but it's tr-
  52. [20:49] <Producer> <Producer gets a card saying: SHUT IT LA!>
  53. [20:49] <Producer> LA: Haiiiiiiiii.
  54. [20:49] <Chainoffire> but what about Ikkitousen?
  55. [20:50] <Chainoffire> (I do want to cover all of your points, just to make it fair.)
  56. [20:50] <Chainoffire> you're welcome btw.
  57. [20:50] <Producer> <Producer gets a card saying: Ohhhh...LA detailed explained as to what was wrong with it, he' the scenes and everything wrong with them>
  58. [20:51] <Producer> <Producer flips the card the expense of LA's sanity and boredom>
  59. [20:51] <Chainoffire> right, but taking out the .gif, and the F-bomb...
  60. [20:52] <Producer> <Producer gets a card saying: yes>
  61. [20:52] <Chainoffire> he does the review pretty well
  62. [20:52] <Chainoffire> I'm not saying those were bad,
  63. [20:52] <Chainoffire> I'm saying that to prove my next point
  64. [20:52] <Producer> <Producer gets a card saying: so u agree with me...fine for a peasant to know MY standards>
  65. [20:53] <Chainoffire> no, I don't. like I said, I have another point
  66. [20:53] <Producer> <Producer gets a card saying: which is?>
  67. [20:53] <Chainoffire> you see... Ikkitousen was before the 100-anime mark
  68. [20:53] <Producer> <Producer gets a card saying: and?>
  69. [20:54] <Chainoffire> thus, before your time.
  70. [20:54] <Chainoffire> Let's look at the review that got a 0/10
  71. [20:54] <Chainoffire> Queen's Blade: Heiress to the Throne
  72. [20:54] <Producer> <Producer gets a card saying: hue don't know this but I WAS with LA from Day 1 of LA's reviews>
  73. [20:55] <Producer> <Producer gets a card saying: SO INVALID!>
  74. [20:55] <Chainoffire> AH HA!
  75. [20:55] <Chainoffire> you were with LA all along!
  76. [20:55] <Producer> <Producer gets a card saying:???????????????>
  77. [20:55] <Chainoffire> So when she watched soul eater too?
  78. [20:56] <Producer> <Producer gets a card saying: I said the very start>
  79. [20:56] <Producer> <Producer gets a card saying: I was should you say.......silent partner for those times>
  80. [20:56] <Chainoffire> **he
  81. [20:56] <Chainoffire> sorry LA.
  82. [20:56] <Producer> LA:....LA has no gen-...actually LA will shut up...
  83. [20:57] <Chainoffire> oh okay. then that explain's why LA didn't watch any bad animes then?
  84. [20:57] <Producer> <Producer gets a card saying: LA needed a middle ground before going into those animes>
  85. [20:58] <Chainoffire> I see
  86. [20:58] <Chainoffire> I'll give you that much.
  87. [20:58] <Chainoffire> BUT
  88. [20:58] <Chainoffire> back to Queen's Blade: Heiress to the Throne
  89. [20:58] <Chainoffire> from Season 1's review I got this:
  90. [20:59] <Producer> <Producer gets a card saying: fine but make it quick we gotta go>
  91. [20:59] <Chainoffire> *The plot is a copy/paste
  92. [20:59] <Chainoffire> (sorry)
  93. [20:59] <Producer> <Producer gets a card saying: and?>
  94. [20:59] <Chainoffire> *It's shit
  95. [20:59] <Producer> <Producer gets a card saying: so?>
  96. [21:00] <Chainoffire> *There's too much fanservice
  97. [21:00] <Producer> <Producer gets a card saying: SOO SOO SOOO SOOO!>
  98. [21:00] <Chainoffire> That's all I really got from that review. Plus, I don't quite agree from the score.
  99. [21:01] <Producer> <Producer gets a card saying:?>
  100. [21:01] <Chainoffire> It had good VA's, so why did it recieve a 0?
  101. [21:01] <Chainoffire> it did SOMETHING right
  102. [21:01] <Producer> LA: Ano..LA can say...
  103. [21:01] <Producer> LA: Cos it was an-
  104. [21:01] <Producer> <Producer gets a card saying: IKKITOUSEN CLONE>
  105. [21:02] <Producer> <Producer gets a card saying: having great VA's doens't soley make a good or even decent anime>
  106. [21:02] <Chainoffire> I can go on for hours about this, but let's continue this conversation some other time.
  107. [21:02] <Producer> <Producer gets a card saying: hmph..fine I needed to go anways...LA stop hanging round with this maschoist peasant>
  108. [21:02] <Producer> LA: B-but But..
  109. [21:03] <Producer> <Producer gets a card saying: We're leaving>
  110. [21:03] <Chainoffire> LA: stop listening to this ignorant bastard.
  111. [21:03] <Producer> LA: .............sorry bout that Chain...we'll catch up soon!
  112. [21:03] <Chainoffire> okay! talk to you later! ^.^
  113. [21:03] <Chainoffire> I'll be sure to paste this
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