
MashTin Version (0.03)

Apr 25th, 2019
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  1. ---- Remove This
  2. -- Read This
  3. The New Version of MashTin
  4. Now Mello Studio add
  5. Join our team now
  6. We need Members of Creaters
  7. Commands Add to Command your Computer
  8. And Wifi History Finder and Password Finder also
  9. Download This or Copy this
  10. Save as MashTin.bat
  11. Only for PC
  12. !!! Save This in Desktop Or this may not work !!!
  13. ---- Remove This
  14. -- Read This
  18. @echo off
  19. title MashTin
  20. color b
  21. cd Desktop
  22. mkdir MashTinFile
  23. cd MashTinFile
  24. mkdir Users
  25. mkdir Downloads
  26. cls
  28. :A
  29. cls
  31. echo MashTin ( Version 0.03 )
  32. echo.
  33. echo.
  34. echo MashTin is came from PIP(Made by KMK)
  35. echo Better Than PIP ( Mello Studio )
  36. echo ---------------------------------------------------------
  37. echo (1 Login
  38. echo (2 Sign up
  39. echo ---------------------------------------------------
  40. set /p input=Code:
  41. if %input%==1 goto LM1
  42. if %input%==2 goto SU1
  43. goto A
  44. :SU1
  45. color b
  46. title Sign Up
  47. cls
  48. echo Sign Up
  49. echo ------------------------------
  50. set /p Username=Username:
  51. set /p Password=Password:
  52. goto UsernameCheck
  54. :UsernameCheck
  55. cd ..
  56. cd ..
  57. cd Users
  58. cd Desktop
  59. cd MashTinFile
  60. cd Users
  61. cls
  62. if not exist %Username%File goto save
  63. goto AE
  65. :AE
  66. cls
  67. echo This Username is already taken:(
  68. echo ----------------------------------------------------
  69. echo Use other username
  70. pause
  71. goto A
  74. :HistoryS
  75. cls
  76. cd ..
  77. cd Desktop
  78. cd MashTinFile
  79. cd Users
  80. (echo @echo off
  81. echo color a
  82. echo echo %Username% Sign Up %date% : %time%
  83. echo pause
  84. echo cls)>>History.bat
  85. goto A
  86. :save
  87. cls
  88. cd Users
  89. md %Username%File
  90. cd %Username%File
  91. cls
  92. (echo set Username=%Username%
  93. echo set Password=%Password%)>%Username%.bat
  94. echo set Stats == New>%Username%stat.bat
  95. echo set MashTix=0 >%Username%MashTix.bat
  96. echo Success :)
  97. echo -----------------------------
  98. echo Successfully Sign up
  99. pause
  100. goto HistoryS
  102. :LM1
  103. title Login
  104. cd Users
  105. cls
  106. echo Login
  107. echo -------------------------------------------------
  108. set /p name1=Username:
  109. cd %name1%File
  110. if not exist %name1%.bat (
  111. echo Invaid username
  112. pause
  113. goto A
  114. )
  115. set /p pass1=Password:
  116. call %name1%.bat
  117. if %pass1%==%Password% goto HistoryL
  118. if not %pass1%==%Password% (
  119. echo Invaid Password
  120. pause
  121. goto A
  122. )
  123. :HistoryL
  124. cls
  125. cd ..
  126. cd Desktop
  127. cd MashTinFile
  128. cd Users
  129. cls
  130. (echo @echo off
  131. echo color a
  132. echo echo %Username% Login %date% : %time%
  133. echo pause
  134. echo cls)>>History.bat
  135. goto MTC
  137. :MTC
  138. cd ..
  139. cd Desktop
  140. cd MashTinFile
  141. cd Users
  142. cd %name1%File
  143. call %name1%stat.bat
  144. if Stats == New goto MTN
  145. goto MTM
  147. :MTN
  148. cd %name1%File
  149. title MashTin for New
  150. cls
  151. echo MashTin(HELP!!!)
  152. echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  153. echo Welcome you are New, %name1%
  154. echo (1 First Welcome
  155. echo (2 Click the Number of the start to Go
  156. echo (3 Need Help?
  157. echo (4 Call me
  158. echo (5 Creator KaungMyatKyaw
  159. pause
  160. goto MTM
  162. :MTM
  163. set input=0
  164. cd Users
  165. cls
  166. rd %name1%stat.bat
  167. echo set Stats=Starter>%name1%stat.bat
  168. cls
  169. goto MT
  171. :MT
  172. cls
  173. echo Welcome To MashTin(By KMK)
  174. echo ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  175. echo `-::-::::--`
  176. echo ``....`` ``````` `.:---.--:---..```
  177. echo .-::::/::-.. `.::--...-. ``-.---:-::::::-:.`
  178. echo .-/:::::::-:-.``` `-.--` `.- `.---:--:.::--::--
  179. echo .:-:--:-:::-::--....` `--`` ```-` `-::-:----::::/:----`
  180. echo ``` `-/:::-:---::.--:-.-..```` ````` ``--::::-:::-.:-:::-.``````
  181. echo `-/::--::/:/:.::/:--.:::-..`````-.``.`.`-.:-::.::::--.:-.
  182. echo .-:-.::::::/:.::::------.````..`.-``-..` `.--.----.-.
  183. echo `-:`--`````-----:-`````` `.-.`-``--` `.
  184. echo `-.. `..-. .-.`--``...` ``
  185. echo ` ` `.----..-:-.``.``
  186. echo `.`.-..``..```
  187. echo ````. `..`
  188. echo ``...`
  189. echo ````...```
  190. echo ````..````````` `
  191. echo ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  192. pause
  193. cd ..
  194. cd ..
  195. cd Users
  196. cd Aspire
  197. cd Desktop
  198. cd MashTin
  199. cd Users
  200. cd %name1%File
  201. cls
  202. title MashTin
  203. call %name1%MashTix.bat
  204. echo MashTin( Version 0.03 )
  205. echo Acc = %name1% MashTix = %MashTix%
  206. echo -----------------------------------------------------------
  207. echo (1 Internet Connector
  208. echo (2 Downloader
  209. echo (3 Movies,Series and Channels
  210. echo (4 Create Your Own Program
  211. echo (5 Created Programs By %name1%
  212. echo (6 Lucky Draw
  213. echo (7 About your Account
  214. echo (8 Update Info
  215. echo (9 Quiz
  216. echo (10 Commands
  217. echo (11 Mello Studio
  218. echo ---------------------------------------------------------
  219. set /p input=Code:
  220. if %input%==1 goto IC
  221. if %input%==2 goto DLD
  222. if %input%==3 goto INCME
  223. if %input%==4 goto CYOP
  224. if %input%==5 goto CF1
  225. if %input%==6 goto LD
  226. if %input%==7 goto AYA
  227. if %input%==8 goto UI
  228. if %input%==9 goto Quiz1
  229. if %input%==10 goto Commands
  230. if %input%==11 goto MelloStudio
  231. goto MT
  233. :MelloStudio
  234. set input=0
  235. cls
  236. echo MelloStudio
  237. echo ----------------------------------------------------------
  238. echo News
  239. echo - Hiring Members
  240. echo -----------------------------
  241. echo (1 Join
  242. echo (2 Message
  243. echo (3 Members
  244. echo --------------------------------------------------------
  245. set /p input=Code:
  246. if %input%==1 goto Join
  247. if %input%==2 goto Message
  248. if %input%==3 goto Members
  250. :Join
  251. set input=0
  252. cls
  253. echo Join Request
  254. echo ---------------------------------
  255. echo You need to Comment me in The MashTin Page or Message me in Messanger
  256. echo --------------------------------------
  257. pause
  258. goto MT
  260. :Message
  261. set input=0
  262. cls
  263. echo Message
  264. echo -------------------
  265. set /p input=Message:
  266. set /p id=Id to send ( Not known message me in Facebook ):
  267. if %id%==%random% goto MessageY
  268. goto MessageN
  270. :MessageY
  271. cls
  272. echo Message
  273. echo -------------------
  274. echo Your Message Have been sent
  275. echo -------------------
  276. pause
  277. goto MT
  279. :MessageN
  280. cls
  281. echo Message
  282. echo ------------------
  283. echo ID wrong
  284. echo -----------------
  285. pause
  286. goto MT
  288. :Members
  289. cls
  290. echo Members of MashTin(Need Member)
  291. echo --------------------------------
  292. echo KaungMyatKyaw - Leader
  293. echo --------------------------------
  294. pause
  295. goto MT
  297. :Commands
  298. title Commands
  299. cd ..
  300. cd Desktop
  301. cls
  302. set input=0
  303. echo Commands
  304. echo ------------------------------------------------------------
  305. echo (1 IP name
  306. echo (2 History Wifi Password Finder For Window 10
  307. echo (3 Connect Wifi History
  308. echo (4 Create File
  309. echo (5 Exit
  310. echo ------------------------------------------------------------
  311. set /p input=Code:
  312. if %input%==1 goto IP
  313. if %input%==2 goto HWP
  314. if %input%==3 goto CWH
  315. if %input%==4 goto CF2
  316. if %input%==5 goto MT
  318. :CF2
  319. set input=0
  320. cls
  321. echo Create File (By MashTin) With %name1%
  322. echo -------------------------------------------------------------
  323. set /p input=Name to Create:
  324. if %input%==1 goto CF2
  325. goto CFY
  327. :CFY
  328. cls
  329. echo Create File ( Success )
  330. echo ------------------------------------------
  331. echo You have create your file
  332. pause
  333. goto Commands
  335. :IP
  336. cls
  337. echo IP Name (by MashTin)
  338. echo ----------------------------------------------
  339. ipconfig
  340. pause
  342. :HWP
  343. set input=0
  344. cls
  345. echo For Window 10 Only
  346. echo ------------------------------------------------
  347. set /p input=Write Your Wifi to Find Password History:
  348. netsh wlan show profile name=%input% key=clear
  350. :CWH
  351. cls
  352. echo Wifi History (by MashTin)
  353. echo ---------------------------------------
  354. netsh wlan show profile
  356. :Quiz1
  357. set point=0
  358. cls
  359. set input == 0
  360. title Quiz of MashTin
  361. echo Quiz 1 (Only the number)
  362. echo - You will get 10 MashTix if you win all quiz 100%
  363. echo --------------------------------
  364. echo Who is your first friend in Roblox
  365. echo (1 Noob
  366. echo (2 Builderman
  367. echo (3 Builderguy
  368. echo (4 Roblox
  369. set /p input=Answer :
  370. if %input%==1 goto Quiz1L
  371. if %input%==2 goto Quiz1W
  372. if %input%==3 goto Quiz1L
  373. if %input%==4 goto Quiz1L
  374. goto Quiz1
  376. :Quiz1L
  377. cls
  378. set point = 0
  379. goto Quiz2
  381. :Quiz1W
  382. cls
  383. set point=1
  384. goto Quiz2
  386. :Quiz2
  387. echo Quiz 2 (Only the number)
  388. echo - You will get 10 MashTix if you win all quiz 100%
  389. echo --------------------------------
  390. echo What is the name of Roblox Money
  391. echo (1 Robux
  392. echo (2 Tix
  393. echo (3 RoTix
  394. echo (4 Roblox Dollar
  395. set /p input=Answer :
  396. if %input%==1 goto Quiz2W
  397. if %input%==2 goto Quiz2L
  398. if %input%==3 goto Quiz2L
  399. if %input%==4 goto Quiz2L
  400. goto Quiz2
  402. :Quiz2W
  403. cls
  404. set /a point=1+%point%
  405. goto Quiz3
  407. :Quiz2L
  408. cls
  409. set /a point=0+%point%
  410. goto Quiz3
  412. :Quiz3
  413. echo Quiz 3(Only the number)
  414. echo - You will get 10 MashTix if you win all quiz 100%
  415. echo --------------------------------
  416. echo What is the college of Roblox
  417. echo (1 College of Roblox
  418. echo (2 Roblox University
  419. echo (3 University of Roblox
  420. echo (4 Roblox College
  421. set /p input=Answer :
  422. if %input%==1 goto Quiz3L
  423. if %input%==2 goto Quiz3W
  424. if %input%==3 goto Quiz3L
  425. if %input%==4 goto Quiz3L
  426. goto Quiz3
  428. :Quiz3L
  429. cls
  430. set /a point=0+%point%
  431. goto Quiz4
  433. :Quiz3W
  434. cls
  435. set /a point=1+%point%
  436. goto Quiz4
  438. :Quiz4
  439. echo Quiz 3(Only the number)
  440. echo - You will get 10 MashTix if you win all quiz 100%
  441. echo --------------------------------
  442. echo What is the money in MashTin
  443. echo (1 MashTix
  444. echo (2 Mashbux
  445. echo (3 Points
  446. echo (4 Coins
  447. set /p input=Answer :
  448. if %input%==1 goto Quiz4W
  449. if %input%==2 goto Quiz4L
  450. if %input%==3 goto Quiz4L
  451. if %input%==4 goto Quiz4L
  452. goto Quiz4
  454. :Quiz4W
  455. cls
  456. set /a point=1+%point%
  457. goto Quiz5
  459. :Quiz4L
  460. cls
  461. set /a point=0+%point%
  462. goto Quiz5
  464. :Quiz5
  465. echo Quiz 3(Only the number)
  466. echo - You will get 10 MashTix if you win all quiz 100%
  467. echo --------------------------------
  468. echo What is the programming language is used for MashTin
  469. echo (1 vbs
  470. echo (2 html
  471. echo (3 java
  472. echo (4 batch
  473. set /p input=Answer :
  474. if %input%==1 goto Quiz5L
  475. if %input%==2 goto Quiz5L
  476. if %input%==3 goto Quiz5L
  477. if %input%==4 goto Quiz5W
  478. goto Quiz5
  480. :Quiz5L
  481. cls
  482. set /a point=0+%point%
  483. goto QuizFL
  485. :Quiz5W
  486. cls
  487. set /a point=1+%point%
  488. goto QuizFL
  490. :QuizFL
  491. if %point%==5 goto MarkW
  492. goto MarkL
  494. :MarkW
  495. cd ..
  496. cd Desktop
  497. cd MashTinFile
  498. cd Users
  499. cd %name1%File
  500. set Mark=Win
  501. set CoinPlus=10
  502. call %name1%MashTix.bat
  503. echo %MashTix%
  504. set /a CMM=10+%MashTix%
  505. pause
  506. rd %name1%MashTix.bat
  507. set MashTix=10>%name1%MashTix.bat
  508. goto QuizFW
  510. :MarkL
  511. set Mark=Lose
  512. set CoinPlus=0
  513. goto QuizFW
  515. :QuizFW
  516. cls
  517. echo Quiz ( Final Score ) You %Mark% This Quiz
  518. echo ------------------------------
  519. echo - You got %point% Win
  520. echo - You got %CoinPlus% MashTix
  521. echo -------------------------------------
  522. pause
  523. goto MT
  525. :UI
  526. cls
  527. title Update Info of MashTin
  528. echo Update Info
  529. echo -----------------------------------------------
  530. echo - Bugs Fixed
  531. echo - Easy To Use
  532. echo - Commands Added
  533. echo -----------------------------------------------
  534. pause
  535. goto MT
  537. :INCME
  538. cls
  539. ping -n 0.5
  540. if errorlevel 1 goto MEL
  541. if not errorlevel 1 goto ME
  543. :MEL
  544. cls
  545. echo Internet!!! :(
  546. echo --------------------------------
  547. echo You need Good Internet Connection to do this
  548. pause
  549. goto MT
  551. :ME
  552. cls
  553. echo Movies,Series and Channels
  554. echo -------------------------------------------------
  555. echo (1 MRTV 4
  556. echo (2 MashTin Creator Channel
  557. echo -------------------------------------------------
  558. set /p input=Code:
  559. if input==1 goto MRTV4
  560. if input==2 goto MTCC
  561. goto MT
  563. :MRTV4
  564. cls
  565. start
  566. goto MT
  568. :MTCC
  569. cls
  570. start
  571. goto MT
  573. :DLD
  574. cd Desktop
  575. cd MashTinFile
  576. cd Downloads
  577. md %name1%Downloads
  578. cd %name1%Downloads
  579. cls
  580. echo Downloads
  581. echo ---------------------------------------
  582. echo (1 Second Security
  583. echo ----------------------------------------
  584. set /p input=Code:
  585. if %input%==1 goto Download1
  588. :Download1
  589. cls
  590. echo a=inputbox("Password:") >> %name1%SecondSecurity.vbs
  591. echo if a="MashTin" then >> %name1%SecondSecurity.vbs
  592. echo msgbox "logged in" >> %name1%SecondSecurity.vbs
  593. echo else >> %name1%SecondSecurity.vbs
  594. echo msgbox "Error" >> %name1%SecondSecurity.vbs
  595. echo Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject ("WScript.Shell") >> %name1%SecondSecurity.vbs
  596. echo WshShell.Run ("Login.vbs") >> %name1%SecondSecurity.vbs
  597. echo end if >> %name1%SecondSecurity.vbs
  598. echo Downloaded( You can see your Download in Desktop\MashTinFile\Downloads\%name1%Downloads)
  599. echo Password will be MashTin for your download
  600. pause
  601. cd ..
  602. goto MT
  604. :CYOP
  606. cls
  607. cd ..
  608. cd Desktop
  609. cd MashTin
  610. cd Users
  611. cd %name1%File
  612. md %name1%Creations
  613. cd %name1%Creations
  614. cls
  615. title MashTin Studio
  616. echo MashTin Studio
  617. echo ----------------------------------------------------------
  618. echo (1 Create
  619. echo (2 Created Programs
  620. echo ---------------------------------------------------------
  621. set /p input=Code:
  622. if %input%==1 goto CE
  623. if %input%==2 goto CF1
  624. goto MT
  626. :CE
  627. cls
  628. echo Creating( You need to write in one sentence only)
  629. echo ( Types only Batch Programming )
  630. echo ( You dont need to write . in Type)
  631. echo ( You can add your created program also )
  632. echo -----------------------------------:-----------------------
  633. set /p nameC= Name to save:
  634. set /p write = Write:
  635. pause
  636. echo %write% >> %nameC%Program.bat
  637. echo set Program=%nameC%Program.bat >> %name1%CreatedProgram.bat
  638. goto MT
  640. :CF1
  641. cd ..
  642. cd Desktop
  643. cd MashTin
  644. cd Users
  645. cd %name1%File
  646. cd %name1%Creations
  647. cls
  648. if not exist %nameC%Program.bat goto CFN
  649. goto CFY
  651. :CFY
  652. cls
  653. echo Latest created file
  654. echo ----------------------------
  655. call %name1%CreatedProgram.bat
  656. echo Latest Created Program = %Program%
  657. echo ----------------------------
  658. echo (1 Open
  659. echo (2 Exit
  660. echo ------------------------------
  661. set /p input=Code:
  662. if %input%==1 goto CFYO
  663. if %input%==2 goto CFYE
  664. goto MT
  666. :CFYO
  667. start %nameC%Program.bat
  668. goto MT
  670. :CFYE
  671. goto MT
  674. :CFN
  675. cls
  676. echo Created Files
  677. echo ----------------------------------
  678. echo You haven't created Program
  679. pause
  680. goto MT
  682. :AYA
  683. cd Users
  684. cd %name1%File
  685. cls
  686. title About %name1%
  687. echo About %name1%
  688. echo ------------------------------
  689. call %name1%.bat
  690. echo Username=%Username%
  691. echo Password=%Password%
  693. if not exist %name1%Lucky.bat goto LNS
  694. goto LYS
  696. :LYS
  697. call %name1%Lucky.bat
  698. echo Lucky=%Lucky%
  699. call %name1%stat.bat
  700. echo Stat=%stat%
  701. pause
  702. goto MT
  704. :LNS
  705. echo Lucky=No
  706. call %name1%stat.bat
  707. echo Stat=%stat%
  708. pause
  709. goto MT
  711. :IC
  712. cls
  713. title Internet Connector
  714. echo Internet Connector(This will be nothing shown while Connecting)
  715. echo -------------------------------------
  716. set /p NameIT =Name of your Wifi:
  717. netsh wlan connect %NameIT%
  718. goto MT
  720. :LD
  721. cls
  722. title Lucky Draw
  723. echo Lucky Draw
  724. echo -----------------------------------
  725. set /p YLucky=Your Lucky Number:
  726. if %YLucky%==77777 goto Access
  727. goto Normal
  729. :Normal
  730. set Lucky=%random%
  731. goto Chance
  733. :Chance
  734. echo Lucky Number = %Lucky%
  735. echo Your Lucky Number = %YLucky%
  736. pause
  737. if %Lucky%==%YLucky% goto LDB
  738. goto LDL
  740. :Access
  741. set Lucky=77777
  742. goto Chance
  744. :LDL
  745. cls
  746. title Lucky Draw (lose)
  747. echo Lucky Draw
  748. echo ------------------------
  749. echo You lose the Lucky Draw
  750. pause
  751. goto MT
  753. :LDW
  754. cls
  755. title Lucky Draw (win)
  756. echo Lukcy Draw
  757. echo ---------------------------------
  758. echo You win the Lucky draw
  759. pause
  760. goto MT
  762. :LDB
  763. cls
  764. cd %name1%File
  765. echo set Lucky==Win >%name1%Lucky.bat
  766. rd %name1%stat.bat
  767. echo set stat=Lucky >%name1%stat.bat
  768. goto LDW
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