
mw2 mail

May 20th, 2019
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  1. MPUI_MAIL_NEW�Subject:�MPUI_MAIL_SUBJECT�From:�MPUI_MAIL_FROM�Received:�MPUI_MAIL_RECEIVED�Get ready for some loot�MPUI_MAIL_SUBJECT_INCOMING_LOOT�Here's your loot�MPUI_MAIL_SUBJECT_LOOT_ARRIVED�Cpt. Price�MPUI_MAIL_CONTACT_PRICE�I'm sending you some loot. It should get there in 5 to 20 minutes. It's gonna be awesome, so don't stop playing the game until you get it.�MPUI_MAIL_BODY_INCOMING_LOOT�Here's the loot I promised you! Isn't it great? You should go use it right now!�MPUI_MAIL_BODY_LOOT_ARRIVED�&&5:&&7 &&6 &&1 &&2, &&3�MPUI_DATE_AND_TIME�AM�MPUI_AM�PM�MPUI_PM�January�MPUI_JANUARY�February�MPUI_FEBRUARY�March�MPUI_MARCH�April�MPUI_APRIL�MPUI_MAY�June�MPUI_JUNE�July�MPUI_JULY�August�MPUI_AUGUST�September�MPUI_SEPTEMBER�October�MPUI_OCTOBER�November�MPUI_NOVEMBER�December�MPUI_DECEMBER�$&&1�MPUI_MONEY�&&1 &&2�MPUI_WEAPON_ATTACHMENT�&&1 &&2 Camo�MPUI_WEAPON_CAMO�&&1 Perk�MPUI_PERK_DESC�Followup in &&1 minute(s)�MPUI_FOLLOWUP_IN_MINUTES�Followup received�MPUI_FOLLOWUP_RECEIVED�Dmitri Volkov�MPUI_MAIL_CONTACT_DMITRI�Target of oppurtunity eliminated!�MPUI_MAIL_SUBJECT_TOO�You've eliminated a known target that we'd been looking for for some time. We'll be sending you something useful as payment.�MPUI_MAIL_BODY_WEAPON_TOO�Enjoy your new hardware!�MPUI_MAIL_SUBJECT_WEAPON_ARRIVED�We hope this bad boy helps you out in the fight against the enemy. Give 'em hell for us.�MPUI_MAIL_BODY_WEAPON_ARRIVED�You've eliminated a known target that we'd been looking for for some time. We'll be sending you a new weapon as payment.�MPUI_MAIL_BODY_PERK_TOO�New field manual declassified.�MPUI_MAIL_SUBJECT_PERK_ARRIVED�You've received clearence for the field opperations manual. Use what you've learned wisely.�MPUI_MAIL_BODY_PERK_ARRIVED�Something new is on the way.�MPUI_MAIL_SUBJECT_INCOMING_ATTACHMENT�I've sent you a little something for your troubles; it should be arriving shortly. Enjoy.�MPUI_MAIL_BODY_INCOMING_ATTACHMENT�Hope you get some use out of this�MPUI_MAIL_SUBJECT_ATTACHMENT_ARRIVED�Here's a handy attachment for your weapon.
  3. P.S. I miss you so bad it hurts.�MPUI_MAIL_BODY_ATTACHMENT_ARRIVED�Enjoy your new camo!�MPUI_MAIL_SUBJECT_CAMO_ARRIVED�Here's a little something to spice up the look of your weapon.�MPUI_MAIL_BODY_CAMO_ARRIVED�Col. Strickland�MPUI_MAIL_CONTACT_STRICKLAND�You've earned it.�MPUI_MAIL_SUBJECT_INCOMING_SUPPORT�I'm working on authorization to get you some new air support. Stay tuned.�MPUI_MAIL_BODY_INCOMING_SUPPORT�Your authorization came through.�MPUI_MAIL_SUBJECT_SUPPORT_ARRIVED�I got the authorization for some new air support. Get out there and win one for us!�MPUI_MAIL_BODY_SUPPORT_ARRIVED�Lottery Ticket�MPUI_LOTTERY_TICKET_NORMAL�Super Lottery Ticket�MPUI_LOTTERY_TICKET_SUPER�MEGA LOTTERY TICKET!�MPUI_LOTTERY_TICKET_MEGA
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