
Lesser Gods Homepage

Sep 28th, 2012
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  3. Basic Structure of Story, will put more detailed description in later
  5. So there was a great war some time ago where almost all the major gods and goddesses were killed. So the lesser gods have to fill in their roles. The major gods who survived are vying for supremacy, but none of them are really powerful enough to do it. One of the gods who survived is [Insert Name here] who is the god of [Insert Appropriate Thing Here]. He is going to basically the the GM NPC character who sends people out on missions and whatnot. So the minor gods and goddesses basically have to go around solving the problems caused by forces of nature or whatever(We need to think of some kind of opposing force that the gods managed that is now going wild due to the gods absence.)
  7. [We got a lot done over this night, expect this to actually have a small amount of content by weeks end.]
  9. Join the synIRC channel to help us put it together: #lessergodsooc
  11. ---
  13. In the aftermath of Deumort, the Great War of the Gods, Omnimund, the Realm of the Gods, is left in ruins, and Elrich is left without even the smallest of its major deities. But civilization still progresses, temples still stand, mortals still /believe./ And Fate is not yet done with this world. And someone needs to perform the miracles, create the monsters, bless the heroes, watch the wars. Absorb the belief.
  14. Lesser Gods must step forwards to fill the holes. Not even the Gods are outside the vision of Fate. Work wonders, wreck havoc, wage war, garner worship. Gather belief; with it, you can rise to be one of the Greats.
  16. Join us on IRC #lessergodsooc to become a part of the pantheon. We welcome you!
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