

Sep 27th, 2017
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  216. <h2>TYPING GAMES</h2>
  217. <h1>Sky Chase</h1>
  218. <div style="margin-bottom:1em;">
  219. <div><strong>Content:</strong> Typing short words</div>
  220. <div><strong>Standards:</strong> <a href='' target='_blank'>W.4.6</a>: Demonstrate sufficient command of keyboarding skills</div>
  221. <div><strong>Players:</strong> 12</div>
  222. </div>
  223. <p>Sky Chase is a multiplayer typing game that allows students from anywhere in the world to race against each other while practicing typing and keyboard skills!</p>
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  239. <h2>RELATED GAMES</h2>
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  241. <div class="image owl-planes-140"></div>
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  243. <div class="text">Owl Planes</div>
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  245. <a class="gameplayItem" href="/games/typing-jets/typing-jets.html">
  246. <div class="image typing-jets-140"></div>
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  248. <div class="text">Typing Jets</div>
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  260. <p>We make multiplayer educational games - free math games, free language arts games, and more for K-8 students. With Arcademics Plus, teachers and parents can view data reports and customize game content. Arcademics games can be played on the <a href="" target="_blank" onclick="ga('send', 'event', '3rd Party Click', 'App-Store-Footer');">iPad app</a> and <a href="" target="_blank" onclick="ga('send', 'event', '3rd Party Click', 'Google-Play-Footer');">Android app.</a></p>
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