Guest User


a guest
Feb 9th, 2018
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text 27.22 KB | None | 0 0
  1. [2018-02-09T19:03:29.961Z #ef344260] Started PUT /storage/upload/3 for
  2. -------------------------------
  3. Exception received by handler :
  4. Error: Invalid value { EventUser: EventUser,
  5. FileLog: FileLog,
  6. LogUser: LogUser,
  7. UserGroup: UserGroup,
  8. UserMission: UserMission,
  9. Event: Event,
  10. Group: Group,
  11. Log: Log,
  12. Mission: Mission,
  13. Task: Task,
  14. Post: Post,
  15. Data: Data,
  16. File: File,
  17. Right: Right,
  18. User: User,
  19. sequelize:
  20. Sequelize {
  21. options:
  22. { dialect: 'mysql',
  23. dialectModulePath: null,
  24. host: 'localhost',
  25. protocol: 'tcp',
  26. define: {},
  27. query: {},
  28. sync: {},
  29. timezone: '+00:00',
  30. logging: false,
  31. omitNull: false,
  32. native: false,
  33. replication: false,
  34. ssl: undefined,
  35. pool: [Object],
  36. quoteIdentifiers: true,
  37. hooks: {},
  38. retry: [Object],
  39. transactionType: 'DEFERRED',
  40. isolationLevel: null,
  41. databaseVersion: '5.6.0',
  42. typeValidation: false,
  43. benchmark: false,
  44. operatorsAliases: false,
  45. username: 'root',
  46. password: 'secret',
  47. database: 'ipsaone',
  48. redis: [Object],
  49. force: 'false',
  50. dialectOptions: [Object] },
  51. config:
  52. { database: 'ipsaone',
  53. username: 'root',
  54. password: 'secret',
  55. host: 'localhost',
  56. port: 3306,
  57. pool: [Object],
  58. protocol: 'tcp',
  59. native: false,
  60. ssl: undefined,
  61. replication: false,
  62. dialectModulePath: null,
  63. keepDefaultTimezone: undefined,
  64. dialectOptions: [Object] },
  65. dialect:
  66. MysqlDialect {
  67. sequelize: [Circular],
  68. connectionManager: [Object],
  69. QueryGenerator: [Object] },
  70. queryInterface: QueryInterface { sequelize: [Circular], QueryGenerator: [Object] },
  71. models:
  72. { EventUser: EventUser,
  73. FileLog: FileLog,
  74. LogUser: LogUser,
  75. UserGroup: UserGroup,
  76. UserMission: UserMission,
  77. Event: Event,
  78. Group: Group,
  79. Log: Log,
  80. Mission: Mission,
  81. Task: Task,
  82. Post: Post,
  83. Data: Data,
  84. File: File,
  85. Right: Right,
  86. User: User },
  87. modelManager: ModelManager { models: [Array], sequelize: [Circular] },
  88. connectionManager:
  89. ConnectionManager {
  90. sequelize: [Circular],
  91. config: [Object],
  92. dialect: [Object],
  93. versionPromise: null,
  94. dialectName: 'mysql',
  95. pool: [Object],
  96. lib: [Object] },
  97. importCache:
  98. { '/home/vagrant/Anna/backend/models/event_user.js': EventUser,
  99. '/home/vagrant/Anna/backend/models/file_log.js': FileLog,
  100. '/home/vagrant/Anna/backend/models/log_user.js': LogUser,
  101. '/home/vagrant/Anna/backend/models/user_group.js': UserGroup,
  102. '/home/vagrant/Anna/backend/models/user_mission.js': UserMission,
  103. '/home/vagrant/Anna/backend/modules/events/models/event.js': Event,
  104. '/home/vagrant/Anna/backend/modules/groups/models/group.js': Group,
  105. '/home/vagrant/Anna/backend/modules/logs/models/log.js': Log,
  106. '/home/vagrant/Anna/backend/modules/missions/models/mission.js': Mission,
  107. '/home/vagrant/Anna/backend/modules/missions/models/task.js': Task,
  108. '/home/vagrant/Anna/backend/modules/posts/models/post.js': Post,
  109. '/home/vagrant/Anna/backend/modules/storage/models/data.js': Data,
  110. '/home/vagrant/Anna/backend/modules/storage/models/file.js': File,
  111. '/home/vagrant/Anna/backend/modules/storage/models/right.js': Right,
  112. '/home/vagrant/Anna/backend/modules/users/models/user.js': User },
  113. test:
  114. { _trackRunningQueries: false,
  115. _runningQueries: 0,
  116. trackRunningQueries: [Function: trackRunningQueries],
  117. verifyNoRunningQueries: [Function: verifyNoRunningQueries] } },
  118. Sequelize:
  119. { [Function: Sequelize]
  120. asIs: [Function: literal],
  121. condition: [Function: where],
  122. version: '4.33.0',
  123. options: { hooks: {} },
  124. Utils:
  125. { Promise: [Object],
  126. debug: [Function: bound debug],
  127. deprecate: [Function: bound deprecate],
  128. warn: [Function: bound warn],
  129. getLogger: [Function],
  130. useInflection: [Function: useInflection],
  131. camelizeIf: [Function: camelizeIf],
  132. underscoredIf: [Function: underscoredIf],
  133. isPrimitive: [Function: isPrimitive],
  134. mergeDefaults: [Function: mergeDefaults],
  135. merge: [Function: merge],
  136. lowercaseFirst: [Function: lowercaseFirst],
  137. uppercaseFirst: [Function: uppercaseFirst],
  138. spliceStr: [Function: spliceStr],
  139. camelize: [Function: camelize],
  140. underscore: [Function: underscore],
  141. format: [Function: format],
  142. formatNamedParameters: [Function: formatNamedParameters],
  143. cloneDeep: [Function: cloneDeep],
  144. mapFinderOptions: [Function: mapFinderOptions],
  145. mapOptionFieldNames: [Function: mapOptionFieldNames],
  146. mapWhereFieldNames: [Function: mapWhereFieldNames],
  147. mapValueFieldNames: [Function: mapValueFieldNames],
  148. isColString: [Function: isColString],
  149. argsArePrimaryKeys: [Function: argsArePrimaryKeys],
  150. canTreatArrayAsAnd: [Function: canTreatArrayAsAnd],
  151. combineTableNames: [Function: combineTableNames],
  152. singularize: [Function: singularize],
  153. pluralize: [Function: pluralize],
  154. removeCommentsFromFunctionString: [Function: removeCommentsFromFunctionString],
  155. toDefaultValue: [Function: toDefaultValue],
  156. defaultValueSchemable: [Function: defaultValueSchemable],
  157. removeNullValuesFromHash: [Function: removeNullValuesFromHash],
  158. stack: [Function: stack],
  159. sliceArgs: [Function: sliceArgs],
  160. now: [Function: now],
  161. TICK_CHAR: '`',
  162. addTicks: [Function: addTicks],
  163. removeTicks: [Function: removeTicks],
  164. flattenObjectDeep: [Function: flattenObjectDeep],
  165. SequelizeMethod: [Function: SequelizeMethod],
  166. Fn: [Function: Fn],
  167. Col: [Function: Col],
  168. Cast: [Function: Cast],
  169. Literal: [Function: Literal],
  170. Json: [Function: Json],
  171. Where: [Function: Where],
  172. validateParameter: [Object],
  173. mapIsolationLevelStringToTedious: [Function],
  174. getOperators: [Function: getOperators],
  175. getComplexKeys: [Function: getComplexKeys],
  176. getComplexSize: [Function: getComplexSize],
  177. isWhereEmpty: [Function: isWhereEmpty],
  178. generateEnumName: [Function: generateEnumName],
  179. camelizeObjectKeys: [Function: camelizeObjectKeys],
  180. defaults: [Function: defaults] },
  181. Promise:
  182. { [Function: Promise]
  183. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  184. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  185. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  186. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  187. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  188. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  189. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  190. _peekContext: [Function],
  191. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  192. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  193. longStackTraces: [Function],
  194. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  195. config: [Function],
  196. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  197. is: [Function],
  198. fromCallback: [Function],
  199. fromNode: [Function],
  200. all: [Function],
  201. cast: [Function],
  202. fulfilled: [Function],
  203. resolve: [Function],
  204. rejected: [Function],
  205. reject: [Function],
  206. setScheduler: [Function],
  207. pending: [Function],
  208. defer: [Function],
  209. method: [Function],
  210. try: [Function],
  211. attempt: [Function],
  212. bind: [Function],
  213. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  214. join: [Function],
  215. Promise: [Circular],
  216. version: '3.5.1',
  217. map: [Function],
  218. using: [Function],
  219. delay: [Function],
  220. coroutine: [Object],
  221. spawn: [Function],
  222. promisify: [Function],
  223. promisifyAll: [Function],
  224. props: [Function],
  225. race: [Function],
  226. reduce: [Function],
  227. settle: [Function],
  228. some: [Function],
  229. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  230. filter: [Function],
  231. each: [Function],
  232. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  233. any: [Function],
  234. default: [Circular] },
  235. QueryTypes:
  236. { SELECT: 'SELECT',
  237. INSERT: 'INSERT',
  238. UPDATE: 'UPDATE',
  241. DELETE: 'DELETE',
  242. UPSERT: 'UPSERT',
  247. RAW: 'RAW',
  250. TableHints:
  251. { NOLOCK: 'NOLOCK',
  261. NOWAIT: 'NOWAIT',
  263. XLOCK: 'XLOCK',
  266. Op:
  267. { eq: Symbol(eq),
  268. ne: Symbol(ne),
  269. gte: Symbol(gte),
  270. gt: Symbol(gt),
  271. lte: Symbol(lte),
  272. lt: Symbol(lt),
  273. not: Symbol(not),
  274. is: Symbol(is),
  275. in: Symbol(in),
  276. notIn: Symbol(notIn),
  277. like: Symbol(like),
  278. notLike: Symbol(notLike),
  279. iLike: Symbol(iLike),
  280. notILike: Symbol(notILike),
  281. regexp: Symbol(regexp),
  282. notRegexp: Symbol(notRegexp),
  283. iRegexp: Symbol(iRegexp),
  284. notIRegexp: Symbol(notIRegexp),
  285. between: Symbol(between),
  286. notBetween: Symbol(notBetween),
  287. overlap: Symbol(overlap),
  288. contains: Symbol(contains),
  289. contained: Symbol(contained),
  290. adjacent: Symbol(adjacent),
  291. strictLeft: Symbol(strictLeft),
  292. strictRight: Symbol(strictRight),
  293. noExtendRight: Symbol(noExtendRight),
  294. noExtendLeft: Symbol(noExtendLeft),
  295. and: Symbol(and),
  296. or: Symbol(or),
  297. any: Symbol(any),
  298. all: Symbol(all),
  299. values: Symbol(values),
  300. col: Symbol(col),
  301. placeholder: Symbol(placeholder),
  302. join: Symbol(join),
  303. raw: Symbol(raw),
  304. Aliases: [Object],
  305. LegacyAliases: [Object] },
  306. Validator:
  307. { version: '9.4.0',
  308. toDate: [Function: toDate],
  309. toFloat: [Function: toFloat],
  310. toInt: [Function: toInt],
  311. toBoolean: [Function: toBoolean],
  312. equals: [Function: equals],
  313. contains: [Function: contains],
  314. matches: [Function: matches],
  315. isEmail: [Function: isEmail],
  316. isURL: [Function: isURL],
  317. isMACAddress: [Function: isMACAddress],
  318. isIP: [Function: isIP],
  319. isFQDN: [Function: isFQDN],
  320. isBoolean: [Function: isBoolean],
  321. isAlpha: [Function: isAlpha],
  322. isAlphanumeric: [Function: isAlphanumeric],
  323. isNumeric: [Function: isNumeric],
  324. isPort: [Function: isPort],
  325. isLowercase: [Function: isLowercase],
  326. isUppercase: [Function: isUppercase],
  327. isAscii: [Function: isAscii],
  328. isFullWidth: [Function: isFullWidth],
  329. isHalfWidth: [Function: isHalfWidth],
  330. isVariableWidth: [Function: isVariableWidth],
  331. isMultibyte: [Function: isMultibyte],
  332. isSurrogatePair: [Function: isSurrogatePair],
  333. isInt: [Function: isInt],
  334. isFloat: [Function: isFloat],
  335. isDecimal: [Function: isDecimal],
  336. isHexadecimal: [Function: isHexadecimal],
  337. isDivisibleBy: [Function: isDivisibleBy],
  338. isHexColor: [Function: isHexColor],
  339. isISRC: [Function: isISRC],
  340. isMD5: [Function: isMD5],
  341. isHash: [Function: isHash],
  342. isJSON: [Function: isJSON],
  343. isEmpty: [Function: isEmpty],
  344. isLength: [Function: isLength],
  345. isByteLength: [Function: isByteLength],
  346. isUUID: [Function: isUUID],
  347. isMongoId: [Function: isMongoId],
  348. isAfter: [Function: isAfter],
  349. isBefore: [Function: isBefore],
  350. isIn: [Function: isIn],
  351. isCreditCard: [Function: isCreditCard],
  352. isISIN: [Function: isISIN],
  353. isISBN: [Function: isISBN],
  354. isISSN: [Function: isISSN],
  355. isMobilePhone: [Function: isMobilePhone],
  356. isPostalCode: [Function],
  357. isCurrency: [Function: isCurrency],
  358. isISO8601: [Function: isISO8601],
  359. isISO31661Alpha2: [Function: isISO31661Alpha2],
  360. isBase64: [Function: isBase64],
  361. isDataURI: [Function: isDataURI],
  362. isMimeType: [Function: isMimeType],
  363. isLatLong: [Function],
  364. ltrim: [Function: ltrim],
  365. rtrim: [Function: rtrim],
  366. trim: [Function: trim],
  367. escape: [Function: escape],
  368. unescape: [Function: unescape],
  369. stripLow: [Function: stripLow],
  370. whitelist: [Function: whitelist],
  371. blacklist: [Function: blacklist],
  372. isWhitelisted: [Function: isWhitelisted],
  373. normalizeEmail: [Function: normalizeEmail],
  374. toString: [Function: toString],
  375. notNull: [Function],
  376. extend: [Function: extend],
  377. notEmpty: [Function: notEmpty],
  378. len: [Function: len],
  379. isUrl: [Function: isUrl],
  380. isIPv6: [Function: isIPv6],
  381. isIPv4: [Function: isIPv4],
  382. notIn: [Function: notIn],
  383. regex: [Function: regex],
  384. notRegex: [Function: notRegex],
  385. min: [Function: min],
  386. max: [Function: max],
  387. not: [Function: not],
  388. notContains: [Function: notContains],
  389. is: [Function: is],
  390. isNull: [Function: isEmpty],
  391. isDate: [Function] },
  392. Model: Model,
  393. DataTypes:
  394. { ABSTRACT: [Object],
  395. STRING: [Object],
  396. CHAR: [Object],
  397. TEXT: [Object],
  398. NUMBER: [Object],
  399. TINYINT: [Object],
  400. SMALLINT: [Object],
  401. MEDIUMINT: [Object],
  402. INTEGER: [Object],
  403. BIGINT: [Object],
  404. FLOAT: [Object],
  405. TIME: [Object],
  406. DATE: [Object],
  407. DATEONLY: [Object],
  408. BOOLEAN: [Object],
  409. NOW: [Object],
  410. BLOB: [Object],
  411. DECIMAL: [Object],
  412. NUMERIC: [Object],
  413. UUID: [Object],
  414. UUIDV1: [Object],
  415. UUIDV4: [Object],
  416. HSTORE: [Object],
  417. JSON: [Object],
  418. JSONB: [Object],
  419. VIRTUAL: [Object],
  420. ARRAY: [Object],
  421. NONE: [Object],
  422. ENUM: [Object],
  423. RANGE: [Object],
  424. REAL: [Object],
  425. DOUBLE: [Object],
  426. 'DOUBLE PRECISION': [Object],
  427. GEOMETRY: [Object],
  428. GEOGRAPHY: [Object],
  429. postgres: [Object],
  430. mysql: [Object],
  431. sqlite: [Object],
  432. mssql: [Object] },
  433. ABSTRACT: { [Function: ABSTRACT] warn: [Function: warn], types: {} },
  434. STRING:
  435. { [Function: STRING]
  436. super_: [Object],
  437. warn: [Function: warn],
  438. key: 'STRING',
  439. types: [Object] },
  440. CHAR:
  441. { [Function: CHAR]
  442. super_: [Object],
  443. warn: [Function: warn],
  444. key: 'CHAR',
  445. types: [Object] },
  446. TEXT:
  447. { [Function: TEXT]
  448. super_: [Object],
  449. warn: [Function: warn],
  450. key: 'TEXT',
  451. types: [Object] },
  452. NUMBER:
  453. { [Function: NUMBER]
  454. super_: [Object],
  455. warn: [Function: warn],
  456. key: 'NUMBER',
  457. types: {} },
  458. TINYINT:
  459. { [Function: TINYINT]
  460. super_: [Object],
  461. warn: [Function: warn],
  462. key: 'TINYINT',
  463. types: [Object] },
  464. SMALLINT:
  465. { [Function: SMALLINT]
  466. super_: [Object],
  467. warn: [Function: warn],
  468. key: 'SMALLINT',
  469. types: [Object] },
  471. { [Function: MEDIUMINT]
  472. super_: [Object],
  473. warn: [Function: warn],
  474. key: 'MEDIUMINT',
  475. types: [Object] },
  476. INTEGER:
  477. { [Function: INTEGER]
  478. super_: [Object],
  479. warn: [Function: warn],
  480. key: 'INTEGER',
  481. types: [Object] },
  482. BIGINT:
  483. { [Function: BIGINT]
  484. super_: [Object],
  485. warn: [Function: warn],
  486. key: 'BIGINT',
  487. types: [Object] },
  488. FLOAT:
  489. { [Function: FLOAT]
  490. super_: [Object],
  491. warn: [Function: warn],
  492. key: 'FLOAT',
  493. types: [Object] },
  494. TIME:
  495. { [Function: TIME]
  496. super_: [Object],
  497. warn: [Function: warn],
  498. key: 'TIME',
  499. types: [Object] },
  500. DATE:
  501. { [Function: DATE]
  502. super_: [Object],
  503. warn: [Function: warn],
  504. key: 'DATE',
  505. types: [Object] },
  506. DATEONLY: { [Function: DATEONLY] super_: [Object], key: 'DATEONLY', types: [Object] },
  507. BOOLEAN:
  508. { [Function: BOOLEAN]
  509. super_: [Object],
  510. warn: [Function: warn],
  511. key: 'BOOLEAN',
  512. parse: [Function: _sanitize],
  513. types: [Object] },
  514. NOW:
  515. { [Function: NOW]
  516. super_: [Object],
  517. warn: [Function: warn],
  518. key: 'NOW',
  519. types: {} },
  520. BLOB:
  521. { [Function: BLOB]
  522. super_: [Object],
  523. warn: [Function: warn],
  524. key: 'BLOB',
  525. types: [Object] },
  526. DECIMAL:
  527. { [Function: DECIMAL]
  528. super_: [Object],
  529. warn: [Function: warn],
  530. key: 'DECIMAL',
  531. types: [Object] },
  532. NUMERIC:
  533. { [Function: DECIMAL]
  534. super_: [Object],
  535. warn: [Function: warn],
  536. key: 'DECIMAL',
  537. types: [Object] },
  538. UUID:
  539. { [Function: UUID]
  540. super_: [Object],
  541. warn: [Function: warn],
  542. key: 'UUID',
  543. types: [Object] },
  544. UUIDV1:
  545. { [Function: UUIDV1]
  546. super_: [Object],
  547. warn: [Function: warn],
  548. key: 'UUIDV1',
  549. types: {} },
  550. UUIDV4:
  551. { [Function: UUIDV4]
  552. super_: [Object],
  553. warn: [Function: warn],
  554. key: 'UUIDV4',
  555. types: {} },
  556. HSTORE:
  557. { [Function: HSTORE]
  558. super_: [Object],
  559. warn: [Function: warn],
  560. key: 'HSTORE',
  561. types: [Object] },
  562. JSON:
  563. { [Function: JSONTYPE]
  564. super_: [Object],
  565. warn: [Function: warn],
  566. key: 'JSON',
  567. types: [Object] },
  568. JSONB:
  569. { [Function: JSONB]
  570. super_: [Object],
  571. warn: [Function: warn],
  572. key: 'JSONB',
  573. types: [Object] },
  574. VIRTUAL:
  575. { [Function: VIRTUAL]
  576. super_: [Object],
  577. warn: [Function: warn],
  578. key: 'VIRTUAL',
  579. types: {} },
  580. ARRAY:
  581. { [Function: ARRAY]
  582. super_: [Object],
  583. warn: [Function: warn],
  584. key: 'ARRAY',
  585. is: [Function: is],
  586. types: {} },
  587. NONE:
  588. { [Function: VIRTUAL]
  589. super_: [Object],
  590. warn: [Function: warn],
  591. key: 'VIRTUAL',
  592. types: {} },
  593. ENUM:
  594. { [Function: ENUM]
  595. super_: [Object],
  596. warn: [Function: warn],
  597. key: 'ENUM',
  598. types: [Object] },
  599. RANGE:
  600. { [Function: RANGE]
  601. super_: [Object],
  602. warn: [Function: warn],
  603. key: 'RANGE',
  604. types: [Object] },
  605. REAL:
  606. { [Function: REAL]
  607. super_: [Object],
  608. warn: [Function: warn],
  609. key: 'REAL',
  610. types: [Object] },
  611. DOUBLE:
  612. { [Function: DOUBLE]
  613. super_: [Object],
  614. warn: [Function: warn],
  615. key: 'DOUBLE PRECISION',
  616. types: [Object] },
  618. { [Function: DOUBLE]
  619. super_: [Object],
  620. warn: [Function: warn],
  621. key: 'DOUBLE PRECISION',
  622. types: [Object] },
  623. GEOMETRY:
  624. { [Function: GEOMETRY]
  625. super_: [Object],
  626. warn: [Function: warn],
  627. key: 'GEOMETRY',
  628. types: [Object] },
  630. { [Function: GEOGRAPHY]
  631. super_: [Object],
  632. warn: [Function: warn],
  633. key: 'GEOGRAPHY',
  634. types: [Object] },
  635. postgres:
  636. { DECIMAL: [Object],
  637. BLOB: [Object],
  638. STRING: [Object],
  639. CHAR: [Object],
  640. TEXT: [Object],
  641. SMALLINT: [Object],
  642. INTEGER: [Object],
  643. BIGINT: [Object],
  644. BOOLEAN: [Object],
  645. DATE: [Object],
  646. DATEONLY: [Object],
  647. REAL: [Object],
  648. 'DOUBLE PRECISION': [Object],
  649. FLOAT: [Object],
  650. GEOMETRY: [Object],
  651. GEOGRAPHY: [Object],
  652. HSTORE: [Object],
  653. RANGE: [Object],
  654. ENUM: [Object] },
  655. mysql:
  656. { ENUM: [Object],
  657. DATE: [Object],
  658. DATEONLY: [Object],
  659. UUID: [Object],
  660. GEOMETRY: [Object],
  661. DECIMAL: [Object],
  662. BLOB: [Object],
  663. JSON: [Object] },
  664. sqlite:
  665. { DATE: [Object],
  666. DATEONLY: [Object],
  667. STRING: [Object],
  668. CHAR: [Object],
  669. NUMBER: [Object],
  670. FLOAT: [Object],
  671. REAL: [Object],
  672. 'DOUBLE PRECISION': [Object],
  673. TINYINT: [Object],
  674. SMALLINT: [Object],
  675. MEDIUMINT: [Object],
  676. INTEGER: [Object],
  677. BIGINT: [Object],
  678. TEXT: [Object],
  679. ENUM: [Object],
  680. JSON: [Object] },
  681. mssql:
  682. { BLOB: [Object],
  683. BOOLEAN: [Object],
  684. ENUM: [Object],
  685. STRING: [Object],
  686. UUID: [Object],
  687. DATE: [Object],
  688. DATEONLY: [Object],
  689. NOW: [Object],
  690. TINYINT: [Object],
  691. SMALLINT: [Object],
  692. INTEGER: [Object],
  693. BIGINT: [Object],
  694. REAL: [Object],
  695. FLOAT: [Object],
  696. TEXT: [Object] },
  697. Transaction: { [Function: Transaction] Transaction: [Circular], default: [Circular] },
  698. Deferrable:
  699. { INITIALLY_DEFERRED: [Object],
  701. NOT: [Object],
  702. SET_DEFERRED: [Object],
  703. SET_IMMEDIATE: [Object] },
  704. Association:
  705. { [Function: Association]
  706. BelongsTo: [Object],
  707. HasOne: [Function: HasOne],
  708. HasMany: [Object],
  709. BelongsToMany: [Object],
  710. default: [Circular],
  711. Association: [Circular] },
  712. useInflection: [Function: useInflection],
  713. _setupHooks: [Function: _setupHooks],
  714. runHooks: [Function: runHooks],
  715. hook: [Function: hook],
  716. addHook: [Function: addHook],
  717. removeHook: [Function: removeHook],
  718. hasHook: [Function: hasHook],
  719. hasHooks: [Function: hasHook],
  720. beforeValidate: [Function],
  721. afterValidate: [Function],
  722. validationFailed: [Function],
  723. beforeCreate: [Function],
  724. afterCreate: [Function],
  725. beforeDestroy: [Function],
  726. afterDestroy: [Function],
  727. beforeRestore: [Function],
  728. afterRestore: [Function],
  729. beforeUpdate: [Function],
  730. afterUpdate: [Function],
  731. beforeSave: [Function],
  732. afterSave: [Function],
  733. beforeUpsert: [Function],
  734. afterUpsert: [Function],
  735. beforeBulkCreate: [Function],
  736. afterBulkCreate: [Function],
  737. beforeBulkDestroy: [Function],
  738. afterBulkDestroy: [Function],
  739. beforeBulkRestore: [Function],
  740. afterBulkRestore: [Function],
  741. beforeBulkUpdate: [Function],
  742. afterBulkUpdate: [Function],
  743. beforeFind: [Function],
  744. beforeFindAfterExpandIncludeAll: [Function],
  745. beforeFindAfterOptions: [Function],
  746. afterFind: [Function],
  747. beforeCount: [Function],
  748. beforeDefine: [Function],
  749. afterDefine: [Function],
  750. beforeInit: [Function],
  751. afterInit: [Function],
  752. beforeConnect: [Function],
  753. afterConnect: [Function],
  754. beforeSync: [Function],
  755. afterSync: [Function],
  756. beforeBulkSync: [Function],
  757. afterBulkSync: [Function],
  758. beforeDelete: [Function],
  759. afterDelete: [Function],
  760. beforeBulkDelete: [Function],
  761. afterBulkDelete: [Function],
  762. beforeConnection: [Function],
  763. Error: [Function: BaseError],
  764. SequelizeScopeError: [Function: SequelizeScopeError],
  765. ValidationError: [Function: ValidationError],
  766. OptimisticLockError: [Function: OptimisticLockError],
  767. DatabaseError: [Function: DatabaseError],
  768. TimeoutError: [Function: TimeoutError],
  769. UniqueConstraintError: [Function: UniqueConstraintError],
  770. ForeignKeyConstraintError: [Function: ForeignKeyConstraintError],
  771. ExclusionConstraintError: [Function: ExclusionConstraintError],
  772. UnknownConstraintError: [Function: UnknownConstraintError],
  773. ValidationErrorItem: { [Function: ValidationErrorItem] Origins: [Object], TypeStringMap: [Object] },
  774. ConnectionError: [Function: ConnectionError],
  775. ConnectionRefusedError: [Function: ConnectionRefusedError],
  776. AccessDeniedError: [Function: AccessDeniedError],
  777. HostNotFoundError: [Function: HostNotFoundError],
  778. HostNotReachableError: [Function: HostNotReachableError],
  779. InvalidConnectionError: [Function: InvalidConnectionError],
  780. ConnectionTimedOutError: [Function: ConnectionTimedOutError],
  781. InstanceError: [Function: InstanceError],
  782. EmptyResultError: [Function: EmptyResultError],
  783. EagerLoadingError: [Function: EagerLoadingError],
  784. AssociationError: [Function: AssociationError],
  785. QueryError: [Function: QueryError],
  786. Sequelize: [Circular],
  787. default: [Circular] } }
  788. at Object.escape (/home/vagrant/Anna/backend/node_modules/sequelize/lib/sql-string.js:51:11)
  789. at Object.escape (/home/vagrant/Anna/backend/node_modules/sequelize/lib/dialects/abstract/query-generator.js:927:22)
  790. at Object.addLimitAndOffset (/home/vagrant/Anna/backend/node_modules/sequelize/lib/dialects/abstract/query-generator.js:1851:38)
  791. at Object.selectQuery (/home/vagrant/Anna/backend/node_modules/sequelize/lib/dialects/abstract/query-generator.js:1183:29)
  792. at (/home/vagrant/Anna/backend/node_modules/sequelize/lib/query-interface.js:1100:27)
  794. at Promise.try.then.then.then (/home/vagrant/Anna/backend/node_modules/sequelize/lib/model.js:1598:34)
  795. at tryCatcher (/home/vagrant/Anna/backend/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/util.js:16:23)
  796. at Promise._settlePromiseFromHandler (/home/vagrant/Anna/backend/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:512:31)
  797. at Promise._settlePromise (/home/vagrant/Anna/backend/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:569:18)
  798. at Promise._settlePromise0 (/home/vagrant/Anna/backend/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:614:10)
  799. at Promise._settlePromises (/home/vagrant/Anna/backend/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:693:18)
  800. at Async._drainQueue (/home/vagrant/Anna/backend/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/async.js:133:16)
  801. at Async._drainQueues (/home/vagrant/Anna/backend/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/async.js:143:10)
  802. at Immediate.Async.drainQueues (/home/vagrant/Anna/backend/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/async.js:17:14)
  804. at runCallback (timers.js:789:20)
  805. at tryOnImmediate (timers.js:751:5)
  806. at processImmediate [as _immediateCallback] (timers.js:722:5)
  807. -------------------------------
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