
Donation to Reckful

Jan 26th, 2020
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  1. Hey Reckful. I've never watched your stream before but I have a good friend who constantly talks about your stream and it seems like I tuned in the right night. I can appreciate deep conversations. As someone who is steadily pursuing esoteric studies, Eastern philosophy, inner growth and spiritual development (I differentiate 'spiritual' from 'religious' so I won't be giving you a sermon here), I'd like to throw my two cents in. We've never met and never might meet, so take or leave whatever you may from this. I, too, constantly sought external validation for things and sometimes still do. It's part of being an emotional human (and for those that claim to not be emotional, we're all driven by emotion - it's just how we use it) though is something we can transcend above. For me and my journey so far, the key has been not only to understand but truly embody the knowledge that we LITERALLY have nothing to prove to anyone. We are all perpetually perfect yet expanding, insanely powerful beings. Imane hinted at this earlier, mentioning the power of the mind. We all say the cliche saying "mind over matter", yet I don't think most of us understand the truth in that. We, us, you - that's the key. You. Embodying more and more, expanding more into, of who you really are. If I were going to put my inner journey and expansion into a hint of advice, it would be to continually seek your inner growth. Continue to find you. Do what serves you well. Do what you enjoy. You'll continue to vibrate higher and higher and find that peace, growth and happiness that you, and we all, seek. That is the eternal, never ending journey of this life: continual growth and self-discovery.
  3. P.S. Don't know if you know much about astrology, but if you'd care to learn more about yourself on insanely deep levels, go to and look up your birth chart. It might help you along this journey. :)
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