
Bee Mage

Feb 28th, 2016
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  1. Name: Kessel Norton
  2. Race: Plant Maiden
  3. Religion: Celbum
  4. Age: 19
  5. Appearance: Kessel is a mixture of wood and flowering plants that coexist in a sort of twisting knot that is her body. Much of her body is a preservation of a jungle-biome, with many of the plants being within a symbiotic nature on her body, rather than being produced by herself. Her limbs are made from a soft, light wood, very springy. Mixed into here are a variety of flowers, orchids, passion flowers, and few vine-growing flowers. Her roots are also rather shallow within her feet, rather expanding out when they need to be, giving her rather low grip to stay attached to the ground itself, but good traction. Around her legs are a flora of mushrooms. Her head is covered in foliage and vines, a canopy of a rain forest itself and rather damp at times as she exudes moisture, forming mist, dew, and water in her "hair". However her strangest part is within her stomach, a native bee hive that coexists with her and takes her command. They have a working system of workers, queen, and soldiers, but they've grown attached to the young maiden, never venturing away from the hive, just protecting it and now feed off of her flowers. She has learned to mix mana into her flowers to aid these bees in growth and numbers and to utilize them in combat by commanding them. They also come to her defense when she herself is unable to.
  7. Weapons: Hive-Staff, a large wooden stick that's in the shape of a druidic, oversized honey wand, thought to be used in ancient meaderies.
  9. Armor: Tree-Bark Armor: An armor make from tree-bark and leather, held together to protect vital area and give ample opening for bees at the sacrifice of defense.
  11. Misc. Equipment: Three Jars for Honey Storage, Rucksack, basic supplies
  13. Seed-Bag:
  15. Riches: 0
  17. Notable Skills: Nature Knowledge: Emphasis BEES!!! II, Bee Druidism III, Plant manipulation I, Mana II, Speed I
  19. Magical Specialty: Druidic Parasi BBBEEEEEEESSSSS!!!!!!
  20. Spell Components: Spell-Flowers, Spells are channeled through different flowers growing on her.
  21. Spells and Abilities:
  23. Bee Command: Healing Honey: Releases a honey from the hive, infused with mana to aid the healing of a wound from either drinking or applied directly to the wound itself.
  25. Bee Command: Beegeneration: Regenerate the number of bees by rapidly growing them in the hive or by healing damage bees within the swarm.
  27. Bee Command: Search: The Bees are commanded to go out and search, returning soon after to relay the information back. As well specific objects or people can be targeted out to be a priority.
  29. Bee Command: Attack: A simple order of attack an individual or area. This can also include a specific point on a person. Bees given this command are infused with mana to have greater attacking power.
  31. Bee Command: Defense: A simple order to defend an individual, or area. Bees circle around acting almost as a shield, clouding vision, and attacking anyone that gets nearby. Bees with this command have greater hardiness.
  33. Bee Command: Build Wall: A simple command to construct a wall in an area out of nearby supplies and honeycomb*.
  35. Bee Command: Build Bridge: A more complex command to build a bridge over a certain area out of nearby supplies and honeycomb*.
  37. Bee Command: Pollinate: The bees search out for plant-life, taking pollen and mana. This gives the user a return of mana and pollen to create healing honey out of.
  40. Plant-Shift: A spell that shifts her own plants to different variants from plants she knows.
  42. Grasp of Vines: Manipulate nearby plants to grasp and tangle an individual.
  44. Reinforcements of Nature: A spell that causes plants to grow around a structure to aid in it's structural integrity.
  47. *This comb can be reinforced with mana.
  49. Backstory: Anything you wanna put down can be added to later, just not replaced.
  50. Family:
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