

Sep 30th, 2013
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  1. Chaos%:
  2. Every crazy idea we can think of mixed together! There will be two types of effects: Timed and Permanent. The effects will start to trigger after the intro cutscene ends.
  4. Each effect also has a difficulty tier, shown as the prescript in the list below. Higher difficulty tier effects have a reduced chance to activate.
  6. Permanent effects will be set at the start of the game and stay active. How many and which effects trigger is based on the seed you enter. (The effects are permanent due to the way they work, for example OtherMoney% is not suitable for a timed effect. I might move some effects which could be timed as well here because it's more fun/for balancing)
  8. Timed effects will be on a timer, every 60 or so seconds (In-game time, so time in the menu won't count. The time is customized for some effects.), the current effect will be deactivated and another one will activate. The order in which these trigger is random and does NOT depend on the seed. All effect categories will be activated once before repeating any though. Of course if effects break certain missions or in other situations, they will be set to skip, which counts as activated in relation to repeating the effects.
  10. (Note: Save files will always remain compatible with the normal game, unless the game script is changed, which is not something that is currently planned.
  12. Closing the script will restore the game to normal.
  14. See the readme included with the program for other information.
  16. Implemented:
  17. Permanent:
  18. [4] PackageHealth% (Your max health equals twice the amount of packages collected)
  19. [3] MissionSuicide% (Die after every mission completion)
  20. [1] Flintstone% (Force the walking in car glitch)
  21. [2] Immersion% (Disable HUD and radar)
  22. [2] NoDriveby% (Disable drive-by's)
  24. Timed:
  25. [2] FlatTire% (Bikes have both tires flattened on entering, cars have all four except the front right tire flattened)
  26. [1] ToFlatTireOrNotToFlatTire% (Continuously pop and restore your tires)
  27. [1] DrunkCam% (Activate the drunk camera, even simulates the fancy fade in/out)
  28. [1] Wanted1% (Get a 1 star wanted level)
  29. [2] Wanted2% (Get a 2 star wanted level)
  30. [3] Wanted3% (Get a 3 star wanted level)
  31. [4] Wanted4% (Get a 4 star wanted level)
  32. [5] Wanted5% (Get a 5 star wanted level)
  33. [6] Wanted6% (Get a 6 star wanted level)
  34. [1] ZeroGravity% (Gravity is reduced to zero)
  35. [2] QuarterGravity% (Gravity is reduced to a quarter of normal)
  36. [1] HalfGravity% (Gravity is reduced to half of normal)
  37. [1] DoubleGravity% (Gravity is increased to the double of normal)
  38. [3] QuadrupleGravity% (Gravity is increased to the quadruple of normal)
  39. [3] QuarterGameSpeed% (the game runs at quarter speed)
  40. [2] HalfGameSpeed% (the game runs at half speed)
  41. [1] DoubleGameSpeed% (the game runs at double speed)
  42. [1] Lag% (Alternate between 0.25x and 2x game speed)
  43. [1] AngryDrivers% (All random vehicles are angry drivers)
  44. [1] CrazyCarCollision% (car collisions are more extreme)
  45. [2] NoRight% (Disable right turns)
  46. [1] RainbowCar% (Cycle through all the possible car colours)
  47. [1] RandomFall% (force fall animation, as if you tripped in the snow)
  48. [3] LetsTakeABreak% (Tommy is uncontrollable for a short period of time)
  49. [1] PhoneCall% (Tommy thinks he's getting a call)
  50. [3] ImTheInvisibleDriver% (Tommy and his car become invisible)
  51. [2] FrameLimiter15% (Set frame limiter to 15 fps)
  52. [1] FrameLimiter60% (Set frame limiter to 60 fps)
  53. [2] FrameLimiter120% (Set frame limiter to 120 fps)
  54. [2] FrameLimiter420% (Set frame limiter to 420 fps)
  57. Designed but not yet active:
  58. Permanent:
  60. Timed:
  61. [3] QuadrupleGameSpeed% (the game runs at quadruple speed. Doesn't work yet since the game speed multiplier I'm using (which is the same as the cheat) is capped at double speed)
  64. TBD/Hypothetical: (note: not all of these ideas might make it in)
  65. Permanent:
  66. LimitedHealth% (pickups decrease max health/armour, wasted/busted also. Or: tie health to some other stat)
  67. OtherMoney% (change what earns you money, e.g. bus driver, beach volleyball, destroying police heli, killing peds, stunt jumps, R3 missions, collectables, damage caused, robbing the bank, parking meters)
  68. R3% (Change the vehicles used for R3 missions (would be combined with othermoney%)
  69. BullionRun% (during cherry poppers, dildo dodo, checkpoint charlie or something like that, make the car heavier/change handling like in bullion run per deal done/checkpoint. or after you pick up the briefcase for diaz or on mall shootout your speed is reduced to 10%)
  70. Retro% (set the screen resolution to something very low, e.g. 160x120 or even lower)
  71. UndercoverCop% (Undercover cops on Cherry Poppers or other missions)
  72. ChangeMissionObjectives% (Change the amount of deals required for Cherry Poppers, changing stuff for other missions)
  73. Insurance% (Damage you cause will be detracted from your money)
  74. Overkill% (Spawn hunters etc for missions)
  75. SSA% (Change SSA list: rhino, barracks? :D)
  76. Military% (Make the military spawn at 2 stars)
  77. HeadshotRampage% (Do something with reenabling headshot rampages. What is possible?)
  78. Bazooka% (Only allow use of the bazooka, give ammo though)
  79. Lava% (If you're standing on the ground (roof etc also counts I think) you lose health. e.g. lose 10 hp/s after standing on the ground for at least 1 second. In a similar way, your car will take damage perhaps?)
  80. GTA4% (Add the Spilling The Beans taxi in all missions. No, this will probably never happen)
  81. RandomMission% (mission order is random. Tricky, would have to do some testing to see if it is viable)
  82. UFO% (change control scheme, i.e. W is move north, S south, A west, D east, tilt forward key is up, tilt backward key is down, or something like that)
  83. StickyCamera% (Force the sticky camera. Not sure how this could be done)
  84. RandomWeapon% (Force usage of a random weapon that changes on a timer. Forcing a certain weapon confirmed working, though with a number of limitations.)
  85. SanAndreas% (Airplanes randomly come crashing down. There are a lot of issues with this so it probably won't happen)
  86. Tourist% (change missions to give you a camera instead of other weapons)
  87. TouchyFeely% (Raise police sensitivity)
  88. BasedBus%
  91. Timed:
  92. Poison% (lose x health every x seconds. Add visual bleeding effect)
  93. Riot% (peds have (custom) weapons and are hostile. Also activate the riot noise at player location)
  94. Enemieshavedifferentweapons% (similar to riot%, more difficult to implement)
  95. PoliceWeaponized% (Cops have different weapons)
  96. RandomPush% (while in a vehicle (doesn't work on foot), you will be pushed in a random direction)
  97. RandomPull% (objects (just vehicles?) will be pulled towards you)
  98. Accuracy% (Change ped/police accuracy)
  99. CarsSpawnWithNoHP% (i.e. cars are burning/nearly burning when they spawn)
  100. LinkSpeedWithGravity% (the faster you go, the lower gravity becomes, or something like that, depending on what feels fun)
  101. RandomFalling% (force fall animation, as if you tripped in the snow)
  102. MessedUpHandling% (change handling settings)
  103. Wildstyle% - Unless you are listening to wildstyle your car goes .5x speed
  104. OG% (OGLOC HYPE)
  105. MP3% (Force the radio to mp3 (with an mp3 which everyone finds annoying (problem is that it's not quite legal in most cases to distribute the music))
  106. GunsUseDoubleAmmo%
  107. PoliceNation% (All peds spawn as cops. If I can find it, also the cars)
  108. Camera% (Force camera mode, (perhaps a penalty for trying to switch))
  109. WalkBackwards% (You can only walk backwards (and/or strafe))
  110. Adrenaline% (Force adrenaline mode)
  111. EnterCar% (Tommy randomly starts to enter the nearest car. Doesn't seem to work)
  112. Ice% (Lower traction or temporarily remove traction altogether)
  113. FoggyRain% (Permanent rain and fog)
  114. FrameLimiter% (increase or decrease the frame limiter fps)
  115. F-Zero (increase car speed x5, could be a permanent effect as well)
  116. Siren% (all cars act like you have a siren on)
  117. Kamikaze% (Burning cars trying to smash into you)
  118. InvisibleCars% (All cars invisible)
  119. RearView% (Forced rear view)
  120. BlackTexture% (For some of that gta 3 nostalgia)
  121. NinjaCop% (Police (cars) are invisible. Look for a way to do this with officers)
  122. Colours% (find some interesting stuff to do with colours)
  123. KeyRemap% (Change keybinds, e.g. reversed, sometimes it only switches left and right, sometimes it switches up and down, sometimes it's a full reverse, and maybe sideways too, so like left is forward)
  124. LowBrightness% (Set brightness to 0, limited visibility)
  125. Night% (Make the game much darker at night (force night?) as it should be)
  126. Bright% (Set brightness to max (600). This isn't detrimental to gameplay, just looks different)
  127. BouncyBouncy% (Significantly reduce tire spring damping and/or raise tire spring stretch power)
  128. Interiour% (Load a random interiour)
  129. RandomSounds% (Play random sounds in the background, explosions, airhorns, car on fire, sirens, shooting etc)
  130. ConsoleAutoaim% (Activate autoaim, probably pretty difficult)
  131. NoSprint% (Disable sprint i.e. deplete stamina)
  132. NoJump% (Look at how the game disables jumping while carrying a bazooka)
  133. LSD% (Change the colours like crazy (messing with the time does this))
  134. Scaling% (mess with the car/ped scaling, it does break a lot though in terms of collision and crashing)
  135. InverseFog% (Only see far away, not close by (perhaps tie a smoke grenade to player position?))
  136. DetachedTexture% (Detach the player model and if applicable the car model as well)
  137. RandomWeaponDamage% (Change the damage weapons deal)
  138. MegaPunch% (like the cheat in san andreas)
  139. (Use media attention or criminal rating for something)
  140. (Mess with "fat")
  141. (Make random cutscenes unskippable)
  142. (Lock the camera at a position)
  143. (Change skins for player/lance etc)
  145. Add your ideas (effects or otherwise) below!
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