
Pulsar Swirl Greentext

May 31st, 2016
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  1. (5/31/16)
  2. >Be Pulsar Swirl
  3. >You are a proud member of the Centaur-I Space Force.
  4. >Well... At least for now.
  5. >Really, you are just a freelance space pilot, looking to make some money.
  6. >The government has been issuing space exploration warrants, requests to explore distant planets in exchange for the majority of the profits made off research.
  7. >You signed up, and were assigned to the planet Equus-IV, a planet similar to your own, albeit with significantly less metal resources and technology.
  8. >It shows signs of early colonization, though not as developed as the Centaur System.
  9. >Now, you are just finishing packing for the trip.
  10. >Sustenance Synthesizer, Check.
  11. >Backup Batteries, Check.
  12. [spoiler]>Completely Necessary Ponnen Lagann Glasses, Check.[/spoiler]
  13. >Alright! All ready to go!
  14. >You hop inside your spacecraft, and activate the engines.
  15. >You hear the familiar noise of the ship systems activating, and see many lights and colors burst to life in front of you.
  16. >You flick a few switches and move some sliders as you check and make sure that the ship is ready for flight.
  17. >Almost done, you activate the shields, only for them to flicker out afterwards.
  18. "Shoot. Forgot that I need to get that fixed. Ah well, Shields need to be disabled while the PCD is on. I'm likely not going to use them anyways." You say out loud, to nopony in particular.
  19. >Opening the bay doors, you power up your engines and make your way over to the Planar Convergence Point to start your voyage to Equus-IV.
  20. ---
  21. "Flight Log: Leaving Centaur-I Space Force Station on Rev 8-451-712, Frac 172, at 5:23. Approaching the PCP."
  22. >You ping the station with your jump coordinates, and prepare for Planar Convergence.
  23. >A few minutes later, your ship is locked in place as the universe appears to shake around it.
  24. >You prepare for the strange feeling that you know from years of experience that is Planar Convergence.
  25. >You know why it happens too, and that only makes it all the worse when you think about it.
  26. >You remember, Planar Convergence is when your Planar Convergence Drive, or PCD, essentially separates your vessel's geometry from everything else's.
  27. >After that, the Planar Convergence Point, or PCP, a large mechanical construct, harnesses magical radiation and uses it to converge your point in space, onto a two dimensional plane where another PCP is located, then reforms you back into the third dimension in your new location.
  28. >There is a lot more heavy magic theory and science going on behind that, but that's the just of it.
  29. >Your vision cuts out as the Convergence begins, and a few moments later, you find yourself in a very different location.
  30. >You see the Equus system in the distance, and begin to fire up your engines.
  31. "5:33, Planar Convergence complete. Beginning travel to Equus-IV."
  32. >It isn't necessary to do the flight logs, considering you are a freelancer, but you do them anyways, in case anything goes awry. [spoiler]Plus, it makes you feel cooler.[/spoiler]
  33. >The flight goes pretty well. Boring as usual, but nothing that a few video games can't handle.
  34. >Putting in your earphones, you decide to put in your favorite game, Asteroids.
  35. >Nothing like the classics.
  36. >Sadly, your ship's computers don't run Ponari.
  37. >Still, you make do with a newer remake of it.
  38. >As you play, you slowly phase out anything going on outside of your little game world...
  39. ---
  40. >Until the red lights start blaring.
  41. "What's going on?"
  42. >You see a large object suddenly pop up on your radar.
  43. "What? Why didn't this show up earlier?
  44. >You try to do damage control, but it was too close for even your ship's collision avoidance systems to dodge.
  45. >You look out the cockpit just in time to see a large asteroid, or meteor, considering it was falling towards a planet, approach your ship.
  46. >You try and turn the shields on, hoping that they would do something, even just the tiniest amount of armor.
  47. >The meteor collides with your ship, and the lights go dark as you fall down towards Equus-IV.
  48. ---
  49. >You come to, with emergency lights blaring.
  53. >Really, again?
  54. >You look out of the cockpit to see the quickly approaching surface of the planet.
  55. "Sweet scintillation, why is everything horrible."
  56. >You get into gear quickly, attempting to reboot systems.
  57. >The engines are severely damaged, but the docking thrusters are still in tact.
  58. >Not that you could get much delta-v out of them before you touch down, but maybe...
  59. >You act quickly, rerouting heat control to the downwards thrusters, attempting to overheat them.
  60. >Normally, this kind of maneuver would make you lose your piloting licence, but you're a freelance pilot. Nopony needs to hear about everything you do.
  62. >You press "No", as this is exactly what you want to happen.
  63. >A few moments later, another prompt pops up.
  65. >You feel a small blast on the undercarriage of the ship, as the inhibitors keeping the thrusters from firing explode.
  66. "Ooh, that's going to cost a lot to fix. Sorry, ship, but it's for your own good."
  67. >The thrusters are now firing more than they ever could normally, as the RCS fuel pours downwards in a torrent of flame.
  68. >You watch your velocity drop into a non-fatal range, but you doubt that you will pull off a safe landing.
  69. >20 m/s...
  70. >15...
  71. >10...
  72. >5...
  73. >You crash down, going much faster than you should've been, and the ship shudders violently.
  74. >You groan in pain, but at least you aren't severely hurt.
  75. >Checking the console, you realize you probably wont be going home soon.
  81. "Oh shoot." You say, the cockpit opens and you get launched out onto the surface of Equus IV.
  82. ---
  83. (6/3/16)
  84. >You see two colors flash before your eyes as you spiral out of the cockpit.
  85. >Blue.
  86. >Green.
  87. >Blue.
  88. >Green!
  89. >You see large green spikes coming from the ground, about half as tall as you.
  90. >You let go of a breath the you didn't know you were holding when your suit tells you the the air is breathable.
  91. "Whew, that was a little closer than I would've preferred. How bad is the damage?"
  92. >You check over yourself and find no major injuries. A scratch here and there, but they'll fade.
  93. >You look back at your ship, and find that it didn't take as much of a beating as you thought.
  94. >Yes, all the major systems are damaged, and the hull is dinged in quite a few places, but nothing that isn't repairable.
  95. >Well, so long as you can find the parts to fix it on this planet.
  96. >Looking around, you try and grasp a hold of your surroundings.
  97. >It appears that you are on a large hill, everything nearby covered in the soft green spikes.
  98. >The sky above you is a light blue, with a few wisps of white and gray dotting the horizon.
  99. >Down the hill, you can see what appears to be a colony, with massive houses that could contain a small town of your kind each!
  100. >Looking back at your ship one last time, making a mental list of what you'll need to repair it, your trot down to the town to make first contact with this race, termed "Equestrians."
  101. ---
  102. >"Darling, aren't you just the cutest little thing!" A large, white coated Equestrian with a purple mane spotted you on the street, and is now lifting you up about a meter off the ground, you sitting on the sole of her hoof.
  103. "I will have you know that I am a professional space pilot and will not hesitate to retaliate against any hostile behavior."
  104. >You try and put on a strong face, but the pony, about eight times your size is taking none of it.
  105. >"And you have the highest pitched little voice!"
  106. >Darn sound physics, why do they have to make you so... tiny.
  107. >Well, you guess it does make sense, considering you ARE tiny.
  108. >That doesn't make it fair though!
  109. "Miss, I must ask you to unhoof me or I will be forced to use my advanced technology!"
  110. >You activate the visor on your helmet for emphasis, creating a tiny 'clink!' sound.
  111. >"Oh, your little helmet moves! I simply must show you to Twilight!"
  112. >Of course she can't understand you. Hopefully you can find some way to lower your voice from squeaks to comprehensible voice. Maybe this Twilight pony can help...
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