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Jan 23rd, 2021
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  1. About the Northern War in Silent Valley
  2. Ok finished. Then the most important thing for us is the more important war, the more important war, and the more important war that takes place near Low An, which is P3EN, where we fight every day in Silent Valley. Ok, you can see that there are many bridge jumps in Silent Valley every day. Every day, there are many enemies repeatedly going back and forth with 30 people and 40 people, and even a fleet of 80 people plowing back and forth. Why in this situation? Because the North has united. Yes, all the northern aborigines will show you a picture, this picture is not very accurate, because the author of this picture is cute, he does not like volta, so he did not include volta. This is called Freeman of The North (Freeman of The North). There is no volta, but volta actually accounts for more than half. All the alliances in the north felt that they were doing it suddenly, they suddenly had benefits, and they suddenly started fighting with us. So you can see that they pushed the iron arm of AW1 into the structure. They never stopped D7's anti-induction all day long. In this case, we can’t just rely on Silent Valley and the FC here, so we need more FCs and more members. First, get our combat preparations to Silent Valley and go to H-5. . In this area, we mainly use the Monster Lizard team, because the current number is not enough to face, and the Monster Lizard team is more friendly to the newcomers, and then the requirements of FC are also more friendly. Therefore, the monster team currently uses the most important timers. We will use the armor-resistant ship system. For example, if you can get enough TFI in AW1, after 24 hours, the training path is 24 hours later. . Yes, 9:30 tomorrow night. But this is an enemy galaxy, so we must mention the team to dismantle the opposite anti-induced, so you can probably estimate that we will start the team after the maintenance, and even before the maintenance, some of them will start to move after the deadline. , Tomorrow we will use all the overdue and Titans that are still in the drone zone, as well as small flagships and faxes. No fearlessness is needed. Thank you. Don't let your fearlessness come tomorrow. Invasion, I hope that the decisive battle will be dropped at 3:00 in the afternoon, and then return to RF-waiting fatigue, super flag you need to prepare heavy water cannons, ok I must. And the middle blisters of the net. Then you need to prepare a light iron ride, and then the small aircraft carrier is more important than the super flag, because the small aircraft carrier can also be placed on the net word iron ride, so tomorrow the small aircraft carrier will have priority, then the big line, then FAX, and then the Titan. We have about five Six is enough.
  3. In the war in the North, we tried to dismantle one of their IHUB this morning, although it did not dismantle it, but it reached 11%. It can be seen that the patience of northerners is very good. During the Spring Festival, we are going to tell him why we should bring the Jedi Titans back, right? During the Spring Festival, I plan to take down all of them in one Spring Festival. These times are very underworld at 10 am and 5 am. Like this kind of time in the underworld, their sovereignty and their buildings, we will put FRT’s iron arms or star cities in all the important galaxies of the enemy before the Spring Festival. After the Spring Festival, people will be brought in, so everyone may have to be busy during the Spring Festival, especially during the day and early morning. This is a relatively imminent war, because I want to win it as soon as possible. Why? Because the longer you get to the back, the more people will be. And we belong to a long-distance migratory operation. We have the largest number of teams in Osha. The important Timeer should definitely be Osha's team. The assembly point on the opposite side was 4 hops away from our bridge. If P3EN jumped the bridge and was killed twice, it is better to beheaded in this situation. The beheading failed last week because I neglected that the anti-induction was too strong. When the iron arm of our D7 is online, the iron arm is online at 9 o'clock in the evening on Monday, so tomorrow night and the next night will need to be assembled twice. Tomorrow night and the night after tomorrow. We all want to be in Chaoqi. After the iron wall of our D7 went online, we started to beat the toilet paper assembly point. Ok this time I have made a comprehensive arrangement, and FRT still has some experience in all confrontation and anti-induction. We have used it many times as a defensive defense and as an offensive defense. It's impossible for a small league like this to be better. This is a battle on the bright side.
  4. There is also a battle in the Jedi. Basically, you just have to watch it. When I talk about teaming, for example, when I talk about teaming tonight, or when I talk about teaming the next night, we need to go. But the real war is very far away from us. The most important battles are with Toilet Paper., Rote Kapelle, Quote Alliance, No Visual., Brotherhood of Spacers, Trigger Happy., DarkSide. . You see these 7 alliances Trigger Happy. There are still people. Look at his 7 alliances, including some other helpers called by them, and even helpers called from low security. It is very interesting. Very determined to push us out of Tebute, but this is impossible.
  5. I can say that everyone will wait until March 1st to call again. I want to make our jump bridge as soon as possible and complete our infrastructure as soon as possible. In this way, you will not say that you move to a place with nothing and inconvenient transportation. Star field. So hurry up and put the combat readiness to H-5 in normal times, and will remind you to arrive two or three days in advance before the more important ones. If the team starts from RF-.
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