
Outpost Messages.yml

Jul 22nd, 2017
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  1. # Messages Configuration #
  2. prefix: '&8[&aAceOutposts&8]'
  3. nopermission: '&cYou do not have permission!'
  4. opengui: '%prefix% &aOpening the outposts menu...'
  5. teleport: '%prefix% &aTeleporting to the outpost in 5 seconds...'
  6. teleportfail: '%prefix% &cTeleportation cancelled due to movement!'
  7. teleportsuc: '%prefix% &aTeleported to the outpost!'
  8. reload: '%prefix% &aReloaded Configs!'
  9. outpostnotexist: '%prefix% &aOutpost does not exist!'
  10. wrongworld: '%prefix% &aYou must be in the outpost world to do this! Your World: %yourworld% Config World: %configworld%'
  11. setspawn: '%prefix% &aSet the spawn for %factiontype% in %outpost% outpost!'
  12. getwand: '%prefix% &aYou obtained an outpost wand!'
  13. selectpos: '%prefix% &aSelected Position %pos%! %x%, %y%, %z%.'
  14. attacked: '&c&l%attacker% is attacking the outpost! [%cap%%]'
  15. blocked: '&7&lThe outpost is blocked! [%cap%%]'
  16. capturing: '&e&l%capturing% is capturing the outpost! [%cap%%]'
  17. challenged: '&c&lThe outpost is challenged! [%cap%%]'
  18. contested: '&e&lThe outpost is contested! [%cap%%]'
  19. controlled: '&a&l%faction% is controlling the outpost! [%cap%%]'
  20. fortified: '&a&lThe outpost is fortified! [%cap%%]'
  21. idle: '&7&lThe outpost is idle! [%cap%%]'
  22. securing: '&a&l%faction% is securing the outpost! [%cap%%]'
  23. guardianspawn: '&b&nGuardians have spawned to defend the outpost!'
  24. toggle: '%prefix% &aYou toggled the outpost to %toggle%'
  25. setmob: '%prefix% &aSet spawn %spawn% for %outpost% outpost''s guardians!'
  26. notnumber: '%prefix% &c%arg% is not a number!'
  27. setcap: '%prefix% &aSet the capture percent to %percent%!'
  28. setoutpost: '%prefix% &aSet the block positions for the outpost!'
  29. nofac: '&cYou must be in a faction to interact with an outpost!'
  30. capoutpost: '%color%&l&n%faction% has captured the %outpost% Outpost!'
  31. uncapoutpost: '&c&l%faction% has lost the %outpost% Outpost! &nThey controlled it for %time%!'
  32. limited: '&cThis outpost limits you to %limit%!'
  33. xpboost: '&ax%boost% EXP Boost &7[%outpost% Outpost]'
  34. alreadycontrolling: '&cYou can only capture one outpost at a time!'
  35. nohunger: '&aNo Hunger Loss &7[%outpost% Outpost]'
  36. mustcontrol: '%prefix% &cYou must be controlling an outpost to do this!'
  37. isnotreward: '%prefix% &cThis outpost does not allow you to do this!'
  38. flytoggle: '%prefix% &aSet fly mode %toggle%!'
  39. noitem: '&cYou must have an item in your hand!'
  40. fixitem: '%prefix% &aItem Fixed!'
  41. damageboost: '&ax%boost% Damage Boost &7[%outpost% Outpost]'
  42. nodisband: '&cYou cant disband your faction when controlling an outpost!'
  43. invincible: '&cYou cannot interact with an outpost when you are invincible!'
  44. setarea: '%prefix% &aSet the block positions for the outpost area!'
  45. mcmmoboost: '&ax%boost% MCMMO XP Boost &7[%outpost% Outpost]'
  46. disallowcommand: '&cYou cannot use &n%command%&r &cin this area!'
  47. cannotgothere: '&4You cannot go there!'
  48. cannotfly: '&cYou cannot fly here!'
  49. facnoexist: '&cThat faction does not exist!'
  50. sgcommand: '%prefix% &aSpawned Outpost Guardians at %outpost% Outpost!'
  51. invalidsign: '%prefix% &cInvalid Sign Format! %reason%'
  52. createsign: '%prefix% &aSuccessfully created an outpost sell sign!'
  53. signbuy: '%prefix% &aYou bought x%amount% %item% for $%price%!'
  54. signsell: '%prefix% &aYou sold x%amount% %item% for $%price%!'
  55. nomoney: '%prefix% &cYou cannot afford this!'
  56. noamount: '%prefix% &cYou do not enough of this item to sell!'
  57. signcontrol: '%prefix% &cYou must control the %outpost% Outpost to use this sign!'
  58. msgtoggle: '%prefix% &aYou toggled outpost status messages &l&n%toggle%&r&a!'
  59. sbcommand: '%prefix% &aSpawned Outpost Boss at %outpost% Outpost!'
  60. setboss: '%prefix% &aSuccessfully Set the Boss Spawn Location at %outpost% Outpost!'
  61. alert: '&cYour outpost is currently being attacked by %attacker%! [%cap%%]'
  62. lootboost: '&ax%boost% Mob Loot Boost &7[%outpost% Outpost]'
  63. playernotfound: '%prefix% &cPlayer Not Found!'
  64. tpplayer: '%prefix% &aTeleporting player...'
  65. bossspawn:
  66. - '&f'
  67. - '&d&l&nThe Queen&b&l has spawned at the &d&l&nGalaxy Outpost&b&l!'
  68. - '&f'
  69. stats:
  70. - '&8&l&m==========================================='
  71. - '&a&l%faction%''s Stats'
  72. - '&aTotal Time Controlled: &f%timecontrolled%'
  73. - '&aOutpost Guardians Killed: &f%guardianskilled%'
  74. - '&8&l&m==========================================='
  75. helpmessage:
  76. - '&f'
  77. - '&a&lAce-Outposts Commands'
  78. - '&a/outpost'
  79. - '&a/outpost help'
  80. - '&a/outpost reload'
  81. - '&a/outpost wand'
  82. - '&a/outpost toggle <outpost>'
  83. - '&a/outpost msgtoggle'
  84. - '&a/outpost set <outpost>'
  85. - '&a/outpost stats [faction]'
  86. - '&a/outpost <sg, spawnguardians> <outpost>'
  87. - '&a/outpost <sb, spawnboss> <outpost>'
  88. - '&a/outpost setspawn <outpost> <1, 2>'
  89. - '&a/outpost setarea <outpost>'
  90. - '&a/outpost setmob <outpost> <spawnnumber>'
  91. - '&a/outpost setboss <outpost>'
  92. - '&a/outpost setcap <outpost> <percentage>'
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