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Jun 8th, 2020
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  1. #NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
  2. ; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
  3. SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
  4. SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
  6. ; ////////// Set Lock keys permanently //////////
  7. SetNumlockState, AlwaysOn
  8. ;SetCapsLockState, AlwaysOff
  9. SetScrollLockState, AlwaysOff
  10. return
  12. ; ////////// SHORTCUTS //////////
  13. ; # = Windows Logo Key
  14. ; ^ = CTRL Key
  15. ; ! = ALT Key
  16. ; + = Shift Key
  17. ; < > = Used before one of the above to define left side key or right side key on the keyboard
  18. ; & = An ampersand may be used between any two keys or mouse buttons to combine them into a custom hotkey.
  20. ; ////////// Suspend AutoHotKey (OFF SCRIPTS) //////////
  21. #ScrollLock::Suspend ; Win + scrollLock To Disable AutoHotKey
  22. return
  24. ; ////////// WIN BUTTON DISABLE //////////
  25. ; LWin::Alt
  26. ; Disable Left Windows Key
  27. ; LWin::Return
  28. ;~LWin Up:: return
  29. ;~LWin::return
  31. ; ////////// GLOBAL VOLUME CONTROL //////////
  32. #WheelDown::Volume_Down
  33. #WheelUp::Volume_Up
  34. #PgDn::Volume_Down
  35. #PgUp::Volume_Up
  37. ; ////////// MEDIA CONTROL ////////// (Ctrl + Numpad Media Control)
  38. ^Numpad6::Media_Next
  39. ^Numpad4::Media_Prev
  40. ^Numpad5::Media_Play_Pause
  42. ; ////////// F1-12 BUTTON APPLICATIONS //////////
  43. ; #F1 = WIN + F1 +#F1 = WIN + SHIFT + F1
  44. #F1::Run chrome.exe ; Run Google Chrome (Win + F1)
  45. +#F1::Run chrome.exe -incognito ; Run Google Chrome Incognito Mode (Shift + Win + F1)
  46. #F2::Run, Totalcmd64.exe, C:\Total Commander Extended\ ; Run Total Commander (Win + F2)
  47. #F3::Run Everything.exe, D:\Soft\Everything\ ; Run Everything (Win + F3)
  48. #F4::Run, cherrytree.exe, D:\Soft\CherryTree Portable\bin\ ; Run CherryTree Portable (Win + F4)
  49. +#F4::Run Edit "D:\Someshit\Notebook.txt" ; Run Notebook.txt (in D:\Someshit\) Folder (Shift + Win + F4)
  50. #F5::Launch_Media ; Run AIMP Player (Or Default Media Player)
  51. #F6::Run, mmsys.cpl ; Audio Device Settings
  52. #F7::Run, PotPlayerMini64.exe, D:\Soft\PotPlayer\ ; Run POT PLAYER
  53. #F8::Run, FreeTimer.exe, D:\Soft\FreeTimerPortable\ ; Run FreeTimerPortable
  54. +#F8::Run, TTclock.exe, D:\Soft\ttclock64\ ; Run TTClockTimer Portable (Shift + Win + F8)
  55. #F9::Run, KeePass.exe, D:\Soft\KeePass\ ; Run KeePass (Win + F9)
  57. ; ////////// APPLICATIONS //////////
  58. +#\::Run calc.exe ; Calculator (Win + \)
  59. #\::Run, speedcrunch.exe, d:\Soft\Speedcrunch Calculator\ ; Run Speedcrunch Calculator
  61. ; ////////// SYSTEM ACTION HOTKEYS //////////
  62. $+#Del::FileRecycleEmpty ; Empty recycle bin (Win+Shift+Del)
  64. ; ////////// ALT + F6 TOGGLE AUDIO DEVICE //////////
  65. !F6::
  66. toggle:=!toggle ;toggles up and down states.
  67. Run, mmsys.cpl
  68. WinWait,Π—Π²ΡƒΠΊ ; Change "Sound" to the name of the window in your local language
  69. if toggle
  70. ControlSend,SysListView321,{Down 1} ; This number selects the matching audio device in the list, change it accordingly
  71. Else
  72. ControlSend,SysListView321,{Down 2} ; This number selects the matching audio device in the list, change it accordingly
  73. ControlClick,Button2 ; Change "&Set Default" to the name of the button in your local language
  74. ControlClick,Button4
  75. return
  77. ; ////////// SYSTEM SHUTDOWN/SLEEP //////////
  78. ; ////////// Win + F12 - Sleep ///// Shift+Win+F12 - Shutdown //////////
  79. #F12::
  80. ; Sleep/Suspend:
  81. DllCall("PowrProf\SetSuspendState", "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0)
  82. ; Hibernate:
  83. ;DllCall("PowrProf\SetSuspendState", "int", 1, "int", 0, "int", 0)
  84. Return
  85. +#F12::
  86. Shutdown, 1
  87. return
  89. ; ////////// GAMES /////////////////
  90. ; ////////// DOTA 2 REMAP //////////
  91. #IfWinActive ahk_exe dota2.exe
  92. ;Capslock::Alt
  93. ;Capslock::h
  94. ;Capslock::m
  95. ;LWin::Alt
  96. LWin::m
  97. ;LShift::Alt
  98. ;LWin::Shift
  99. ;Space::Alt
  100. return
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