
Ainz - Message

Oct 16th, 2021
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  1. “Message.” First, he would try to contact a GM. The way the Message spell worked in Yggdrasil was that if the player being contacted were in the game at the time, the caller would hear a cell phone–like ring, but if they weren’t, it would just disconnect. Now it was maybe a cousin of that spell. Momonga felt like he was putting out a feeler to search for something. The sensation was difficult to describe, and he was experiencing it for the first time in his life. It continued for a little while and then, with nothing to connect to, the spell timed out.
  3. Well, that’s discouraging.
  5. He repeated the same spell, this time not aimed at a GM. He was calling the old members of Ainz Ooal Gown. He attempted it with 1 percent hope, feeling 99 percent like nothing would come of it, and as expected, there was no response. After calling all forty members and confirming no response from anyone, he slowly shook his head. He’d known it was hopeless, but getting slapped in the face with reality was quite a downer. He cast the spell once more, at Sebas.
  7. It connected!
  9. So it was clear that Message was indeed—alas—working. There was still the possibility that it would only connect to characters in this world, but...
  11. “Lord Momonga.” The deeply deferential voice echoed in his head. Momonga wondered if Sebas was bowing on the other endlike a businessman in the real world would have been.
  13. Sebas must have been unsure how to interpret the silence caused by Momonga’s extraneous musing because he spoke again, sounding perplexed. “Is...something wrong?”
  15. “Oh, uh, sorry. It seems I spaced out for a moment. By the way, what’s it like out there?”
  17. ***
  19. Volume 1, Chapter 2
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