
Ecco's Death

Jan 18th, 2021
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  1. [21:59] Peppy sat next to Miyuki, she hummed as she took out a paper and started writing. She watched the other two boys walk in, she looked at them as if she was protecting her property not letting them touch her body just yet.
  3. "A Letter?" she pondered the thought for a moment, the soulless rat looked down at her. "Tell me what it should say and I will get it to them." she said. This was the most genuine and caring she had been in a long time.
  5. "Only for you dear." she smiled inhumanly wide. She sat in the puddle of Ecco's blood that started to pool in the room from her slit wrists.
  6. (Peppy)
  7. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9. [22:07] Withdrawing from the conversation at hand, Dominik collected Zeno and approached the pathway. "You know, it's quite difficult to keep up appearances sometimes."
  11. Words and expressions differed, his visage painted a different story. Dominik was seemingly unbothered by the tasks he handled on a daily basis.
  13. The remark was little more than small talk until they reached house.
  15. Nonetheless, it took little time for the duo to arrive at the door, entering the abode with nary a caution. Many people were well aware that this was where the Docro stayed for a large portion of the time.
  17. However, the activities that took place within? That was a mystery in and of itself.
  19. Still, Dominik finds himself following the scent of blood and other 'subtle' hints to find where Ecco was being kept.
  21. Upon entering the room, his gaze first settles on the battered body and then on Peppy. "It looks like the festivities started without us."
  23. "I can't say I'm surprised."
  24. (Dominik pyr Docro)
  25. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  27. [22:09] Ecco watched as Zeno and Dominik walked into the room. She was stupid to have ever trusted Zeno.. But that did not matter now.
  29. Ecco tried to speak again and winced. She did not have the air.. She would have to rely on her magic to speak.. And she needed to get all the words she could..
  31. "Dallan... I don't know what to say.. I know you can't read and I know I do not posess the words to express to you how much you mean to me. Please do not hunt for my killer, do not die like I did.. You can't leave Meia alone especally right now. She needs you more than anything. I know you are wary to give yourself to her, but trust me when I say its better to have loved and loss than to have never loved at all."
  33. Ecco could feel her own heart breaking, she knew what her dying would do to the others.. But she continued to make words with her sound.
  35. "Meia, I know my loss will mean a lot to you but I beg you to please stay strong. You have family and friends that love and care about you. And I will always be with you in spirit... And I need you to watch out for Dallan, though he may not show it, I believe the deal he made scares him. I need you to talk to him, and make him talk to you. Don't let him keep his thoughts to himself."
  37. She hoped Peppy would give them this. This was something they both needed to hear.. "And please.. Tell them that I loved them.." She wheezed.
  39. That was it. That is all she could do as she bled out onto the floor.. The rest was up to Peppy and the others.
  40. (Ecco Lumi)
  41. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  43. [22:11] The kid made his way in finally. After a bit, coming across a interesting scene. One that partially breaks any and all idea of shifting this scene to another house. Of course if this scene was what he thought it was. --He tapped his chin, with a sinister grin crossing his face. Remaining silent while Peppy did her thing for a little bit.
  45. "Oh I know"
  47. He'd stand next to Dominik, his humming getting moderately louder. As he was ready to take what he wanted, thinking in his head. 'Whats the next way I can post someone up~... I need to make this nice and fun.'
  49. This thought progressed for a while, before he clicks in... Canting his head.
  51. "Wait... a letter?"
  53. He let out a sigh... it will demean the message he wanted to send. Slightly, but its her captive. Her toy to do as she pleased.
  55. "Hrmmm… I guess just let me know when I can gouge out her eyes. I want more for my collection~."
  57. His tone jovial and demeanor overjoyed with the idea of gaining more. This time it seems he'll be able to get two! --How wonderful~... Regardless of her answer, metallic snakes slithered off his body and onto the floor... creeping onto Ecco. Coiling and running alongside her body. Making her blood softly boil with their touch. This consisted until she was fully enveloped my the horde of snakes, where they made way into her body. Fainting out of the sight of all those around them. --She felt like she was getting eaten from the inside. Just... he wouldn't allow her to die. Not by his hands. As sad as it was to him. He loved dealing the final strike~...
  59. He awaited Peppy to do her thing. As he assumed, since it was her catch she would kill her.
  60. (Zeno Laskaris)
  61. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  63. [22:23] peppy did in fact write all this down, she did have plans to give them a letter one way or another. Peppy dragged her nail across Ecco's throat, stopping at the jugular before she just jabbed her nail right in there. "Thank you for being my first friend." she would whisper watching her bleeps out, the blood squirting uncontrollably.
  65. Peppy was covered in her blood, She didn't even flinch. Licking her lips of Ecco's blood. Delicious.
  67. "You were my only friend for years, Yet here you are … bleeding on my floor. When you see Miyuki in hell you two can talk about this." she laughed. She noticed as her eyes were now lifeless.
  69. "It is done. Peppy stood up, she started focusing now on taking all the blood from the floor and Ecco's body. The blood seeping into her own... her body consuming it. What was left? a mannequin pale white body of Ecco.
  70. (Peppy)
  71. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  73. [22:30] As the final blow was dealt to the girl, and the blood was seeping into her body. Snakes burrowed out of her neck, still metallic in nature. Yet they bore a red hue. Which latched around and dug into her eye sockets. Digging out her eyes skillfully. Once they made the incision it crawled back to him. Slithering up his form and being sprawled out in each palm. As he looked at the both of them. A large grin on his lips, as they curved.
  75. "Oh... how wonderful~... Thank you for such a kind gift, Peppy."
  77. He said with a chuckle, as she stared longingly at them. Looking up with his mismatched hue to the killer of Ecco. Making a small gesture to the body.
  79. "You clean up this time. I don't want anything being directly traced back to us again. That was too sketchy last time. --Plus it would lead back to you this time anyway... --Once your done, I'll fully prepare the body. As I have plans~"
  81. Zeno laughed hard.
  82. (Zeno Laskaris)
  83. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  85. [22:35] From the side, he watched- waited. Silently training his gaze on Ecco, as she uttered her final words and then ultimately resigned to her demise.
  87. The hands that rest within his pockets slowly lifted. Ecco's lifeless body continued to spill blood from her multitude of wounds. This was simply part of the life he had chosen to live, something that was necessary for as Bruno called it..
  89. ..Evolution.
  91. He'd step forward, "Zeno, I believe you wished to desecrate the corpse even further?" As if on cue, Zeno stepped forward and claimed the girl's eyes.
  93. It was on the more vulgar end of things, but murderers like Zeno couldn't be assessed on a normal scale. There was no true logic that would make sense to any normal person as to why he did what he did.
  95. Dominik's right hand flexed, an eerie blackish-purple flame would sprout around his hand. The sickening and cruel ember of the occult coalescing by his will.
  97. "I can simply burn her to nothing, if you're worried."
  99. He'd glance to Ecco's lifeless shell, "I assume you're not concerned about a proper burial."
  100. (Dominik pyr Docro)
  101. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  103. [22:37] Zeno Laskaris says, "We aren't burning her... I want to use her for my games~"
  104. [22:40] Peppy would nod looking at the cold, pale lifeless body. She takes the body and begin to use her water magic to start washing her body, no hairs no dust nothing. She was cleaner than when she first came into her house. "I wouldn't want that now would I~" she looked over to Eccos finger... she wanted it.
  106. She took her clean knife, she kept it in pristine condition, Almost surgically clean. She starts sawing at her middle finger , till it came off. She takes it and places it in her bag....a snack for later... maybe she didn't want dom to see her consume it.
  108. "Prepped and cleaned... better than it was when I saw her." she grinned sadistically.
  109. (Peppy)
  110. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  112. [22:47] With them both against the idea of the body being reduced to a memory, he'd fold his hand into a fist. The flames of torment dismantled from the action.
  114. "Very well then, what exactly are these games that you speak of?"
  116. The Docro's hands retreat to his pockets once more, before taking out a quality cigar and a lighter. With a flick or two, the flame sprouts, lighting the stogie.
  118. "You two sure do like messy."
  120. He'd notice the fact that they both liked to keep souvenirs. Peppy with Ecco's fingers and Zeno with Ecco's eyes. They were definitely a bit more unhinged than the normal teen.
  122. His lips puckered, blowing smoke before he'd tuck the lighter away. "So, what do you plan to do next? You got me here for what? An audience?"
  124. Another puff taken in the meanwhile.
  125. (Dominik pyr Docro)
  126. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  128. [22:51] His leather-bound finger wiggled as the meet together. His humming ringing out further as he nodded to Peppy. Glad she did what she needed... now its his time to do what he needed. Which didn't involve him touching or being near the body at all. As his magick's already claimed her, even while dead he could control her limp mass.
  130. He wanted to send more of a message this time. Even more so than before. --Her body started to contort at will, her flesh fighting against her own, as he body cracked and weeped. Her very bone cried out as multiple crackling sounds littered the room. Just after her body was extremely unresponsive. Like it was just a mound of flesh that looked like Ecco.
  132. Her mana wasn't allowed to fade into the ether. It pooled around her neck and mouth. As his snakes slithered out and rubbed against her throat. Sinking in for a moment, before faded away. Never to be seen again. --Additional snakes moved to wiggled a sack over her head.
  134. "I... want to cause chaos. Simply killing isn't fun. I want people to find out. Worry, be scared for their petty lives. Who knows, if they will be next. --Who's the killer~? --Ya know~?"
  136. He seemed quite content with himself.
  138. "We don't have much time before she starts screaming again..."
  140. He admits.
  141. (Zeno Laskaris)
  142. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  144. [23:02] Peppy smiled widely, slowly walking toward Dom her fingers interlaced together. Her eyes still glowing, "You aren't scared are ya dear? she swayed side to side. her movements laid in uncanny valley.
  146. "Lets no fun in that, She would make a wonderful piece of art." she would listen to the cracking like music in her ears.
  148. (Peppy)
  149. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  151. [23:10] "Scared? Don't patronize me."
  153. There weren't a great many things that could faze him, a gory killing certainly wasn't one of them. Zeno's crude handling of the body through the manipulation of magic did warrant some attention from the Docro.
  155. "That's quite the useful skill, I can see how the lot of you inspire fear in the hearts of the students."
  157. He'd reach to brush hair from his face, only to realize he'd cut his hair earlier today. Old habits die hard.
  159. Another puff of the cigar taken, by now there had been more smoke within the room than blood. Still, he was a bit dissatisfied he had very little hand in the murder.
  161. "I trust the next time you summon me for something like this, it won't be a waste of my time."
  163. He'd glance at Peppy.
  165. "Still, I take it you have more reasons for doing this than.. Fun. For example- to further your witchcraft. Or perhaps there's some forbidden magic this requires that you're practicing, Zeno?"
  166. (Dominik pyr Docro)
  167. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  169. [23:14] {LONG DISTANCE FROM: Noiret}: So!, So! I, Noiret, wrote this letter and i'm wondering if you would like to meet up at the seats on the eastern side of the Academy so we can hang out for a bit and maybe grab something to it. Do dumb stuff after because it's a lot more enjoyable, or do stuff before-- Up to you. Does this sound like i'm trying to date you? I hope not. Just need a buddy. That's all. I'll be waiting there for however long, i don't give a shit. Make sure to tell me if you're not coming around, alright?
  170. [23:28] Once the job was finished he, took out small jars and placed the two eyes together in one container. Shifting back and forth rather playfully. As he canted his head at Dominik. As if bewildered.
  172. "It is quite useful... its not great on dead people or full one mass reconstruction like Trik's classes... but its just shifting their mana around and bending it to my will. Or... something like that."
  174. Clearly he was with holding information on it. Just telling him a bit of what he found the most important for him to know. He'd hope he wasn't suspected twice in a row. That would be a shame.
  176. "Oh... me? No no no… Purely I do this only for the joy of seeing the utter despair someone has before their life is taken. The joy of seeing if people know who dun it. --As well as furthering my collecting of eyes~"
  178. He said the last part with a creepy tone.
  179. (Zeno Laskaris)
  180. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  182. [23:28] * You have been awarded 1 Roleplay Points! *
  183. [23:29] Peppy leans into dom wiggling her nails at him, "Oh darling mind cutting them for me?" she smile widely. Her eyes returned to normal looking up to him. She takes his cigar again, "Why don't you ever offer me one you fuck." she pouted.
  185. "Further my collection... to sate my cravings mostly." she chuckled.
  186. (Peppy)
  187. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  189. [23:41] Dominik hummed thoughtfully, "Hm, interesting. Very interesting."
  191. It seemed he didn't continue to pursue that line of questioning. Perhaps he wasn't too interested beyond the surface level anyway.
  193. "Well, I suppose you both have your reasons for doing what you doing. Trust that I'd be the last person to cast judgement on whatever the two of you decide to do."
  195. Though, as Peppy reaches to snatch the cigar from his lips- her advance halted. Clearly it wasn't due to her own actions, Dominik's own hand had yet to move, yet she felt something, like a grip that kept her arm in place.
  197. Dominik's eyes settled on Peppy's own, clearly having an idea of what exactly was going on. Though he'd proceed without providing any explanations.
  199. "Ah-ah-ah. She doesn't like that." He'd wag his finger disapprovingly.
  201. "Sure, I'll cut them for you. Darling," he replied. The sudden force was released, freeing Peppy's arm to move about. At the same time he'd reach into his pocket and put it to Peppy's lips.
  203. Should she take it within her lips, he'd bring the lighter to the cigar, calmly lighting it.
  205. "Well, since I know what we're all about here. I believe we can find a way to help each other."
  207. His gaze shifts to Zeno, "Right?"
  208. (Dominik pyr Docro)
  209. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  211. [23:52] Peppy was surprised by him placing and lighting a cigar in her mouth. A true act of love right there, accepting of each others addictions. Lovely. She offered her hand to him. "Try not hurting me." she asked politely before turning to zeno.
  213. "Helping each other is what we do. Cure our cravings." she looked at domi taking a puff of the cigar. "Why do want to kill anyways?" Peppy asks since he seemed interested in their reasoning to take a life.
  214. (Peppy)
  215. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  217. [23:52] He allowed the two of them to do as they wish. Given how doesn't particularly care. However was does some to his mind is how they need to use their guises. Perhaps tomorrow they should cause some sort of ruckus around round.
  219. The kid slid the containers into his pockets. Making his way towards the door. As he lets out a yawn.
  221. "Mhm~... Also within these next few months. We need to start attacking people, with out disguises. Create more chaos to deviate from the main draw. Recruit people to our cause..."
  223. Zeno ushers softly, before chuckling.
  225. "You got that right Dominik?"
  227. It seems he plans to head out soon after he gets his answer.
  228. (Zeno Laskaris)
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