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a guest
Sep 20th, 2017
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text 23.04 KB | None | 0 0
  1. ; ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ;
  2. ; Arthas Securitybot - V4.0
  3. ; ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ;
  5. alias -l cBans {
  6. if (!%cBans.WorkBans) {
  7. inc %cBans.WorkBans
  8. if ($1) { var %cAddress = @FloodAddresses,%cNicks = @FloodNicks,%cReason = Massive channel flood }
  9. else { var %cAddress = @Addresses,%cNicks = @Nicks,%cReason = Join flood protection }
  10. if ($window(%cAddress)) {
  11. var %x 1,%y 1,%correntbans,%t = 0
  12. while ($line(%cAddress,%x)) {
  13. var %correntbans = $addtok(%correntbans,$v1,32)
  14. if ($numtok(%correntbans,32) == $modespl) { .timer 1 %t mode + $+ $str(b,$modespl) %correntbans | %correntbans = $null | inc %t }
  15. inc %x
  16. }
  17. if (%correntbans) { .timer 1 %t mode + $+ $str(b,$modespl) %correntbans | inc %t }
  18. inc %t
  19. while ($line(%cNicks,%y)) {
  20. inc %cID
  21. .timer 1 %t kick $v1 %cReason (ID: $chr(35) $+ %cID $+ )
  22. inc %t 3
  23. inc %y
  24. }
  25. .timer 1 %t mode -mir $(|) unset %cBans.*
  26. window -c %cNicks
  27. window -c %cAddress
  28. }
  29. }
  30. }
  31. alias -l RemoveLine { dline $1 $fline($1,$2) | if (!$line($1,1)) { .timerclose $+ $1 1 1 window -c $1 } }
  32. alias -l BADWORD {
  33. var %x 1
  34. while ($read(Badwords.txt,%x)) {
  35. if ($v1 isin $1-) { return $read(Badwords.txt,%x) }
  36. inc %x
  37. }
  38. return $false
  39. }
  40. on !@*{
  41. ;openproxy
  42. if ($level($ulist($address($nick,5))) == OpenProxy) && (!%cWork) && (%Openproxy.protect) && ($right($wildsite,-4) !isin %protected.list) { .timerprotectt $+ $nick 1 1 inc %cID | .timerprotect $+ $nick 1 1 .ban -k # $nick 2 Address is blocked, ( $+ $maddress $+ ) (ID: $chr(35) $+ %cID $+ ) }
  43. ;joinflood
  44. if (%Joinflood.protect) && ($right($wildsite,-4) !isin %protected.list) {
  45. if (!$window(@Addresses)) { window -h @Addresses }
  46. if (!$window(@Nicks)) { window -h @Nicks }
  47. if (!$fline(@Addresses,$wildsite)) { aline @Addresses $wildsite }
  48. if (!$fline(@Nicks,$nick)) { aline @Nicks $nick }
  49. inc %cBans.JoinedNum
  50. if (%cBans.JoinedNum == %p.jfloodtimes) && (!%cBans.Work) { inc %cBans.Work | inc %cBans.Joined | .timerclose* off | .timerprotect* off | .timerdelete* off | mode # +mir | .timer 1 6 cBans }
  51. if (!%cBans.Joined) {
  52. .timer 1 6 dec %cBans.JoinedNum
  53. .timerdeleteNICK $+ $nick 1 6 removeline @Nicks $nick
  54. .timerdeleteADDRESS $+ $wildsite 1 6 removeline @Addresses $wildsite
  55. }
  56. }
  57. }
  58. on !@* {
  59. ;joinpart
  60. if (%Joinpart.protect) && ($right($wildsite,-4) !isin %protected.list) {
  61. inc -u10 %mJoinPart. $+ $nick
  62. if ($(% $+ mJoinPart. $+ $nick,2) == %p.jparttimes) && (!%cWork) { .timerprotectt $+ $nick -m 1 500 inc %cID | .timerprotect $+ $nick -m 1 500 .ban -k # $nick 2 Join part protection (ID: $chr(35) $+ %cID $+ ) }
  63. }
  64. if ($fline(@Nicks,$nick)) { removeline @Nicks $nick | .timerdeleteNICK $+ $nick off }
  65. if ($fline(@FloodNicks,$nick)) { removeline @FloodNicks $nick | .timerflooddeleteNICK $+ $nick off }
  66. }
  67. on !@*:ACTION:*{
  68. if ($nick isreg #) && ($right($wildsite,-4) !isin %protected.list) {
  69. ;badword used
  70. if ($badword($strip($1-))) && (!%cWork) && (%Badwords.protect) { .timerprotectt $+ $nick -m 1 500 inc %cID | .timerprotect $+ $nick -m 1 500 .ban -k # $nick 2 Badword is used, * $+ $badword($strip($1-)) $+ * (ID: $chr(35) $+ %cID $+ ) }
  71. ;someone's flood
  72. if (%Flood.protect) {
  73. inc -u10 %mFlood. $+ $nick
  74. if ($(% $+ mFlood. $+ $nick,2) == %p.floodtimes) && (!%cWork) { .timerprotectt $+ $nick -m 1 500 inc %cID | .timerprotect $+ $nick -m 1 500 .ban -k # $nick 2 Flood channel detected (ID: $chr(35) $+ %cID $+ ) }
  75. }
  76. ;massive flood
  77. if (%MassiveFlood.protect) {
  78. if (!$window(@FloodAddresses)) { window -h @FloodAddresses }
  79. if (!$window(@FloodNicks)) { window -h @FloodNicks }
  80. if (!$fline(@FloodAddresses,$wildsite)) { aline @FloodAddresses $wildsite }
  81. if (!$fline(@FloodNicks,$nick)) { aline @FloodNicks $nick }
  82. inc %cBans.FloodNum
  83. if (%cBans.FloodNum == %p.massivetimes) && (!%cBans.Work) { inc %cBans.Work | inc %cBans.Flood | .timerclose* off | .timerprotect* off | .timerflooddelete* off | mode # +mir | .timer 1 6 cBans Flood }
  84. if (!%cBans.Flood) {
  85. .timer 1 4 dec %cBans.FloodNum
  86. .timerflooddeleteNICK $+ $nick 1 4 removeline @FloodNicks $nick
  87. .timerflooddeleteADDRESS $+ $wildsite 1 4 removeline @FloodAddresses $wildsite
  88. }
  89. }
  90. }
  91. }
  92. on !@*:TEXT:*{
  93. if ($1 == !Credits) && (!%MSG.flood) { inc -u5 %MSG.flood | msg # This Securitybot has been created by Arthas. V4.0 }
  94. elseif ($1 == !SStatus) && (!%MSG.flood) { inc -u5 %MSG.flood | msg # Flood: $iif(%flood.protect,3ON,4OFF) - Massive Flood: $iif(%massiveflood.protect,3ON,4OFF) - Badwords: $iif(%badwords.protect,3ON,4OFF) - Join part: $iif(%joinpart.protect,3ON,4OFF) - Join flood: $iif(%joinflood.protect,3ON,4OFF) - Open proxy: $iif(%openproxy.protect,3ON,4OFF) - Take over: $iif(%Takeover.protect,3ON,4OFF) }
  95. if ($nick isreg #) && ($right($wildsite,-4) !isin %protected.list) {
  96. ;badword used
  97. if ($badword($strip($1-))) && (!%cWork) && (%Badwords.protect) { .timerprotectt $+ $nick -m 1 500 inc %cID | .timerprotect $+ $nick -m 1 500 .ban -k # $nick 2 Badword is used, * $+ $badword($strip($1-)) $+ * (ID: $chr(35) $+ %cID $+ ) }
  98. ;someone's flood
  99. if (%Flood.protect) {
  100. inc -u10 %mFlood. $+ $nick
  101. if ($(% $+ mFlood. $+ $nick,2) == %p.floodtimes) && (!%cWork) { .timerprotectt $+ $nick -m 1 500 inc %cID | .timerprotect $+ $nick -m 1 500 .ban -k # $nick 2 Flood channel detected (ID: $chr(35) $+ %cID $+ ) }
  102. }
  103. ;massive flood
  104. if (%MassiveFlood.protect) {
  105. if (!$window(@FloodAddresses)) { window -h @FloodAddresses }
  106. if (!$window(@FloodNicks)) { window -h @FloodNicks }
  107. if (!$fline(@FloodAddresses,$wildsite)) { aline @FloodAddresses $wildsite }
  108. if (!$fline(@FloodNicks,$nick)) { aline @FloodNicks $nick }
  109. inc %cBans.FloodNum
  110. if (%cBans.FloodNum == %p.massivetimes) && (!%cBans.Work) { inc %cBans.Work | inc %cBans.Flood | .timerclose* off | .timerprotect* off | .timerflooddelete* off | mode # +mir | .timer 1 6 cBans Flood }
  111. if (!%cBans.Flood) {
  112. .timer 1 4 dec %cBans.FloodNum
  113. .timerflooddeleteNICK $+ $nick 1 4 removeline @FloodNicks $nick
  114. .timerflooddeleteADDRESS $+ $wildsite 1 4 removeline @FloodAddresses $wildsite
  115. }
  116. }
  117. }
  118. }
  119. on !@*{
  120. if ($banmask iswm $address($me,5)) { ban -k # $nick 2 Dont ever ban the securitybot ! | mode # -b $banmask }
  121. elseif (%TakeOver.protect) && ($right($wildsite,-4) !isin %protected.list) {
  122. inc -u10 %mBK. $+ $nick
  123. if ($(% $+ mBK. $+ $nick,2) == %p.BK) { inc %cID | .ban -k # $nick 2 Take over protection (ID: $chr(35) $+ %cID $+ ) }
  124. }
  125. }
  126. on !@*{
  127. if ($knick == $me) { join # | .timer 1 1 ban -k # $nick 2 Dont ever kick the securitybot ! }
  128. elseif ($right($address($knick,2),-4) isin %protected.list) { inc %cID | .ban -k # $nick 2 Dont kick him, he's in my protected list (ID: $chr(35) $+ %cID $+ ) }
  129. elseif (%TakeOver.protect) && ($right($wildsite,-4) !isin %protected.list) {
  130. inc -u10 %mBK. $+ $nick
  131. if ($(% $+ mBK. $+ $nick,2) == %p.BK) { inc %cID | .ban -k # $nick 2 Take over protection (ID: $chr(35) $+ %cID $+ ) }
  132. }
  133. }
  134. on !@* if ((i isin $1) || (k isin $1)) && (%TakeOver.protect) && ($right($wildsite,-4) !isin %protected.list) { inc %cID | .ban -k # $nick 2 Take over protection (ID: $chr(35) $+ %cID $+ ) | mode # $replace($replace($1,+,1,-,2),1,-,2,+) $2 }
  135. menu * {
  136. Security bot
  137. .Settings
  138. ..Set channel: $iif($input(Write channel:,e,Settings,,set $v1)
  139. ..Set flood times: $iif($input(Write flood times:,e,Settings,%p.floodtimes),set %p.floodtimes $v1)
  140. ..Set massive flood times: $iif($input(Write massive flood times:,e,Settings,%p.massivetimes),set %p.massivetimes $v1)
  141. ..Set join part times: $iif($input(Write join part times:,e,Settings,%p.jparttimes),set %p.jparttimes $v1)
  142. ..Set join flood times: $iif($input(Write join flood times:,e,Settings,%p.jfloodtimes),set %p.jfloodtimes $v1)
  143. ..Set bans / kicks times: $iif($input(Write bans / kicks times:,e,Settings,%p.BK),set %p.BK $v1)
  144. ..Protected
  145. ...Show protected list: noop $input($iif(%protected.list,Protected list: $+ $crlf $+ $crlf $+ $replace(%protected.list,$chr(32),$crlf),Protected list is empty),o,Protected list)
  146. ...Add protected: $iif($input(Write address:,e,Settings),set %protected.list $addtok(%protected.list,$v1,32))
  147. ...Delete protected: $iif($input(Write address:,e,Settings),set %protected.list $remtok(%protected.list,$matchtok(%protected.list,$v1,1,32),32))
  148. ..Badwords
  149. ...Show badwords list: var %x 1 | unset %badwords | while ($read(Badwords.txt,%x)) { var %badwords = %badwords $+ $v1 $+ $chr(9) | inc %x } | noop $input($iif(%badwords,Badwords: $+ $crlf $+ $crlf $+ $replace(%badwords,$chr(9),$crlf),Badwords list is empty),o,Badwords list)
  150. ...Add badword: if ($input(Write word:,e,Settings)) { write Badwords.txt $replace($v1,$chr(35),$!chr(35)) }
  151. ...Delete badword: if ($input(Write word:,e,Settings)) { write -dl $+ $iif($read(Badwords.txt,w,* $+ $replace($v1,$chr(35),$!chr(35)) $+ *),$readn) Badwords.txt }
  152. .Protections
  153. ..Flood
  154. ...$style($iif(%Flood.protect,1,0)) ON: inc %Flood.protect
  155. ...$style($iif(%Flood.protect,0,1)) OFF: unset %Flood.protect
  156. ..Massive Flood
  157. ...$style($iif(%massiveflood.protect,1,0)) ON: inc %massiveflood.protect
  158. ...$style($iif(%massiveflood.protect,0,1)) OFF: unset %massiveflood.protect
  159. ..Badwords
  160. ...$style($iif(%badwords.protect,1,0)) ON: inc %badwords.protect
  161. ...$style($iif(%badwords.protect,0,1)) OFF: unset %badwords.protect
  162. ..Join part
  163. ...$style($iif(%joinpart.protect,1,0)) ON: inc %joinpart.protect
  164. ...$style($iif(%joinpart.protect,0,1)) OFF: unset %joinpart.protect
  165. ..Join flood
  166. ...$style($iif(%joinflood.protect,1,0)) ON: inc %joinflood.protect
  167. ...$style($iif(%joinflood.protect,0,1)) OFF: unset %joinflood.protect
  168. ..Open proxy
  169. ...$style($iif(%Openproxy.protect,1,0)) ON: inc %Openproxy.protect
  170. ...$style($iif(%Openproxy.protect,0,1)) OFF: unset %Openproxy.protect
  171. ..Take over
  172. ...$style($iif(%TakeOver.protect,1,0)) ON: inc %TakeOver.protect
  173. ...$style($iif(%TakeOver.protect,0,1)) OFF: unset %TakeOver.protect
  174. ..All protections
  175. ...ON: inc %Flood.protect | inc %MassiveFlood.protect | inc %Badwords.protect | inc %Joinpart.protect | inc %Joinflood.protect | inc %Openproxy.protect | inc %TakeOver.protect
  176. ...OFF: unset %Flood.protect | unset %MassiveFlood.protect | unset %Badwords.protect | unset %Joinpart.protect | unset %Joinflood.protect | unset %Openproxy.protect | unset %TakeOver.protect
  177. .-- Arthas Security bot V4.0 --: noop
  178. }
  180. and protection proxy inside to users in mirc
  181. _____________________________________________
  182. OpenProxy:*!*@6*
  183. OpenProxy:*!*@*.snet*
  184. OpenProxy:*!*@*t-dialin*
  185. OpenProxy:*!*@219.*
  186. OpenProxy:*!*@*global*
  187. OpenProxy:*!*@*
  188. OpenProxy:*!*@*
  189. OpenProxy:*!*@*
  190. OpenProxy:*!*@*.hfc*
  191. OpenProxy:*!*@*
  192. OpenProxy:*!*@4*
  193. OpenProxy:*!*@213.*
  194. OpenProxy:*!*@*.nl
  195. OpenProxy:*!*@**
  196. OpenProxy:*!*@nex.*
  197. OpenProxy:*!*@189.*
  198. OpenProxy:*!*@*
  199. OpenProxy:*!*@*.kr
  200. OpenProxy:*!*@*.ch
  201. OpenProxy:*!*@*.volia*
  202. OpenProxy:*!*@*gateway*
  203. OpenProxy:*!*@*Proxy2*
  204. OpenProxy:*!*@*
  205. OpenProxy:*!*@*.com*
  206. OpenProxy:*!*@*
  209. OpenProxy:*!*@*
  210. OpenProxy:*!*@*.dsl.siol
  211. OpenProxy:*!*@*.proxad*
  212. OpenProxy:*!*@*
  213. OpenProxy:*!*@*
  214. OpenProxy:*!*@*
  215. OpenProxy:*!*@*.optonline*
  216. OpenProxy:*!*@*
  217. OpenProxy:*!*@*
  218. OpenProxy:*!*@*
  219. OpenProxy:*!*@*.wroclaw.dialog.p
  220. OpenProxy:*!*@*.fuse
  221. OpenProxy:*!*@*.rev.gaoland
  222. OpenProxy:*!*@*.bak.res.
  223. OpenProxy:*!*@*.ok.ok
  224. OpenProxy:*!*@*
  225. OpenProxy:*!*@*.chello
  226. OpenProxy:*!*@*.lf
  227. OpenProxy:*!*@*.kc.
  228. OpenProxy:*!*@*.forward
  229. OpenProxy:*!*@*.ibercom
  230. OpenProxy:*!*@*.ks
  231. OpenProxy:*!*@*.cab.prima.
  232. OpenProxy:*!*@*.mc
  233. OpenProxy:*!*@*.static
  234. OpenProxy:*!*@*.myserver
  235. OpenProxy:*!*@*.dsl.anhm01
  236. OpenProxy:*!*@*.pa
  237. OpenProxy:*!*@*.tor*
  238. OpenProxy:*!*@*
  239. OpenProxy:*!*@*.sk
  240. OpenProxy:*!*@*comcast*
  241. OpenProxy:*!*@*.ju
  242. OpenProxy:*!*@*.dk
  243. OpenProxy:*!*@*
  244. OpenProxy:*!*@*.ru
  245. OpenProxy:*!*@*
  246. OpenProxy:*!*@4*
  247. OpenProxy:*!*@5*
  248. OpenProxy:*!*@211.*
  249. OpenProxy:*!*@218.*
  250. OpenProxy:*!*@*.verizon*
  251. OpenProxy:*!*@*.info
  252. OpenProxy:*!*@3*
  253. OpenProxy:*!*@*.cox*
  254. OpenProxy:*!*@*.jp
  255. OpenProxy:*!*@*
  256. OpenProxy:*!*@*
  257. OpenProxy:*!*@*.bg
  258. OpenProxy:*!*@*.dsl*
  259. OpenProxy:*!*@*.hu
  260. OpenProxy:*!*@*.au
  261. OpenProxy:*!*@*.pk
  262. OpenProxy:*!*@22*
  263. OpenProxy:*!*@*.it
  264. OpenProxy:*!*@*.fr
  265. OpenProxy:*!*@*.es
  266. OpenProxy:*!*@20*
  267. OpenProxy:*!*@*.fi
  268. OpenProxy:*!*@*.br
  269. OpenProxy:*!*@*.pl
  270. OpenProxy:*!*@*.uk
  271. OpenProxy:*!*@*.se
  272. OpenProxy:*!*@*.yu
  273. OpenProxy:*!*@*.pt
  274. OpenProxy:*!*@*.ar
  275. OpenProxy:*!*@*
  276. OpenProxy:*!*@*
  277. OpenProxy:*!*@*.be
  278. OpenProxy:*!*@*.cl
  279. OpenProxy:*!*@*.hr
  280. OpenProxy:*!*@c-*
  281. OpenProxy:*!*@*.de
  282. OpenProxy:*!*@*.r?
  283. OpenProxy:*!*@*.lt
  284. OpenProxy:*!*@*
  285. OpenProxy:*!*@*.lu
  286. OpenProxy:*!*@*.no
  287. OpenProxy:*!*@*.be
  288. OpenProxy:*!*@*.fi
  289. OpenProxy:*!*@*.fr
  290. OpenProxy:*!*@*.bg
  291. OpenProxy:*!*@26*.*.*.*
  292. OpenProxy:*!*@25*. *.*.*
  293. OpenProxy:*!*@*.au
  294. OpenProxy:*!*@5*.*.*.*
  295. OpenProxy:*!*@22*.*.*.*
  296. OpenProxy:*!*@*.us
  297. OpenProxy:*!*@88.148*
  298. OpenProxy:*!*@*.yu
  299. OpenProxy:*!*@77.124.70*
  300. OpenProxy:*!*@89.0.197*
  301. OpenProxy:*!*@80.178.78*
  302. OpenProxy:*!*@200-199-*
  303. OpenProxy:*!*@189.39.*
  304. OpenProxy:*!*@234.34.*
  305. OpenProxy:*!*@88.80.*
  306. OpenProxy:*!*@90.150.*
  307. OpenProxy:*!*@200.89.*
  308. OpenProxy:*!*@89.122.*
  309. OpenProxy:*!*Mad@*
  310. OpenProxy:*!*@*.r?
  311. OpenProxy:*!*@88.148*
  312. OpenProxy:*!*@124.*
  313. OpenProxy:*!*@202.*
  314. OpenProxy:*!*@189.*
  315. OpenProxy:*!*@125.*
  316. OpenProxy:*!*@218*.*.*.*
  317. OpenProxy:*!*@90*.*.*.*
  318. OpenProxy:*!*@193.*
  319. OpenProxy:*!*@207-118-*
  320. OpenProxy:*!*@87.231.*
  321. OpenProxy:*!*@*
  322. OpenProxy:*!*@75.14*.*
  323. OpenProxy:*!*@*.br
  324. OpenProxy:*!*@*
  325. OpenProxy:*!*@*.hr
  326. OpenProxy:*!*@*.sg
  327. OpenProxy:*!*@*.at
  328. OpenProxy:*!*@*
  329. OpenProxy:*!*@201.242.*
  330. OpenProxy:*!*@*
  331. OpenProxy:*!*@*
  332. OpenProxy:*!*@*
  333. OpenProxy:*!*@196.*
  334. OpenProxy:*!*@20*
  335. OpenProxy:*!*@*
  336. OpenProxy:*!*@*
  337. OpenProxy:*!*@68.*
  338. OpenProxy:*!*@125.*
  339. OpenProxy:*!*@*.it
  340. OpenProxy:*!*@60.*
  341. OpenProxy:*!*@189.*
  342. OpenProxy:*!*@*
  343. OpenProxy:*!*@*
  344. OpenProxy:*!*@*.ba
  345. OpenProxy:*!*@124.*
  346. OpenProxy:*!*@*.md
  347. OpenProxy:*!*@*.r?
  348. OpenProxy:*!*@*.lt
  349. OpenProxy:*!*@*
  350. OpenProxy:*!*@66.*
  351. OpenProxy:*!*@*.lu
  352. OpenProxy:*!*@*.no
  353. OpenProxy:*!*@*.fi
  354. OpenProxy:*!*@*.bg
  355. OpenProxy:*!*@26*.*.*.*
  356. OpenProxy:*!*@25*. *.*.*
  357. OpenProxy:*!*@*.au
  358. OpenProxy:*!*@5*.*.*.*
  359. OpenProxy:*!*@22*.*.*.*
  360. OpenProxy:*!*@*.us
  361. OpenProxy:*!*@88.148*
  362. OpenProxy:*!*@*.yu
  363. OpenProxy:*!*@77.124.70*
  364. OpenProxy:*!*@89.0.197*
  365. OpenProxy:*!*@80.178.78*
  366. OpenProxy:*!*@200-199-*
  367. OpenProxy:*!*@189.39.*
  368. OpenProxy:*!*@234.34.*
  369. OpenProxy:*!*@88.80.*
  370. OpenProxy:*!*@90.150.*
  371. OpenProxy:*!*@200.89.*
  372. OpenProxy:*!*@89.122.*
  373. OpenProxy:*!*Mad@*
  374. OpenProxy:*!*@*.r?
  375. OpenProxy:*!*@88.148*
  376. OpenProxy:*!*@124.*
  377. OpenProxy:*!*@202.*
  378. OpenProxy:*!*@189.*
  379. OpenProxy:*!*@60.*
  380. OpenProxy:*!*@125.*
  381. OpenProxy:*!*@68.*
  382. OpenProxy:*!*@218*.*.*.*
  383. OpenProxy:*!*@90*.*.*.*
  384. OpenProxy:*!*@193.*
  385. OpenProxy:*!*@207-118-*
  386. OpenProxy:*!*@87.231.*
  387. OpenProxy:*!*@*
  388. OpenProxy:*!*@75.14*.*
  389. OpenProxy:*!*@*.br
  390. OpenProxy:*!*@*
  391. OpenProxy:*!*@*.hr
  392. OpenProxy:*!*@*.sg
  393. OpenProxy:*!*@*.at
  394. OpenProxy:*!*@*.cz
  395. OpenProxy:*!*@*.ba
  396. OpenProxy:*!*@*.rs
  397. OpenProxy:*!*@*.at
  398. OpenProxy:*!*@*
  399. OpenProxy:*!*@*
  400. OpenProxy:*!*@*.hr
  401. OpenProxy:*!*@*.sg
  402. OpenProxy:*!*@*.jp
  403. OpenProxy:*!*@*.ar
  404. OpenProxy:*!*@*.es
  405. OpenProxy:*!*@*.pl
  406. OpenProxy:*!*@*.br
  407. OpenProxy:*!*@199.*
  408. OpenProxy:*!*@196.*
  409. OpenProxy:*!*@*.cz
  410. OpenProxy:*!*@20*
  411. OpenProxy:*!*@*
  412. OpenProxy:*!*@*
  413. OpenProxy:*!*@125.*
  414. OpenProxy:*!*@*.it
  415. OpenProxy:*!*@189.*
  416. OpenProxy:*!*@*.ca
  417. OpenProxy:*!*@*
  418. OpenProxy:*!*@*
  419. OpenProxy:*!*@124.*
  420. OpenProxy:*!*@*.md
  421. OpenProxy:*!*@*.r?
  422. OpenProxy:*!*@*.lt
  423. OpenProxy:*!*@*
  424. OpenProxy:*!*@*.lu
  425. OpenProxy:*!*@*.no
  426. OpenProxy:*!*@*.be
  427. OpenProxy:*!*@*.fi
  428. OpenProxy:*!*@*.fr
  429. OpenProxy:*!*@*.bg
  430. OpenProxy:*!*@26*.*.*.*
  431. OpenProxy:*!*@25*. *.*.*
  432. OpenProxy:*!*@*.au
  433. OpenProxy:*!*@5*.*.*.*
  434. OpenProxy:*!*@22*.*.*.*
  435. OpenProxy:*!*@*.us
  436. OpenProxy:*!*@88.148*
  437. OpenProxy:*!*@*.yu
  438. OpenProxy:*!*@77.124.70*
  439. OpenProxy:*!*@89.0.197*
  440. OpenProxy:*!*@80.178.78*
  441. OpenProxy:*!*@200-199-*
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