
speaks Russian

Aug 8th, 2022
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  1. "Domovoi?" the little faerie shrilled, furious. "Oh, no, you didn't!"
  2. "Easy there, Major General," I said. "Sanya, this is Major General Toot-toot Minimus, the captain of my house guard. Toot, this is my boon companion Sanya, Knight of the Cross, who has faced danger at my side. He's okay."
  3. The faerie quivered with outrage. "He's Russian! And he doesn't even know the difference between a domovoi and a polevoi when he sees one two feet away!" Toot-toot let out a blistering string of words in Russian, shaking a finger at the towering Knight.
  4. Sanya listened in bemusement at first, but then blinked, slid his sword away, and held up both hands. He said something that sounded somber and very formal, and only then did Toot's ire seem to abate. He said one or two more harsh-sounding words toward Sanya, added a flick of his chin that screamed, So there, and turned back to me.
  5. "Toot," I said. "How is it that you speak Russian?"
  6. He blinked at me. "Harry," he said, as if the question made no sense at all, "you just speak it, don't you. I mean, come on." He gave me a formal bow and said, "How may I serve you, my liege?"
  9. Changes Chapter 33, Page 326
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