

Nov 20th, 2020
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  1. [23:09] Nathan Elbi asks, "Hello?"
  2. [23:09] Layfon Hikari exclaims, "Hm? Hello!"
  3. [23:09] Nathan Elbi asks, "Someone there?"
  4. [23:09] Nathan Elbi exclaims, "Ah!"
  5. [23:09] Nathan Elbi says, "Not a creature of the night."
  6. [23:09] Layfon Hikari asks, "Ah... are you - unable to see?"
  7. [23:11] The man offered up a weak smile and showcased his walking cane for the passerby and any all to see... However many more people there were around here.
  9. "No. Can't say I can. Just making my way, however I can without being a burden." He couldn't even bring himself to muster a laugh with that, feeling rather heavy at the shoulders.
  10. Why couldn't the night just take him away?
  11. (Nathan Elbi)
  12. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  14. [23:13] He'd frown.
  16. Sight was something that Layfon had always taken for granted. He was born with it after all, and he knew not of a world without it.
  18. "Oh..." The boy responded weakly, he felt sorry for the man, but didn't want to showcase it.
  20. "Were you trying to get anywhere in particular? I can lead you, if you'd like!
  22. My name's Layfon, and I'm a cadet of the Second Dawn."
  23. (Layfon Hikari)
  24. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  26. [23:24] "Layfon, huh?"
  27. Speaking on anything outside of admitting to his handicap revealed the more exhausted parts of him -- evident in the tone of his voice.
  28. "Huh, I see." He could hear some people passing through... Merchants as well? Water from the nearby bridge. This place wasn't exactly an empty neck of the woods.
  30. "I've never heard of the 'Second Dawn'." He claimed, "I must be really far away from any settlements." There was a part of him that feared speaking up on the matter. What was to say this unknown entity wasn't some form of bandit? A thief? Or just a rebellious party against one of the faction? Were they probing him to see if perhaps they could antagonize him? Easy prey?
  32. … Why were these thoughts plaguing him? Such was lunacy... Right? The headache came back with a vengeance, threatening to take him to his knees. He brought his left hand up to keep at it, but it was unrelenting.
  33. A moan, and he fought through it to answer the ambiguous wanderer.
  35. "I can't say I am going anywhere in particular." He admitted, "Just wandering the land and hoping I end up... Somewhere."
  36. (Nathan Elbi)
  37. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  39. [23:30] "Oh... you haven't?"
  41. Perhaps this was from some place other than Osrona, which was possible given that he couldn't exactly tell where he was going. Nathan could've ended up practically anywhere!
  43. "Well, you're pretty close to Osrona - the Second Dawn is Osrona's militia." He'd explain.
  45. A finger rose to thoughtfully prod against the boy's cheek as he thought on what Nathan said.
  47. "You said you want to end up 'somewhere' but surely there's some place you have in mind! If not then, like I said we're pretty close to Osrona. I could take you there if you'd like."
  48. (Layfon Hikari)
  49. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  51. [23:36] "Osrona?"
  52. How hard did he get hit in the head? No, he wasn't hit in the head... Something was crushing at it from the inside. Maybe that's why he couldn't wrap his head around even a faint memory as to what that name mean't.
  53. Obviously, it was a place, but not one he could remember.
  55. "... Right." He rubbed away at his head, before pushing himself upright with his cane. "That would probably be best." He claimed, "It's getting late, judging from the crickets chirping so boldly. I'd prefer not to find out what happens to those caught out here by wolves or worse... Muggers."
  56. The mind could only imagine what lied out here, of all places.
  58. To put it blatantly, Nathan didn't want to find out.
  60. "I'm Nathan." He introduced, "I can't say I belong to any land. I simply wander and rest where I can for food and shelter, before moving on."
  61. Hopefully, the claim wouldn't prove too offensive after-all.
  62. (Nathan Elbi)
  63. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  65. [23:40] "I don't think you'll have to worry about any robbers showing up here, but... better safe than sorry, right?"
  67. Given that Nathan agreed to be led into Osrona, the boy extended a hand out towards Nathan for him to take should he choose.
  69. "My hand is near yours. You can take it if you'd like, or I don't know... maybe you'll just be able to follow the sound of my foot steps." He wasn't quite sure what it was like to be void of all sight - of all light. It sounded like a terrible thing, however.
  71. Whether the hand was taken or not, steps were made towards Osrona's direction.
  73. "So Nathan - can I call you Nate, actually? Anyway, what do you normally do when not wandering?"
  74. (Layfon Hikari)
  75. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  77. [23:48] The moment an offered hand was mentioned, Nathan reactively reached out to grab for it. The darkness was cruel and unforgiving in his cloak... Though, there was some delight in being lost in it. At least, this time, he'd have a hand that'd guide him as he was lost in it. Until he could find himself yet again...
  79. … In a city, of course, behind the aegis of militia, law and order.
  80. Something subtle clung to Nathan, ethereal and quiet in its presence, but creeping like a preying feline upon unsuspecting foal. Was it felt through Nathan's touch? Unconsciously wielded like a thin sheet wrapped around him, torn at the slightest touch.
  82. It had a chill to its touch, but a dull sting that proved reminiscent to the more sinister varieties of the arcane.
  83. Despite this, the blind man came across as ordinary, if not subpar.
  84. The strange sensation that radiated from them, even if weak, was brief, dying off shortly after one's touch.
  86. "Nate doesn't hurt." He answered, "... Though, I can't say I have picked up many hobbies." There was some pause.
  88. "... I suppose fishing has gotten a bit easier for me."
  89. (Nathan Elbi)
  90. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  91. [23:53] A short trip across the bridge as well as over pavement and grass alike found the two within the Shimmering City of Osrona.
  93. "Well, here we are! You definitely won't have to worry about any sort of robberies or the like going on here. There's a bunch of Second Dawn members who will prevent that sort of thing, and if not? The civilians probably won't let it fly either." He'd explain smiling.
  95. A quick scan around the area revealed that Paris were around - it felt as though he hadn't seen his the Cielgris all day. Layfon approached the blonde with Nate in tow.
  97. "Heya, Paris! How's it going?"
  98. (Layfon Hikari)
  99. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  101. [00:05] "Layfon!"
  103. The boy had arrived to the square after running a few personal errands and was looking for his friend. It seems they were as well as they approach him first, which brings a smile to his face as he greets them.
  105. "Everything is fine. I've been doing a few small things..."
  107. His voice trails as he catches a glimpse of the other behind them. Their clouded eyes and walking cane are obviously the first things he notices about them. He asks,
  109. "Who's this? A friend of yours?"
  110. (Paris Cielgris)
  111. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  113. [00:08] "A wanderer." Nathan answered in reverence to Paris' query. It was a slight guess, but he could guess from conversational cues that it was indeed intended for him.
  114. "We came across each other near a bridge close to here." He explained, before taking another pause.
  116. Layfon. Paris. Names to remember for later.
  118. "Nate." He re-introduced. "I take it this is Osrona."
  119. (Nathan Elbi)
  120. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  122. [00:11] "Good to hear!"
  124. He had been working hard, and imagined Paris to be doing the same. A grin spread across the boy's features as he'd announce the latest of his achievements.
  126. "I finally learned how to use Holy magic! I'm still working on it, of course - but I have a decent enough grasp." It was a big goal of his as his mother had used the very same type of magic.
  128. In response to Paris' question.
  130. "Ah... this is Nate, as he said. We met a little while ago and I brought him here because well...
  132. I don't know, he seemed lost and also didn't want to run into any thieves or anything like that."
  133. (Layfon Hikari)
  134. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  136. [00:17] "Nate."
  138. He says the name for himself as he acknowledges their introduction. Though they can't see it, he offers that same smile he'd given to Layfon their way before looking back to his friend.
  140. "Your lessons with your teacher paid off, it looks like! Show me it! I want to see you use it in person..."
  142. A step is taken closer to them so he can better watch them show the magic-- should they do as so out of courtesy. He is curious, and excited, to see it himself. His friend had been talking about learning the magic since they first met, after all.
  144. "Oh-- And good thinking on bringing Nate here." He turns to Nate once again then and says, "Like my friend said earlier, you'll be safe here."
  145. (Paris Cielgris)
  146. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  148. [00:26] "Safe." He parroted through his breath.
  149. It was almost as though he severely doubted that much.
  150. "If you say so." He mentioned, though he was quiet with it, almost spoken under his breath even.
  153. The man was probably right. He wouldn't be robbed here, though there was some uncertainty that kept him uneasy about the place all together.
  154. Why was he never informed about this place before? Surely, there was a reason... Something he'd have to be cautious about.
  155. He heard so many voices that he couldn't follow on a specific conversation, nor pick up on anything that could be worthy of focus.
  157. It all seemed to coalesce with the murmuring pangs at his head that clawed away at it. A mild maleficent radiance rattled from the flesh, vacant of a façade, but notable over a close proximity -- one such as Layfon would feel it directly. Almost as though it was something being suppressed.
  158. Another groan from Nathan and with a passing rub at the head and wince he'd succumb to a request:
  160. "Do any of you know where I can get myself a remedy? Some potion or medicine that'd work to cease pain?" He asked.
  161. (Nathan Elbi)
  162. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  164. [00:32] Show me it!
  166. He found himself being caught off-guard. Did Paris truly wish to see his holy magic... right here, right now?
  168. "Ah... sure, sure. I will!" The boy chirped confidently. This was still something he needed more practice in, yet he'd attempt to execute it flawlessly.
  170. A deep breath were taken and eyes closed in focus - Layfon thought of his goal, as well as all of the people he wished to protect. A shroud of visible mana began to surround his form before beginning to glow.
  172. Those in a close proximity would feel a sort of warmth emitting from the Hikari, and soon his entire figure would be surrounded by the bright and welcoming light of Holy magic.
  174. "This is it..." He'd say, looking towards Paris. Would his friend be proud?
  176. The warmth which he exuded wasn't the only sensation being given off however, Layfon felt something stemming from Nate, which caused jade orbs to settle upon the man.
  178. "A potion that sooths pain? I know something like that exists but... mmn, we can check the shops if you'd like.
  180. Why, are you not feeling well?"
  181. (Layfon Hikari)
  182. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  184. [00:39] "... Awesome!"
  186. His response to Layfon showing their magic is delayed. Awestruck for a brief moment as their holy energy enshrouded their body. They'd truly learned it. His eyes widen and his smile spreads also to show pearly teeth.
  188. "You really learned it! That's great, Layfon! It's great!"
  190. He is definitely proud of his friend. They didn't have to worry about needing more practice. While he knows that their control over it can definitely be improved, them learning the magic is still a feat in and of itself that he recognizes.
  192. His eyes then look back to Nate with their groan. Only noticing it and nothing else that came from him before. His brows raise with concern for the stranger.
  194. "I'm sure there're a few stalls with some potions that could help you... Or medics close by that can help... Or maybe Layfon can even help with his holy magic!"
  195. (Paris Cielgris)
  196. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  198. [00:42] That was when it happened:
  200. Discovery
  202. The shine of light and gold, the radiance of beauty and purity: Benevolence incarnate. This, was the product of one devoted to the arcane.
  203. This, was Holy magic, up close and personal. It was intended to be grand and soothing the masses, but to Nathan?
  204. It curdled at his very soul.
  206. It was the light that beamed into tired eyes, too exhausted to see the day.
  207. It was the heat that melted at the permafrost.
  208. It was the very antipodal to the manifestation that dug its thorny vines throughout his very soul.
  210. The very presence transmogrifying Nathan's circuitry and psyche to better suit it, recoiled at Layfon's presence the moment he unveiled his aura. To ensure its host followed suit, it intensified its burn closest to the exorcist. It felt like his skin was left too close to an open flame and reflexively, he pulled away, even backpedaling from the boy. Judging from the shocked expression on Nathan's face, it was obvious he had never experienced this before - like a child, coming to the understanding of a new danger to his person.
  212. "Wh- What is that?" He asked aloud, intended for Layfon. In the moment he stepped away from the boy, he instantly felt himself lost. He stowed his cane to his back, but backpedaled into the void -- not coming to know of his surroundings just yet.
  213. (Nathan Elbi)
  214. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  216. [00:49] Indeed, he had learned it.
  218. Ovelia was a great teacher, thankfully - but what it mostly took was one's innate desire to protect. At least, that's how Layfon saw it.
  220. With Paris' mention of him possibly being able to aid the man with his magic, a sheepish grin were given.
  222. "C'mon, you know I can't do something like that! Not yet, at least..."
  224. Much to his surprise, he found Nathan stepping away, surrendering himself to the world of darkness once more simply to gain distance.
  226. "Nate...?" He'd ask, a tilt of the boy's head were given. Was this man alright?
  228. "It's... Holy magic." Layfon explained. "But - why did you move away? I can... stop using it if it's a bother to you!"
  229. (Layfon Hikari)
  230. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  231. [00:57] "It still could be worth a shot!"
  233. Despite the inexperience of Layfon, the healing characteristics of holy magic are still very there able to be used. It could at least help soothe minor pains...
  235. "It looks like Nate has a headache or somethin--"
  237. As he's speaking he is cut off by the Elbi. He only now notices they'd backed away from the holy user and was asking about their power with a strained look on their face. It's a look that surprises Paris and he tries to make sense of.
  239. "Did... Did Layfon scare you by suddenly pulling out his magic?"
  241. He figures that must be the case. He looks to Layfon and waves his hand at them. "Let it go away."
  242. (Paris Cielgris)
  243. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  245. [01:02] That made sense didn't it.
  246. Holy Magic was the opposite of the very essence planted within his person. The seed that took root and sprouted its vines.
  247. Though he knew better, he wasn't going to speak too much on the subject. All he wanted was to get away from it.
  248. All he needed was to avoid its burn.
  250. "Please." Did this mean, he was too far tainted?
  251. "If you wouldn't mind." He passively requested of Layfon as follow up to Paris. "It's... Much." Was that enough to convince them to provide him that much mercy?
  252. No. He could feel it now. There was little reason to accept someone as far gone as himself. The only fate deserving of him was to be bathed in the very essence that'd aggravate his agony further.
  254. He deserved the pain, didn't he?
  255. He deserved the hatred. right?
  256. He was vile. That was the justification he made for himself.
  258. "I'm... Sorry." He apologized, "I-..." He couldn't find words to remedy the situation. Instead, he was hoping the ambiguity would provide enough reason to cease as it was.
  259. (Nathan Elbi)
  260. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  262. [01:05] A nod was given, as he'd cease the channeling of holy energies and allow it to dissipate into thin air.
  264. "I'm sorry! I've never seen or heard of it having that sort of effect on someone before." He'd apologize. But it brought forth the question of what exactly caused such a reaction.
  266. Was it inexperience on Layfon's part... or perhaps it was something pertaining to Nathan.
  268. "It's gone now... but Nathan, is there something you're not telling me?" The cadet inquired, hoping to gain more information.
  269. (Layfon Hikari)
  270. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  272. [01:10] "Better?"
  274. Once the holy energies are gone he turns to Nathan. He's still confused as to why they had reacted the way they did... And he assumes they'd explain now that the magic is gone.
  276. He doesn't say anything else because of this. Instead he just raises his eyebrows and stares at the stranger. Waiting to see their response.
  277. (Paris Cielgris)
  278. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  280. [01:18] That made the both of them.
  281. It was the first time Nathan had ever been in contact with Holy magic. Until now, he simply figured it'd be like anything else -- or something like it's Occult counterpart.
  283. It wasn't.
  285. "It just... Hurt." He claimed, "Like slapping your hand on an open-torch, or tripping into a raging flame. It stung and bit unlike anything I've felt before." This explaining felt akin to digging a hole. Weren't these individuals not going to simply push him into the hole once he finished? He imagined an experience like this would occur, just not so soon after following someone into Osrona.
  287. He could tell it was gone, unlike other magics outside of the arcane's taint. The singe it gave him worn off, but the dull headache persisted. "Thank you." He loosened up mildly, but only the reflexive part of him that sought to escape immediate pain.
  289. That was when the question came, at least, one that Nathan believed to be the beginning of many - it almost felt accusatory in nature.
  290. Naturally, he felt drawn to a defensive reaction, but he restrained himself. Every fiber of his person simply wanted to rage out, to properly detail his discomfort, his distaste for the unwanted attention... If only he could put others in his perspective.
  292. If only they could experience his pain for once. Those thoughts and desires for retaliation, even if for petty reasoning in the moment festered in the moment. It was almost like an echo to the light shone prior, radiating an invisible chill that countered the Holy energies prior.
  294. "No." He answered outright, "At least, nothing I'm not aware of."
  296. (Nathan Elbi)
  297. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  299. [01:22] It just... Hurt.
  301. Dreaded words - Layfon was one who vehemently wished to protect others, not bring them pain. He'd sigh, though happy that Nathan was now feeling better.
  303. "Sorry." He had apologize already, yet felt the need to do so again.
  305. "Well... if you're really okay now, then... about my earlier question. Did something happen, you said you wanted a healing potion.
  307. Are you alright?"
  308. (Layfon Hikari)
  309. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  311. [01:28] Nathan opted to keep curt on subjects such as this. The less he had to say, the better.
  312. At least it seemed as though the teen was willing to follow through with easing back on their radiance for the time being.
  314. "It's alright." He assured, though on the inside, he vehemently scolded at the boy. He cursed at the very notion that they'd harm him, even ignorantly so. Though, such urges could be resisted... They were feeble after-all. For now.
  316. "Anything really to scathe off the headache. It doesn't have to be much." He claimed, "No." He answered to the question concerning to the event that brought him to this state, "I just remember waking up somewhere I don't remember sleeping." He claimed, "Now, I have a headache that just won't go away."
  318. They weren't going to stop inquiring, were they? The thought was beginning to aggravate him.Though, it was him that got into this mess in the first place. Perhaps, he was best simply wandering the woods alone. At least then, an animal or two could hunt him and take him out of his misery.
  319. (Nathan Elbi)
  320. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  322. [01:32] "A headache huh...? Let's see if we can find anything that'll help you."
  324. The boy walked around the market place, looking at various shops before finally - he found it; lax essence. It might help... and was also much cheaper than the elixir of healing that he'd be unable to afford.
  326. Reaching into his pocket, Layfon gathered some coin before purchasing the aforementioned lax essence and offering it to Nathan.
  328. "Here, try this. It's lax essence, a common pain reliever."
  329. (Layfon Hikari)
  330. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  331. [01:42] The blind soul reached out to accept the gifted jar. It felt strange... Smooth. Glass?
  332. "Lax essence?" He asked, a tad bit lost for what it was. Though, with the brief explanation he took it upon himself to open it up. Awkward as it was, standing upright and with no idea as to how it looked, how to apply it, or how he looked struggling to wriggle it open - he eventually did. A jar of gel that he felt into and paused.
  334. … Was this supposed to be eaten? Or rubbed at the source of the pain? If the pain was inside his head, did that mean rubbing on his head would do any justice? How exactly did this work?
  335. The expression on the man's face spoke wonders.
  337. "So this gel..." He started, "if I... rub it on my head..." He pushed on, "--will relieve a headache?" He sounded completely dumbfounded as he waited for an answer.
  339. No. He did not wait for an answer. Instead, he proceeded to rub it on his face, now appearing greasy and chock full of unnecessarily applied gel. Surely, he'd come across as goofy towards the common public, but what was a blind man to know of what he looked like? All he knew, was the foundation applied to his face felt heavy and was likely noticeable.
  341. … But at least the pain was significantly dulled within the next few moments, and carried onward from there.
  343. "Huh... I suppose you weren't kidding."
  344. (Nathan Elbi)
  345. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  347. [01:47] "Mm!"
  349. The simple response is for the Elbi's question of if the essence would relieve his headache. He nods as well though they can't see it. A habit of his to move his body when speaking to another.
  351. "It... Heh... It'd be better if you scooped up a little bit and put it on the middle of your forehead. Your skin would suck it up and it'd make your headache go away a lot quicker. And it's less wasted."
  353. A bit of advice for them to use in the future from him. Using lax essence on concentrated areas where the pain comes from would be best - obviously.
  354. (Paris Cielgris)
  355. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  357. [01:50] It would be hard for a blind man to use such a thing, wouldn't it? A fact that the boy had overlooked! Still, it seemed as though Nathan got it right at the end of the day, save for using what seemed like an excessive amount.
  359. "Ah... you sort of - well, if it works, it works!" There was no arguing with successful results.
  361. A stretch would be given, followed by a yawn. He hadn't done too much during the day, but still began to feel a bit tired.
  363. "So, is there anything else you might need?"
  364. (Layfon Hikari)
  365. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  367. [01:54] Was anything else he needed?
  368. Anything at all? "No." He claimed, "Nothing at all."
  369. At least, not in the moment.
  371. "You two should get some rest. I imagine it's about time I got rest myself." He reached for his back for his trusty walking cane. "Do you know where I can find an Inn for the night? I'd rather sleep in a place that's warm rather than the cold outdoors." He claimed, before he picked his head up -- as though to listen out for the others that'd frequent this seemingly populated centre… Or at least, it was.
  373. "I'd rather not attempt potential pickpockets. Even if this place is safe, you know."
  374. (Nathan Elbi)
  375. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  377. [01:58] "I have some things I want to do before I do."
  379. He wouldn't be going to get some rest anytime soon. There's still much for him to do: training, mining, wandering, and so on. He still has the energy to do it all.. For now.
  381. "I haven't had to stay at an inn, so I wouldn't know..."
  383. Those jade eyes of his slowly look around the buildings that're visible from their position in the square. Was there one nearby he could lead them to? He doesn't recognize any, and so he looks to Layfon.
  385. "Do you know any we can show him to?"
  386. (Paris Cielgris)
  387. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  389. [02:02] No?
  391. Layfon was left feeling content having guided the man to a safe area, as well as helped him with his headache. The fact that the boy's holy magic had caused Nathan pain was lamented, but other than that, he was feeling pretty happy.
  393. "Alrighty, then!"
  395. Rest would probably be great right about now, though... he too had things to do before sleeping.
  397. "Mmn… that's a hard one, I've never had to use an inn before."
  399. He looked around for someone who may have an answer, but ultimately didn't think anyone would.
  401. "Ah... maybe we can find some place."
  402. (Layfon Hikari)
  403. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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