
More Quotes From Old Computer Books

Aug 29th, 2016
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  1. More Quotes From Old Computer Books
  2. --------------------------------------
  4. "Suppose you have written a data-plotting program that can be run either at a dumb terminal or a bit-mapped workstation." - Managing Projects with Make (Second Edition), Andrew Oram and Steve Talbot, 1991, p4
  6. "You can send us messages electronically. To be put on the mailing list or request a catalog, send email to:
  7. (via the Internet)
  8. uunet!ora!info (via UUCP)" - Managing Projects with Make (Second Edition), Andrew Oram and Steve Talbot, 1991, pXVIII (Preface)
  10. "It is different from other books on Modula-2 because it is aimed at a specific implementation of Modula-2, the Topspeed Modula-2 implementation which is available on IBM PC-compatible computers" - Programming with Topspeed Modula-2, Barry Cornelius, 1991, pV (Preface)
  12. "All the program examples presented have been tried and tested on an IBM PC clone using a Microsoft C compiler version 5.1" - Interfacing with C, Howard Hutchings, 1995, p2
  14. "The latest mini has only a fraction of the computational power of the latest mainframe." - The Principles of Computer Hardware, Alan Clements, 1988 (reprint of 1985 edition), p10
  16. "A microcomputer costs from £200 to 5000 (although educational 'toys' can be bought for under £100, and simple microprocessor-based controllers may also fall into this price range)." - The Principles of Computer Hardware, Alan Clements, 1988 (reprint of 1985 edition), p11
  18. "The 6502 has been selected here because it is relatively easy to understand and is widely used in the low-cost personal computers." - The Principles of Computer Hardware, Alan Clements, 1988 (reprint of 1985 edition), p188
  20. "A low cost printer of the type used with the ZX81 costs about £50, while a high-volume line printer may cost more than £10 000." - The Principles of Computer Hardware, Alan Clements, 1988 (reprint of 1985 edition), p259
  22. "In the early 1980s the bubble memory is still awaiting its call to fame." - The Principles of Computer Hardware, Alan Clements, 1988 (reprint of 1985 edition), p322
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