
PMC Anon defends an Appalachian Mining Town

Feb 14th, 2019
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  1. Story Started Thread #4
  3. I work in a PMC that gets hired to remove "problems", usually cults harrassing remote worksites
  4. >We got hired by a company for a job out in the Appalaichians
  5. >The job is in a small company town near a mine
  6. >Town is actually pretty much on the mine
  7. >the town we'll call "dwarf-town", because that's who's living there
  8. >Company basically bought up an old mine and hired a bunch of Dwarves to make it profitable
  9. >The problem
  10. >the mine became operational a little under a year back
  11. >no problem when setting the operation up
  12. >a month back, however, some of the Dwarves started going missing
  13. >usually while hunting, or getting firewood
  14. >So we think oh, a nature cult that's encroaching on a mining operation ruining "muh nature." makes sense
  15. >But they also started finding litter and the remains of camps in the surrounding wilderness
  16. >Also animal barely used carcasses and destroyed undergrowth
  17. >So not a nature cult
  18. >eventually things escalated to company vehicles occasionally taking potshots to and from the mining operation
  19. >even an IED was found on the access road
  20. >the operation itself is not under attack, but the workers refuse to leave after finding one of their dead next to a shrine
  21. >Morons didn't take any pictures or give any details of what the shrine was like
  22. >maybe some group that's hates dwarfs or mines
  23. >chaulk it as the mine being in some rando cult's "territory" for now
  24. >Elfs and us "Woodsmen" will have to go out with a mage to find a shrine and figure the nature of the cult
  25. >Bosses are having us drive up in some old slav-shit APCs on account of potshots being taken at inbound traffic
  26. >Everyone a little more jittery, we're usually given more info going into a job
  27. >dwarves are happy to go to a dwarf town at least
  29. Anyone know any groups or races that fit this MO? Also are the Slav-shit APCs IED proof? Not sure which model these are.
  30. Will post more in a bit, hopefully we don't get blown up.
  32. [Anon1 replying to PMC]:
  33. the later the model of the APC, the least you risk of blowing up on the spot, technically
  35. [PMC replying to Anon]:
  36. I'll put that down as a "no."
  37. One of the mages say's he's going to do some magic when we get on the access road to just make the IEDs blow up. Hopefully that will work, but another mage rolled his eyes when he said that so confidence in mage #1 isn't very high.
  39. [Anon2 replying to PMC's Original post]:
  40. Yurocunt here, I'm not sure, but the only comparable thing that we have here is the Leshen, which is like a wendigo/skinwalker.
  41. Maybe it's not a cult at all and just some malevolous spirit
  43. [Anon2 replying to PMC's post about Mages]:
  44. when dealing with mages, remember the Human v Elf Mage dilemma, the human one will bring more "firepower", but they'll be always like an RPG with a backblast that is never clear, while elven mages will be much more surgic in their attacks.
  45. So you may want to take cover, lots of it, depending on which kind of mage you are dealing with
  47. [PMC replying to Anon2]:
  48. >when dealing with mages, remember the Human v Elf Mage dilemma
  49. That's funny, you'll see why in a minute
  51. >We hit the access road, Dwarf-town is an hour or so out
  52. >All vehicles button up
  53. >Mage #1 goes into a trance
  54. >we'll call him 'H', because he's human, and because "he's a wizard"
  55. >20ish minutes later; we're all on edge
  56. >haven't taken any pot-shots, haven't blown up yet
  57. >suddenly
  58. BOOM
  59. >all vehilces stop
  60. >H starts coughing some smoke and soot
  61. >Other mage, 'E' (because he is an elf) starts shaking his head
  62. >Radio traffic heavy at first, all vehicles check in
  63. >Lead vehicle:"GODDAMN THAT WAS CLOSE"
  64. >Our Vehicle driver:"Good thing one of our mages set it off or we would've been scrambled eggs"
  65. >H beams with pride through the soot on his face
  66. >Lead vehicle:"WHAT? Why didn't he say he was doing that?"
  67. >H's smirk disappears prepares to explain himself
  68. >The commander in the lead vehicle doesn't give hime the time
  70. >H:"But the IE-"
  72. >Well that explains why we're in Slav-Shit instead of something that's actually mine-proof. Should have known, the Dwarves mod pretty much all the company stuff.
  73. >H just whimpers while the commander balls him out
  75. Cont.
  77. >Commander still balling H out
  79. >"I would, but there's a body past the blast area, sir"
  80. >H looks fucking mortified
  81. >E looks a little sympathetic, and explains to H why the body isn't his
  82. >Of course, E is a high elf, meaning he does this in the most dickish way he could
  83. >"H, if that person was killed by the IED there wouldn't be a body you dumbass"
  84. >That's the gist of what he said anyway; what he actually said had way more Elvish, particularly "moron," "idiot" and "half-brained"
  85. >E isn't actually that bad, but he's one of those people that can't help but be an asshole
  86. >We retrieved the body and got confirmation that it wasn't H's fault
  87. >Too far out from the IED firstly
  88. >Secondly the dwarf had a nice big bullet wound to his head
  89. >He'd been dead for a while, at least 12 hours
  90. >later, 20 minutes out from the mine town
  91. >We hit a couple other IED, Dwarf modded Slav-Shit plowed through no problem
  92. >we start taking some shots
  93. >Sporadic, like a shot every minute, maybe two guns firing
  94. >.308 at most
  95. >hits a vehicle a couple times, then shoots at next vehicle
  96. >whoever is shooting doesn't understand what bullet-proofing is
  97. >6 mins after the shooting started an APC returns fire with it's autocannon
  98. >a couple others join in
  99. >Cease fire ordered 4 mins later, no more shooting
  100. >Make mental note to search that area around the road later
  101. Still 5 mins out from town, will post more after main set up, and figure out what to do the the dwarf body.
  103. [PMC replying to a post about a Recreational Sarin Gas Company that can airdrop canisters to you]:
  104. They're pretty convenient for airdrop capacity; but we also have the dwarves fix the sub-par chinashit often too.
  106. [PMC replying to Neumagh Anon where a major Character died]:
  107. Fucking F man.
  109. [PMC replying to Terror Anon]:
  110. I wonder if we're gonna get more work as a result of your crusade.
  112. >After the shootout the mood in our APC was much lighter
  113. >Well except H, he knew the commander was still going to yell at him some more
  114. >Should clarify H is new
  115. >We make it to Dwarf-town
  116. >Dwarf-town is like the town from "Dante's Peak", if the town only had two streets and most of the buildings were dwarf sized
  117. >most
  118. >apparently some other people live here
  119. >even a regular sized bar
  120. >Mine facilities surround the town, mixture of human and Dwarven machinery
  121. >Town is surrounded by hills and one mountain
  122. >our Dwarves get to work setting up our defenses and facilities
  123. >We set up our tents
  124. >lot's of trenches and covered walkways, so as not to be sniped
  125. >can't do tunnels or full on dugouts because of the mine
  126. >Dwarves take exception with this
  127. >Commander and advisers meet with the town leadership
  128. >come back and brief us
  129. >apparently things got worse
  130. >pot-shots are being taken at the town now
  131. >most Dwarves just moved into the mine
  132. >Other people only move outside after dark
  133. >So our first job is to set up posts on the hills and deny them to the enemy
  134. >us innawoods /k/ommandos and elf-bros get to sit on these positions and hold them while everyone else sets up
  135. >briefing ends; dwarf-bros start arguing that they should be able to dig tunnels
  136. >commander says no, says that the Dwarves will just tunnel into the mine to go hang with other Dwarves.
  137. >meanwhile the elfs and I get to go reenact that one scene from Platoon
  138. >It's even raining
  139. > we still decide to swing by that one part of the road to see if the APCs actually killed anyone
  141. Hopefully they'll set up quickly so I can get some down time; I want to see if there's a Dwarven gun store. I've heard their stuff is pretty well made and rugged, but haven't heard anything on the nature their enchanting.
  143. alright, just finished with the debriefing but before I get to what we just did I really need to give you a quick rundown on the situation:
  144. >tl;dr on the local history, the town anon is currently in has been into an endless series of land disputes with one of the nearby keebler villages ever since business started being profitable
  145. >we're talking 90s Balkans levels of violence here
  146. >anyway, back to the relevant story
  147. >be me
  148. >through a series of events end up in local militia because fuck those forest kikes
  149. >be shooting the shit with buddy one day
  150. >a little info this guy, he was working with some oil merchants who had a depot in town when the whole keeblering happened
  151. >still helped us out from time to time, even "misplacing" a couple of fuel barrels on a few occasions
  152. >the police has long since either joined our ranks or fucked off, good luck with the investigations
  153. >dude is incredibly chill, always speaking in a calm manner it's almost creepy
  154. >the topic eventually shifts to some rumors we heard about a possible upcoming offensive on the rootlicker village
  155. >oilbro cracks up, bets his full giggle G3 (did I mention gun laws mean fuck all over here?) he can come up with a better plan than our officers
  156. >laugh, bet my Type 56 he's full of shit
  157. >dude up and leaves, says he "needs to prepare" or whatever
  158. >wtf
  159. >can't find him the next morning
  160. >after having asked around it appears he left before sunrise
  161. >wtf x2
  162. >finally see him again driving through a checkpoint a week later, almost didn't recognize him at first
  163. >he's covered head to toe in a hazmat suit he's fashioned into looking like a plague doctor costume
  164. >and he's got what look like a couple of old scrolls with him
  165. >upon inquiry, he reassures everyone not to "worry about the small details"
  166. >crazy bastard
  167. >that same evening he's walking into the forest while in that same hilarious getup, scrolls in hand
  168. >call out to him but he doesn't hear, figure he's big enough to look after himself
  169. >had his rifle too, so whatever
  170. cont.
  172. >it starts to get dark and he still hasn't come back
  173. >know for a fact he isn't (entirely) retarded, but even then why the fuck did he wander into knife-ear territory at night?
  174. >can't remember what radio frequencies he's usually on, try to send him a message in various channels only to get laughed at in response
  175. >doesn't pick up his phone either
  176. >suchislifeinthezone.crashreport
  177. >only sign of life he gave was much later
  178. >he sent a radio message to the militia's commander asking him to cut off the town's water supply
  179. >went silent right after that, didn't even give any explanation
  180. >the message got ruled out as a joke and ignored, the rest of the night was pretty much uneventful if not for a couple of leaf niggers trying to cross the wire
  181. >still, nothing out of the ordinary
  182. >the next morning all the water in town was fucking toxic
  183. >and I mean really fucking toxic, the stench alone got us about 40 casualties in varying condition among civilians and paramilitary
  184. >wtf x3
  185. >eventually we did manage to get some water regularly trucked in, but we're still rationing it as the situation hasn't fully returned to normal
  186. >what's even weirder is the conplete lack of tree faggot activity, they usually trip our alarms and harass patrols to keep us on edge
  187. >but that day, nothing
  188. >patrols also started reporting in a weird smell coming from the forest, in the bark munchers' village's direction
  189. >mfw
  190. >ffw another couple of days, oilbro is spotted leisurely walking back to town
  191. >ask him what the fuck did he do to cause such a shitstorm, only get a puzzled look in response
  192. >says he used those scrolls to take care of the village, apparently they had some pretty powerful spells in them
  193. >why?
  194. >"why not?"
  195. >then asks for the gun he was promised
  196. >mfw lost one of my favorite rifles because of a stupid bet
  197. >mfw oilbro is now known as Nurgle
  198. >mfw the madman gave the magic plague to half the forest and infected our water reservoir just for shits and giggles
  199. cont?
  201. I said all that just to give you some context to make any sense of the actual mission I just came back from, now here's what happened:
  202. >yesterday
  203. >militia needs volunteers for new assignment
  204. >decide to join since they're actually offering some rewards and I could really use that extra water after what's happened
  205. >the infected area has now been deemed safe enough to enter without specialized equipment, so the higher ups devised a recon mission
  206. >the objective is simple: estimate the damage done and scout the surrounding area for enemy movement
  207. >they even hired some helicopter pilots to get us in and out of the AO, how nice
  208. >the gist of the plan is as follows:
  209. >Alpha squad lands first, will provide fire support until Bravo has successfully infiltrated the berryslurper village and then commence observation on any possible enemy movement in the vicinity
  210. >for that purpose, they've been issued drones (well, I guess two quadcopters fitted with trail cams technically count as such) to make their job easier
  211. >Bravo squad will land right after Alpha and infiltrate the village to assess the situation and possibly look for any intel
  212. >or so they said, but everyone is aware they're basically the cleanup crew
  213. >jannies, if you will
  214. >guess where anon got assigned to
  215. >after picking up another rifle (Yugo M70 btw, this is slavshit country) meet up with the rest of the squad
  216. >unsurprisingly, Nurgle is there as well
  217. >less surprisingly, he's still in his spooky suit
  218. >even less surprisingly, it's unclear if he ever got out at all
  219. >oh well
  220. >he's still nice enough to fill everyone in on the situation and offer us a MOPP kit for the mission
  221. >well, a pseudo-MOPP kit
  222. >alright, it's a fucking painter mask and a questionably waterproofed tarp
  223. >better than nothing, right?
  224. >greedy jew
  225. >we pack up the last stuff and head for the helicopters
  226. will continue later, right now I need a break
  228. >we're airborne right before dawn, the choppers circle around the town to get us upwind to the elf village and then fly into the forest
  229. >Alpha squad disembarks and spreads out, we keep in the air for a little while to hopefully spot any movement
  230. >seems like we're alone though
  231. >about 5 minutes later we land as well, right outside the bow aficionados' village
  232. >Alpha squad starts laughing at our nigger-rigged protective equipment as soon as they see us dismount
  233. >fucking gear queers
  234. >a little banter is exchanged and then everyone gets to the actual work
  235. >the fucking smell though
  236. >even with the masks on, it still stinks worse than a shanty town in Delhi
  237. >it keeps getting stronger the closer we get
  238. >as we all hold back our urge to puke, Nurgle simply chuckles
  239. >I now notice the how the gun in his hands looks exactly like the Type 56 I lost in my last bet with him
  240. >and the first thing this guy did was swap the original handguard with some fagpul furniture
  241. >reeeeeeee
  242. >we finally get into the village and the first thing we notice is that nobody is there to greet us with an ambush
  243. >well, except a few rotting bodies sprawled on the ground
  244. >with all the ongoing decomposition going on and what appeared to be some sort of tumors on their throat, face and belly, they're barely recognizable as keeblers at this point
  245. >can't even take their ears either
  246. >bummer
  247. >anyway, a perimeter is established, the village gets cordoned off and we get down our checklist of shit to do
  248. >clear every house, find all the bodies, pile them up in the same spot to incinerate them, nothing special
  249. >it's not a big place so we leave most of the team watching our backs while me, Nurgle and a third guy get it done with
  250. >among the victims there's oddly a few humans too, though they were already too disfigured to tell who it was
  251. >the weirdest part were the stains found on some of the houses, can't really tell what they were but it wasn't blood
  252. >decide to grab what we can and torch the houses too
  253. cont.
  255. >spend the whole day taking pictures and grabbing what wasn't nailed down
  256. >as time went on we were getting used to the stench too
  257. >among the loot we found a couple of guns stashed away, surprisingly enough it doesn't look like they came from our town
  258. >their small number and the meager amount of ammo they had makes us think they didn't intend to use them on us though
  259. >their condition wasn't great to say the least, either
  260. >still, they get a quick wipe with a rag we found and stuffed in one of the duffel bags we brought along just for this purpose
  261. >grabbed some bows too, maybe we could make some money out of them
  262. >anyway as we're done clearing the place, pull Nurgle aside and ask him what kind of spell was in those scrolls to make such a mess
  263. >he shrugs, says he doesn't know either
  264. >apparently he bought them off some shady dude in another town, the term "curse" may or may not have been included in their conversation, he can't recall
  265. >o fug
  266. >this isn't getting in the report
  267. >as we're lighting the pyre he starts counting the bodies again
  268. >are we missing anyone?
  269. >"I think there were more of them the last time I was here"
  270. >what
  271. >suddenly our radio guy runs yelling to us, says to get a move on and join the others
  272. >he got a message from Alpha squad, apparently they had a contact with... well, something, and they were falling back to our position
  273. >shit
  274. >what kind of bark munchers are we dealing with that they don't go down after being shot at several times?
  275. >does this have anything to do with the infection?
  276. >Nurgle shrugs again
  277. >I'm almost starting to hate this guy
  278. >we rush back to the rest of the team and immediately call for evac, the sun is about to set and we definitely don't have the equipment for a prolonged battle
  279. >as a matter of fact, due to time constraints and the state of our logistics, our gear is barely good for a patrol
  280. >almost end up shooting up the Alpha guys, they ran into us so fast they forgot to identify themselves
  281. >they're visibly shaken
  282. cont.
  284. >a bit too shaken to even coherently explain what they ran into
  285. >so we only know it's large, it's coming and it's not their dad's cock
  286. >as cringe as that was, it seemed to lighten the mood a bit, so whatever
  287. >half of their ammo is out, so we let them look after the rear and defend the radio guys and drone operators
  288. >the choppers are almost done with the final checks, they'll be here in half an hour tops
  289. >some good news at least
  290. >the drones pick up a single signature about 500 metres northwest from our position
  291. >can't really see anything in the bush though
  292. >300 metres
  293. >almost everyone is fumbling with their safety at this point, Alpha really pulled a number on us with their spookery
  294. >200 metres
  295. >the smell got significantly worse than what we felt when we arrived, a lot of the guys outright took off their masks to puke
  296. >we really did not need this right now
  297. >*SNAP*
  298. >at this point we're all wishing that was the sound of us getting into a cringe compilation
  299. >but the /k/ube did not listen to this prayer
  300. >instead, we can now see a tall figure getting closer and breaking small trees out of its way
  301. >couldn't really get a good look at it due to the stress and the fact it was dark, but the thing must have been at least 12 feet tall (using imperial system here to give you Ameribros an idea) and its flesh was all rotten
  302. >if Alpha said it shrugged off all their fire, I would've believed them
  303. >as soon as we saw it, the foxholes lit up with the muzzle flash of everyone magdumping in its face (or what looked like it, anyway)
  304. >if we weren't desperately holding on for dear life I would have given that glorious display of ammunition expense a full 10/10
  305. >it eventually slumps down and falls on the ground not even 50 metres from us
  306. >the barrels of our MGs were glowing red and are probably smoothbore now
  307. >we can hear the choppers coming
  308. >we're about to let out the loudest cheer we can when Alpha starts screaming at us
  309. >we turn around
  310. >there's another four of them
  311. >mfw
  312. cont.
  314. >they run towards us
  315. >we run to the extraction point
  316. >still, thanks to some miracle we were blessed with, it wasn't complete chaos
  317. >everyone's almost dry but we still did try to cover each other as best as we could
  318. >well, those who didn't freeze up and get mangled by those beasts, anyway
  319. >like Alpha's radio guy, poor bastard
  320. >we eventually arrive to the extraction point and start frantically jumping into the choppers
  321. >some are begging the pilot to leave the others behind and take off immediately
  322. >some are having a mental breakdown
  323. >others are even too exhausted to do anything but flop on their seat
  324. >and then there's Nurgle
  325. >he's just sitting on the side of the helicopter with an open loot bag on his lap, while he's calmly loading a captured Garand and shooting the last rounds we have while occasionally giggling like a retard
  326. >honestly I'm surprised how he even made it here with all that stuff
  327. >eventually the helos take off as the beasts got too close but other than that we somehow managed to arrive back to base safely
  328. >after landing at an impromptu decontamination zone and going through allvthat drill, we are then debriefed via some radio they left there and put into quarantine
  329. >of the 18 people in total taking part in this mission, only 11 made it back alive (pilots included)
  330. >the others are either KIA or presumed dead
  331. and here I am typing all this story while I wait to get out of here, last I heard they got a hold of some mercenaries to firebomb the village
  332. if shit settles down I'm considering leaving this place and joining some PMCs or work as a caravan guard, do you guys know of anyone hiring?
  334. [Anon replying to PMC]:
  335. Make sure you get your gun back and his G3 if you make it back alive. His plan certainly wasn't better.
  337. [PMC responding to anon]
  338. I did make it alive though, all of this happened the other day
  339. as for the rifle, he can keep it, I already bought another AK for the last mission anyway and the dude even gave me an old school AR10 from the stash we captured to make up for it
  340. I might still punch him next time I see him though
  342. [Anon replying to PMC]:
  343. That kind of shit is why I took an apprenticeship with a dwarf with rune tracing on the side, I just opened a gun shop, I do sell human small arms but I also do custom jobs with enchanting and general modification like dwarven finishing or strengthening.
  345. I also just recently launched a line of rune-based optics, they attach using standard picatinny rail but have the form factor of a piece of rail cover sot they take no space at all, they are sturdier to. I’m working on a variable zoom version which should come out soon and a body heat powered laser pointer, to bad the fucking thing is a bitch to calibrate regarding output, last test trail nearly put me into hypothermia and fucked up the heat treat on one of my steel targets.
  347. Anyway has anyone heard about the freakshow that recently went to the northern dwarf city ? They look like an advanced PMC but are clearly well versed in magic and summoning to, had business with them and was very satisfied since they paid good money for repairs and new finish for their arsenal but holly shit are they packing some heat, these goons could stage a fucking coup if they wanted judging by the stuff that passed in my hands.
  349. [PMC responding to Anon]:
  350. meh, this was one hell of a situation but it does get pretty fun sometimes, it's all in the little things
  351. now, if only they let me out of here, quarantine fucking sucks
  354. [The Next Thread]:
  355. quarantine anon here, finally got some news on the situation
  356. >the water reservoir is slowly returning to normal, they give it another month or so
  357. >we got some new pics of the big niggers we encountered innawoods
  358. >apparently each one of them was made of several humanoid-looking bodies held together by overgrown tumors
  359. >also the one we blasted in the face was still flopping around, it even dragged itself into the village
  360. >those things are probably vulnerable to fire though, we have no reports on them ever since the village got napalm'd
  361. >still no fae to be seen in the tainted part of the woods
  362. also, does anyone with expirience in operating innadeadlands know if it's normal to get a rash after exposure?
  363. I seem to have a mild one on my chest, it doesn't itch though
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