
The Occult adventures of Cultist Anon and his crew part 1

Jan 27th, 2021
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  1. from /hhg/ Hazbin Hotel general #602
  2. ----
  3. Alright lets go!
  5. The Occult adventures of Cultist Anon and his crew!
  7. PART 1:How it happend
  8. >Be Anon your perfectly normal warehouse stocker by day
  9. >but by night he and his friends Cheyrl, Don, and Tucker try to summon spirits
  10. >No they don't go to a bar stop asking Phil!
  11. >it all started when Anon and the crew were camping out in the woods and found a book that read "Domine Princeps Liber"
  12. >It was like a kids picture book but everything was all wrong.
  13. >The pages were old as dirt.
  14. >the pictures themselves resembled large owl like creatures with humanoid arms and legs.
  15. >most of the words as well made no sense at all like jumbled combinations of different languages both old and new
  16. >Tucker was your lead transcriber, he took the liberty of taking the book home as well after the camping trip hoping to crack the code thats been scribbled all over the book.
  17. >"maybe its an alien artifact or something? Dude we may have just struck gold man!"
  18. >Everyones been waiting in anticipation for anything Tucker may have found
  19. >He hasn't been responding to anyones text messages for quite awhile now.
  20. >You were asleep in your bed one night just taking it easy for awhile, works been hell and it hurts your back to haul all those boxes on a day to day basis
  21. >Then your phone screen turns on and your hear a *bing*
  22. >It's Cheryl
  23. >"Hey could someone go check up on Tucker? I haven't been able to contact him in three days now."
  24. >Then another *bing* from Don
  25. "I haven't heard anything from him in awhile either... Anon you live closest to him, go check up on the big guy"
  26. >You grumble and agree to go in the morning
  27. >then you get bombarded with texts saying that "something isn't right" or "Tucker is our friend and were worried about him!"
  28. >You finally cave and tell them you're on the way
  29. >you put on your plaid button up t-shirt and some pants and head out the door to your truck
  30. >its a beaten up clunker but she keeps on ticking
  31. >You drive up to Tuckers house and see the lights on
  32. -
  33. >You proceed to hop out of your truck and knock on the door
  34. "Tucker?! You in there bud? It's me Anon!"
  35. >no reply
  36. >This is in backwoods country so Tucker seldomly leaves his door unlocked
  37. >it just so happens that this was one of those occasions
  38. >You open the front door and slowly walks in
  39. "Tucker? Where are you man?"
  40. >You peek into his study room to find him scribbling away
  41. >holy shit its everywhere
  42. >The walls, the ceiling, even the furniture
  43. >Tucker turns to look at you and its clear somethings wrong with him
  44. >"oh.. h-hey there Anon when did you come in?"
  45. "Just now Tucker, you wanna tell me whats going on here" you say as you look around the room
  46. >"Oh all this? I think I've cracked the code man! Its not Alien stuff like I thought but better!"
  47. "So you decided to write it on the walls?"
  48. >"No, no the voices started making me do things against my will once I started speaking the language!"
  49. "You're talking crazy now Tuck, what language?"
  50. >"Their language Anon!
  51. >He points behind you
  52. >You slowly turn around to find one of the same Owl like beings from before
  53. >It's eyes glow with a red hue
  54. >it crouches underneath the door to fit through
  55. >"Do not run" the thing says without opening its mouth
  56. "w-what the hell Tuck, what is this thing"
  57. >"I am a High Prince of Hell, and your friend here is my new... shall we say student"
  58. "Tucker you agreed to this?"
  59. >"H-hey man it was either this or be taken back with it!"
  60. >The Demon speaks up yet again
  61. >"Your friend is smarter than he looks little human, he managed to say the exact words needed to bring me to the world above. And as a reward for returning my beloved family photo album I Stolas have blessed this man with Insight, Wisdom of all things to be and have been."
  62. >It begins to inch closer to Tucker
  63. -
  64. >"This insight grants him the ablity to speak with our kind as well, I will keep in contact with him and send him instructions on how to use this knowledge."
  65. >he proceeds to grab both you and Tucker into a strange yet relaxed group hug
  66. >"Now, what is your name human?"
  67. "A-Anon" you manage to mutter out
  68. >"Anon... hmm rather odd name for a human, I was told you were the one who orignally found my book"
  69. "thats..correct"
  70. >"hmm then I suppose I should grant you a reward as well hmm?"
  71. >The demon holds out his hand and from it is a new book
  72. >it has a strange sigil encrypted into the front and a latch made of what appears to be dried skin
  73. >"This is for your eyes only little Anon, with the wisdom I have given you both perhaps you could be useful to me"
  74. >The Demon lets out a chuckle as he disappears into smoke
  75. >You and Tucker are now hugging eachother and shaking like leaves
  76. "T-Tucker?"
  77. >"Yeah Anon?"
  78. "The flying fuck just happened?"
  79. -
  80. End PART 1
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