
Table side spanking

Jun 5th, 2014
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  1. Tableside Spanking
  2. The fourth Somerset Adventure
  3. By Susan Waterflower Bell
  5. Sunflower wore a big smile upon her face as she strolled through the wooden doors of what was suppose to the finest steakhouse in Somerset the fabled Porterhouse. Standing beside her was her mother, the middle age women stood proud as she walked in step with her daughter. The young girl could not help but feel like a princess as she stood shoulder to shoulder with her mother. Both wore a simple solid black dressed that reached down to there knee-cabs.
  7. “Sunflower,” Her mother said smiling as she brought her daughter to her side. “Your quickly becoming a young women. And as a young women one of the social skills you must master is knowing how to conducted yourself in a public place.” She added as she peered toward her daughter.
  9. Sunflower blinked and blinked again as she felt her mothers hand being placed upon her shoulder. A strong powerful feeling of being loved and cared for filled her shoulder. Since her little adventure down Hemlock Helm, her mother had taken well a more active roll in her life and as a result a bond was starting to form between the two women. The seemed to be growing stronger and stronger each day.
  11. “Yes ma’am.” Said Sunflower as she moved into her mother hold.
  13. Isabella smiled as she lifted her shoulder from her daughters and reached down and took hold of her hand. A little smile graced the bow of her lip as she peered toward the blonde haired hair standing in front of her. Though no poet, she could swear she could feel her heart starting to become inflamed as watched her child develop before her very eyes. The rising of each son held the promise of another adventure to be had, and another day of self discovery to be unfolded. And best of all as her mother she was invited to journey along with her.
  15. “So, I’ve heard a certain little girl wants to host a sleepover with her BFF.” She said with a small smile as she took seat at there choose table. Word traveled fast, and the proposed sleep over with Elizabeth’s Graces daughter a young tomboy named Rachel had reached her ears. Settling into her chair she could feel her smile grow as the memories of her own slumber parties flowed through her head. She could only pray that Rachel had not taken after her mother. And if so, she was sure both girls would find themselves over her lap before the night was over.
  17. It was Sunflowers turn to smile as she peered toward her mother. Despite the large amount of texting, exchange of emails and notes passed in and out of class and during there priest lectors during there confirmation class’s, no real headway had been made as to setting a date and getting the permission of there parents. But just the mere mention of the party by her mother caused her heart to flutter with the possibility that such a thing could be taking place in the fear future.
  19. “Yes ma’am.. A certain little girl would very much like to have that happen. The little girl in questions been doing a lot of extra chores around the house and has been a model student both in school and in her confirmation class’s.” Sunflower knew she was taking a risk her, But her mother had been the one to bring the question up. She was only doing her best to well tip the scale if you will in her favor.
  21. Isabella blinked and offered her daughter a little smirk as she pulled off her faux leather jacket and draped it over the back of her offered chair. She knew what her daughter was trying to do, and well if the truth be told she had already talked to Elizabeth about the event and a date had already been set. A veteran of a dozen or so social seasons, she knew it paid to be at least a dozen steps ahead of the crowed when the game of house was afoot.
  23. “Indeed, this little girl has been quite the shining example. Turning in her homework on time, doing her chores without a bit of lip and minding her manners around her elders.” Said Isabella smiling as she lavished the praised down upon her daughters head. She’ll give her honey soaked words a minute or two before she’ll press her attack.
  25. Sunflower looked up just in time to catch sight of her mother giving her a little smirk, a shadow seemed too passed over the whole fiber of her being as she took her seat and soothed out her dress. Rolling a pair of mental dice she looked up to greet her mother in the eye.
  27. “I know right, said little girl should get a reward for all of her hard work right? Maybe a few more bobs at the end of each week?” She offered as she settled into her chair and crossed her legs. Folding her hands in her lap she drew back to the full of her height.
  29. Isabella was smiled as her daughter played right into her hands. Savoring the taste of her soon to be won victory she reached down and picked up the small class of water the waiter had brought to there table while she two where engaged in playful banter.
  31. “Oh, I have no doubt the little one in question does indeed deserve a reward all she been doing. But word has also reached me of some naughty things the little miss has been doing, she been passing notes during Fr. Apples lectors also it seems she having a hard time finding her way to class on time. And I don’t mean to sound rude or anything but she too could find more time to go over her history homework.” She said giggling a little as she sipped at her water.
  33. Sunflower grew quite still as she noticed her mother peering toward her. Her only course of recourse was to offer her a little smile as she folded her hands in her lap and smiled a little. Her mother had forced her into check.
  35. “Good evening ladies.” Said a young man who then placed two menus down in front of the pair. The young man offered a brilliant smile toward the two and even went as far as to wink toward Sunflower. He was quite handsome, tall and narrow as a beanpole that staked the spring veggies in many gardens of Somerset.
  37. “Yes, I’ll be order for myself and for my daughter. Both of us would like you sixteen ounce boneless Delmonico Steak, I will like mine with a little thing strip of pink in it and Sunflower how would you like yours?” Her mother said with a small smile as she watched the young man write down the order in his little notepad.
  39. “Oh… well done please.” She said blushing as she settled into her seat. Before she could catch herself, her eyes started to look the handsome young man up and down. Her blood started to boil a little within her veins and a deep blush started to color her cheek bones. Quickly she forced herself to pull her eyes away from the young man. Turning toward her mother she offered a small apology smile.
  41. “Very well,” Said the waiter writing down this information on his notepad. “And before I leave, is there anything else I can get for your ladies, something to drink maybe, we have a fine selection of locally brewed beers and fermented wines.” He said placing the tip of his pen upon the surface of the paper.
  43. “Yes,” Said Isabella smiling a little as she placed her menu down upon the table. “I would like a glass of your house wine and my daughter would like a glass of sparkling water with lemon.” She said peering toward Sunflower.
  45. “Very good,” Said the young man as he wrote the additional items down upon his notebook. “Just give me a few minutes ladies and I’ll bring out your drinks along with your salads.” He said with a small smile as he offered a formal little bow and hopped away to the kitchen to place the orders.
  49. “So, tell me more about this Richard.” Her mother said with a little smile, Isabella was not as blind as some mothers in the village. She knew her daughter was just starting to develop feeling for a certain boy in the village. Not that she minded her daughter developing those feeling, in fact she would be worried if she did not show a slight interest in the rougher sex.
  51. Sunflower blinked and blinked again as she peered toward her mouth, her cheeks flushed with color and she quickly turned from mature tween to a shy and confused little girl as she shifted her eyes away from her mothers gaze and zoomed in silverware set upon the white table cloth.
  53. “Its nothing but a passing thing, I mean I like him, he danced with me at the Poppy Fete and we where in that play together. I mean he’s kind of cute and all. Kind of strong too..” Sunflower said, still wearing a blush upon her face as she fumbled with her words.
  55. “Well he is kind of cute, and kind of handsome too, like a mix of the two you know what I mean.” She said musing a little as she gave her daughter a little smirk. Teasing came as natural as breathing to her, a skill she employed most effectively when she was in the company of those she enjoyed spending time with. It was a good ice breaker she found, though she was always careful not to over do it.
  57. Sunflower blinked and blinked again as she peered toward her mother, a deep blush was now coloring her cheeks. Part of her wanted to counter with some playful banter of her own, but part of her knew that would only result in her getting pulled over her mothers lap. Her mother was good at dishing it out, but was not so good at taking it, that or she often crossed the fine line that divided teasing with cheek. And once that line was crossed there was no turning back.
  59. “I don’t really think Richard likes me too much,” She said at last as she looked down at her plate and sighed. True enough she was starting to like Richard and in the last week or so had written to him at least a dozen or so times, but most of her letters had not been answered and it was only yesterday that few scarce lines had returned to her. Looking up from her plate she looked her mother dead in the eyes.. It was the only jester that could really convene the feeling of despise she was feeling.
  61. Isabella was taken back by the sudden change in her daughters tone of voice. Frowning a little she reached over and placed her hand upon her daughters. Giving her hand a little squeeze she formatted her words, teenagers where tricky at best.
  63. “Maybe not, but I’m sure there another boy out there who does.” She said after a short pause, “Though I know how tempting boys can be, and I know its hard to avoid those feelings of temptation that come with being a young women. I mean boys are changing and so are you.” She paused and gave her hand another squeeze.
  65. A small little smile played across Sunflowers face as she felt her mother squeeze her hand and felt her soothing words washed over her. Soon she felt herself smiling softy as she peered around her. Quickly though her eyes fell on there waiter, who was taking another order at this time. Blushing a little she shifted his eyes up and down his body, her blue eyes seemed to really zoom into his nice round bottom. Before she could catch herself, she wounded how it would feel to have her hand smack his bottom.
  67. Isabella gave her daughter a amused looked as she noticed her eyes traveling toward one of the waiters. Taking another sip of her water she cleared her throat and spoke up. “Honey, another thing I think we gotta talk about is this. You can’t just ogle boys, I know there cute and I know looking at them can be fun. But you gotta remember, there kind of a double standard here.” She said signing as she took another sip of her water.
  69. “One one side, the boys can look and drink there fill of eye-candy, because it expected of them. There boys after all, and some like to think with there nether regions more than they like too with there brains.” her mother said with a clear frown. Looking up from her water glass she locked eyes with her daughter. She wanted to use this rare one on one time to its fullest.
  70. “Your fathers not like that though, he uses his head a lot and at times can be quite stern. Look for a boy like that my daughter. Look for one who can rule his emotions with a first of iron. True they like to think themselves king of the house, but behind every great king there has always stood a strong and loving queen.” A little smirk crossed her face as she finished off her water and gently placed the glass down upon the table.
  72. Sunflower blinked and blinked again as she felt a sudden blush color her cheeks as she peered toward her mother. Titling her head she offered her mother another blink as her blush turned another shade deeper as the full weight of her words became reveled. Was her mother offering her dating advice? Or was she offering her words of wisdom? The young teen could not tell, though being offered dating advice by her mother seemed odd.. She would much prefer the Official sources on dating advice. That being Sweet n’ Bold, Sweet Sixteen, and finally the crown jewel of them all Venus.
  74. “Thank you mom.” She said flashing her mother a small smile as she tried to avoid the guilt at the fact that her advice entered one ear and left the other. Though she did make a mental note to check the local paper stand to see if the newest issue of Sweet n’ Bold was in stock.
  76. Isabella gazed toward her daughter for a minute or two, something told her that her daughter was paying little to no mind to what she was saying. Cracking a smile she could only shake her head, she would learn in time, she just wondered how many of those women who wrote for those magazines her daughter seemed to enjoy reading in her free time had been through the whole courtship tradition, married, gone through the joy and often nail-biting nine month trail of growing a child in your bell, then giving birth in one of the most pain and joy filled hours of her life. And then endure the following fourteen years, bringing that little child up, molding and shaping her into young women. Who you hoped would go on, get a solid education, then become something of herself and who might go through the whole cycle you did.
  78. Sunflower had little time to ponder what her mother was thinking about as there meal was soon brought out, allowing Sunflower to once more get a good eye full of the handsome waiter who was there server. Biting down upon her lip she gazed toward his bottom. Part of her wanted to reach out and give his bottom a little pinch, or a quick smack. Something.
  80. The waiter blushed a little as he noticed Sunflower gazing toward him, offering her a little smile he placed there plates down upon the table. A well seasoned steak was placed in front of Sunflower, followed by one being placed in front of Isabella. Once the plates had been placed safety down upon the table he stood up and smiled softy toward the two.
  82. “Now.” The young man said placing the check down upon the table. “If you two lovely ladies need anything else just give me holler.” He then reached into his apron pocket and pulled out a piece paper. With careful tack he placed the paper down upon the table.
  84. Isabella blinked and blinked again as she gave the waiter a odd ball stare. His choice of wording was a little odd for her taste, for such a refined and well esteemed place. Signing she rolled her shoulders a little as she started to cut into her steak, maybe she was just nitpicking a little too much.
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