
Effective way for doing blog comments?

May 11th, 2019
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  1. Effective way for doing blog comments?
  2. HI,Please tell me How to do blog comments in a better way.How can i search the blog sites?
  4. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
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  16. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  17. You should have stronger readership and analysis skills otherwise it is like impossible to get approved comments.
  20. Hi Jasmine:cool:
  21. Thanx for given me for this opportunity to give u some information and suggestion about blog comments....
  22. First decide why you want to do blog commenting? If you want to do blog commenting for SEO purpose then you relevancy is very important. But one thing always remember during blog commenting never make any spamming comments. Comments should be informative and relevant to the post. If you will make spamming comments it can hurt your website ranking....
  23. I hope this info was helpful 4 u.....
  26. Read the article, understand the contents and speak your mind about what you like or not like in that specific article. General comments normally gets deleted.
  29. Here i define some best way to effective for blog commenting.
  30. 1.Limited to one comment per day,per blog
  31. 2.Do follow blog search
  32. 3.Search high PR blog
  35. You just search out do follow blog and the you post your effective comment according to the blog post and place your keyword on them. This is the best way for creating a back link for your site.
  38. search related do follow blogs and always post uefull and relevant comments on the blogs..
  41. Thanks for replying me.I have so much problem regarding search the blog sites.I have used , tell me more.
  44. I have a question to ask suppose one blog is of PR 5 and i comment on one of its page that is of PR 0 will my comment be valuable or not ??
  47. Dofollow blogs is the best
  50. always important writing skills and reader skills, write comments on posts, read it, write comment. It should be unique dont put links in comments.
  53. Most blog owners choose to approve comments before they get published. So to increase your chances of getting your comment approved, read the actual blog entry and then reply with an intelligent/useful/insightful comment that will benefit others who read it. Otherwise it is just blatant spam and 9 out of 10 times will be deleted by the blog owner.
  56. Select relevant do-follow blogs with good PR it would be better to get back links. Read blog carefully then comment.
  59. If you follow these tips, you can make the blog comments effective.
  60. 1. Pick only those blogs which are dofollow and good at PR.
  61. 2. Give the best contribution on commenting the particular topic.
  64. Hello,
  65. go to google and type "powered by wordpress" in title: any keyword.
  69. If you follow these tips, you can make the blog comments effective.
  70. 1. Pick only those blogs which are dofollow and good at PR.
  71. 2. Give the best contribution on commenting the particular topic.
  72. I also pick nofollow blogs because I believe that link is a link.
  75. It is very important to make the list of High pr blog sites who can give do follow links. Once you do that than start posting one comment on one blog every alternate day. It is very important to keep in mind the relevant and effective comment is only going to work.
  78. Blog commenting is a effective way of gaining links. Remember to be relevant and find blogs that are related within your niche. Stay to the topic for your comments to be approved.
  81. Well I response to this question from my experience not my choices.
  82. So before I start I want to tell you that every body that in that post I will try to explain how things are going right now, and every one is free to chose before he see all the option.
  83. Well there are 2 way to make blog comments...
  84. Automated(spam) or manual......
  85. I if you take the automated way then the process is simple: Get you a software, harvest blogs (non-follow and do-follow are the same in my opinion), and them load them in the poster and click start. Now in this process you have many variable that count, your comments, your strategy of getting blogs, etc. Maybe if you are interested you also can choose to post only on niche related blogs, but this is for you to decide.
  86. The second way is manual blog commenting, with this method there are also 2 way to do things:
  87. 1) search for blog and do-follow manually, you can use site: search and others...
  88. 2) you can use and software to harvest blogs, check them and after you got your list you can manually start post comment.
  89. Now... about do-follow and non-follow, I thing that they all are good, maybe do-follow can bring you more juice link but all are good to have. But this is my experience talking.. no any proof or testing.
  90. Now about the automated or manual....
  91. Now I have a question for you, what is the difference between this to post.
  92. "I have been reading your blog for a while now and absolutly love it!! I am in the process of creating recipe video blog myself and am completly inspired by this supportive community!!
  93. Dani"
  94. and that:
  95. "What is here it is a great article. But first of all I must salute all the visitors and tell you that I add a link to your domain on one of my pages, your link here (here is a link to your page were the the domain link of the blog will appear). And now I must say that I m thinking to post HERE WE HAVE THE BLOG URL on my Digg profile. And this because in the end I found what I was looking for. What you share here is really nice sharing. In the minute I saw this tittle, the tHERE WE HAVE THE BLOG TITLE , in my google search I was very happy. It is possible I found something like this here YOUR LINK, I'm not sure but I thing it was the same. All the best"
  96. This are 2 real comment, I remove the url so not advertise here.
  97. So what you will choose and what is the automated and what is manual post?
  98. Thank you
  100. The best way of doing blog comments is to ensure that your comments adds value to the conversation, or else it will simply be removed by the admin
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