
Well Somebody Had Had To Love Lovecraft

Dec 9th, 2017
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  1. Well Somebody Had Had To Love Lovecraft
  4. “See, Gladys didn’t I tell you he was a beaut’?”
  6. “How do you know that’s a he!?” exclaimed Gladys
  8. “Pff. It’s a guy thing. You chicks wouldn’t understand. I know he’s a dude. Just look at him.” said Harold.
  10. And Gladys did look at ‘him’. At least 50ft tall the monstrous being towered over them even while sitting down in the cold snow. It seemed to made of a combination of flesh and tree-roots. It’s head??? was more a bunch of teeth-like-spikes sticking out in every direction like ivory branches with a yellow insect like larvae atop it as a scalp. It had 2 arms but 4 forearms and 4 hands to match. She had never quite seen something like it before.
  12. The creature paid them no mind though while it was preoccupied with devouring the corpse of what she hoped was an animal.
  14. “Harold. I thought you had meant you found a dog or something. We can’t keep this as a pet!” Gladys shouted then shot a look at the monster to make sure it hadn’t heard her, Gladys gripping her husbands hand tightly.
  16. “And why not? I let you get a cat!” said Harold defensively.
  18. “A CAT, Harold. Is manageable. We have a flat with no garden. Cat faeces goes into the litter box and is disposed of easily. This THING.” She said placing emphasis on ‘thing’. “Is some Eldritch-like entity from some Lovecraftian Mythos. I doubt they make kitty litter boxes big enough for this monster and have it still fit in our 1 bedroom apartment.” whispered Gladys viciously while eyeing the monster.
  20. “But Gladys..I don’t like Mr Fluffynutters. He keeps peeing on my good shirts and always gives you all the attention. The best I get from him is hissing and scratching.” said Harold sounding dejected.
  22. “Come on Gladys. I promise to feed him and take care of him. I’ll even take him for walks everyday!”
  24. “Harold.. That’s what you said about Mr Fluffynutters. You did none of those things except try leash him and take him outside for walks, regardless of how many times I tried explaining to you that Cat’s don’t go for walks, Harold.”
  26. “But that’s only after I found out Cat’s are boring.”
  28. “This guy’s interesting. Look at him Gladys, doesn’t he make your brain feel like mush.”
  30. “Well yes. But I wouldn’t really call that a selling point though.”
  32. The monster finished eating whatever putrid mash of guts and blood it had been feasting on, turned it’s gaze?? Towards the couple standing before it.
  36. The thought rang out like a gong throughout both Harold’s and Gladys’ mind.
  38. “OKAY!” Shouted Harold running towards he beast open armed.
  39. Gladys remained frozen in fear. She watched as Harold closed the distance to the monster in a a few seconds flat.
  41. It tilted it’s head?? The giant monster looked almost perplexed.
  43. Harold reached the monster’s second left hand and plucked the pinky finger with both his arms and pulled at the monster.
  45. “You’re coming with us big fella. I’ll call you Eldri. My wife said you were something of that sort.”
  47. “See Gladys!? He wants to come with us. He has my scent now, it’s too late to abandon him, the other’s wont accept him back.”
  49. ‘Eldri’ too shocked as to why his command had only effected one mortal was too dumbfounded to think straight and so let Harold lead him away.
  51. The very next week in the city. When the garbage disposal service finally came upon Harold and Gladys apartment’s dumpster. Most of the usual was in their trash. Mostly empty pizza boxes with a few stale slices still left inside, empty beer cans, all of Harold’s salad portions from his dishes that he slyly disposed of when Gladys had her back turned, Kitty Litter, empty cat food bags and the gory combination of the corpses of perhaps more than 7 fully grown humans. But the garbage disposal people didn’t notice.
  53. After all minimum wage and Eldritch brain scrambling had the wonderful effect of negligence and ignorance when it was required.
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