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Apr 17th, 2021
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  1. [14:34:50] #Yellow Paint: alright, a bit of a false start cause I forgot to whitelist ahead of time
  2. [14:35:37] #Yellow Paint: anyways, so how about we start off with some core suggestions
  3. [14:36:12] #Yellow Paint: anyone have anything they wanna build around?
  4. [14:36:43] #Yellow Paint: I'm personally a fan of urshi-r recently
  5. [14:36:49] +Yoda2798: how about kommo
  6. [14:37:02] #Yellow Paint: sure, anyone else?
  7. [14:37:09] @zeefable: i am down for the clanger
  8. [14:37:14] #Yellow Paint: and clang kommo I'm assuming
  9. [14:37:18] +Yoda2798: yeah
  10. [14:37:42] +Ox the Fox (: specs torkoal seems cool to me
  11. [14:38:23] #Yellow Paint: sure, torkoal room could be fun
  12. [14:38:35] #Yellow Paint: and I got a suggestion for WP pult
  13. [14:38:42] #Yellow Paint: so I'll set up a poll
  14. [14:39:13] T3ch Thieves: i want electric terrain to be relevant :v
  15. [14:39:22] A poll was started by Yellow Paint.
  16. [14:39:56] #Yellow Paint: I'll close this in a few minutes
  17. [14:40:18] #Yellow Paint: but since kommo seems to be winning, feel free to talk about what y'all wanna set up for it
  18. [14:40:37] SMB: boom pincurchin hyper offense T3ch Thieves
  19. [14:40:38] #Yellow Paint: ofc you gotta have fini answers, because of misty terrain blocking clang
  20. [14:41:01] #Yellow Paint: so rillaboom and kartana are usually easy adds
  21. [14:41:17] T3ch Thieves: redirection/steel in general
  22. [14:41:17] #Yellow Paint: nihil's also quite popular on those comps
  23. [14:42:43] +Ox the Fox (: what set does kommoo run
  24. [14:42:48] #Yellow Paint: ah, right
  25. [14:43:06] #Yellow Paint: it does throat spray clanging scales/clangourous soul/filler/protect
  26. [14:43:11] #Yellow Paint: with filler usually being flamethrower
  27. [14:43:28] #Yellow Paint: and yeah looks like it won
  28. [14:44:05] #Yellow Paint: alright, so kommo-o to start with
  29. [14:44:35] #Yellow Paint: !code
  30. Kommo-o @ Throat Spray
  31. Ability: Soundproof
  32. EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
  33. Timid Nature
  34. IVs: 0 Atk
  35. - Clanging Scales
  36. - Flamethrower
  37. - Clangorous Soul
  38. - Protect
  39. [14:44:38] @zeefable: smth important to consider is gonna be terrain
  40. [14:44:40] #Yellow Paint: anyone got any problems with this set for now?
  41. [14:44:55] Actuarily: Rilla + AV Metagross would pair really well with it. Metagross can Steel Roller away terrain, and those two handle Psy terrain/misty terrain teams really well
  42. [14:44:56] #Yellow Paint: and yeah, I guess main question is
  43. [14:44:57] +Yoda2798: isn't overcoat better
  44. [14:45:12] #Yellow Paint: yeah fine overcoat
  45. [14:45:16] #Yellow Paint: rilla or kart
  46. [14:45:18] @zeefable: yeah I'd go overcoat since amoon is rising
  47. [14:45:33] #Yellow Paint: (overcoat blocks powder moves like spore and rage powder)
  48. [14:45:49] #Yellow Paint: while soundproof is mainly for roar and the kommo mirror or like sylv if you happen to find that
  49. [14:45:56] T3ch Thieves: Boomburst?
  50. [14:46:13] #Yellow Paint: well, we can change it later
  51. [14:46:22] #Yellow Paint: but yeah, are we cool with rilla + av gross?
  52. [14:46:24] +Yoda2798: I like Actuarily's suggestion
  53. [14:46:27] #Yellow Paint: or do we wanna try something else
  54. [14:47:02] @zeefable: like that a lot
  55. [14:47:04] +Yoda2798: definitely want a terrain setter and rilla is the clear choice, gross is also good for psyspam
  56. [14:47:15] #Yellow Paint: alright, yeah gross steel roller is always fun
  57. [14:47:23] T3ch Thieves: That sounds fine, rilla probably helps with clean clang soul
  58. [14:47:33] #Yellow Paint: gross stands for metagross, for chat
  59. [14:47:43] #Yellow Paint: and rilla is grassy surge rillaboom
  60. [14:48:29] #Yellow Paint: we can leave sets open for now, but for chat, rilla almost always does fake out/grassy glide, as a bulky mon
  61. [14:48:46] T3ch Thieves: + uturn to pivot
  62. [14:48:49] #Yellow Paint: metagross does steel roller, which only works in terrain and removes it, but is very powerful, especially against mons like kyurem black
  63. [14:49:00] #Yellow Paint: alright, who next?
  64. [14:49:09] #Yellow Paint: the 3 have a bad matchup against like dragapult
  65. [14:49:36] #Yellow Paint: genesect and kartana aren't too great either
  66. [14:49:41] @zeefable: zeraora is nice. gives a second fake out and is faster than pult
  67. [14:49:59] Nido-Rus was promoted to Room Whitelist by Yellow Paint.
  68. [14:50:03] Nido-Rus: imo aura sphere> flamethrower
  69. [14:50:08] T3ch Thieves: Toise or maybe even mr mime
  70. [14:50:20] #Yellow Paint: lmao mime
  71. [14:50:20] Nido-Rus: heatran would be pretty annoying if we're starting off with kommo/rilla/gross
  72. [14:50:34] Nido-Rus: and aura sphere still beats kart
  73. [14:50:39] #Yellow Paint: and yeah, aura sphere makes sense here, for tran
  74. [14:50:43] #Yellow Paint: which has been on the rise recently
  75. [14:50:53] Nido-Rus: you lose out on gene but gene doesn't KO anyway
  76. [14:50:57] #Yellow Paint: if that's the case we definitely need other mons to hit gene anyways
  77. [14:51:07] #Yellow Paint: bc rilla + gross can't touch it too
  78. [14:51:24] #Yellow Paint: so, do we wanna add zera for now, or anything else?
  79. [14:51:52] Nido-Rus: sounds like a job for Tapu Koko :^)
  80. [14:52:19] Nido-Rus: hmm gene does seem annoying yeah
  81. [14:52:33] #Yellow Paint: could be blaze kick zera
  82. [14:52:40] #Yellow Paint: it's like okay in a pinch
  83. [14:52:46] Actuarily: Ooh I like that
  84. [14:53:10] @zeefable: what about just adding volcanion
  85. [14:53:15] Nido-Rus: hm idt the matchup is that bad
  86. [14:53:20] Nido-Rus: to need blaze kick
  87. [14:53:42] #Yellow Paint: yeah, volcanion would be a good add
  88. [14:53:45] Nido-Rus: + volcanion can work yeah
  89. [14:53:50] #Yellow Paint: and we would want a speed control afterwards
  90. [14:53:56] +Yoda2798: I like volcanion
  91. [14:53:58] #Yellow Paint: even if eweb zera
  92. [14:54:02] #Yellow Paint: yeah, volcanion is a nice add
  93. [14:54:33] T3ch Thieves: Psychic still seems suspicious even with metagross
  94. [14:55:29] #Yellow Paint: btw, this is my paste rn
  95. [14:55:52] #Yellow Paint: !code
  96. Kommo-o @ Throat Spray
  97. Ability: Overcoat
  98. EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
  99. Timid Nature
  100. IVs: 0 Atk
  101. - Clanging Scales
  102. - Aura Sphere
  103. - Clangorous Soul
  104. - Protect
  106. Rillaboom @ Assault Vest
  107. Ability: Grassy Surge
  108. EVs: 248 HP / 200 Atk / 36 Def / 24 Spe
  109. Adamant Nature
  110. IVs: 0 Spe
  111. - Fake Out
  112. - Grassy Glide
  113. - Knock Off
  114. - U-turn
  116. Metagross @ Shuca Berry
  117. Ability: Clear Body
  118. EVs: 224 HP / 252 Atk / 32 Spe
  119. Adamant Nature
  120. - Steel Roller
  121. - Stomping Tantrum
  122. - Stealth Rock
  123. - Protect
  125. Zeraora
  126. Ability: Volt Absorb
  127. - Fake Out
  128. - Plasma Fists
  130. Volcanion
  131. Ability: Water Absorb
  132. IVs: 0 Atk
  133. - Steam Eruption
  134. - Heat Wave
  135. [14:55:57] #Yellow Paint: sets etc pending of course
  136. [14:56:21] #Yellow Paint: though I do think we could definitely use just a straight up tailwind
  137. [14:56:25] #Yellow Paint: how do we feel about mew?
  138. [14:56:32] #Yellow Paint: it's also a psychic resist
  139. [14:56:59] #Yellow Paint: might open up too much weaknesses to dragapult though
  140. [14:57:07] +Yoda2798: with both rilla and gross I don't think another psychic resist is super necessary
  141. [14:57:08] @zeefable: two ghost weaks and no resists is uncomfy
  142. [14:57:20] #Yellow Paint: yeah, makes sense
  143. [14:57:21] +Yoda2798: my biggest problem with mew is if we end up a bit passive
  144. [14:57:27] #Yellow Paint: do we want tailwind at all with the volc then?
  145. [14:57:36] T3ch Thieves: Maybe ttar for weather control but it doesn’t really synergize with anything else
  146. [14:57:38] #Yellow Paint: or could we settle for like eweb + av kyube icy wind or something
  147. [14:58:06] Actuarily: Or P2, as it helps our dragapult matchup
  148. [14:58:26] @zeefable: i think both p2 and ttar are fine, ghost resist / good mon into zapdos which we can kinda struggle with
  149. [14:58:31] +Yoda2798: I was going to suggest porygon2 could be interesting
  150. [14:58:43] #Yellow Paint: sure, do we want TR p2, and to make it semiroom
  151. [14:58:53] #Yellow Paint: or just fat p2 with like toxic or some other utility
  152. [14:59:15] T3ch Thieves: Not sure how I feel about semiroom with volcanion and metagross as the main weapons
  153. [14:59:24] T3ch Thieves: it doesn’t quite seem worth the investment
  154. [14:59:55] +Yoda2798: gross/cano/rilla is enough for tr to work
  155. [15:00:04] @zeefable: ^
  156. [15:00:15] #Yellow Paint: yeah, rilla on its own is great at it
  157. [15:00:27] #Yellow Paint: especially if wood hammer
  158. [15:00:40] #Yellow Paint: would also allow us to tech on like hammer arm metagross if we wanted
  159. [15:00:55] #Yellow Paint: bc stomping is often disappointing
  160. [15:02:14] #Yellow Paint: !code
  161. Kommo-o @ Throat Spray
  162. Ability: Overcoat
  163. EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
  164. Timid Nature
  165. IVs: 0 Atk
  166. - Clanging Scales
  167. - Aura Sphere
  168. - Clangorous Soul
  169. - Protect
  171. Rillaboom @ Assault Vest
  172. Ability: Grassy Surge
  173. EVs: 248 HP / 200 Atk / 36 Def / 24 Spe
  174. Adamant Nature
  175. IVs: 0 Spe
  176. - Fake Out
  177. - Grassy Glide
  178. - Knock Off
  179. - U-turn
  181. Metagross @ Shuca Berry
  182. Ability: Clear Body
  183. EVs: 224 HP / 252 Atk / 32 Spe
  184. Adamant Nature
  185. - Steel Roller
  186. - Stomping Tantrum
  187. - Stealth Rock
  188. - Protect
  190. Zeraora
  191. Ability: Volt Absorb
  192. - Fake Out
  193. - Plasma Fists
  194. - Knock Off
  196. Volcanion @ Leftovers
  197. Ability: Water Absorb
  198. IVs: 0 Atk
  199. - Steam Eruption
  200. - Heat Wave
  201. - Substitute
  202. - Protect
  204. Porygon2 @ Eviolite
  205. Ability: Download
  206. IVs: 0 Atk
  207. - Ice Beam
  208. - Thunderbolt
  209. - Trick Room
  210. - Recover
  211. [15:02:23] #Yellow Paint: anyone have comments on potential items or set techs?
  212. [15:02:36] #Yellow Paint: I do like p2 semi to start
  213. [15:02:41] #Yellow Paint: even if we added it really late
  214. [15:02:59] @zeefable: i like goggles volcanion on this team for giving you two spore immunes
  215. [15:03:03] #Yellow Paint: also if you have an actually legit p2 spread that would be great
  216. [15:03:11] @zeefable: strengthens the semiroom mode too
  217. [15:03:12] #Yellow Paint: 3, if you count rilla
  218. [15:03:27] @zeefable: oh right we made clanger overcoa
  219. [15:03:28] @zeefable: t
  220. [15:03:30] @zeefable: my b
  221. [15:03:43] @zeefable: still think goggles is good but lefties is probably fine then
  222. [15:03:50] +Yoda2798: I don't like knock rilla
  223. [15:04:02] #Yellow Paint: want hammer over knock?
  224. [15:04:12] T3ch Thieves: High horsepower
  225. [15:04:27] +Yoda2798: probably, don't think we need anything else
  226. [15:04:42] #Yellow Paint: yeah, hammer on semiroom is always good
  227. [15:04:50] T3ch Thieves: Wood hammer works too i guess
  228. [15:05:05] #Yellow Paint: how about the metagross set?
  229. [15:05:07] +Yoda2798: hammer arm on gross does seem good here
  230. [15:05:22] #Yellow Paint: and yeah hammer arm seemed cool
  231. [15:05:38] #Yellow Paint: do we want sr and protect on gross?
  232. [15:05:48] #Yellow Paint: or even shuca
  233. [15:05:58] T3ch Thieves: would consider toxic on gross or p2
  234. [15:06:19] #Yellow Paint: toxic over tbolt on p2?
  235. [15:06:20] T3ch Thieves: as zeraora is providing some electric coverage tbolt seems less necessary
  236. [15:06:26] +Yoda2798: yeah toxic somewhere would be good
  237. [15:06:27] #Yellow Paint: I like it
  238. [15:06:56] #Yellow Paint: I think p2 is a lot less wanting for slots than gross
  239. [15:07:26] #Yellow Paint: so steel roller and hammer arm are definites on the gross, just for the power + speed drop
  240. [15:07:51] #Yellow Paint: do we want like ice punch, protect, stomping anyways, anything else?
  241. [15:08:05] #Yellow Paint: or still sr/tect last
  242. [15:08:27] +Yoda2798: part of me want av with ice punch/stomping but I'm not sure
  243. [15:08:46] #Yellow Paint: would end up being a lot of no tect mons lol
  244. [15:08:57] #Yellow Paint: though if a team's not gonna run tect, it'd be semiroom
  245. [15:09:47] #Yellow Paint: anyone else have thoughts?
  246. [15:09:58] #Yellow Paint: or we could shelve it for now and move on to zera
  247. [15:10:02] #Yellow Paint: also please give me a p2 spread
  248. [15:10:14] #Yellow Paint: or I'm just gonna throw on the analysis one
  249. [15:10:34] #Yellow Paint: oh actually the analysis doesn't look bad
  250. [15:10:59] #Yellow Paint: so, what zeraora item?
  251. [15:11:14] #Yellow Paint: vest again, or something else?
  252. [15:11:34] @zeefable: i prefer sitrus atm
  253. [15:12:07] @zeefable: turns a lot of 2hkos into 3hkos
  254. [15:12:24] #Yellow Paint: sure
  255. [15:12:44] #Yellow Paint: do you have an import to share?
  256. [15:12:54] #Yellow Paint: idk zera spreads
  257. [15:12:57] T3ch Thieves: good to catch scarf urshifu if it tries to notch a ko
  258. [15:13:17] #Yellow Paint: or is it just 252 252
  259. [15:13:33] +Yoda2798: it's usually just 252/252 I think
  260. [15:13:52] #Yellow Paint: alright, and is last move eweb, or something else?
  261. [15:14:20] +Yoda2798: whenever I've tried eweb I found it underwhelming
  262. [15:14:42] #Yellow Paint: would you be opposed to actual twave
  263. [15:14:48] #Yellow Paint: I've used twave pult in the past
  264. [15:15:04] @zeefable: i like snarl and volt switch as lasts
  265. [15:15:15] Actuarily: If we’re going Sitrus, something like taunt/toxic could be good in the last slot
  266. [15:15:19] @zeefable: protect taunt are also not bad
  267. [15:15:42] T3ch Thieves: idk about tect on zera you just fake out and get out
  268. [15:15:53] #Yellow Paint: I'm down for snarl
  269. [15:16:10] #Yellow Paint: but I could buy taunt too
  270. [15:17:16] +Yoda2798: coaching can be cool with av gross but doesn't seem worth it
  271. [15:17:59] T3ch Thieves: not sure how necessary taunt is given we have kommo and volcanion with spread and slower mons that fare decently in trick room
  272. [15:18:08] #Yellow Paint: yeah, I prefer snarl then
  273. [15:18:13] #Yellow Paint: !code
  274. Kommo-o @ Throat Spray
  275. Ability: Overcoat
  276. EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
  277. Timid Nature
  278. IVs: 0 Atk
  279. - Clanging Scales
  280. - Aura Sphere
  281. - Clangorous Soul
  282. - Protect
  284. Rillaboom @ Assault Vest
  285. Ability: Grassy Surge
  286. EVs: 248 HP / 200 Atk / 36 Def / 24 Spe
  287. Adamant Nature
  288. IVs: 0 Spe
  289. - Fake Out
  290. - Grassy Glide
  291. - Wood Hammer
  292. - U-turn
  294. Metagross @ Assault Vest
  295. Ability: Clear Body
  296. EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
  297. Adamant Nature
  298. - Steel Roller
  299. - Hammer Arm
  300. - Ice Punch
  301. - Stomping Tantrum
  303. Zeraora @ Sitrus Berry
  304. Ability: Volt Absorb
  305. EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
  306. Jolly Nature
  307. - Fake Out
  308. - Plasma Fists
  309. - Knock Off
  310. - Snarl
  312. Volcanion @ Leftovers
  313. Ability: Water Absorb
  314. EVs: 248 HP / 252 SpA / 8 SpD
  315. Modest Nature
  316. IVs: 0 Atk
  317. - Steam Eruption
  318. - Heat Wave
  319. - Substitute
  320. - Protect
  322. Porygon2 @ Eviolite
  323. Ability: Download
  324. EVs: 252 HP / 16 Def / 132 SpA / 108 SpD
  325. Quiet Nature
  326. IVs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe
  327. - Ice Beam
  328. - Toxic
  329. - Trick Room
  330. - Recover
  331. [15:18:45] #Yellow Paint: since discussion seems to be slowing a bit for this one, are we happy with this comp overall?
  332. [15:18:53] +Yoda2798: looks good to me
  333. [15:18:59] #Yellow Paint: we can debate sets etc but I'd rather move onto something new
  334. [15:19:01] #Yellow Paint: sure
  335. [15:19:32] #Yellow Paint: /announce team 1:
  336. [15:19:43] #Yellow Paint: any suggestions on the next one, then?
  337. [15:20:13] #Yellow Paint: or I could pull up the last poll again
  338. [15:20:18] #Yellow Paint: and add like DD kyube to it
  339. [15:21:24] #Yellow Paint: I'm also accepting core suggestions from general chat
  340. [15:23:41] A poll was started by Yellow Paint.
  341. [15:23:47] #Yellow Paint: oh lmao
  342. [15:23:54] A poll was started by Yellow Paint.
  343. [15:24:19] +Yoda2798: is wp dragapult with fling or something
  344. [15:24:32] #Yellow Paint: I'm actually not sure
  345. [15:24:37] T3ch Thieves: yeah its fling
  346. [15:24:42] T3ch Thieves: salac i think
  347. [15:24:42] #Yellow Paint: maybe we pick wp spectrier instead of pult?
  348. [15:24:53] #Yellow Paint: I'm not personally a fan of wp pult
  349. [15:25:20] #Yellow Paint: that much speed seems overkill
  350. [15:25:37] #Yellow Paint: WP stands for weakness policy
  351. [15:25:38] +Yoda2798: yeah with salac you're better using spect for the spa and moxie
  352. [15:26:05] T3ch Thieves: yeah pult is too squishy as well, wasting a turn to fling is kinda suspect
  353. [15:26:05] #Yellow Paint: ok, so since multiple people are asking in chat
  354. [15:26:25] #Yellow Paint: !dt weakness policy
  355. [15:26:35] #Yellow Paint: you would have spectrier hold this
  356. [15:26:48] #Yellow Paint: then have a zeraora partner fling a salac berry onto it
  357. [15:27:03] #Yellow Paint: which gives it a speed boost in addition to the 2x spa
  358. [15:27:13] #Yellow Paint: which lets spectrier snowball even faster than it normally does
  359. [15:27:26] #Yellow Paint: and also lets it outspeed things that normally answer it like zeraora
  360. [15:27:28] +Yoda2798: where is the other chat where people are asking?
  361. [15:27:36] #Yellow Paint: oh people just keep pming me
  362. [15:27:44] +Yoda2798: ah
  363. [15:28:00] #Yellow Paint: yeah, feel free to pm suggestions btw
  364. [15:28:07] T3ch Thieves: a very popular strategy with calyrex-shadow in doubles ubers, but more limited in DOU in large part because caly is single target with shadow ball (and mud shot)
  365. [15:28:32] T3ch Thieves: still probably guaranteed to pop one or two kos and is immune to fake out
  366. [15:29:32] #Yellow Paint: well, looks like dd kyube won anyways
  367. [15:29:46] #Yellow Paint: maybe if we have time we can see wp spect afterwards
  368. [15:29:51] #Yellow Paint: or someone can provide a wp spect team
  369. [15:30:07] #Yellow Paint: so, DD kyube
  370. [15:30:22] #Yellow Paint: !code
  371. Kyurem-Black @ Sitrus Berry
  372. Ability: Teravolt
  373. EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
  374. Jolly Nature
  375. - Icicle Spear
  376. - Fusion Bolt
  377. - Dragon Dance
  378. - Protect
  379. [15:30:28] #Yellow Paint: this is the kyube I have in my builder
  380. [15:30:47] #Yellow Paint: anyone wanna add some spice early on?
  381. [15:30:47] +Yoda2798: !code
  382. Kyurem-Black @ Leftovers
  383. Ability: Teravolt
  384. EVs: 240 HP / 16 Atk / 252 Spe
  385. Adamant Nature
  386. - Icicle Spear
  387. - Fusion Bolt
  388. - Dragon Dance
  389. - Protect
  390. [15:30:53] +Yoda2798: I've seen some people use this spread
  391. [15:31:04] #Yellow Paint: sure, that one's prob better I just did mine blindly
  392. [15:31:08] T3ch Thieves: !code
  393. Kyurem-Black @ Haban Berry
  394. Ability: Teravolt
  395. EVs: 252 Atk / 28 Def / 228 Spe
  396. Adamant Nature
  397. - Icicle Spear
  398. - Dragon Dance
  399. - Protect
  400. - Fusion Bolt
  401. [15:31:19] T3ch Thieves: thats the one i have in my builder is kind of wack
  402. [15:31:38] +Yoda2798: what kind of spice you thinking Yellow Paint
  403. [15:31:41] @zeefable: I think leftovers is the best item
  404. [15:31:51] +Yoda2798: transform mew?
  405. [15:31:54] #Yellow Paint: lol
  406. [15:32:00] #Yellow Paint: that's actually a squad I have in my builder
  407. [15:32:17] Toxigen was promoted to Room Whitelist by Yellow Paint.
  408. [15:32:28] Toxigen: i personally use 96 attack
  409. [15:32:32] #Yellow Paint: !code
  410. Mew @ Sitrus Berry
  411. Ability: Synchronize
  412. EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Spe
  413. Jolly Nature
  414. - Trick Room
  415. - Fake Out
  416. - Imprison
  417. - Transform
  419. Genesect @ Choice Scarf
  420. Ability: Download
  421. EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
  422. Hasty Nature
  423. - U-turn
  424. - Iron Head
  425. - Flamethrower
  426. - Thunderbolt
  428. Incineroar @ Heavy-Duty Boots
  429. Ability: Intimidate
  430. EVs: 248 HP / 68 Atk / 32 Def / 160 SpD
  431. Careful Nature
  432. - Knock Off
  433. - Parting Shot
  434. - Flare Blitz
  435. - Fake Out
  437. Urshifu-Rapid-Strike @ Life Orb
  438. Ability: Unseen Fist
  439. EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
  440. Jolly Nature
  441. - Surging Strikes
  442. - Close Combat
  443. - Aqua Jet
  444. - Protect
  446. Kyurem-Black @ Sitrus Berry
  447. Ability: Teravolt
  448. EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
  449. Jolly Nature
  450. - Icicle Spear
  451. - Fusion Bolt
  452. - Dragon Dance
  453. - Protect
  455. Rillaboom @ Assault Vest
  456. Ability: Grassy Surge
  457. EVs: 248 HP / 200 Atk / 36 Def / 24 Spe
  458. Adamant Nature
  459. IVs: 0 Spe
  460. - Fake Out
  461. - Grassy Glide
  462. - U-turn
  463. - Wood Hammer
  464. [15:32:37] Toxigen: to kill nihilego at +1
  465. [15:32:44] #Yellow Paint: this is the one I had
  466. [15:33:03] Actuarily: DD Kyu-b also pairs super well with Amoonguss, who redirects and resists attacks it hates like fairy/fighting, and Kyu-B beats the grasses Amoonguss can’t redirect.
  467. [15:33:06] #Yellow Paint: made it with my tutee, actually
  468. [15:33:37] #Yellow Paint: sure, amoong is a good add
  469. [15:34:27] #Yellow Paint: also is 96 ada?
  470. [15:34:33] Toxigen: Y
  471. [15:35:02] #Yellow Paint: sure, that's the first actual bench I've heard
  472. [15:36:03] #Yellow Paint: anyone have core suggestions aside from amoonguss?
  473. [15:36:14] #Yellow Paint: no spice to add like entei or something?
  474. [15:36:56] Toxigen: gonna be a normie but im gonna suggest urshifu
  475. [15:37:05] T3ch Thieves: the vish instead of urshifu
  476. [15:37:11] Toxigen: deals well with a lot of kyub checks
  477. [15:37:19] #Yellow Paint: yeah, urshi is strong
  478. [15:37:25] #Yellow Paint: and unlike entei it doesn't suck
  479. [15:37:33] @zeefable: yeah ursh and kyub have a lot of offensive synergy
  480. [15:37:44] Actuarily: Scarf entei could be really cool though, checks gene and Kart which these 3 struggle with
  481. [15:37:52] #Yellow Paint: we could do all 3
  482. [15:38:24] #Yellow Paint: although
  483. [15:38:31] #Yellow Paint: I would sooner use scarf blacephalon
  484. [15:38:35] #Yellow Paint: than entei
  485. [15:38:56] #Yellow Paint: which is also a neat addition if yall want it
  486. [15:40:00] @zeefable: well i dont rly think the entei needs to be scarfed
  487. [15:40:11] @zeefable: like gene/kart arent doing much of anything back to it
  488. [15:40:28] #Yellow Paint: hm, blace getting outsped by kart kinda sucks
  489. [15:40:42] Toxigen: wanna use support volc?
  490. [15:40:53] Toxigen: its probably bad
  491. [15:40:53] #Yellow Paint: oh, support volcarona works
  492. [15:41:02] Toxigen: but we could try
  493. [15:41:23] #Yellow Paint: instead of amoong?
  494. [15:42:00] Toxigen: yeah
  495. [15:42:21] #Yellow Paint: got a build for that?
  496. [15:42:26] #Yellow Paint: ik sitrus rp twind
  497. [15:42:33] +Yoda2798: I don't like support volc, just seems worse than amoon
  498. [15:42:47] +Yoda2798: kyub doesn't need tw and you lose on spore and puff
  499. [15:42:51] +Yoda2798: and can't redirect urshifu
  500. [15:42:59] #Yellow Paint: true
  501. [15:43:22] Toxigen: yeah we can just go with helmet among too
  502. [15:43:43] %pais: wei toxigen fratello caro
  503. [15:43:45] #Yellow Paint: alright, do we still want entei then?
  504. [15:43:50] Toxigen: bella paz
  505. [15:44:05] +Yoda2798: sure
  506. [15:45:01] #Yellow Paint: alright, this is where I'm at rn
  507. [15:45:03] #Yellow Paint: !code
  508. Kyurem-Black @ Leftovers
  509. Ability: Teravolt
  510. EVs: 160 HP / 96 Atk / 252 Spe
  511. Adamant Nature
  512. - Icicle Spear
  513. - Fusion Bolt
  514. - Dragon Dance
  515. - Protect
  517. Urshifu-Rapid-Strike @ Life Orb
  518. Ability: Unseen Fist
  519. EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
  520. Jolly Nature
  521. - Surging Strikes
  522. - Close Combat
  523. - Aqua Jet
  524. - Protect
  526. Amoonguss @ Rocky Helmet
  527. Ability: Regenerator
  528. IVs: 0 Atk
  529. - Spore
  530. - Rage Powder
  531. - Pollen Puff
  532. - Protect
  534. Entei
  535. Ability: Inner Focus
  536. - Sacred Fire
  537. [15:45:17] #Yellow Paint: any mons to go with this?
  538. [15:45:33] #Yellow Paint: diancie still a problem I think
  539. [15:45:43] Actuarily: Run iron head on entei too
  540. [15:45:47] #Yellow Paint: oh, true
  541. [15:46:06] Actuarily: But we definitely need some psychics resists
  542. [15:47:11] #Yellow Paint: would ttar here work?
  543. [15:47:35] @zeefable: i think ttars good
  544. [15:47:52] @zeefable: really hard for psyspam to break if you have a decent kartana check
  545. [15:48:01] #Yellow Paint: yeah, and we got the entei
  546. [15:48:03] @zeefable: so like, ttar + zap last kinda rounds that out nicely
  547. [15:48:16] #Yellow Paint: sure, zap last sounds good
  548. [15:48:25] #Yellow Paint: some extra speed control for the urshi and entei
  549. [15:48:43] Toxigen: fini could be problematic
  550. [15:49:10] #Yellow Paint: hm, maybe clear smog on the amoong somewhere?
  551. [15:49:12] Toxigen: so we should havre clear smog
  552. [15:49:14] Toxigen: ye
  553. [15:49:34] Toxigen: over protect
  554. [15:49:41] #Yellow Paint: sure
  555. [15:49:51] #Yellow Paint: how about urshi and entei items?
  556. [15:49:56] #Yellow Paint: are we band or lo urshi, etc
  557. [15:50:20] #Yellow Paint: could just be boots entei
  558. [15:50:39] +MajesticM: What do we have?
  559. [15:50:49] #Yellow Paint: !code
  560. Kyurem-Black @ Leftovers
  561. Ability: Teravolt
  562. EVs: 160 HP / 96 Atk / 252 Spe
  563. Adamant Nature
  564. - Icicle Spear
  565. - Fusion Bolt
  566. - Dragon Dance
  567. - Protect
  569. Urshifu-Rapid-Strike @ Life Orb
  570. Ability: Unseen Fist
  571. EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
  572. Jolly Nature
  573. - Surging Strikes
  574. - Close Combat
  575. - Aqua Jet
  576. - Protect
  578. Amoonguss @ Rocky Helmet
  579. Ability: Regenerator
  580. IVs: 0 Atk
  581. - Spore
  582. - Rage Powder
  583. - Pollen Puff
  584. - Clear Smog
  586. Entei
  587. Ability: Inner Focus
  588. - Sacred Fire
  589. - Iron Head
  590. - Stone Edge
  591. - Extreme Speed
  593. Tyranitar
  594. Ability: Sand Stream
  596. Zapdos
  597. Ability: Pressure
  598. [15:50:51] #Yellow Paint: my builder rn
  599. [15:51:12] T3ch Thieves: might need orb entei because it doesnt ohko diancie
  600. [15:51:26] #Yellow Paint: oh, that's pain
  601. [15:52:59] #Yellow Paint: hm, do we want goggs on anyone?
  602. [15:53:08] #Yellow Paint: there's the sand too which is nice to have
  603. [15:53:09] Toxigen: ttar
  604. [15:53:16] T3ch Thieves: i dont think the team is super scared of amoong
  605. [15:53:31] #Yellow Paint: yeah, I meant on like zap to block incidental sand
  606. [15:53:32] T3ch Thieves: ttar maybe but he might just appreciate the av bulk
  607. [15:53:40] #Yellow Paint: I prefer av ttar too
  608. [15:54:03] T3ch Thieves: its worth considering on zap
  609. [15:54:22] T3ch Thieves: but the team is also pretty ripe for rocks
  610. [15:54:27] T3ch Thieves: hdb might be better
  611. [15:54:30] #Yellow Paint: yeah, prob still boots zap
  612. [15:56:22] T3ch Thieves: tbolt or volt switch
  613. [15:56:43] Toxigen: volt switch
  614. [15:56:54] Toxigen: to keep momentum
  615. [15:56:57] #Yellow Paint: I prefer actual tbolt if we wanna hit volc/fini
  616. [15:57:08] #Yellow Paint: actually fair volt works better with boots
  617. [15:57:29] #Yellow Paint: !code
  618. Kyurem-Black @ Leftovers
  619. Ability: Teravolt
  620. EVs: 160 HP / 96 Atk / 252 Spe
  621. Adamant Nature
  622. - Icicle Spear
  623. - Fusion Bolt
  624. - Dragon Dance
  625. - Protect
  627. Urshifu-Rapid-Strike @ Life Orb
  628. Ability: Unseen Fist
  629. EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
  630. Jolly Nature
  631. - Surging Strikes
  632. - Close Combat
  633. - Aqua Jet
  634. - Protect
  636. Amoonguss @ Rocky Helmet
  637. Ability: Regenerator
  638. IVs: 0 Atk
  639. - Spore
  640. - Rage Powder
  641. - Pollen Puff
  642. - Clear Smog
  644. Entei @ Life Orb
  645. Ability: Inner Focus
  646. EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
  647. Jolly Nature
  648. - Sacred Fire
  649. - Iron Head
  650. - Stone Edge
  651. - Protect
  653. Tyranitar @ Assault Vest
  654. Ability: Sand Stream
  655. - Rock Slide
  656. - Lash Out
  657. - Superpower
  659. Zapdos @ Heavy-Duty Boots
  660. Ability: Static
  661. EVs: 240 HP / 64 SpA / 168 SpD / 36 Spe
  662. Calm Nature
  663. IVs: 0 Atk
  664. - Volt Switch
  665. - Heat Wave
  666. - Tailwind
  667. - Roost
  668. [15:57:33] #Yellow Paint: this is what I have so far
  669. [15:57:34] T3ch Thieves: probably doesnt have to be max speed zap
  670. [15:57:54] #Yellow Paint: zap spread is filler, if you have a better one please give
  671. [15:58:02] T3ch Thieves: that one looks fine tbh
  672. [15:58:13] T3ch Thieves: roost or tect
  673. [15:58:33] #Yellow Paint: I still think roost
  674. [15:58:52] T3ch Thieves: whoever's zaps teammate would have to put in a lot of pressure
  675. [15:59:17] T3ch Thieves: also theres a lot of weaknesses to opposing ttar and anything with meteor beam rn, i think
  676. [15:59:20] Toxigen: ice beam or punch last on ttar
  677. [15:59:32] T3ch Thieves: zap + entei + kyurem stacked rock weakness is sus
  678. [15:59:51] T3ch Thieves: im not sure if urshifu is enough to handle it all
  679. [15:59:59] #Yellow Paint: yeah, that's true
  680. [16:00:18] #Yellow Paint: do we want like gross instead of ttar
  681. [16:00:51] @zeefable: gross w/o terrains a lil awkward
  682. [16:01:00] @zeefable: usable but steel rollers just too heat
  683. [16:02:04] #Yellow Paint: hm, how much do we wanna roll back then?
  684. [16:02:12] #Yellow Paint: or do we just live with it and run techs
  685. [16:03:48] @zeefable: hm
  686. [16:03:55] @zeefable: tbh i think its fairly playable
  687. [16:04:14] #Yellow Paint: I think nihil specifically is annoying
  688. [16:04:18] #Yellow Paint: especially if it's next to like toise
  689. [16:04:56] #Yellow Paint: but idt there's much to do here to fix it
  690. [16:04:58] @zeefable: entei is prob a little irrelevant
  691. [16:05:07] @zeefable: gene isa sensible replacement
  692. [16:05:09] #Yellow Paint: what we get for running a bad mon
  693. [16:05:14] T3ch Thieves: still very bad mu against diancie
  694. [16:05:17] #Yellow Paint: yeah, gene is better
  695. [16:05:29] #Yellow Paint: poor entei
  696. [16:05:45] #Yellow Paint: scarf or vest?
  697. [16:05:54] #Yellow Paint: wait nihil, has to be scarf
  698. [16:06:25] #Yellow Paint: and yeah opposing fires are fine with ttar + urshi
  699. [16:07:12] #Yellow Paint: !code
  700. Kyurem-Black @ Leftovers
  701. Ability: Teravolt
  702. EVs: 160 HP / 96 Atk / 252 Spe
  703. Adamant Nature
  704. - Icicle Spear
  705. - Fusion Bolt
  706. - Dragon Dance
  707. - Protect
  709. Urshifu-Rapid-Strike @ Life Orb
  710. Ability: Unseen Fist
  711. EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
  712. Jolly Nature
  713. - Surging Strikes
  714. - Close Combat
  715. - Aqua Jet
  716. - Protect
  718. Genesect @ Choice Scarf
  719. Ability: Download
  720. EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
  721. Hasty Nature
  722. - U-turn
  723. - Iron Head
  724. - Ice Beam
  725. - Flamethrower
  727. Amoonguss @ Rocky Helmet
  728. Ability: Regenerator
  729. EVs: 232 HP / 88 Def / 188 SpD
  730. Calm Nature
  731. - Rage Powder
  732. - Spore
  733. - Pollen Puff
  734. - Protect
  736. Tyranitar @ Assault Vest
  737. Ability: Sand Stream
  738. EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Spe
  739. Adamant Nature
  740. - Rock Slide
  741. - Lash Out
  742. - Superpower
  743. - Ice Punch
  745. Zapdos @ Heavy-Duty Boots
  746. Ability: Static
  747. EVs: 240 HP / 64 SpA / 168 SpD / 36 Spe
  748. Calm Nature
  749. IVs: 0 Atk
  750. - Volt Switch
  751. - Heat Wave
  752. - Tailwind
  753. - Roost
  754. [16:07:15] #Yellow Paint: how's this squad look?
  755. [16:07:31] @zeefable: i will swear by 148 spa gene
  756. [16:07:36] T3ch Thieves: could scarf urshi, takes care of nihi neatly but would have to be really careful about redirection and stuff like rilla
  757. [16:07:38] @zeefable: esp on a team w/ no real ground resists
  758. [16:07:41] #Yellow Paint: sure
  759. [16:08:03] +Yoda2798: jet on urshifu already deals with nihi
  760. [16:08:08] T3ch Thieves: oh you have jet
  761. [16:08:09] T3ch Thieves: okay
  762. [16:08:58] Toxigen: team looks fine
  763. [16:09:04] #Yellow Paint: sure
  764. [16:09:08] @zeefable: agreed
  765. [16:09:14] #Yellow Paint: so, anyone wanna do a match between the two?
  766. [16:09:29] #Yellow Paint: I'd rather not pilot either tbh
  767. [16:09:46] #Yellow Paint: /announce team 1
  768. [16:09:59] #Yellow Paint: /announce team 2
  769. [16:10:17] @zeefable: i can take team 1
  770. [16:10:25] #Yellow Paint: sure, I'll chall you with team 2
  771. [16:10:27] T3ch Thieves: hats a pretty heat matchup
  772. [16:10:47] #Yellow Paint: /announce
  773. [16:11:12] #Yellow Paint: there's our showcase match
  774. [16:19:13] #Yellow Paint: alright, I think that's a good place to end the shop
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