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Leinn's Application

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Dec 11th, 2015
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  1. * Prev IGN/New IGN: Leinn, my previous username was 0wned667
  3. * Age: 16, Junior in High school
  5. * When should we expect you to be on? & Will you be active?: I'm active everyday, I play 4-5 hours during the week after I get home from school, and I spend 10 hours + on the weekends, I'm actually on a semi-pro team for csgo so a lot of the time I'm either scrimming or practicing with my team, but I have hours to spend on Minecraft as well.
  7. * Why should Exodon pick you to become staff?: I'm mature and dedicated, I mean something when I say it and I don't break a promise or back out of a deal. I was raised under a house where my dad taught me to be a leader, and I can use these social skills and my own mindset and apply it to Exodon and I believe that no one will be saying "the staff is so rubbish on this server" ever. If someone is slacking on the job I will pick up the pace to make up for it, that's just my mindset. I know Exodon has a future to be one of the top servers out there because it has so many well known players and great staff, unbelievable plug-ins and spot on ping. The list goes on, and I see this as an opportunity to be apart of a community that could potentially mean a lot to me and I would like to eventually call the community my second family. A lot of the times I have seen great staff members, they do their job above and beyond but with it comes a price to pay, meaning not that many people liked them, yea they got the job done but their reputation wasn't just "oh he's a hard worker" it was now "oh he's a douche bag" And in my opinion reputation means a lot and I feel as if I have pretty decent social skills and likability that I could bring myself and the servers staff team a good name. If I have to I'm more than willing to take it as a full time position on Exodon meaning, I quit the HCF aspect and go full on moderator mod. I haven't had to do that with any past server before being staff but I'm more than happy to.
  9. * What can you bring to the server? Do you have previous experience?: Yes, I was actually [Helper] on Gontroller Factions 1.0 - 3.0, to be honest the staff position was taken pretty seriously, like if you were inactive for more than 2 days you would be demoted, and if you messed up once there goes your staff position, it was extremely competitive but also a lot of fun being able to make a difference in the server and be a bigger part of the community then just a player.
  10. Lonewolves, I was a [Mod] on there because Jeruhmi was actually a close friend of mine that I met through Kwebblekop the dude with 2m subs on youtube, I met them both ages ago when they had around 600-3000 subs and I played with them a lot, and if you look in their past lets plays I was in a lot of them. The staff position on their was very, VERY fun because you had so much freedom and even the lowest staff member rank was taken very seriously by the members, now a days if a helper says "stop" people don't sweat it that much.. But on Lonewolves if a mod said to stop you would stop.
  12. * Say someone is spamming in chat, or harassing another player, what would you do?: Say if someone was spamming chat, I would warn them, and if they did it again after the warn I would mute them for 5 minutes, 2nd offence 15 minutes, 3rd 30 minutes, 4th 1 hour. If someone was harassing another player by say death threats, I would probably not even warn them considering that is a pretty serious thing to tell someone to go kill themselves.. I would mute them for 30 minutes and send them a private message saying if they did it again the consequence will be worse, I would explain to them why it isn't tolerable as well.. 2nd offence 1 hour, 3rd offence 1 day. Anything higher than all the offences I listed for both examples I would bring it to a higher admin with recorded proof of my argument/question.
  14. * Someone is complaining about the server/you/another staff member, what should you do?: If someone is complaining about the server I would try to fix their problem first of all but if they are just saying "I hate this server because no one will invite me to their faction" then I will simply warn them and then proceed with the same punishments for spamming but if it's a genuine complaint, I will either try to fix their problem by talking to them into teamspeak or messaging them but if it's something out of my power I will notify them to create a post on forums, and once they do I will notify an admin to go read it. For someone complaining about a staff member, well not only is that discouraging the staff member but it also shouldn't be tolerated because they work very hard to make sure everything is kept in order. I would warn them first and then if they continued I would follow up with a 30 minute mute, 2nd offence 1 hour mute, 3rd offence 1 day mute. Anything higher I will notify an admin, and if it's a genuine complaint I will notify them to create a post on Reddit with recorded proof of the staff member doing wrong.
  16. * Why do you want to be part of the staff team?: Because I want to be more than a player on this server, I'm asking for a chance to show you I'm worth your time. All I ask for is an interview in teamspeak and hopefully we can go from there.
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