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May 26th, 2019
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  1. apiVersion:
  2. kind: ClusterServiceVersion
  3. metadata:
  4. annotations:
  5. capabilities: Full Lifecycle
  6. categories: Developer Tools
  7. description: The operator that enables a developer-focused perspective in OpenShift 4
  8. olm.operatorGroup: global-operators
  9. olm.operatorNamespace: openshift-operators
  10. olm.targetNamespaces: ''
  11. selfLink: >-
  12. /apis/
  13. resourceVersion: '628377'
  14. name: devconsole-operator.v0.1.0
  15. uid: b33ee562-779d-11e9-a840-023822f4862c
  16. creationTimestamp: '2019-05-16T05:44:41Z'
  17. generation: 1
  18. namespace: openshift-operators
  19. labels:
  20. olm.api.702acb40ee8339e2: provided
  21. olm.api.80f92eaf5526582e: provided
  22. olm.api.fb1b5f01c3163b38: provided
  23. spec:
  24. customresourcedefinitions:
  25. owned:
  26. - description: Describes how an application component is built and deployed.
  27. displayName: Component
  28. kind: Component
  29. name:
  30. version: v1alpha1
  31. - description: Describes a Git repository to be used as a codebase.
  32. displayName: Git Source
  33. kind: GitSource
  34. name:
  35. version: v1alpha1
  36. - description: Triggers analysis of a codebase defined as a GitSource.
  37. displayName: Git Source Analysis
  38. kind: GitSourceAnalysis
  39. name:
  40. version: v1alpha1
  41. apiservicedefinitions: {}
  42. displayName: Developer Console
  43. provider:
  44. name: Red Hat
  45. maturity: alpha
  46. installModes:
  47. - supported: true
  48. type: OwnNamespace
  49. - supported: true
  50. type: SingleNamespace
  51. - supported: false
  52. type: MultiNamespace
  53. - supported: true
  54. type: AllNamespaces
  55. version: 0.1.0
  56. install:
  57. spec:
  58. clusterPermissions:
  59. - rules:
  60. - apiGroups:
  61. - ''
  62. resources:
  63. - pods
  64. - services
  65. - endpoints
  66. - persistentvolumeclaims
  67. - events
  68. - configmaps
  69. - secrets
  70. verbs:
  71. - '*'
  72. - apiGroups:
  73. - ''
  74. resources:
  75. - namespaces
  76. verbs:
  77. - get
  78. - apiGroups:
  79. - apps
  80. resources:
  81. - deployments
  82. - daemonsets
  83. - replicasets
  84. - statefulsets
  85. verbs:
  86. - '*'
  87. - apiGroups:
  88. -
  89. resources:
  90. - servicemonitors
  91. verbs:
  92. - get
  93. - create
  94. - apiGroups:
  95. -
  96. resources:
  97. - '*'
  98. verbs:
  99. - '*'
  100. - apiGroups:
  101. -
  102. resources:
  103. - imagestreams
  104. verbs:
  105. - create
  106. - get
  107. - list
  108. - watch
  109. - apiGroups:
  110. -
  111. resources:
  112. - buildconfigs
  113. verbs:
  114. - create
  115. - get
  116. - list
  117. - watch
  118. - apiGroups:
  119. -
  120. resources:
  121. - deploymentconfigs
  122. verbs:
  123. - create
  124. - get
  125. - list
  126. - watch
  127. - apiGroups:
  128. -
  129. resources:
  130. - routes
  131. verbs:
  132. - get
  133. - create
  134. - list
  135. - watch
  136. serviceAccountName: devconsole-operator
  137. deployments:
  138. - name: devconsole-operator
  139. spec:
  140. replicas: 1
  141. selector:
  142. matchLabels:
  143. name: devconsole-operator
  144. strategy: {}
  145. template:
  146. metadata:
  147. labels:
  148. name: devconsole-operator
  149. spec:
  150. containers:
  151. - command:
  152. - devconsole-operator
  153. env:
  154. - name: WATCH_NAMESPACE
  155. value: ''
  156. - name: POD_NAME
  157. valueFrom:
  158. fieldRef:
  159. fieldPath:
  160. - image: ''
  161. name: OPERATOR_NAME
  162. value: devconsole-operator
  163. imagePullPolicy: Always
  164. name: devconsole-operator
  165. ports:
  166. - containerPort: 60000
  167. name: metrics
  168. readinessProbe:
  169. exec:
  170. command:
  171. - stat
  172. - /tmp/operator-sdk-ready
  173. failureThreshold: 1
  174. initialDelaySeconds: 4
  175. periodSeconds: 10
  176. resources: {}
  177. serviceAccountName: devconsole-operator
  178. strategy: deployment
  179. description: >
  180. The operator that enables a developer-focused perspective in OpenShift 4.
  181. This enables a perspective (view) switcher to transition between the
  182. traditional Kubernetes and Cluster Administration console, referred to as
  183. Administrator, to this new perspective Developer perspective.
  185. This new Developer perspective provides a high-level abstraction over
  186. Kubernetes and OpenShift primitives to allow developers to focus on their
  187. application development.
  189. Within the Developer perspective there are these main areas:
  191. * Add - The place to create and build the application using one of this
  192. method:
  194. - Importing source code from Git
  195. - Deploying an existing image
  196. - Browse a catalog to deploy or connect application services
  197. - Deploy quick-starters or samples
  199. * Topology - The landing page that shows application structure and
  200. health in an easy-to-use diagram
  201. * Builds - Lists OpenShift BuildConfig resources for the selected
  202. project
  203. * Pipelines - Lists Tekton Pipeline resources for the selected project
  204. status:
  205. reason: NeedsReinstall
  206. message: >-
  207. installing: ComponentMissing: missing deployment with
  208. name=devconsole-operator
  209. lastUpdateTime: '2019-05-16T06:10:44Z'
  210. requirementStatus:
  211. - group:
  212. kind: ClusterServiceVersion
  213. message: CSV missing minimum kube version specification
  214. name: devconsole-operator.v0.1.0
  215. status: NotPresent
  216. version: v1alpha1
  217. - group:
  218. kind: CustomResourceDefinition
  219. message: CRD is present and Established condition is true
  220. name:
  221. status: Present
  222. uuid: 3ea45097-770c-11e9-9a32-023822f4862c
  223. version: v1beta1
  224. - group:
  225. kind: CustomResourceDefinition
  226. message: CRD is present and Established condition is true
  227. name:
  228. status: Present
  229. uuid: 3ea6b1e7-770c-11e9-9a32-023822f4862c
  230. version: v1beta1
  231. - group:
  232. kind: CustomResourceDefinition
  233. message: CRD is present and Established condition is true
  234. name:
  235. status: Present
  236. uuid: 3ea50948-770c-11e9-9a32-023822f4862c
  237. version: v1beta1
  238. - dependents:
  239. - group:
  240. kind: PolicyRule
  241. message: >-
  242. cluster
  243. rule:{"verbs":["*"],"apiGroups":[""],"resources":["pods","services","endpoints","persistentvolumeclaims","events","configmaps","secrets"]}
  244. status: Satisfied
  245. version: v1beta1
  246. - group:
  247. kind: PolicyRule
  248. message: >-
  249. cluster
  250. rule:{"verbs":["get"],"apiGroups":[""],"resources":["namespaces"]}
  251. status: Satisfied
  252. version: v1beta1
  253. - group:
  254. kind: PolicyRule
  255. message: >-
  256. cluster
  257. rule:{"verbs":["*"],"apiGroups":["apps"],"resources":["deployments","daemonsets","replicasets","statefulsets"]}
  258. status: Satisfied
  259. version: v1beta1
  260. - group:
  261. kind: PolicyRule
  262. message: >-
  263. cluster
  264. rule:{"verbs":["get","create"],"apiGroups":[""],"resources":["servicemonitors"]}
  265. status: Satisfied
  266. version: v1beta1
  267. - group:
  268. kind: PolicyRule
  269. message: >-
  270. cluster
  271. rule:{"verbs":["*"],"apiGroups":[""],"resources":["*"]}
  272. status: Satisfied
  273. version: v1beta1
  274. - group:
  275. kind: PolicyRule
  276. message: >-
  277. cluster
  278. rule:{"verbs":["create","get","list","watch"],"apiGroups":[""],"resources":["imagestreams"]}
  279. status: Satisfied
  280. version: v1beta1
  281. - group:
  282. kind: PolicyRule
  283. message: >-
  284. cluster
  285. rule:{"verbs":["create","get","list","watch"],"apiGroups":[""],"resources":["buildconfigs"]}
  286. status: Satisfied
  287. version: v1beta1
  288. - group:
  289. kind: PolicyRule
  290. message: >-
  291. cluster
  292. rule:{"verbs":["create","get","list","watch"],"apiGroups":[""],"resources":["deploymentconfigs"]}
  293. status: Satisfied
  294. version: v1beta1
  295. - group:
  296. kind: PolicyRule
  297. message: >-
  298. cluster
  299. rule:{"verbs":["get","create","list","watch"],"apiGroups":[""],"resources":["routes"]}
  300. status: Satisfied
  301. version: v1beta1
  302. group: ''
  303. kind: ServiceAccount
  304. message: ''
  305. name: devconsole-operator
  306. status: Present
  307. version: v1
  308. certsLastUpdated: null
  309. lastTransitionTime: '2019-05-16T06:10:44Z'
  310. conditions:
  311. - lastTransitionTime: '2019-05-16T06:10:31Z'
  312. lastUpdateTime: '2019-05-16T06:10:31Z'
  313. message: >-
  314. install strategy failed: Deployment.apps "devconsole-operator" is
  315. invalid: spec.template.spec.containers[0].image: Required value
  316. phase: Failed
  317. reason: InstallComponentFailed
  318. - lastTransitionTime: '2019-05-16T06:10:31Z'
  319. lastUpdateTime: '2019-05-16T06:10:31Z'
  320. message: >-
  321. installing: ComponentMissing: missing deployment with
  322. name=devconsole-operator
  323. phase: Pending
  324. reason: NeedsReinstall
  325. - lastTransitionTime: '2019-05-16T06:10:32Z'
  326. lastUpdateTime: '2019-05-16T06:10:32Z'
  327. message: 'all requirements found, attempting install'
  328. phase: InstallReady
  329. reason: AllRequirementsMet
  330. - lastTransitionTime: '2019-05-16T06:10:32Z'
  331. lastUpdateTime: '2019-05-16T06:10:32Z'
  332. message: >-
  333. install strategy failed: Deployment.apps "devconsole-operator" is
  334. invalid: spec.template.spec.containers[0].image: Required value
  335. phase: Failed
  336. reason: InstallComponentFailed
  337. - lastTransitionTime: '2019-05-16T06:10:33Z'
  338. lastUpdateTime: '2019-05-16T06:10:33Z'
  339. message: >-
  340. installing: ComponentMissing: missing deployment with
  341. name=devconsole-operator
  342. phase: Pending
  343. reason: NeedsReinstall
  344. - lastTransitionTime: '2019-05-16T06:10:34Z'
  345. lastUpdateTime: '2019-05-16T06:10:34Z'
  346. message: 'all requirements found, attempting install'
  347. phase: InstallReady
  348. reason: AllRequirementsMet
  349. - lastTransitionTime: '2019-05-16T06:10:34Z'
  350. lastUpdateTime: '2019-05-16T06:10:34Z'
  351. message: >-
  352. install strategy failed: Deployment.apps "devconsole-operator" is
  353. invalid: spec.template.spec.containers[0].image: Required value
  354. phase: Failed
  355. reason: InstallComponentFailed
  356. - lastTransitionTime: '2019-05-16T06:10:34Z'
  357. lastUpdateTime: '2019-05-16T06:10:34Z'
  358. message: >-
  359. installing: ComponentMissing: missing deployment with
  360. name=devconsole-operator
  361. phase: Pending
  362. reason: NeedsReinstall
  363. - lastTransitionTime: '2019-05-16T06:10:35Z'
  364. lastUpdateTime: '2019-05-16T06:10:35Z'
  365. message: 'all requirements found, attempting install'
  366. phase: InstallReady
  367. reason: AllRequirementsMet
  368. - lastTransitionTime: '2019-05-16T06:10:36Z'
  369. lastUpdateTime: '2019-05-16T06:10:36Z'
  370. message: >-
  371. install strategy failed: Deployment.apps "devconsole-operator" is
  372. invalid: spec.template.spec.containers[0].image: Required value
  373. phase: Failed
  374. reason: InstallComponentFailed
  375. - lastTransitionTime: '2019-05-16T06:10:37Z'
  376. lastUpdateTime: '2019-05-16T06:10:37Z'
  377. message: >-
  378. installing: ComponentMissing: missing deployment with
  379. name=devconsole-operator
  380. phase: Pending
  381. reason: NeedsReinstall
  382. - lastTransitionTime: '2019-05-16T06:10:38Z'
  383. lastUpdateTime: '2019-05-16T06:10:38Z'
  384. message: 'all requirements found, attempting install'
  385. phase: InstallReady
  386. reason: AllRequirementsMet
  387. - lastTransitionTime: '2019-05-16T06:10:38Z'
  388. lastUpdateTime: '2019-05-16T06:10:38Z'
  389. message: >-
  390. install strategy failed: Deployment.apps "devconsole-operator" is
  391. invalid: spec.template.spec.containers[0].image: Required value
  392. phase: Failed
  393. reason: InstallComponentFailed
  394. - lastTransitionTime: '2019-05-16T06:10:39Z'
  395. lastUpdateTime: '2019-05-16T06:10:39Z'
  396. message: >-
  397. installing: ComponentMissing: missing deployment with
  398. name=devconsole-operator
  399. phase: Pending
  400. reason: NeedsReinstall
  401. - lastTransitionTime: '2019-05-16T06:10:40Z'
  402. lastUpdateTime: '2019-05-16T06:10:40Z'
  403. message: 'all requirements found, attempting install'
  404. phase: InstallReady
  405. reason: AllRequirementsMet
  406. - lastTransitionTime: '2019-05-16T06:10:40Z'
  407. lastUpdateTime: '2019-05-16T06:10:40Z'
  408. message: >-
  409. install strategy failed: Deployment.apps "devconsole-operator" is
  410. invalid: spec.template.spec.containers[0].image: Required value
  411. phase: Failed
  412. reason: InstallComponentFailed
  413. - lastTransitionTime: '2019-05-16T06:10:41Z'
  414. lastUpdateTime: '2019-05-16T06:10:41Z'
  415. message: >-
  416. installing: ComponentMissing: missing deployment with
  417. name=devconsole-operator
  418. phase: Pending
  419. reason: NeedsReinstall
  420. - lastTransitionTime: '2019-05-16T06:10:42Z'
  421. lastUpdateTime: '2019-05-16T06:10:42Z'
  422. message: 'all requirements found, attempting install'
  423. phase: InstallReady
  424. reason: AllRequirementsMet
  425. - lastTransitionTime: '2019-05-16T06:10:43Z'
  426. lastUpdateTime: '2019-05-16T06:10:43Z'
  427. message: >-
  428. install strategy failed: Deployment.apps "devconsole-operator" is
  429. invalid: spec.template.spec.containers[0].image: Required value
  430. phase: Failed
  431. reason: InstallComponentFailed
  432. - lastTransitionTime: '2019-05-16T06:10:44Z'
  433. lastUpdateTime: '2019-05-16T06:10:44Z'
  434. message: >-
  435. installing: ComponentMissing: missing deployment with
  436. name=devconsole-operator
  437. phase: Pending
  438. reason: NeedsReinstall
  439. phase: Pending
  440. certsRotateAt: null
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