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Dec 12th, 2019
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  1. [Info : BepInEx] 45 plugins to load
  2. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [R2API 2.3.0]
  3. [Info : R2API] Requested R2API Submodule: SurvivorAPI
  4. [Info : R2API] Requested R2API Submodule: AssetAPI
  5. [Info : R2API] Requested R2API Submodule: DifficultyAPI
  6. [Info : R2API] Requested R2API Submodule: EntityAPI
  7. [Info : R2API] Requested R2API Submodule: InventoryAPI
  8. [Info : R2API] Requested R2API Submodule: ItemAPI
  9. [Info : R2API] Requested R2API Submodule: ItemDropAPI
  10. [Info : R2API] Requested R2API Submodule: LoadoutAPI
  11. [Info : R2API] Requested R2API Submodule: LobbyConfigAPI
  12. [Info : R2API] Requested R2API Submodule: ResourcesAPI
  13. [Info : R2API] Requested R2API Submodule: CommandHelper
  14. [Info : R2API] Requested R2API Submodule: AssetPlus
  15. [Info : R2API] Found and Enabling R2API Submodule: R2API.AssetAPI
  16. [Info : R2API] Found and Enabling R2API Submodule: R2API.DifficultyAPI
  17. [Info : R2API] Found and Enabling R2API Submodule: R2API.EntityAPI
  18. [Info : R2API] Found and Enabling R2API Submodule: R2API.InventoryAPI
  19. [Info : R2API] Found and Enabling R2API Submodule: R2API.ItemAPI
  20. [Info : R2API] Found and Enabling R2API Submodule: R2API.ItemDropAPI
  21. [Info : R2API] Found and Enabling R2API Submodule: R2API.LoadoutAPI
  22. [Info : R2API] Found and Enabling R2API Submodule: R2API.LobbyConfigAPI
  23. [Info : R2API] Found and Enabling R2API Submodule: R2API.ResourcesAPI
  24. [Info : R2API] Found and Enabling R2API Submodule: R2API.SurvivorAPI
  25. [Info : R2API] Found and Enabling R2API Submodule: R2API.Utils.CommandHelper
  26. [Info : R2API] Found and Enabling R2API Submodule: R2API.AssetPlus.AssetPlus
  27. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [DronesInheritItems 2.4.5]
  28. [Info : Unity Log] DronesInheritItems v2.4.5 Loaded!
  29. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [EnemiesWithItems 1.2.6]
  30. [Info : Unity Log] EnemiesWithItems v1.2.6 Loaded!
  31. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [RemoveAllyCap 1.0.1]
  32. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Configuration Manager 15.1]
  33. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [LunarCoinShareOnPickup 3.5.0]
  34. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [ScalingBloodShrines 1.0.0]
  35. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Stacking Gear 1.1.2]
  36. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [FluffyLabsConfigManagerTools 1.0.1]
  37. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [BulletFalloffFix 2.0.1]
  38. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [ChronobaubleFix 2.0.1]
  39. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [DeployableOwnerInformation 1.0.2]
  40. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [EngiShieldNotification 3.0.0]
  41. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [InfusionStackFix 4.0.0]
  42. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [ReEnergisedDrink 1.0.1]
  43. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [ShareSuite 1.13.3]
  44. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [MiniRpcLib 1.0]
  45. [Info :MiniRpcLib] Initializing Logger
  46. [Info :MiniRpcLib] Initializing MiniRpc
  47. Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.
  48. [Info :MiniRpcLib] 3923704355[0] Registering action | Server
  49. [Info :MiniRpcLib] 3923704355[1] Registering action | Client
  50. [Info :MiniRpcLib] 3923704355[2] Registering action | Client
  51. [Info :MiniRpcLib] 3923704355[3] Registering action | Server
  52. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Chest Item Picker 1.1.1]
  53. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Item Counters 1.0.0]
  54. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Ordered Items 2.1.0]
  55. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [SteamBuildID 1.0.0]
  56. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [HarbTweaks 1.0.0]
  57. [Message:HarbTweaks] Loaded Tweak: Bigger Lockboxes.
  58. [Message:HarbTweaks] Loaded Tweak: First Stage Spawns.
  59. [Message:HarbTweaks] Prepared Tweak: Greedy Lockboxes.
  60. [Message:HarbTweaks] Loaded Tweak: Multishop Improvements.
  61. [Message:HarbTweaks] Loaded Tweak: No Forward Saw.
  62. [Message:HarbTweaks] Loaded Tweak: Silent Altar.
  63. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Epic KillStreaks Announcer 1.1.3]
  64. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Quick Restart 1.0.2]
  65. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [KeyBindForConsole 2.0.0]
  66. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [AutoItemPickup 1.3.2]
  67. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [BiggerBazaar 1.5.2]
  68. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [ItemExchangeNotifier 1.3.0]
  69. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [ScannerPlusOne 2.4.0]
  70. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [BalancedObliterate 1.1.3]
  71. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [BuffPlus 1.2.1]
  72. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [ModdedQuickplay 1.1.3]
  73. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Bandit Classic 1.5.1]
  74. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [My Mod's Title 1.0.0]
  75. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [IonUtility 1.0.0]
  76. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [ReinDirectorCardLibrary 1.0.0]
  77. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [ReinArchWispsDemo 1.0.0]
  78. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [ReinStutterStunter 1.0.4]
  79. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [MakeMonsterToothGreatAgain 2.1.0]
  80. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [20 Minute Ping 1.0.0]
  81. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Discord Rich Presence 2.2.1]
  82. [Info :Discord Rich Presence] Starting Discord Rich Presence...
  83. Created new NamedPipeClientStream 'discord-ipc-0' => '\\.\pipe\discord-ipc-0'
  84. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [LunarModifier 1.1.9]
  85. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [ItemStats 1.3.1]
  86. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [TooManyFriends 1.0]
  87. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Skip Welcome Screen 1.0.1]
  88. [Message: BepInEx] Chainloader startup complete
  89. [Info : Unity Log] com.bepis.r2api
  90. [Info : Unity Log] com.Basil.DronesInheritItems
  91. [Info : Unity Log] com.Basil.EnemiesWithItems
  92. [Info : Unity Log] com.Basil.RemoveAllyCap
  93. [Info : Unity Log] com.bepis.bepinex.configurationmanager
  94. [Info : Unity Log] com.dan8991iel.LunarCoinShareOnPickup
  95. [Info : Unity Log] com.Elysium.ScalingBloodShrines
  96. [Info : Unity Log] com.evaisa.stackinggear
  97. [Info : Unity Log] com.FluffyMods.FluffyLabsConfigManagerTools
  98. [Info : Unity Log] com.FluffyMods.BulletFalloffFix
  99. [Info : Unity Log] com.FluffyMods.ChronobaubleFix
  100. [Info : Unity Log] com.FluffyMods.DeployableOwnerInformation
  101. [Info : Unity Log] com.FluffyMods.EngiShieldNotification
  102. [Info : Unity Log] com.FluffyMods.InfusionStackFix
  103. [Info : Unity Log] com.FluffyMods.ReEnergisedDrink
  104. [Info : Unity Log] com.funkfrog_sipondo.sharesuite
  105. [Info : Unity Log] dev.wildbook.libminirpc
  106. [Info : Unity Log] com.github.mcmrarm.chestitempicker
  107. [Info : Unity Log] com.github.mcmrarm.itemcounters
  108. [Info : Unity Log] com.gog909.ordereditems
  109. [Info : Unity Log] com.h0g.SteamBuildID
  110. [Info : Unity Log] com.harbingerofme.harbtweaks
  111. [Info : Unity Log] com.hijackhornet.epickillstreaksannouncer
  112. [Info : Unity Log] com.hijackhornet.quickrestart
  113. [Info : Unity Log] com.kristiansja.KeyBindForConsole
  114. [Info : Unity Log] com.kuberoot.autoitempickup
  115. [Info : Unity Log] com.MagnusMagnuson.BiggerBazaar
  116. [Info : Unity Log] com.MagnusMagnuson.ItemExchangeNotifier
  117. [Info : Unity Log] com.MagnusMagnuson.ScannerPlusOne
  118. [Info : Unity Log] com.mistername.BalancedObliterate
  119. [Info : Unity Log] com.mistername.BuffPlus
  120. [Info : Unity Log] com.mistername.ModdedQuickplay
  121. [Info : Unity Log] com.Moffein.BanditClassic
  122. [Info : Unity Log] com.MyCompanyName.MyModName
  123. [Info : Unity Log] com.Raus.IonUtility
  124. [Info : Unity Log] com.ReinThings.ReinDirectorCardLib
  125. [Info : Unity Log] com.ReinThings.ReinDirectorCardDemoArchWisp
  126. [Info : Unity Log] com.ReinThings.ReinStutterStunter
  127. [Info : Unity Log] com.Squiddle.makemonstertoothgreatagain
  128. [Info : Unity Log] com.TeaBoneJones.TwentyMinutePing
  129. [Info : Unity Log] com.whelanb.discord
  130. [Info : Unity Log] dev.felixire.LunarNotifier
  131. [Info : Unity Log] dev.ontrigger.itemstats
  132. [Info : Unity Log] dev.wildbook.toomanyfriends
  133. [Info : Unity Log] skipwelcome
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