
Karsten's thoughts, Post Virizion

Jul 31st, 2013
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  1. Somehow we've made it back in one piece, our honor intact. It was a harrowing experience, I'm not sure what I can truly convey. For a moment, I thought we would all tear each other apart...
  3. And still, Johann does not understand a concept as simple as honor. Is he not German? It is hard to imagine what sort of environment he must have grown up in... though Virizion called him a 'spy'. ...that worries me, everything considered. Has he been deceiving us despite there being no need for such things during this operation?
  5. He said something truly horrible concerning Cait, in a language she could not understand. It makes me quite ill to see our tongue being used to talk about someone behind their back and yet to their face. I wonder...
  7. In any case... it's quiet tonight, so I am recollecting my thoughts. Celebi came and went. No enemies approach tonight, sleep will come easy. I think I'll spend the majority of tomorrow learning about my two newest comrades. Pick some berries, and enjoy a brief respite in this hellhole.
  9. Honor is more than just a word. It is one of the very things that separates us from mindless, wild animals. It is not something to flaunt, but something earned. It is a measure that can be used to compare two men and show that better can be done. Opinions like his are why there is a war against nature in the first place - doing whatever one pleases, playing dirty, may reward in the short term, but not in the long, and yet there are some that are too blind to see that. Humans SHOULD strive to be generally good people, even if we often do terrible things. Not because it's 'smarter' or 'more beneficial' either, but because we CAN. It is a responsibility we owe our intelligence.
  11. Honor is not just a word.
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