
Last Thursday before the truth

Feb 11th, 2018
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  1. raeyel - Last Thursday at 5:39 PM
  2. hell then you can be our eyes in the north, if you can, be around in the am some time so I and my Vice can speak with you
  4. Aarlon - Last Thursday at 5:40 PM
  5. sounds good.
  7. raeyel - Last Friday at 4:44 AM
  8. around man?
  10. Aarlon - Last Friday at 9:34 AM
  11. Yah. All day today.
  13. raeyel - Last Friday at 9:35 AM
  14. she had to leave early lol
  15. any chance youll be around tomorrow?
  17. raeyel - Yesterday at 11:38 AM
  18. yeah Mystylaine is online if you want to gweth with her and see when she's available, Im basically whenever
  20. Aarlon - Yesterday at 11:40 AM
  21. i feel a little odd talking to her without you there, this will be cool right?
  23. raeyel - Yesterday at 11:41 AM
  24. shes just gonna set a meeting with you, both her and I will be there
  25. it will be cool
  27. Aarlon - Yesterday at 11:42 AM
  28. :ok_hand:
  30. raeyel - Today at 5:06 AM
  31. Ok, spoke with my council and Im gonna have to retract the offer to join the ODS, reasons are that you have been convicted of sharing confidential Order information with outsiders. More specifically, Zehira. Thats a no fly zone anywhere and everywhere. I cant and wont risk our Order to espionage. Have a good morning.
  33. Aarlon - Today at 9:29 AM
  34. lol wut?
  35. Convicted of what, when?
  36. I have no idea what you're talking about.
  37. I've never even met/interacted with Zehira
  39. raeyel - Today at 9:31 AM
  40. Things said on the private gweth channel came out of her mouth, also at the time you were paling with Steinner who is still a sworn Enemy of Therengia
  41. The risks are too great until I know more
  43. Aarlon - Today at 9:32 AM
  44. All of that is false. Also, the time is question with Steinnar was when he dragged me, dead, from the snake pit to the lounge at Hollow Eve, which is pretty much an OOC thing.
  46. "Things said on the private gweth channel came out of her mouth" What does this mean? I've never interacted with Zehira, so I'd like to know more about this and where your "information" is coming from.
  48. but, i like how you guys made the decision without even talking to me tho
  50. I hope things go well for the new ODS. Take care!
  52. raeyel - Today at 9:34 AM
  53. My main source is Rekon, whom I trust implicitly
  55. Aarlon - Today at 9:35 AM
  56. Well, Rekon has bad information unfortunately.
  57. Take care.
  59. raeyel - Today at 9:35 AM
  60. you too
  62. Mystylaine - Today at 12:00 PM
  63. I asked 4 people, all came back with you were being looked into for sharing confidential information and quit before any action was taken, one was part of the chat in question where the sharing was said to have happened. After a consensus of 4 I stopped vetting you and advised Rae. As the speaker, he chose to not interview. As for what you just sent, since she’s lied about me more than once, nothing from her is considered reliable.
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